DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Does anyone have a better copy of this map?

is this the map you are looking for?
is this copy any better?


Hello Mike
Wow I must say your information is far far from what some of the Noss family have shared with a personal friend of mine who spent a lot of time with them my same friend also worked on the VP site. Doc took Josie Bell Butler into the Caballo "Sites" she also tells a much different account than what you share. I had another personal friend who knew Josie and who also knew Miss Perone. Both of which again share a much different story that conflicts with what you have shared here. I would imagine that over time many people pick up pieces of the stories and then get them mixed up and then repeat it over and over eventually believing its the gospel. Mike I can assure you Willie & Buster did not show Doc a map that led Doc to the VP. Willie & Buster did not find the map in a window sill. 17 year old Jack Reynolds found the map at Fort Seldon while foraging for fire wood by ripping the window sills and door frames from the old adobe fort trying to keep warm on a cold rainy night. He was ill with TB and was making his way to Hot Springs NM to be treated by Miss Perone. Long story short, Miss Perone obtained the map/s from jack while he was incapacitated with TB. She had the map/s translated that were of Castilian Spanish, Greek and Latin mixed. She had two copies made a set of maps for Jack and a set for herself. Miss Perone knew the are's mentioned on the maps and was familiar with the land marks there in the Caballo's. She sent Jack to the locations. Buster and Willie had already been getting into the mine/cavern close to Granite Peak. One day they caught Jack Randel coming out of the hole below or in Dark canyon and killed him stealing the set of maps that he had. Searchers looking for jack found his jacket at the bottom of dark canyon. Latter Willie and Buster told Miss Perone it was too bad that the boy had been mistaken as a deer by deer hunters and if she didn't stay out of the mountains she too could be mistaken for a deer. Meanwhile Willie & Buster now had additional maps/info of the mines/caverns within the Caballo range mainly Burbank canyon extending to Cable canyon.
Doc showed up in 1934 within 4 days located his mine/cavern from a map that he obtained from Geronimo in Fort Sill, OK. When he was 14 in 1908. Doc was born in 1894 not the BS dates in Wikipedia or wherever else the nonsense is repeated. A 1940 Hot Springs Census shows Doc's own writing indicating his birth year was 1896 but His Daughter Letha said Doc was always lying about his age and in fact was born in 1894.
The first site Doc Noss got into here in the Caballo's had found Spanish maps within it. Those maps showed him other sites within the Caballo range and at VP along with Cloudcroft, NM. and the Capitan mountains. Doc then began to fratenize with locals in the Hot Springs area. Trying to find out who else was getting into the other areas shown on his maps that came from his mine/cavern that he located in 1934. He teamed up with Leno Carteago to get into the Cable Canyon site then ran Leno off. Three men tortured Willie two of them were from Hatch, NM. And Doc was the third man who tortured Willie the first time. Willie told Johnny Gordon that one of them was Doc. I realize that is a surprise to everyone but Johnny Gordon owned the Ranch at Granite peak and was hauling Willie and Buster up to and back from the ranch with gold bars. Johnny Gordon's nephew Johnny Holden is the one who shared that with me. The people associated with the real events just shake their heads at all of this internet chatter that has gotten so mixed up. The Caballo mountains were full of murderers thieves and thugs all fighting among themselves. To the point they actually started working with one another out of shear protection from one another. The Palmer Brothers, Jack Palmer, Doc Noss, Willie, & Buster all met at Sonny Mitchel's house When Sonny was just a young boy. All the while Doc Noss kept the rest of them in the dark about his site that he first found from the Geronimo map. Things got really wild the Hebers and the Laurence's were looking to buy gold from this rat pack of murderers and were killed that's a long story anyhow that brought a lot of heat into the Caballo's so Doc left the Caballo's and went to Vickie Peak to get away from everything happening in the Caballo's. The whole story about that he & Babe was deer hunting and discovered a hole in VP is all BS! He new about VP since 1934 and then went to VP in 1936. However he always kept an eye on his first find in the Caballo's and the rest of the rat pack never knew about Doc's site. In 1942 Doc destroyed all of the markers associated with the mine/cavern and finally plugged the air vent that he was accessing. Most people familiar with Vickie Peak story never even heard of the Caballo's.
Anyhow I thought that you might enjoy hearing a little bit different take on the story about Doc in the Caballo's
Oh yeah I had a personal friend who brokered Leland Alsup's gold bars. Leland was Willies Nephew. My friend set him up with a Reno casino owner. They took the gold bars in to casino assayed them and just kept giving them chips until they would win the value of the gold. It took three years to take out all of the gold bars from that one location.
PS. I found Doc's camp site I dug up some of the things he stashed that his step Daughter Letha said that he buried. It was an old 1930's stove top, a stove pipe, a tin cup and a complete in tacked 1930's lantern with the glass globe broken but in place. Letha said he tore his camp down and buried those items. The same items that I dug up. My personal friend who spent a lot of time with Letha showed me the area to look for the camp. But Doc's original site is a long ways from his camp site. I even have Doc Noss' pocket knife. Am I an expert on Doc? Lol no where near it but I love the history and we should try to preserve it the best we can.

So, you say it took 3 years to take out all the gold bars from that one location.
Are you referring to Willies and Busters cave?
If so, you are saying that cave is empty now? nothing left?
thanks for any more info.

check out the way Gollum attacks a new member to this forum

and to get it clear : Gollum never heard the name Suddreth in his life until I mentioned Claude .

here's his activity toward a new Member

quote :


Fortune Favors the BOLD, while Karma Favors the Wise!
Jan 2006
Modded SD2000 / White's Goldmaster 4B / Fisher FX-3 / Fisher Gemini / Schiebel MIMID
5027 times
All Types Of Treasure Hunting


Since you wanted to air this out publicly, no problem.

FIRST, understand that Oren Swearingen showed me exactly where the cave is. I didn't need anything from Claude other than just confirming the basics of the story Oren told me. I haven't posted ONE THING that was not exactly as told to me, which is why I was confirming the rest of the story. Claude and I had been corresponding, then all of a sudden, I stopped hearing back from him. I found that he had passed away, so I began this thread.

Was Claude's Wife's name Shelly? Is her email address *.*.suddreth@*****.com? Here is part of our email:

Dear Mrs Suddreth,

First, my condolences for your loss. I lost my mom a couple of years ago on 10 January. The last time Claude and I corresponded, he did tell me about needing a liver transplant. I didn't personally know Claude. I was given his name some time ago by a friend of mine in Texas named Dr. Oren Swearingen. I don't know if any of this has been told to you, but...........

I proceeded to tell her the entire story about the cave of steps, and ended that email with:

...........and that, is why I was asking Claude for anything he felt comfortable sharing. I know that Claude was more concerned with taking care of his family (he specifically mentioned that to me) than possibly getting wealthy himself. Since Claude is gone, I will make you the same promise I made your husband. I don't require anything from you for this promise to be in effect. It just seemed the right thing to do, and Oren agreed before he died. I do, however, ask that when you are going through your husbands belongings, if you see anything related to a cave of steps in New Mexico, if it is something you feel comfortable sharing, please contact me. Any assistance you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Now, if she says that is not true, maybe her reply to me may ring a bell:

He mentioned it to me. I will keep an eye out. He put more stock into stories told by his moms side of the family but he did tell me about that trip in 1982.
I know I have a lot of old stuff that I need to go through. Some was his dad's. And I'll ask his brother.

So, maybe before getting upset with me maybe you ought to get your facts straight. I will email Mrs. Suddreth and remind her who I am.



I just emailed Mrs Suddreth, asking her to remind you (Michael) that we had actually corresponded.​

Last edited by gollum; Jan 02, 2016 at 05:51 PM.​

My Motto: "KEEP AT IT!"

............... ALWAYS REMEMBER: When you make a typo, the errorists win...................Aloha Snackbar!

Check out 1ORO1.COM

add that to the defamation of my Dad , I think there is direct cause to ban this member Gollum .

and so , I mention a Name , Gollum seeks that person out , That's sick ,

makes it impossible for members to speak of people without having to be cautious that Gollum may seek
the people mentioned , and begin posting about them as though he knew them all his life

plus the lies about people is slander , slander that's supported by Moderators who do not delete the lies and Ban this guy .

You moderators should really get active on that .

Banning me for defending my Father's name is not correct behavior guys .

This forum is not looking good to people who read here .

quote the Moderator : " Treasure Hunter "


Jul 2006
Orlando, Fl
Minelab_Excal_1000 Minelab_Sovereign_GT Minelab_Safari Minelab_ETrac Minelab_CTX-3030 Whites_Beach_Hunter_ID Fisher_1235_X
19621 times
All Types Of Treasure Hunting

Originally Posted by Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Tis ok Treasure Finder, my friend., err what post did I post on Politics ?? P M me , I am curious since I detest politics.

I apologize for any extra work, makeup for it with

Explaining what the 2nd amendment means to "nobody".

Originally Posted by treasminder2
POOF ! gone .

nice , sorry readers , it's simply what it is .

It is called rules....​

Last edited by Treasure_Hunter; Feb 06, 2015 at 11:28 AM.​

That's right bud , RULES that Gollum breaks and you support him .

Ban Gollum for attacks on members here , that he calls douches , as well as attacks on my Fathers Name by posting lies about my Dad

I report it here for you .
Reporting that Gollum has harassed , lied , attacked members on this Forum .

That's all folks
I deleted tons of post from this forum ( mine )

word came back about the new road into rucker , the security Guard at the gate is a private security guard , not military attached

my investigators had some news on it , that I'm not pleased about .

all info I have posted in this forum will be deleted by me until I am banned or delete my account .

if I don't get banned today for outing Gollum for a Fraud .
I'll delete all post of mine

I will not edit a post, I will delete a 5000 word reply if it contains a single insult or snipe at another member, I will also issue timeout to the next guilty party....

You're not conning us are you ?

Odd , I haven't seen you Ban your Troll buddy " Gollum " for breaking rules all over this forum .

get real dude , many members here are stating that your biased in who you will ban .

it's clear to every reader that you placed a target on my back .

Obey the rules as you command others to do .

you're looking lopsided bud , a Lopsided Joke to be concise .

Hey treasureminder2
You are messing up a lot of threads on here please go away !!
No one want to hear you cry like a baby so beat it boy !

quote myself from page 103 of this thread : " No , not at all , actually , why I am so cryptic at times , I was admonished decades ago , to not give out material
to the public , for all they will do with it , is make money by movies , films , and books . """""

exactly !

I am a Charter Member of my forum , the Charter Members are all very close friends .

The other day , I received a PM

it read : Rog' , that David Hatcher Childress has quoted you word for word , I just read it Rog'

Members in this forum emailed me a decade ago

about ten of them
Rog' Go see the movie National Treasure , it's all your postings in the Black Hole thread .

copy right stops no one .

I gave up faith a very long time ago for our species .

let the wolves eat man .
They need a new Flat Screen to watch Sports on .

sorry man , but a few mysteries about events , were just solved for me .

That tomb , and some other sites .

Last night , memories came flooding back .

and dots began to connect man . I have a full picture right now .

~~~~~~~~~~~~ End quote ~~`~~~~

TRUTH as witnessed by members of this forum

Rog, of all people, Gully should not be banned. Only 'you' seem to be upset with Golly, I am certainly not. I go on record, that of all people, Gully should not be banned. He has contributed as much, if not more to TN as anyone. Present person not excluded.

ViVA !! Gollum.

Last edited:
ROG, you posted -- Rog' Go see the movie National Treasure , it's all your postings in the Black Hole thread .

copy right stops no one

I wonder just how many had the same thoughts prior to anything that you posted ?

Copy rights DO have teeth.

Rog, --- you posted it's clear to every reader that you placed a target on my back .


No Rog, you did that yourself.

good old Tayopa , cry baby because his theory that Jesuits are the depositors of all treasure in the world ,
was debunked by me

nice trolling Tayopa

as I said , I can't post without you popping off your mouth right in the next post

how's it feel to be just another worm on the team bud ?

and for you :

This Forum of your's has been reported as an attack site full of viruses bud .

don't like it ?
go cry in your soda dork bone

The people who visit this forum have a need to know about the Viruses lurking within the Pictures and attachments as well as links

go sell a Metal Detector asswipe .

Maybe Tayopa will share a nice Fake Dore Bar with you

next you google Tnet

you'll find a link that states this site as an attack site

you've been reported .

I despise criminals like you people

here's a page of this thread for you Toyopa

each time I post , you are sure to post right behind me , addressing me with : Hey Rog' you posted ,,,,

what's up with you man
can't you get a Woman to Stalk ?

jebus dude , I ain't gay

bug someone else dude

I know for fact what I saw. Family ties to Doc. Priceless artifacts galore.
My mentor has all photos.
Don't ever be so sure you know what I say is a lie. I have no time for BS and only speak the truth.

Your Mentor is Rob Kryder whose webpage I posted on

he's a Fraud just as Gollum is , seeking people to take his bait to allow Him to hunt their Treasure Leads .

You split this forum the second I revealed to you that I knew Rob ,,, KX ,,, Kryder Explorations was sued to thye hilt
for bogus claims

Another one outed by treasminder2

email I received from History Channel

Wolter had worn out the material he swiped from me , on Oak Island Treasure

so he now wanted some on New Mexico

I turned their A$$E$ DOWN

They are Fraud pimping

email to me from them

~~~~~~~~ Begin copy pasted email ~~~~~~

Hi roger snow 55 @ancientlosttreasure,

PaulaE has sent you a private message on Feb 13 , 2015 08:52PM
Hi Roger,

My name is Paula Engelking. I'm Senior Writer for American Unearthed, a History Channel/H2 show about unusual sites and artifacts. We're interested in the Templar imagery and artifacts you wrote about--the ones found in Johnson and Soledad Canyons in New Mexico.

We might want to include the Templar/New Mexico connections in our show. Please call me at -------(cell.) My manager really wants to see what you've seen. Do you have pictures you could email to me showing what you located? How did you find out about the artifacts? Did you read about it somewhere else?

I'd love to talk to you about it. You're clearly comfortable on the Internet. Do you Skype at all? If so, maybe we could do that. Sometimes it's nice to put a face to the name, especially when it's a face we might put on our TV show.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Paula Engelking
Committee Films

google anti hacker alliance

this forums ip is reported as an attack site

also x55 telephonica is hacked into my laptop at this moment , networked in from this Forums server

nice crime guys
been at this long ?

Gonna cry for me G.A.P. Metal ?

seems you folks suck hard and it's been reported

forum foundry is on to it as well .

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