DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

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Rog, you posted -- don't contest my work

Why not ? only God is perfect, even - I - have been known to be wrong at times, too many to be comfortable.

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Rog, I've had that last map for some time, even had it remote dowsed with very interesting results.

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Rog, what happened to the 1861 on the lil map ? Must not leave any clues un solved.Or isn't it convenient ?

The lil map is almost exclusively about the Caballos, not the Guadelupes, the Organs, or any other.etc.. and is jesuit, it is literally screaming Jesuit, now we can get to the mines etc located on the trail section. Since you have decypherd it as a Templar map, tell me where these other mines are locate, not just Sonora or Chihuaha..

The Commitment , the Pact , The Planting clarifiy where are they ?

What happened to the Chiapas thiigie ?.

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i Rog, nope I am not satisfied, Answer my 4 simple questions. if you will.

Frankly Rog, I.m not interested in a knights Templar vault, I am only interested in the Caballo mtn as a further proof of the Jesuit operation in North western Mexico, and as to it's impending Insurrection. Thanks anyway.

Incidentally Rog, on my computer screen that supposed road appears to have been superimposed on the 2013 google map. ???

go get that Knights Templar Vault Toyopa

Don't hesitate ,,,

ah jebus
why is everybody drags their feet

Hi TM2,

Thanks again for all of your posts.

I almost went looking for the bunny thing yesterday, but chores and a desire to hike in the absence of fast snakes made me wait until later next month when I am back through. Very hot fall this year all over the SW.

Regarding your question, I'd say there are lots of reasons!

#0 You don't make finding a treasure out to be a really positive thing. For some of us, the Truth part is where it's at, and may be worth lots of risks, etc., but your description of the fallout factor is mighty discouraging...

#1 The Almacen in Rucker is on WSMR if I have been following along accurately.

#2 Those who have dug holes, etc. and I bet you are one, know that the second the boots hit the ground in the real world, the required logistics go through the roof...

#3 Some may not care. You yourself seem to know where these things are, but don't care to get them yourself. See #0-3, above, but also not everybody is interested in the same stuff.

#4 Belief. Despite all of the uncommon and accurate information that you post, many including myself do not have the means to gauge the validity of the whole thing taken together. I am content to ponder and use the ideas and themes of what you post to improve my eye. Others may have specific questions they'd like addressed, even if only to gauge them in light of their own theories about other things - which I think is nothing to get mad about, unless you want to.

Probably like a lot of folks, I have a number of projects spread over the region that I make a little progress and check in on as I can or the desire strikes me.

I know that your posts have increased my chances of seeing more, in the Organs and elsewhere. So, thanks again for all your time and effort.

Frankly Rog, I.m not interested in a knights Templar vault, I am only interested in the Caballo mtn as a further proof of the Jesuit operation in North western Mexico, and as to it's impending Insurrection. Thanks anyway.

So what symbols, etc. could I find for you in the Caballos that would bolster your story? Especially, what is most uniquely Jesuit?

I have access to a good deal of pictures of glyphs, etc. from in and around Caballos, so give me a shopping list. If there are things that are more Jesuit than not, then we will look for them wherever I stomp the dirt.

The crossed circle with a hatch is found here and there. Is that one? There's an example in the Lilo post over in Symbols and Signs part of the forum. There's one over in Cookes and another at the S. end of the Caballos. Pretty consistent form, not like all the Mogollon geometric stairstep and swirly dos that are like cloud-gazing that are found all over.

Stuff like circle-dot is problematic since its such an easy form and some of the ubiquitous square eye pairs (corn-stalk Tlaloc or something?) look sort of round sometimes, and those are all over; "wherever you go, the eyes will be upon you..." so is that Chato waybill or apocryphal admonition referring to the glyphs or the stone arches in the Caballo region? There's a general problem with the word Ojo. But the Jesuit crowd and others say the Chato waybills are all malarkey anyways, so maybe the eyes can be ignored.

So I'm new to a lot of this, and hear about the "Omega" a bit. What's the use/significance of the Omega? I am assuming it is like the good old Greek symbol for electrical resistance (Ohms).

Here's a picture of a heart-looking thing from near one of the areas that you've been posting about a lot. Any significance to the split? Probably just a lover's memento anyways, but it's in and among a lot of nice big boulders. Sorry the picture is so faint.

Oh yeah, and a few posts later than this one, you mention something about a video? You can Youtube it and see if you can make a few pennies and just tell us the search term to find it.


View attachment 1375882

In that the Kabballah symbols used by the Knights Templar , are all over the Organ Mountains

match the map symbol to this one

as well , transverses omega symbol

Did seven Teams come to Deposit , or to recover ?

Like the Planting of the Ash Tree and the Oak Tree Ceremony , we find Templar all over
this area .

The Commitment , the Pact , The Planting .

Done .

Sorry for flood of pictures haven't had a day off in awhile. Here is a rock about six ft long with what looks like a cross on it, I first thought maybe natural but not sure, someone recently has tried to destroy it not sure why anyway here it is.View attachment 1149603

The second picture is a rock that I found awhile back not sure if it is three 7's or three L's and one D or one O but it is close to the point of rocks on the Jornada. I do not know if it is very old or not but it is easy to find if your looking for it . I haven't seen them on this forum before but that doesn't mean they aren't. View attachment 1149610 Would be interested if someone has seen the same order or sequence of letters or numbers which ever it is.

Great pictures.

Thanks for posting!

Ever been to the eye?

The LILO is probably the same mentioned over in the signs and symbols thread "Lilo".

Toss-up on the cross. Would have to see it in person. Not one I know.

They didn't use such mundane stuff, they used maps, or more correctly, a resident priest

Can you decipher this Rog ??


That is from the hippy era, an upside down cross, which even the hippies didn't know the meaning of.

Attachment is dead, but I see your logic, although it seems to me the rising sun is in the east and faces west.

By the way, what are these two things from that map? Volcanos?
View attachment 1207293

Here's a couple more that look similar. Is that a dragonfly at the bottom - or a Lorrain cross?
View attachment 1207294

I am just sort of randomly going through old posts here, so maybe this has been brought up already: why not bloody hands?

Gwgo, Rog

You posted -- can you superimposed a Pin on that Gold Nugget that

Of coues, but post that picture of the nugget again and let the readers make up their minds.They will motice the hi light comes from the top left side, It shows the fastening pim casting a shadw. and also shows a ewellers puddling teh to mount the pn to the nugget.

Gold has such a hi conductivity that they can't solder directly, so they use the puddling tech.

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View attachment 1374592
It's an easy walk from where you park to the Vault

as you walk to the vault , you may see small rocks set atop boulders
those were trail markers


Here's something.

My take is that the native rock on native rock are actually the more common markers of the type TM2 is talking about in this area (I would have opposite opinion elsewhere, but that's just intuition plus a little extra clue here...)

This type I post is more likely modern miners, in my option. Why? Because the basic boulders on boulders stand out "good enough" around here, and because of the little (wishful) highgrade pile in the picture (black rocks).

This is by the West side dug up vault with the wood ladder by the green gate that Rog is talking about. You know, the one we were too chicken to even look in...

I did end up at the same canyon as Mr. Snow says for the minehouse area years back all on my own following the smell, but decided to live, so here we are with no axe-chopped silver. My geology side says that enriched Galena from a carbonate-hosted lead-zinc type deposit rather than native silver is more likely in the area, being situated between the Modoc and the Stevenson-Bennet, but that's just my cautious/skeptical side talking.


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