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OK, I guessed who the pic is of. The illustrious and talented writer of Tayo...?

Thank you kindly, wow that was quite a happy dance alright!
What motivation, and those dashing moves. :laughing7: Kinda' makes
me think back fondly, of the luvly ladies, when they used to be
doing their aerobics, like the happy country line dancers all in time.
I most of all like the strings. You get a new one on that banjo, or was
you just joking about the twangin' plunk... 8-)

Thanks for the relevent comments. Good to hear from you also,
it's only fun to have been there and survived, I think now anyway. :thumbsup:

...The lead coach driver would not hardly do anything at all, or stop,
nor take any time, to tend to the horses at all. But, allowed that I did
insist, and watered them well at the station, in El Paso. I had not been
around horses very much I admit, though surely would've preferred to.
I listened to him, when he said no to a bite of good alfalfa for them, and
said it was too hot, it seemed to make some sense at the time. I still felt
like there should be more that we could so for them. Like when the first
and only time at 12, that I helped my 13 yr. old friend get 2
horses off of the property and back, near Big Bear, CA...

When his nice Grandmother, was so kind as to take
us with her, up to the well facilitated campground in the
early afternoon on that sunny, perfect So. Cal. summer day.
Then told us to leave our little clothes packs in the bunkhouse,
and go walk around and have fun, but be sure and back, at the
cafeteria for dinner... 8-)

So I happily followed my assertive and confident buddy
straight to the horses. I watched him shinny up through
the locked tack room door air gap, and caught the two
bridles, halter and bareback pads, that he quickly sent
over. Then he shinnied smoothly back over, minutes
later sporting his good looking first choice, for our
unauthorized warm afternoon ride. I was not that
lucky however, my first pick looked good as far
as I could tell, but wanted to knock me off as
running under a low tree branch, which I nimbly
at maybe 98 lbs. quickly ducked down to his neck
and avoided. He ran and did a quick left, I fell off.
The next one I picked ran into a stall, and smashed my
leg best he could against the wood rails. I backed him out
with Davids help, and watching suspiciously, gladly let him go.
With the second one and more of the wild, unridden, half broke
same, I wasn't quitting, there still were some more to choose from.

My third pick was truly a charm, and with no acting up at all, was
the relief I was looking for. The next thing I knew, David said "lean
forward, hold on and follow me. We were going up the steep side of a
hill there, and before long, we made it to the State Hwy. 18. Following
the northern shoulder N/E bound, against traffic, on the decent shoulder
with some paved, some gravel. Seemed safe enough, David telling me
we don't run at all here, especially on pavement. About a quarter mile
later we saw the green sign, Jinx Lake 7 miles. It didn't seem to take
very long before we made it to the turnoff. We crossed the 2 lane
mtn. hwy., and rode the short way to the water. We walked in
close to the edge, and let them drink a bit. Then walking on
around the small crystal clear pond sized lake, I couldn't
hold back any longer, gently tapped my big brown horse
and she responded with running at a wide open gallup.
For a minute it seemed we were flying, smooth and
free. The first time I felt like that. But my legs didn't
hold on real good with the bouncing, and I let go of the
little strap to hit the soft ground. I looked up and there
she had stopped. Turned her head back to look at me as
if to grin and say, liked that huh? I hopped back up and
away we went again, but soon found myself bouncing again,
slipping over with the pad, and losing my balance, though
delighted with the speed, but she just stopped, turned
back and looked at me again...

I was satisfied then, walked over and joined David, to let
her cool off, and let people come up and visit that were
walking around who were just so happy to pet them.
We talked, and smiled to their content, and then
carefully walked them the 7+ miles back.

David put the tack up and after we curry
combed, watered and fed them a little bit,
we made it back just in time, to join his
beautiful grandmother for dinner.

She was pleased to see us and spoke
real kindly, asking if we had a fun
hike. We smiled big and tried our
best to look serious, then assured
her that it was great, yes, thank you...

That is just a dreamy childhood memory, not
fake, tho seems sort of unreal. But the twilight
zone, of being way too many hours straight out on
the road, was even more surreal, as I drove about
75 all night. Los Alamitos was fun to see. Arid and
a bit dusty I recall, but very nice. We quickly found
the customer there, and promptly loaded their horse.

Was smooth, and we were right back on the road, not
even taking time for a meal. We were off, and headed
for our next stop that I had never been to before either,
Santa Anita in my western home state. I drove all night,
feeling the fatigue, but with coffee and fresh air, a few
smokes and a song, was in Indio right after daybreak.

Soon we'd be in that wonderful early traffic, till we
made it to the I-15 S. to find the Steven Lucas Ranch.
The manager was very nice and polite, but I saw her
squint unhappily at the sight of the unclean stall, not
decently clean hooves like what shoulda' been. I felt
bad to see that, and was getting more disgusted in
who I was stuck working with. We headed N., then
west on out to the Santa Anita track, and found the
right place to unload the rider from N.M. Man that
place was busy and packed...

It seemed the locals glared at the sight of us, maybe
thinking we were out hauling around in that shiny
white truck and slick lookin' trailer, like having fun.
It wasn't long and we were back on the road again...

Up on I-5 trying to escape the LA area traffic up into
Ventura Highway (no moonlight though) the phone rang,
and a sweet flirty sounding gal was saying, you'll be back
through here tomorrow, we'll be talking to you then. Oh, OK
I said, saying, we will be? Yes, you'll be coming back thru this
way, we will give you directions and meet up with you then.
OK, I agreed, still surprised with this sudden information,
and as Hoss would finally get over and past a slow truck
going over the grapevine I believe, we would get up to
the speed limit and he would get back over in the RH
lane, only to get stuck behind a truck and bogged
down again But the real fun part, was yet to come.

As he got us over at the wrong time, not watching,
and soon I realized, we were not on I-5. A big mistake,
that would soon come to haunt me, as we headed up
toward Oakland Bay, in my weary sleepless, shower,
and food deprived frame of mind... :fish:

My secretary informed me it took about 2 long
for me slowhands to type this, but, what can
ya' do, I think it's like I am practicing... :laughing7:

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Let's put all of your writing in this thread to make YOUR book.

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Crosse... That calls for one last happy dance, for sure.


Senorita Mastiff, not a bad song, but it is not clear to me acting out strangely is in peoples best interest……..
In life, there are truly very few issues worth fighting for…………and of those, there is no price too great to pay.
Vaya con Dios, viva Christo Rey

Love the stories! Keep 'em coming!

Okay, Doc D. We will stick to just stories.

What a grandma your friend had. Probably smelled them horses on you kids.
Not right but I booted a girl in the seat of her pants for riding one of her horses over and bragging about it, after I checked it's hooves.
She came back weeks later with tears in her eyes asking me to check them again. She had been working on them and they were much improved.
Unless it is a life threatening emergency no one should mount a horse without knowing the soundness of it's feet. Keeping the frog healthy and the hoof free of irritants goes far in a relationship.Cleaning and inspecting goes far, before and after riding. Horses know more than if someone cares but it still counts to mind the parts that hit the ground. They are at a disadvantage doing it themselves.

Let's put all of your writing in this thread to make YOUR book.

Thanks for kind words, the clues of the stories are part of the picture, naturally.
Only thing as far as using my posting is, it's edited, and would have to be rewritten anyway 8-)... :fish:

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Senorita Mastiff, not a bad song, but it is not clear to me acting out strangely is in peoples best interest……..
In life, there are truly very few issues worth fighting for…………and of those, there is no price too great to pay.
Vaya con Dios, viva Christo Rey

Howdy Doc,

I like to hear your valued opinion, and also thought "I wanna see you be brave",
was an awesome choice. I had never seen the video, and really liked the positive,
upbeat thought, quite a lot.

As far as the dancing/choreography, I thought it was very tasteful, and seemed inclusive.
An expressive, and very much energy exerting part of the performing arts, not something
just anyone can just jump up and do, my good brother. There were people laughing,
working well together, looked happy, a very good thing. But, in the art world,
critiques are certainly always part of it. If the people heard it, they would
likely think they should have done a better job, moved more,
maybe danced more expressive.

Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear it's too hot where you're at, :laughing7:
we're just right for icicles here. :laughing7:

Have a very good day, our Amigo... :fish:

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Okay, Doc D. We will stick to just stories.

That would be taking away a lot of good music, acting, dancing,
good art, and fun. I really hope you don't stop sharing all sorts of
neat stuff, like you do. It is very cool to me, your love of the fine arts.
Was, and is my lifetime study. I am a good potter, can do decent
fine woodworking, passionate about music, enjoy many of other
peoples talents, including good dancing, etc. If no one else will
pitch in more than what has been lately, this camp will
probably grow dim with my boring, and maybe
somewhat dumb stories. Your contributions
definitely add a touch of class, good light,
and fine arts, to the camp scenery.

Anyway, my thought on it, if it were up
to a vote, don't stop believin, to quote
Journey's famous positive hit song.
Thank You, for ALL you have done,
to help lift our spirits. I know you
are very busy, and cannot always
be here, probly make sacrifices to,
so sincerely, Thanks from me... :fish:

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What a grandma your friend had. Probably smelled them horses on you kids.
Not right but I booted a girl in the seat of her pants for riding one of her horses over and bragging about it, after I checked it's hooves.
She came back weeks later with tears in her eyes asking me to check them again. She had been working on them and they were much improved.
Unless it is a life threatening emergency no one should mount a horse without knowing the soundness of it's feet. Keeping the frog healthy and the hoof free of irritants goes far in a relationship.Cleaning and inspecting goes far, before and after riding. Horses know more than if someone cares but it still counts to mind the parts that hit the ground. They are at a disadvantage doing it themselves.

Howdy Relevent

Yes, his Grandma was nice, though he had been in and out of foster
homes, probly where he at least in part, learned about horses.
She took him to church, was where I met him, and the camp
was church owned. Some good people that were very good
to me. Seems I learned from what was not said, as well as
what was. We got to go to activities, camped in Sequoia,
Joshua Tree, some National Treasures, and went to the
beach, got to do sports and neat crafts, etc., all because
some nice people volunteered their time to put into some,
sometimes spirited, though not mean, curious ornery kids.

We were seen out at the edge of the track, smoking
cigarettes, and got turned in to the elder that ran the
kids program, a nice man with a true passion for people.
He took us aside, and kindly talked, and tried to explain
to us the setbacks of the habit. Our parents never heard
a word of it, and his approach has stuck with me,
seriously, to this day.

Some people, I have found, really do respond to kindness
and explanation, well enough to influence them, rather than
strict punishment, at least it meant a lot to me, and though
I did smoke for several years, I will never forget the kindness
that certain people have shown me, and I do try to pass it on.

No, we didn't get caught, taking those horses without permission,
taking them off of the property, and riding them on the narrow shoulder
of the steep, and winding mountain road. They would have undoubtedly
freaked out. It was my first real experience with horses, and though
we stole them for a few hours, and that was wrong. It was quite fun,
and a learning experience for me, turned out safe.

I really can't believe, or should I say, I marveled that the first two
were so rough to try and handle, and the third one was so easy,
and the way it stopped, turned it's head around, and kinda'
seemed to have a grin at me, like it was enjoying itself also.
Though I was inexperienced, and it was the first time I'd
ever seen it, we hit it off as sort of kindred spirits, like
some people I have had the pleasure to meet. 8-)

That is partly why I am willing to tell some of these stories,
that undoubtedly leave me open to criticism, or judgment.
Because maybe there is something that will be relatable,
or cause a good thought, like people have sown into me.
Thanks for your response... :fish:

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Sure is a big difference in a willing horse vs a no thank you one. Not unlike ourselves sometimes a reason needs to be established other than what can you do for me. l.o.l.
Bite, roll, scrape you off, the low limb trick mentioned, barn door, oh yes. A caring relationship and trust go far. While you met a couple horses with no desire to interact ,by sticking with your goal you met someone at the right time with the right attitude and shared a great experience. What if you had quit after two tries? Your opinion of horses would still have been based on your personal experience though likely unconvinced sore butt horse riding had any value; or that a neat relationship was possible...

Okay, Doc D. We will stick to just stories.

Hola Bonita, our good friend Doc D is not a moderator, he only stated his opinion. I respect his choices, and I am sure he respects yours. We all have but one life to live, and should make the best of it. We could never please everybody, and should never attempt to do so, that would cut our good times short. Our Amigo can not please everyone either, nor can either of us here. We are all different, and come from different beliefs.

The campfire is a place to share your feelings, whether they are bad, or good. I would rather see you doing a happy dance, than moping, so dance Bonita, dance.


Crosse... That calls for one last happy dance, for sure.

You picked a good one, for the last for sure.
I really like it, even if some of the moves are
kinda different, the whole picture is cool...

The theme and words are enough to make me smile. 8-) :fish:

O.K. i watched the vid. Was fine. While not all folk subscribe to dancing if it was a language it would be accepted commonly.
While no longer out there doing the injured minnow still, perhaps in time , dancing was a good time and no crime committed. For those that would ;dance!

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Sure is a big difference in a willing horse vs a no thank you one. Not unlike ourselves sometimes a reason needs to be established other than what can you do for me. l.o.l.
Bite, roll, scrape you off, the low limb trick mentioned, barn door, oh yes. A caring relationship and trust go far. While you met a couple horses with no desire to interact ,by sticking with your goal you met someone at the right time with the right attitude and shared a great experience. What if you had quit after two tries? Your opinion of horses would still have been based on your personal experience though likely unconvinced sore butt horse riding had any value; or that a neat relationship was possible...

You really said it all. I am glad I didn't quit.
It was almost a magical experience, but just
a couple of American boys on the loose. Not
looking for trouble, going with our good luck.
I thought I was sort of a natural, and woulda'
loved have been able to work with horses.

A one time experience that I was/am very fortunate,
to be able to talk of now, in a positive retrospect.
Once in a lifetime dare, that easily could have
had all kinds of other story aspects. Not the
most dangerous, far from the safest, still
ornery I guess, slightly grinin' an seeing it.
Sleek, leaning way forward, a hand full of mane 8-)... :fish:

Found out cows really don't want people riding on their backs,despite their being many to chose from. Docile looking creatures till they get agitated.:laughing7:
Got our monies worth I guess. Performed some ungraceful dismounts and incurred a few scrapes. Never made what could be termed much of a magical experience in a ride on one. Kids huh? Gotta do somethin exciting.

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