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Once they thought Elvis danced pretty wild,
and I guess they hadn't seen anything like his
moves before, but still couldn't help watching 8-)
the spirited man's talent ... :fish:

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Found out cows really don't want people riding on their backs,despite their being many to chose from. Docile looking creatures till they get agitated.:laughing7:
Got our monies worth I guess. Performed some ungraceful dismounts and incurred a few scrapes. Never made what could be termed much of a magical experience in a ride on one. Kids huh? Gotta do somethin exciting.

Never any desire (nerve) to bull ride, though always respect those
that do/have, especially successfully. I know it tics them off, being
mistreated and moved around. Their awful big, learn the game at
2000+ lbs., and pretty mean... :fish:

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Found out cows really don't want people riding on their backs,despite their being many to chose from. Docile looking creatures till they get agitated.:laughing7:
Got our monies worth I guess. Performed some ungraceful dismounts and incurred a few scrapes. Never made what could be termed much of a magical experience in a ride on one. Kids huh? Gotta do somethin exciting.

COWS...? !!! Try BULLS!

Roy Drusky, that's a name I haven't heard or thought of in a while. Had a few songs that I liked. Thanks, Releventchair, for the memory!

I'll stick with horses, grass or gas,
not spinnin' look, ta stomp, Bushwack... :laughing7: :fish:

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Ok gals, guys, go to the patio where Lupita will serve you cold drinks of your choice.

It was back in the winter of 1864 - 9? can't remember dates too clearly lately (snicker but I was following up a story on a lost jesuit mine when a local mentioned that there was copper near by.

So I saddled up my mule, and off I went. It was a two day journey, and I had two cold, very high rivers to cross.. The first night I spent in an Indian's small hut, since it was drizzling, and I was grateful to have a dry place to sleep instead of under a small piece of tarp.

I remember as I rode up to his isolated little hut, he came to the door and told me "Bienvenido senor, mi casa es suyo" "Welcome sir, my house is yours.

After unsaddling and seeing to my mules comfort and dinner, I returned to his hut. I found him, his wife, and three lil kiddies inside. It was a single room with a small open fire on one side to cook with. He had a small wobbly wooden, home made, table and three similar chairs. All cooking utensils were home made from wood or clay.. They slept on the floor with one blanket.

As I was laying out my blankets, his lil wife came to me and shyly told me that dinner was ready. I went to the table to find two tortillas, a few beans and a glass of warm sugar cane juice. Hmm, as I was folding the tortilla, I noticed the three little kiddies huddled in the corner, watching me very intently and anxiously?

I asked my host why they weren't eating.? He rather matter of fact said that his crop of corn had failed, and that was all they had to eat, this and his sugar cane juice.

Sheesh, for some reason my appetite just disappeared, so I opened my saddle bags and brought out my store of day old Tortillas, dried meat, some spices, and Coffee. So we had a nice dinner and put the kiddies to sleep with full tummies.

His wife almost cried over the coffee, she said that she hadn't tasted any in over a year, so naturally I left my coffee with her. I also left the #5 bag of hard candy which I always carried for the isolated ranch kiddies that I met.

To me it wasn't a big thing, but to them it was , since the head of the family probably only made one or two trips a year and their candy was low priority.

The next day was clear and sunny, so I left my wonderful hosts, who were willing to share whatever they had with a stranger. I also left most of my trail money with them and continued on my way

As for getting a mule to cross two swift rivers, with icy water chest high, sigh, that is for another day. However, after crossing I cleaned up, shaved and made myself presentable.

The trail wound up and up until it broke out into a valley with the trail running up the middle with houses on both sides.

Since I had an interested and critical audience, I sat straight in the saddle with the most dignified manner that I could think of, and continued. The trail passed over a small rock wall that had collapsed. As my mule reached this spot, she gave a little jump and slid completely out from under the saddle leaving me still sitting in the saddle on top of the remains of the wall...

My audience broke out in a roar , laughing and yelling, with tears running down their faces, sheesh talk about embarrassing. Naturally, all that I could do was to shrug my shoulders and grin. They loved it, and they are all still my friends to this day, as you all are..

Don Jose de la Mancha

Ahh. This Tramp who writes is a wealthy man,and it is not in cold mineral wealth alone totaling several's of dollars; but vibrant warmth from a life sometimes well spent.
What heart for others yes, what (ahem) charisma astride his mule!:laughing7:
Probably has a few more nuggets left hidden to write though,no?

Ok gals, guys, go to the patio where Lupita will serve you cold drinks of your choice.

It was back in the winter of 1864 - 9? can't remember dates too clearly lately (snicker but I was following up a story on a lost jesuit mine when a local mentioned that there was copper near by.

Don Jose de la Mancha

Ah ha! See how the truth slips out there amigo? Or is it Senor Bierce? :tongue3:

Great post BTW, two thumbs up! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Please do continue

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Would be nice, maybe, if more would actually contribute
something substantial, like a spirited life or treasure story,
besides just all quick one liners, full of not much of anything.
Not amounting to much more than like hitchhiking... :fish:

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Hola Bonita, our good friend Doc D is not a moderator, he only stated his opinion. I respect his choices, and I am sure he respects yours. We all have but one life to live, and should make the best of it. We could never please everybody, and should never attempt to do so, that would cut our good times short. Our Amigo can not please everyone either, nor can either of us here. We are all different, and come from different beliefs.

The campfire is a place to share your feelings, whether they are bad, or good. I would rather see you doing a happy dance, than moping, so dance Bonita, dance.


Where is the 'love this' button? That is all I want to know.

That would be taking away a lot of good music, acting, dancing,
good art, and fun. I really hope you don't stop sharing all sorts of
neat stuff, like you do. It is very cool to me, your love of the fine arts.
Was, and is my lifetime study. I am a good potter, can do decent
fine woodworking, passionate about music, enjoy many of other
peoples talents, including good dancing, etc. If no one else will
pitch in more than what has been lately, this camp will
probably grow dim with my boring, and maybe
somewhat dumb stories. Your contributions
definitely add a touch of class, good light,
and fine arts, to the camp scenery.

Anyway, my thought on it, if it were up
to a vote, don't stop believin, to quote
Journey's famous positive hit song.
Thank You, for ALL you have done,
to help lift our spirits. I know you
are very busy, and cannot always
be here, probly make sacrifices to,
so sincerely, Thanks from me... :fish:

Seriously, where is the ' I love this' button? Smile.

That would be taking away a lot of good music, acting, dancing,
good art, and fun. I really hope you don't stop sharing all sorts of
neat stuff, like you do. It is very cool to me, your love of the fine arts.
Was, and is my lifetime study. I am a good potter, can do decent
fine woodworking, passionate about music, enjoy many of other
peoples talents, including good dancing, etc. If no one else will
pitch in more than what has been lately, this camp will
probably grow dim with my boring, and maybe
somewhat dumb stories. Your contributions
definitely add a touch of class, good light,
and fine arts, to the camp scenery.

Anyway, my thought on it, if it were up
to a vote, don't stop believin, to quote
Journey's famous positive hit song.
Thank You, for ALL you have done,
to help lift our spirits. I know you
are very busy, and cannot always
be here, probly make sacrifices to,
so sincerely, Thanks from me... :fish:

Everybody, Doc D is awesome. He and I talked. He meant no harm. He just needs a dance lesson, that's all. :) Seriously, I think he wants this thread to stay on track of it's purpose; stories. I'd better shut this thing off, and go get some more! See ya.

That would be taking away a lot of good music, acting, dancing,
good art, and fun. I really hope you don't stop sharing all sorts of
neat stuff, like you do. It is very cool to me, your love of the fine arts.
Was, and is my lifetime study. I am a good potter, can do decent
fine woodworking, passionate about music, enjoy many of other
peoples talents, including good dancing, etc. If no one else will
pitch in more than what has been lately, this camp will
probably grow dim with my boring, and maybe
somewhat dumb stories. Your contributions
definitely add a touch of class, good light,
and fine arts, to the camp scenery.

Anyway, my thought on it, if it were up
to a vote, don't stop believin, to quote
Journey's famous positive hit song.
Thank You, for ALL you have done,
to help lift our spirits. I know you
are very busy, and cannot always
be here, probly make sacrifices to,
so sincerely, Thanks from me... :fish:

You are on spot! I will NEVER stop believing. Life is too short, they say. Especially, if you have a good one. Peace and a high-fiver!

Love? Contribution? What will it cost me, or more important,
just what would be in it for me, is what most ask, seeing no
profit for one's self, in doing an act of kindness, as Don Jose
nicely expressed in his selfless, and caring act of sharing shelter,
trading, or generously giving worldly goods. Hmmn, interesting he
didn't mention anything about starving, though may have had a
smaller menu after that. Obviously had less in his money belt, :laughing7:
coin purse, or saddle bag. Those people and their kids, probably
never forgot the sacrificial acts of kindness, and may even think
to later pass a kind act on.

Some are rather stingy, but when you give out of thoughtfulness,
is that putting up a treasure for yourself? If more people did that,
would there be less hidden treasures? Because hidden treasures,
often seem to have come about, by someone's motivated effort,
and then there's often the element of selfishness and greed.
But after all, it is all about bragging on our own treasure,
and impressive trophy room, right?

I decided a long time ago, most treasures, the people kind,
are kinda' rotten, and full of pride (just kidding), but never
have quit trying to help some of the fakers, like I have said
in disgust, then repeatedly.

And on we still ride, in search of the true, richest treasures 8-)... :fish:

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The only bull I would try is the blue one...
Thanks for this one, I watched the kid, a little laugh being playing. But the
PBR bull riding no joke, some wrecks hard to watch, even though no blood
is showing, some people including the bullfighters, getting some serious
flesh, and probably also bones injuries.

The clowns saving some, if not all, from extensive further damage.
They are nervy and very good, I think, take some hard licks. I doubt
they get paid enough to do that... :fish:

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Everybody, Doc D is awesome. He and I talked. He meant no harm. He just needs a dance lesson, that's all. :) Seriously, I think he wants this thread to stay on track of it's purpose; stories. I'd better shut this thing off, and go get some more! See ya.

People could think about being critical, how it will change the
atmosphere, make others feel, when there's really nothing been
done wrong. But I really doubt they will, for the most part, ever
in this lifetime. So many, seems one of their favorite pastimes,
is to judge others. Though probably wearing a good speck, or
splinter in their own eyes, and this too, is lost treasure... :fish:

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