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One thing I have never heard of a spirit physically harming anyone, only that the person himself / herself DOES IT .[/QUOTE] That makes a good point. Got a dose of malware, in process of cleaning, refreshing

What would I put i a time capsule? A request for Don Jose to finish the book.:BangHead:

May or not let me do this post. Goin' to see my friend if possible. Good to hear from Tex,
and that his family enjoyed the holidays.

EDIT: Didn't know this posted, had to start over,
gotta get it set up again, having a challenge...

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May or not let me do this post. Real good to hear from you Tex,
and that you enjoyed the holidays, family and football.

Amigo Senor Don Jose, about the supposedly 1/2 finished
or completely whole book, man that should be a whopper.
I know you have a tremendous amount of spirits interested,
in your treasure tales, so I would say give us what you
have so far, and call it Vol I. :laughing7: Sounds good,
your adding thoughts and notes, we might could use
it for a guide, and please don't forget to include
whatever :treasurechest: maps you are not going to need. :laughing9:

Even if it's 733, or only 32 pages, we would all most likely be thrilled. :treasurechest:

Mrs. Jodie, the music and picturesque is great, nice scenery :thumbsup:
thanks for keeping the camp going, we all appreciate it very much. 8-)
Good luck to you, and may the time capsule be as valuable
as it is interesting, definately totally enjoyable, when
you get to check it out... :gold-bracelet:

If I were doing a time capsule right now, I would put things
like a nice hand written with quill ink pen letter, on parchment
paper, including a note to the effect of... Remember the America
that we once knew, and as kids growing up, everything seemed
grand, and we didn't know any better. Then we got to
reading and looking around, and realized things
were happening so fast, the treasure spirits
were changing it all around so it was a
different world altogether, though still
some genuine souls could be found.
Then we got ahold of Don Jose's
fascinating and reale spirited
new book, of age old true
treasure tales, and so
realized the secrets of... :coins::3barsgold::key::2barsgold::treasurechest:

Then I would include a few nice coins, a 1976 two dollar bill,
and an old treasure map, from the very near future. :tongue3:
Put it all in a metal free box, water proofed and
sealed with an emblem of the land of the once...

Don Jose, don't know about perfume like smelling spirits,
other than the intoxicating, or reviving kind. :laughing7: Well,
a deep subject. Just those that can be seen, as I expressed
before, my access may be limited, with my tender,:laughing9::laughing7:
possibly innocent ears and eyes,:laughing9::laughing7: but maybe that's
intended to be for my own good. :dontknow:

You all take care, have a good day :hello: :fish:

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C de Oro, everytime I think that the path is clear something further comes up to add to it. Ya want as 1/2 finished book ??.

Half finished would be ok if I was just looking to level my table, but nah Compadre, take your time, and put out a best seller. We just want to make sure you get reminded when we are all gone. When you open the time capsule, you will find the old waxed plank, a coffee stained sock, a book request, and maybe a muley magazine.:laughing7:


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He has seemed to be taking his time, that's what
we told him last... I think he knows that I tease,
hope, with all due respect... :laughing7: I don't even
have a start on page #1 of a memoir. I'm not
that close to a century though... :laughing7:

But yeah, of course, finished would be great, if I am
still around to read it. Don't know about myself, in say
59 years from now. Sounds like a reale clue or hint.:tongue3:

That's what I wonder about, if in my timelife,
or will the next generation believe, or even care?
Maybe part of the strategy.:laughing7:

You know many people think that Jesse James,
working with a secret organization, is just a myth.
Though people back 133 yrs. or so ago, probably knew
it was more complicated. That's because he didn't get any
time to do a book, share pics, or leave believable clues?

Anyway, no pressure, I'll include a note in time capsule to
clue them then, there may be an ancient document found,
in the future, on an olde modern scroll, to be translated
into whatever laser format that is used then... :tongue3:

I think the Spirits know very well where treasure is,
but just cannot by themselves get it dug up, without
some real live flesh involved, in this physical reality. So
some times people are stirred up, and driven to go look,
maybe are able to acquire enough info or clues, to go
scout, or pursue the legends of previous expeditions.
That is just where the work really begins.

Maybe that's just my perception of supposed ancient history... 8-) :laughing7:
:fish: :cross:

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And yes, I do believe that when our intriguing Senor Don Jose
gets it finished, published and out, it will be more than a best
seller, or sort of like a historical documentation, probly get
stuck in the Smithsonian, so like a national treasure, also.

As always, thanks kindly for your contributions Don Jose de La Mancha,
and everyone to the imaginary campfire. To share a song or thought,
for treasure spirit and soul, maybe a smile to try and encourage, as design... :thumbsup: 8-) :fish:

A good oak fire, N. of the border, to temper the arctic breeze.

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Crosse de -I have many, even one here where I am typing. It is a woman, who, what, or why I have no idea, only that it manifests itself when I am being good - :laughing7::laughing7: - she presents her presence , not by a physical presence but by odors. Sometimes it will be a perfumed soap, others by perfumed makeup. But generally just perfume.

The strange thing is that I feel that I should recognize it, but I can't. Tiger isn't jealous.

One thing I have never heard of a spirit physically harming anyone, only that the person himself / herself DOES IT .

That is quite a subject, I wonder could you tell, if the
perfume was like good 'ol scented homemade soap?

Now I keep thinking about it, could it be a figurative clue,
or maybe a subtle hint... Seems like I heard a Brooks and Dunn
song like that. I take your word for it, maybe some odd
things may happen to many of us, that we don't realize,
or maybe just overlook... :fish:

Wasn't logged in when viewing your last post, next to it
was a ad to register with Lucas Arts, and view a 'free'
movie with providing your info including birthday,
to be used by them, hmmn...

I think it was 'Star Wars' The Old Republic... Reminds me
of dudes hauling a large mare and her colt to Sun City, Ca.
several yrs. ago, to Steven Lucas' ranch...

Girlie stuff, hmmn. That won't tarnish your salty good
saint image you think, how bout a racehorse magazine. :laughing7: :fish:

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You two just made me smile. I like what Homar said, too. Thumbs up.

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Been kinda hectic day, had to go shopping, took about 3 times as long as I thought it would. Mostly just my 'browsing' that took so much time. Sometime I'm worse than the proverbial woman that takes so much time browsing. I guess I inherited it from my mom. I remember one evening, Dad, Mom, my future wife, and I went to Waco shopping. (Living in Hillsboro at the time; about 30 miles from Waco.) We went to lots of stores, not sure which ones were still open during late 1962/early 1963. Anyway, after we returned home, dropped Mom and Dad off at the house. Then I took my 'girl' riding around for an hour or so before taking her home. She asked me how my mom could spend so much time in stores without spending a single dollar. lol Yep, she could do that! I'm not that lucky. I spend too much money on things that I will probably never use, or things that I shouldn't use/eat. lol
Everybody enjoy the fire this evening. I'll try to get back tomorrow.

java time, my dreamy friends it's java time. dece t  size coffee.webp

A merry looking soul...

Thanks again Trapper Girl 8-) and all, for lighting up
the camp with still in season well wishes, music, a
story or three, positive thought and a smile...:thumbsup:

Can I ask who the picture is of: A Treasured Life Spirit Tale encounter of the 4th ki

A Short Horse Story, of driving half way across N. America,
with stops including The Lazy E Arena, Los Alamitos,
Santa Anita, Golden Gate, etc...

I was supposed to be sleeping, after driving all the way from the
fuel stop in El Paso, TX. all night to sunrise in Indio, CA. Had not
slept a wink the night before either, after leaving The Red River
Ranch, cruising across south TX., west on that historic and hilly
I-10, (when he slept on the pretty fairly good I-10 West).

But I was so constantly awakened from a shallow burnt drowse,
and shaken, when he pulled the trailer brakes up I-95, and
then the whole rig was jumpin' and shakin to slow, and
still he angrily road raged repeatedly...

So... we took off from N/W ARK., in the beautiful clear early fall,
several years ago. Runnin' a 1 ton flatbed Ram, powerstroke 7.9
Cummins w/single sleeper up there atop the extra maybe 50 gal.
fuel tank, a crawlspace in between the cab, there was a place
(though I never crawled into it, can't sleep when just anyone
is supposed to awake at the wheel). We had the dual fuel
tanks, a pike pass, and were pulling a very nice 43'
custom aluminum trailer, w/living/storage area,
a top rack, etc. and drove on down I-44
to Tulsa, OK., Old Indian Territory.

There, we were supposed to pick up a horse, but someone dropped the hitch.
Co driver was on the phone, and customer said: "I'd have to drive an hour and
a half just to get to where the horse is at"; driver: "we're here in town now, and
were told to call you, for directions". Cusomer: "it's gonna' be awhile before I
can get to it, I won't be able to leave here for about an hour". Driver: "talked
to the boss, guess we'll have to postpone", customer: "ok, we'll call later.

Driver: "Well, that was a waste of time, so we'll head for The Lazy E, N.
of historic outlaw and lawman tales city, and original capitol of Territory,
Guthrie. By this time, it was getting kinda late afternoon, it would be
dark before we would get to load a very large good looking mare,
and her absolutely gorgeous and well marked Colt. The bill of laden
said: Steven Lucas: Sun City CA., and covered both horses, so we headed
on down I-35, to a nice ranch I believe was between Moore and Chickasha.

It was awful dark and in the middle of the night, when we quietly pulled
through the gate unannounced. We pulled up in front of what looked
like the office, in the dim lit spread out light. There wasn't a soul to
be found, and Hoss the driver, walked next door to the dark unlit
house, where he knocked on the door loud and repeatedly, with
no response. I smoked a Harley cigarette, as we walked back
over to the wide open office, and looked for the freight we
were supposed to pick up. Hmmn, dwelling in safety, I
remember I thought, as we looked through all of the
rooms, enjoyed the pics and trophies, and then as
we admired it all, realized there was not a horse
at all, to be found in the elaborate barn vicinity...

All of a sudden, there was the medium tone of
a gentle man, breaking the early morning still.
"What do you all need, he asked, speaking
noticeably patient like. Hi, sorry to wake you,
we are here to pick up a horse (calling name).
The blue eyes of the tall sandy haired sleepy,
but kind acting man, stared in deep thought,
then said, "OK, I'll have to go get him".

When he returned though, he softly said "The customer
hasn't paid for what she owes, I cannot release the horse
until she does, sorry. We could only say OK thanks, and sorry
to have woke you, then the man said OK, and we walked back
through the dim walkway across the grass lawn, and climbed
back in the still running truck. It was a fair night, maybe in
the cool 50's, not bad, the smell of diesel exhaust thick
in the air. As we pulled out I thought, strike two, and
we pulled back out onto the highway headed south
toward Tejas, next stop New Mexico, on we drove... :fish:

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Thanks, Crosse'. You are a super writer. Keep it up.

I think this calls for a happy dance!

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