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PS where is T-Red??? Are you ever coming back to our campfire? We miss you.

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K' crosse here is a little post===

I was laying here half asleep. My mind wandered back a few years ago to one of my prouder achievements. I remember standing up and saying in a loud voice, : room attention, I, aviatian Cadet Curry,JJ,L soloed today" then sat down to the usual congraulatons and horse play that accompaanies every Cadet's first solo..

For years afterwards I flew the USAF way, 'by the nunbers', which has proven to be the best way in general, They now hava fantastic instruments and computer systems that speak to you , even many systems that in an emergency that can fly the aircraft, in many cases far better that a human pilot can, but it wasn't until I drifted into agriculture flying that I really discovered true flying.

In Ag. work you are flying low as possible to the ground or trees, often less then 10 ft to apply the chemical with the most efficiency. At those low altitudes you simply do not have time to canstantly scan your instruments You have a constanly varying load .with steep climbouts. You are constantly playng with a potential stall - which gets most pilots in Ag work, along with running into objects, in my case a telephone pole guy wire.

In another caseI I was the wingman flying on the lower side. the ground curved to the left nd our sppeed should have been set up by the pilot flying rhe sloweset speed sector, me. My instruments were ahowing everthing as fine when I felt that lil suspicion of loss of air support, so without thinkig I broke formation and slid off my left in a shallow dive, hoping to build up airspeed , I was still in a sloppy prestall condition when i spotted branches sprouting of my engine. I was still too close to a stall for any evasive movement so I hit an enormus dead Sprrce tree squarely on my nose spinner, which decreased my speed further. from there on it is a litle hazy but I remember trying to trade off the tree's heght for a little speed gain. iIt worked, I gradualy started a slow climb above the surrounding forest,. I have the impression that I maintained a relatively level flight path , Althugh later they told me that the plane had dived straight into the forest and that I was killed ?????

Another time I was flying low man on the totem pole in a deep curving canyon when my hi pressurt hose line broke and eventually dumped 150 gallon of diesel into the cockpit. I couldnt see anything, Instruments , clothes, gogles were coated with diesel, eyes were burning so I had to resort to the feel of being one with the aircraft and attenptwd to fly a level, silight climbout of the canyon. I was lucky, I succeeded and when the last of the Diesel had drained away and I could see once again I ws flying up, out of the canyon.safely.

These are two prime axamples where "by the numbers" would had gotten me Killed.

I frst experienced this when just flying, It was a bright summer day when I just knew I was one with the aircraft, I could feel it with my whole body, That is when I started have marvelous experiences with flying. I would seek Out Cumulos cloud formations, turn on the radio and have a sensous 3D waltz in the many hidden canyons of the cloud. It is hard to describe, just fantasric.

Todays pilots do not have that feel for' impending' stalls, in fact the civillian market has eliinated Spins which are a direct reult of a stall and kill many pilots very year

In Ag work you have a constant change of load and speed to contend with, which naturally modifies your Aircraft stall characeristics, even the temperature and altitude varies it.

I eventually settled on the Navy carrier aproach, semi controlled stall. The stick was for controlling the airspeed, the throttle for the rate of decent I could land across a standard runway.

I could go on for hours on the pleasure that flying gave me.

It is hard to be an athiest when you are dancing in the clouds Gals???I

Really a treasured account, good info, and spirited life story. :fish:

. Good to hear from you Doc. I hope you had a carefree Sunday. Now, I actually wrote two intro stories, but hit the delete button. Too much. Problem is, for me, I realized, is one experience hardly exists without the other. Like a map. Pit-stops to get to that 'place'. Our journey, my journey, the spiritual one, has reminded me, I can, we can do anything, if we just believe. It involves more Than just, once upon a time, small insert, and they lived happily ever after.

There is a power, an amazing purposeful, and giving (very giving) greater than us. So much greater, than me, or anything I know. It has been revealed to me in my darkest of darks and lightest of lights. I am or was not cancer, it did not define me. It did make me angry and want to help fight the battle, and be able to relate, on a totally new level, of determination and understanding.

Like our precious soldiers, who fight, and sacrifice themselves, for us (whoa and amen), I know sometimes our fights are not just in places far, far away. They are right here. People fighting their own battles, even secretly, right next door.

Maybe it is the lady in the check-out line, or the man grumbling over the coins dropped accidentally onto the sidewalk by the parking meter.

People need us. They need 'our' stories. That is the real treasure-box.

When you all share your tales of both fun and wisdom, it gives joy to where might not have been for some.

We need more 'campfires' in this world. Electronic or otherwise. I prefer the real ones, but I will take what I can get, as long as it involves a song, good coffee, a few deep laughs, and shelter from the storm, in what seems to be pretty crazy times out there.

See. Lost track of 'my story' again. Whoopsie. But, that is okay. I am sorry, my friend, the moderator. I am most certainly guilty as charged! But, for me, anymore, it is only about the Holy Spirit. When I forget that (like my notorious keys) I get either lost or stuck. Sometimes, lost and making mistakes is good. I have found what I am truly made of doing both of those things. Every now and then, it's fun to take the wrong turn in Albuquerque, and find where you land. It is possible, you might just find yourself, right?

And, coming from a very religious background, I think I always was a pretty darn good Catholic Girl. Most of the time. I found that from anything, I can take what I want, and leave the rest. I am a lover of all God and faith centered religions and philosophies. I also believe, some of the most spiritual people I have ever met, have never even been into a church.

When we bought our church, he everlasting renovation labor-of-true-love (and frustration, sometimes), I keep having one word come to mind; ONE. I believe, we are all one. One in being with the Holy Spirit, and through him all things are made, and never broken.

I seldom watch the news. I don't allow my kids to, either, unless it is a current event for school. We do our best to teach them everything growing up and into this world, should know. There is quite a bit of bad, but way MORE good. I know lots of folks might read that and shake their heads that I am wrong, and that is completely fine.

But, when I have surrendered to my own personal demons ( bad word, but such a good description), and turn my heel at them, and walk away, I am stronger and more of a magnet to the good in this life, that I have been lovingly given.

Those closest to me have often wondered where I found this attitude. I am not sure. And, like those darn keys, I hope not to lose it. Everything can be easy to lose, if we don't take care of it, right?

And, as far as we know, this moment is all there is. So, I say, go towards the light. Right now, that would be Crosses' magical and always present campfire.

Oh, and about metal-detecting, bottle-digging, and searching for glittery treasures of the past (even rusted ones that are falling apart), I am IN! No other hobby (or perhaps lifestyle/perfect addiction) has given me so much crazy joy.

Let the quest for everything go on, brave soldiers! HH.

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Interesting spirited life treasure tales also... :fish:

Amen Mastiff…….and I for one will NEVER apologize for speaking of Jesus Christ…….
There is nothing more important……..and also why I often close with vaya con Dios……..

In life, there is no gray, no middle ground……you are either for or against…… proclaim His Name or not…….silence is the same as rejection…….
But I also understand that today, more so than in many times, we shall suffer persecution…….

Great Post our precious Señorita Mastiff……vaya con Dios

I miss Doc too, he was the only one here for a couple of days... :fish:

Matiff4me, I really shed a few tears when I read of you and your husband. 'Love and marriage' is such a magical/religious reunion!
I'm going to tell a story of my 'love life'. I have told this a time or two before; but not on this forum. I have never felt the urge to tell it more than after reading about you and your husband. You didn't go into detail about how you met; but I'm sure it was wonderful.
It was on a Friday, about the 15th of December, 1962. I got up that morning, ate breakfast that my mom had prepared for me. I went out to the car and started the motor so it could 'warm up' a little before I took them to work. I noticed the gear-shift lever seemed loose. I went back into the house and donned a pair of coveralls. I crawled under the car and tightened the nut that was loose on the transmission where the shift lever connected. I went into the bathroom and washed the grease off of my hands; but didn't have time to remove the coveralls that I had put on to keep my clothes clean.
I drove my parents to the textile mill where they worked. After they got out of the car, I started to drive back home. The engine quit before I moved more than 20 feet. Although I tried to restart it, it just would not start. The gas gauge didn't work. I realized that I was probably out of gas.
I happened to see an uncle watching me from the 'opening room' of the textile mill where my parents worked. He motioned for me to come to him. He asked me if I had car trouble or if I was out of gas. I told him that I thought the car was out of gas. He handed me a 5 gallon can.
There was a little 'mom-pop' store about a block from the mill. I walked, with the 5 gallon can, to the store. The store had two gas pumps at the front of the store. I set the can down by the 'regular' gas pump, went into the store to pay for a can of gasoline. There was a girl behind the counter. I told her that I needed some gasoline. She accompanied me out to the gasoline pumps and filled the can for me. We went back inside and I paid her for the gasoline.
I took the can of gasoline back to the car, poured the gasoline into the tank, gave the can back to my uncle, and started the car. I drove home.
On Sunday morning, I went with my dad to church. We went for the 'Sunday School' which was a bible study for different age groups, i.e., young boys, young girls, teen boys, teen girls, women, and men. Instead of staying for the church service, i.e., the Sunday choir and the pastor's sermon, I went out the back door of the church. It was only about one block from the back of the church to the little store where I had bought the gasoline.
I walked into the store, and sure enough, that girl was behind the counter! I walked to the drink machine and extracted a Pepsi Cola. Then I went to the counter and paid the girl for it. No one else was in the store. I was there; and she was there. We talked a few minutes. I don't remember what we talked about. You need to remember, this was in December, 1962. That's a long time ago!
After talking for several minutes, I asked her if she would like to go to the movie theater with me. She asked when, and I said maybe tonight. She said she would go with me that night. We agreed on a time and I went home.
At the agreed upon time, I went to her house. I met her mom, stepfather, and her brother. We went to the movie, drove around town a few minutes, and I took her home. Before she went into the house, I asked her if she would like to go riding with me tomorrow night. She said she would like to do that.
I picked her up the next evening and we just drove around town for quite a while. When I took her home, I asked her about going out with me the next night. She said that she would not go out with me the next night. I didn't really know what to think except that she probably had another date.
The next evening, I parked about a block away from the store to see if she went out with someone else that evening. When she closed the store, I watched her walk next door to her house. It was almost dark. I sat there until I was sure that she wasn't going out with someone else that night. About 11 p.m., I went home.
OK!! Enough for tonight. I'll try to continue this tomorrow if anybody's interested.

That was a different world Tex, now, because of situations,
you know what they would call that kind of watching out.
We've seen a lot of things rearranged. Miss you buddy,
hope you and your family are well, and had great
holidays. You are a good story teller yourself also... :fish:

Okay, Troopers.,please disregard that last video. The quality was poor. It is much better here. This story is too good, I have to share. I love mining history (obviously) and I love this family.

Play it again!

Hello St. Don Jose

That's reale cool, thanks alot for sharing Amigo.
Yes keep up that moral, Coffees, yeah fresh Coffees.


Well, you know, if we had half of what has been spent at Oak Island,
to go digging with a team of specialists in a couple of small longshot
places, we could have some fun I imagine. Probably dig up as much,
but that is a neat mysterious place. Spirits obviously contending hot
for control, of anything to potentially be gotten back above ground.

Since you have encountered spirits a lot, are a reinvented Jesuit
and a Saint, you should give us one or two pointers along this line.
How to deal when an encounter with a spirit that doesn't want you
to get the treasures they are long watching. Or, on the other hand,
maybe a good spirit leads you down the path toward a treasure, but
then bad spirits knowing about it, mess with you constantly, when
they can get a chance to get to you.

More coffees senor, cake or pie?... 8-)


I have heard you talk some, of these things and believe fully.
Just hope to hear more of the meaty ones, of spirits,
I mean. You of all people know about spirits,
cause for you to be here still strong they
had to let you pass, even hands full.

But Nahhhhh, surely not, you don't think this
modern generation is spoiled :laughing9::laughing7:...
Well, you got a good point there, people rather text,
than talk a lot of times. But there's still lots of us,
that do like a good story, or book I think...

Thanks, Crosse...:cross:

Amigo, still hoping for a little reply on this good
question, if you have one Senor Don Jose... 8-) :fish:

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Yes. They are valuable, I presume. They are tucked away. My husband and I got a kick out of the way they were sent, and where they were sent from. What I am interested in, now, is that in our church, we were informed that there is a time capsule built into the wall. They passed the story down, from 100 yrs ago. Now, we are trying to figure out, which wall? We have a clue, it is in a corner.

In my efforts to try and help you, it seems that most Catholic Churches place a time capsule in the north east corner. There is usually a date or something to point it out. I don't know what kind of church it was, others use a cross to mark the corner. I don't know if all Catholic Churches have the entrance on the east side.

Just google the type of church, and time capsule to find information. On some wooden churches, they would use a foundation stone to build on, this would be the time capsule stone. Suerte


In my efforts to try and help you, it seems that most Catholic Churches place a time capsule in the north east corner. There is usually a date or something to point it out. I don't know what kind of church it was, others use a cross to mark the corner. I don't know if all Catholic Churches have the entrance on the east side.

Just google the type of church, and time capsule to find information. On some wooden churches, they would use a foundation stone to build on, this would be the time capsule stone. Suerte


You GOT it. That would make sense, Homar. We have a plaque, exactly there, when the building was erected. Whoo! Good job. Jodi

Hola mis amigos…….been traveling around with Navidad y Ano Nuevo and not all places had internet (not to mention forgetting my cable to the computer once)……

Keep warm those of you in the USSA…….
Life is good here down south, perfect, no, but very nice……..

Vaya con Dios, viva Christo Rey!

Hola mis amigos…….been traveling around with Navidad y Ano Nuevo and not all places had internet (not to mention forgetting my cable to the computer once)……

Keep warm those of you in the USSA…….
Life is good here down south, perfect, no, but very nice……..

Vaya con Dios, viva Christo Rey!


Good to hear from you, and that you are having fun.
Did you have good Holidays, do they celebrate the
same similar reasons down there?

Just curious though, what the extra S is for in USSA,
would that be Shining, since the sun has now come out? :laughing7:

Or, would that be relating to the treasure Spirits flying an
seem to be running the show, for the time, in spooky areas
where our fathers maybe did or not wish us to go... :fish:

Take care amigo, I bet it's hot there, eh?

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You GOT it. That would make sense, Homar. We have a plaque, exactly there, when the building was erected. Whoo! Good job. Jodi

Great, now you can just remove the plaque without tearing down the whole building. You can google Catholic Church time capsule, and go to images to see how similar plaques conceal the goods. Can't wait to see what you find.



Great, now you can just remove the plaque without tearing down the whole building. You can google Catholic Church time capsule, and go to images to see how similar plaques conceal the goods. Can't wait to see what you find.


Homar, those were fabulous sites. Thanks. How fun!!! 100+ years. What could be in there. Hmmm. What would you put in a time capsule today?

Doc. Good to see you.

Here's another log for the fire.


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Well, it's been a while since I was here. It wasn't because I didn't want to be here. Just seemed like every little that could happen, did happen to keep me away. Holidays, helping out some with decorations, food preparation, some house cleaning, etc.. I just finished catching-up on the posts. I went back several pages to refresh my mind a bit.
Hope everybody had a great holiday season. I did. No, I didn't go to any of the Black Friday sales! Much too old for that. I believe the last I did something that foolish was in 2003 or 2004. lol
I've been just scanning the forum, picking out a few tidbits to check out, and 'liking' a few of them. I don't why, but I haven't been seeing anything in the 'new posts' about this forum. I've been wanting to come check out what's been happening, but since I wasn't seeing anything in the 'new posts' about it, thought maybe everyone was busy with the holidays. Well, I got a PM from Crosse, answered his question, and finally just left everything alone this morning to come see what's happening. I was surprised to find so much that has been posted. I don't understand why nothing has been showing in the 'new posts'.
Sounds like everyone weathered the holidays ok. My family and I had a wonderful time, lots of great food, fellowship, and my son-in-law and I watched a l-o-t of football. I guess, to be truthful about the reason I've been so absent on the forum, is because of all the college bowl games. No, I didn't watch every one of them, lol, but almost all of them!
Oh well, I'm caught up now, but have some things that I must get done today. So I'm only 'touching base' with all of you for right now. Will try to get back every day from now on. As I've said before, I've spent more time on this forum than on all of the other forums that I keep a check on. I have 4 gun forums, and one other treasure forum that I go to. I very seldom post anything on those other forums. I do post to some of the other forums here on TNet; but nothing like I have here on this one.
Everybody have a great day and I'll probably 'see' you all again tomorrow; or maybe later today!

Crosse de -I have many, even one here where I am typing. It is a woman, who, what, or why I have no idea, only that it manifests itself when I am being good - no girly or kiddie porn :laughing7::laughing7: - she presents her presence , not by a physical presence but by odors. Sometimes it will be a perfumed soap, others by perfumed makeup. But generally just perfume.

The strange thing is that I feel that I should recognize it, but I can't. Tiger isn't jealous.

One thing I have never heard of a spirit physically harming anyone, only that the person himself / herself DOES IT .

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