. Good to hear from you Doc. I hope you had a carefree Sunday. Now, I actually wrote two intro stories, but hit the delete button. Too much. Problem is, for me, I realized, is one experience hardly exists without the other. Like a map. Pit-stops to get to that 'place'. Our journey, my journey, the spiritual one, has reminded me, I can, we can do anything, if we just believe. It involves more Than just, once upon a time, small insert, and they lived happily ever after.
There is a power, an amazing purposeful, and giving (very giving) greater than us. So much greater, than me, or anything I know. It has been revealed to me in my darkest of darks and lightest of lights. I am or was not cancer, it did not define me. It did make me angry and want to help fight the battle, and be able to relate, on a totally new level, of determination and understanding.
Like our precious soldiers, who fight, and sacrifice themselves, for us (whoa and amen), I know sometimes our fights are not just in places far, far away. They are right here. People fighting their own battles, even secretly, right next door.
Maybe it is the lady in the check-out line, or the man grumbling over the coins dropped accidentally onto the sidewalk by the parking meter.
People need us. They need 'our' stories. That is the real treasure-box.
When you all share your tales of both fun and wisdom, it gives joy to where might not have been for some.
We need more 'campfires' in this world. Electronic or otherwise. I prefer the real ones, but I will take what I can get, as long as it involves a song, good coffee, a few deep laughs, and shelter from the storm, in what seems to be pretty crazy times out there.
See. Lost track of 'my story' again. Whoopsie. But, that is okay. I am sorry, my friend, the moderator. I am most certainly guilty as charged! But, for me, anymore, it is only about the Holy Spirit. When I forget that (like my notorious keys) I get either lost or stuck. Sometimes, lost and making mistakes is good. I have found what I am truly made of doing both of those things. Every now and then, it's fun to take the wrong turn in Albuquerque, and find where you land. It is possible, you might just find yourself, right?
And, coming from a very religious background, I think I always was a pretty darn good Catholic Girl. Most of the time. I found that from anything, I can take what I want, and leave the rest. I am a lover of all God and faith centered religions and philosophies. I also believe, some of the most spiritual people I have ever met, have never even been into a church.
When we bought our church, he everlasting renovation labor-of-true-love (and frustration, sometimes), I keep having one word come to mind; ONE. I believe, we are all one. One in being with the Holy Spirit, and through him all things are made, and never broken.
I seldom watch the news. I don't allow my kids to, either, unless it is a current event for school. We do our best to teach them everything growing up and into this world, should know. There is quite a bit of bad, but way MORE good. I know lots of folks might read that and shake their heads that I am wrong, and that is completely fine.
But, when I have surrendered to my own personal demons ( bad word, but such a good description), and turn my heel at them, and walk away, I am stronger and more of a magnet to the good in this life, that I have been lovingly given.
Those closest to me have often wondered where I found this attitude. I am not sure. And, like those darn keys, I hope not to lose it. Everything can be easy to lose, if we don't take care of it, right?
And, as far as we know, this moment is all there is. So, I say, go towards the light. Right now, that would be Crosses' magical and always present campfire.
Oh, and about metal-detecting, bottle-digging, and searching for glittery treasures of the past (even rusted ones that are falling apart), I am IN! No other hobby (or perhaps lifestyle/perfect addiction) has given me so much crazy joy.
Let the quest for everything go on, brave soldiers! HH.
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