Why I Started This Thread...
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The reason that I started this thread, is because
I wondered if anyone had experienced anything
similar to what I had (when I heard some strange
sounds while digging), and would talk about it.
I had tried getting help with my pics, starting
two previous threads, but I guess I didn't ask
the right questions, or maybe didn't get to
talk to the most knowledgeable people.
Choosing to avoid posting on other
good and informative threads on signs
and symbols, that were competitive to
the point, as to get pretty heated. I
was about to give up trying, and
then the thought came to me,
which is the title of the thread:
I still believe that the Lord spoke
(impressed) that thought into my mind,
by His Holy Spirit, a question that He
wanted to be asked...
So I made the first post, not knowing
what to expect, and that took a little
bit of nerve. But I felt like it may be
an interesting topic, and so I took
a chance, and asked that question.
One of the main things I have learned,
with all of the stories that people have
shared, is that there are other treasure
hunters, that have encountered what
they perceived (or knew), to be a
spiritual entity of some kind.
Several people do seem to agree on that,
and some accounts are pretty graphic,
including some serious spirit harassment,
and even some various kinds of serious
physical effects, that had to be dealt with.
Yes of course, many good stories have
been humorous and entertaining. Some
also seemed to have been inspiring, even
very relative to our human and spiritual
conditions and experiences, as well as
being directly related, to many
treasure hunting experiences.
So who can say, If you're not in agreement,
in talking about seeking certain spirits, then
the conversation is over? There has been
several different expressions of beliefs
and experiences. But, if the posts slow
or stop, and I run out, and everyone
runs out of stories or thoughts...
Well, we can say hi, now and then.
Maybe share a pic or two?
I hope we will all get to spend
some of our time doing some
thing fun, life, spirit, exploring,
music, family, and treasure
related, often as we can.
Some people call that magic.
I continue to wish all participants and readers
well. We know there will not always be the
same views, and still maybe we can learn
from each other's varied experiences.
I feel I have tried hard to do what I was
supposed to do, and am at peace with that.
It hasn't always been fun and games, but
maybe has been of good benefit to some.
It has been educational and fun for me.
With our talk of campfires, good cookin',
and different flavored sock coffees.

Getting together, visiting, and even
helping with a spirited treasure hunt.
A fun place to chat, and talk of the
spirit and treasure related things.
I'm looking forward to more stories,
and may have another good one or
two reserved, but probably not as
many stuffed up my sleeve as to
what others may be holding. But
maybe some more interesting
things will happen, that I can
someday talk about.
Many Kind and Sincere Thanks, to
All that have taken a chance, and
generously shared treasure, and also
personal experiences. I have really very
much enjoyed your positive input, and do
continue to wish you all well, and hope this
has also been an enjoyable blessing to those
who have just read, and may choose not to
ever make a post. That's OK too. Now you
all know, some of what I like to talk about.
I have also learned, from some of you...
~ May the Good and Helpful Spirits of Peace Be With You ~
~Happy Thanksgiving To All~ ~: Crosse De Sign :~