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The insult is in the question who would meet with a Pentecostal. questioning the brother aspect goes far.
You fear The part of the bible concerning Pentecost perhaps though what occurred was through diligent prayer.
Your only wanting to converse with those who heed your thought's while not tolerating theirs helps one party only.
A tolerance thing you seem to not foster in belief. So now you mock with a meeting to research spirits and treasure and consult spirits..

Senor Releventchair…….while I am not a Pentacostal, my understanding of the one, true faith of Jesus Christ is rather traditional and I believe the bible is the inspired word of God, without error and literal……..
We need to proclaim our faith in Christ Jesus, to proclaim the truth……yet we need not take offense with those who do not know the truth…….and pray for the grace of God to enlighten them…..
Let us treat each other with respect and kindness…….God knows, there are true enemies out there and we do not need fight among ourselves…..
Vaya con Dios

I agree to drop the subject, there's no
reality in the accusations, but you notice
there was NO denial to the "disrupt" spoken,
just side stepping and "Proof". Take a closer look,
it has happened frequently, no problem... :cross:

HA! WHERE do I look, then...

Good morning. Here to wish you a Happy Fall morning. I hope you are doing something constructive. Perhaps throwing the fallen leaves over your head with glee? Feeling the cool breeze whisper 'good morning' across your cheek while grabbing the newspaper? Or, just plain running right back under the sheets to check your TNet.

Homar, my Chili is ready. It was meant for last night, but I got in too late. No Wheaties for y'all today. Coffee's over there (pointing at a polka-dotted sock hanging above a Texas A&M steaming pot of goodness.

Now, Crosse'. You are exactly right. You say 'if we were around a real campfire, and not on the web', basically, there would be more personal story swapping. I do have more stories, crinkled all the way up my sleeves, darn jammed tucked way up there. One of which, was the one that inspired me to write that book, situated in New Mexico (my other stomping ground).

Other stories, made me delve head-first, cowabunga-style into as many (specified) history books that I could find, in relation to, my experience(s). I have been in the special library archives (favorite spot) stared at-by-the-librarian-with-the-one-eyebrow-up, as she hands me the dainty white gloves while I peruse the answers to my personal mysteries (where at one point, I would not tell a soul).

As many of you know, to experience the sacred. It is a gift. It is not a curse. I have NO suitable, or eloquently suitable word(s) enough to express that. Again, I speak only for myself.

This is NOT just 'it'. Not by a long-shot. This (world) is so temporary. So quick, for what is yet to come. That is why I am a 'lover of the light'. Yet, yes, as most have mentioned, I share the belief in the opposite force, but have never had an intention (no joke) to be a part of it. I don't feel the dark has ever been darker.

It is not the 'spirits' I am worried about. Not a bit. It is the anger and desperation and madness presenting itself through the human condition. That is why, I as a woman, as a mother, as a family, and as a friend, do and am preparing myself, for the best... and whatever else may just show up.

Yet, at this moment, talk about 'spooky'. We ARE, indeed, in a worldly AND spiritual war.

The person I am going to refer to in my paragraph below this, has told me, us, several times, to get ready (early on) not just for war/terrorists and the like. Be sure to know where you stand, what you stand for, and who you will stand up against. Have NO question.

Years ago, our friend, was a very high profile reporter in Washington DC. He suffered a major heart attack out of the blue. At the hospital, he died on the table, and and came back. Came back to what would change his life and outlook on the world... And so many others. He is a HUGE guy, who has a big heart, which instantly and incidentally led him, from the corporate world into the middle of a forest, for years, in transformation to becoming what he is; a Shaman.

A teacher to all. We all are, to someone.

And, we must never forget that. Share THAT story!

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Just had to add a smile. :) Have a glorious day.

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Don Jose', I found a new OLD well for us. Boots ON ropes DOWN. ��

"As many of you know, to experience the sacred. It is a gift.
It is not a curse. I have NO suitable, or eloquently suitable
word(s) enough to express that. Again, I speak only for myself"...

..."This (world) is so temporary. So quick, for what
is yet to come. That is why I am a 'lover of the light"...

A 'lover of the light', yes thanks :thumbsup:... :cross:

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. Good to hear from you Doc. I hope you had a carefree Sunday. Now, I actually wrote two intro stories, but hit the delete button. Too much. Problem is, for me, I realized, is one experience hardly exists without the other. Like a map. Pit-stops to get to that 'place'. Our journey, my journey, the spiritual one, has reminded me, I can, we can do anything, if we just believe. It involves more Than just, once upon a time, small insert, and they lived happily ever after.

There is a power, an amazing purposeful, and giving (very giving) greater than us. So much greater, than me, or anything I know. It has been revealed to me in my darkest of darks and lightest of lights. I am or was not cancer, it did not define me. It did make me angry and want to help fight the battle, and be able to relate, on a totally new level, of determination and understanding.

Like our precious soldiers, who fight, and sacrifice themselves, for us (whoa and amen), I know sometimes our fights are not just in places far, far away. They are right here. People fighting their own battles, even secretly, right next door.

Maybe it is the lady in the check-out line, or the man grumbling over the coins dropped accidentally onto the sidewalk by the parking meter.

People need us. They need 'our' stories. That is the real treasure-box.

When you all share your tales of both fun and wisdom, it gives joy to where might not have been for some.

We need more 'campfires' in this world. Electronic or otherwise. I prefer the real ones, but I will take what I can get, as long as it involves a song, good coffee, a few deep laughs, and shelter from the storm, in what seems to be pretty crazy times out there.

See. Lost track of 'my story' again. Whoopsie. But, that is okay. I am sorry, my friend, the moderator. I am most certainly guilty as charged! But, for me, anymore, it is only about the Holy Spirit. When I forget that (like my notorious keys) I get either lost or stuck. Sometimes, lost and making mistakes is good. I have found what I am truly made of doing both of those things. Every now and then, it's fun to take the wrong turn in Albuquerque, and find where you land. It is possible, you might just find yourself, right?

And, coming from a very religious background, I think I always was a pretty darn good Catholic Girl. Most of the time. I found that from anything, I can take what I want, and leave the rest. I am a lover of all God and faith centered religions and philosophies. I also believe, some of the most spiritual people I have ever met, have never even been into a church.

When we bought our church, he everlasting renovation labor-of-true-love (and frustration, sometimes), I keep having one word come to mind; ONE. I believe, we are all one. One in being with the Holy Spirit, and through him all things are made, and never broken.

I seldom watch the news. I don't allow my kids to, either, unless it is a current event for school. We do our best to teach them everything growing up and into this world, should know. There is quite a bit of bad, but way MORE good. I know lots of folks might read that and shake their heads that I am wrong, and that is completely fine.

But, when I have surrendered to my own personal demons ( bad word, but such a good description), and turn my heel at them, and walk away, I am stronger and more of a magnet to the good in this life, that I have been lovingly given.

Those closest to me have often wondered where I found this attitude. I am not sure. And, like those darn keys, I hope not to lose it. Everything can be easy to lose, if we don't take care of it, right?

And, as far as we know, this moment is all there is. So, I say, go towards the light. Right now, that would be Crosses' magical and always present campfire.

Oh, and about metal-detecting, bottle-digging, and searching for glittery treasures of the past (even rusted ones that are falling apart), I am IN! No other hobby (or perhaps lifestyle/perfect addiction) has given me so much crazy joy.

Let the quest for everything go on, brave soldiers! HH.

View attachment 1056648

"There is a power, an amazing purposeful, and giving (very giving) greater than us.
So much greater, than me, or anything I know. It has been revealed to me in my
darkest of darks, and my lightest of lights"...

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Originally posted by releventchair:


One of my vain weaknesses, good southern rock n roll...

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. Good morning, everyone. Rise and shine. Here is a good song to awaken your spirits! :) gentleman (Sky Redhawk)... /QUOTE]

The Cherokee and Choctaw, originally of the S/E TN river valleys
and vast Appalachians, hold very similar sacred beliefs and practices,
as to the ancient priests of Israel. Their customs and celebrations
are directly relative. Their belief in the one great spirit above.
Where did they come from? Who taught them that, and didn't
they first claim their treasured land? They lost a lot with the
flooding migration of other European tribes, and including
the Chickasaw, are much smaller than what they were,
and certainly would have been, but are not extinct... :cross:

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I am here right now. How fitting!!! But, there is one difference than in the video; snow. Just magical. Feels like heaven. ~~~

They also told stories of Giants
they fought In the old days...

Crazed, huge cannibalistic predators,
stalkers of civilized hunter gatherer tribes.

They finally killed them all out... :cross:

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I am here right now. How fitting!!! But, there is one difference than in the video; snow. Just magical. Feels like heaven. ~~~

How much snow is magical, like heaven.
Sounds pretty, bright if the sun comes out.

We just drove back from Taos, into the mountains. I will take a pic. It is simply gorgeous. We are on the border of Colorado (where I was born).

Very Nice pics,

That's good snow,
Beautiful Views!

There's that good lookin' boy.
Thanks kindly, for the share.
Big Smile 8-)

Great pictures, Mastiff4me! I really love snow. I like to sit at the table or my desk with a cup of coffee or hot cocoa, looking out the window, while the snow is falling. I can pass hours that way!

Thanks! Great to see you, Tex. How is everything in your neck of the woods???

The snow is refreshing for sure, but for me, gets old quickly……somehow watching it here in the tropics brings fonder memories……
Enjoy señorita Mastiff the time with your family….for truly that is the treasure in life….may the blessing of Almighty God (Jesus Christ) shine down upon you and your family...

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