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You caused me to delete a whole page of one finger typing, I have sworn to never discuss Religion, nor politics, and especially female beauty..A------------------------------------


I gotta' go get another cup an watch
the luxury of rain these days...

Senor Don Jose

A one finger page, oh no :icon_scratch:
It must've been a spirit made ya' do it,
probably your own, telling your finger to
push a button, but an unknown electrical
impulse caused the wrong finger to hit the
wrong button ???... Well that's what I think
has happened to me, lots of times, but I don't
try to blame it, on reading a spirited treasure post... :laughing7: :laughing9:

Ceptin' for the many times recently, that I was almost clicking
submit, and the internet has popped up "encountered a problem"
and caused me to lose several whole posts. Then I have to re-write
it, but I've learned to "Go Advanced" and "Preview Changes" often.
Once previewed, it's saved, and you can still get it to post, even
if the internet quits while you're finishing doing it,
and closes the page.

Sorry you lost a page, I know how that feels Amigo... :cross:

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Howdy :cross:,

Don't worry about me my friend, I was born relaxed, it was after the doctor spanked me for nothing that I became irritated some.:laughing7:

I agree that it was a bad joke, and have also had some of my joking interpreted wrong, like when I was just joking about the smiley face.:laughing7:

I only call out the spirits when I say "bartender, give us another round".:occasion14:

Happy Thanksgiving to you to, and to everyone else.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:


Yes good brother, I sincerely Hope everyone,
has a very Happy Thanksgiving. I'm very thankful
to have a family, a home, and to be comfortable.
A toast to all good families spirits :occasion14:
Thinking about our fellow country folks, some too
dry, some seriously snow packed, and suffering.

I'm thankful to share thoughts on these
treasure thingys, with people who can relate.
Some things are inseparable, like treasures
and spirits, people and their spirits, various
entities and their style of treasure codes,
principalities and powers, etc. That's
just the way it is made, not always
easy to figure out, still is existent.

One reason more, treasures still
lay out under the ground, hidden,
unseen, unknown, un-believed,
unrecovered, maybe forever. :dontknow: :icon_scratch:... :cross:

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Howdy Club Members,

I don't remember on what thread I heard this, for all I know it may have been on this one, but when Native Americans encountered spirits, or happened to disturb others remains, they would leave tobacco, or any other thing they carried. Other treasure hunters I know do this also, they claim the spirits won't bother you if you do so. I believe they also shared the water, by pouring a little out.



Leaving an offering, something like you said, very
interesting too. Since the items probably won't be consumed by
spirits. It must be the act of generosity? Maybe that's why some S/W
American Indians, left a fish sacrifice, buried down under their
treasured golden corn stalks? :laughing7:

That was talked about some here, I believe.
The only thing I won't offer, or make a treasure
deal for, is to let the Big Genie out of the little bottle,
or so called magic lamp. I'm not polishing just any
thing that may turn up. You dare not, to believe
everything they may promise, and will tell you.
They just want you to give them freedom, :laughing7:

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I'll make my first and last religious statement.

A ) You don't nee d a church or companions, God"s Temple lies in your heart

B) The ole 10 commandments are good enough for me.

Senor Don Jose……while the church of 1 sounds nice, we see the end results with the over 40,000 different Christian denominations………most holding views in direct opposition to scripture………
Please understand I am not saying the mainstream churches are problem free, it seems to me every mainstream church has been corrupted and compromised today………like every other aspect of our society……
The 10 commandments are a good start, but the New Testament has so much more to add…….

OK I am puzzled here - we are here discussing spirits whom are haunting treasures, but to hold a séance which might communicate with these spirits, that is verboten? ??? :dontknow: :icon_scratch: Need I point out that the Jesuits even had a special set of incantations to force a spirit guarding a treasure to reveal the location? <Discussed some time ago, including a link to the actual text> If you could find out any info from a spirit guarding a treasure, would that not prove helpful to find and recover it? Not saying this even works or that I endorse the practice, just kind of confused that we are discussing this and yet had such a negative reaction to making contact with these (alleged) spirits connected with treasures?


Mebbee I need more coffee...:coffee2: :coffee:

OK I am puzzled here - we are here discussing spirits whom are haunting treasures, but to hold a séance which might communicate with these spirits, that is verboten? ??? :dontknow: :icon_scratch: Need I point out that the Jesuits even had a special set of incantations to force a spirit guarding a treasure to reveal the location? <Discussed some time ago, including a link to the actual text> If you could find out any info from a spirit guarding a treasure, would that not prove helpful to find and recover it? Not saying this even works or that I endorse the practice, just kind of confused that we are discussing this and yet had such a negative reaction to making contact with these (alleged) spirits connected with treasures?


Mebbee I need more coffee...:coffee2: :coffee:

Probably because the Bible forbids it.

Probably because the Bible forbids it.

Um - that is an Old Testament rule,not a NT rule, and all of the OT except the 10 Commandments are fulfilled. Where in the NT does it say we can not communicate with the dead, in a search for treasures? Did not the Saviour himself allude to the finding of hidden treasures buried in fields? Besides no one would be "Forced" to participate, and some of us are even Atheists for that matter so would hardly care about any religious connotations right? I sure am not going to twist anyone's arm to join in any séance(s). Oh well just surprised me at the reaction, must be some folks are following the OT rather than the NT.


:coffee2: :coffee2:

Um - that is an Old Testament rule,not a NT rule, and all of the OT except the 10 Commandments are fulfilled. Where in the NT does it say we can not communicate with the dead, in a search for treasures? Did not the Saviour himself allude to the finding of hidden treasures buried in fields? Besides no one would be "Forced" to participate, and some of us are even Atheists for that matter so would hardly care about any religious connotations right? I sure am not going to twist anyone's arm to join in any séance(s). Oh well just surprised me at the reaction, must be some folks are following the OT rather than the NT.


:coffee2: :coffee2:

No sir, the New Testament teaches us to pray to the Father, not to each other. Yes, the Savior himself alluded to the finding of hidden treasures buried in the field, but it was a parable of a man FINDING a treasure in the field, not seeking one. And he certainly didn't tell us to contact the dead to find one.

Okay, back on topic.

No sir, the New Testament teaches us to pray to the Father, not to each other. Yes, the Savior himself alluded to the finding of hidden treasures buried in the field, but it was a parable of a man FINDING a treasure in the field, not seeking one. And he certainly didn't tell us to contact the dead to find one.

Okay, back on topic.

Then, there is SANTA...

Subscribe to Maritimes with Galleon Hunter there is a great story about Specters and the Fisher family in a recent issue......

Theological wrangling and superstition may have not only caused treasures to be concealed but protected them also. Probably took/takes it toll on those who seek it too.
A proper pirate or thief fears the point of a sword in the hands of a living soul more than a sperrit.
Beliefs vary. Sammy sings of treasure and a ghost included in a trinity. Being Sunday why not.
Course, to some rock is evil as well as dancing.

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Reb- I know exactly WHY you chose your so-appropriately-fitting screen-name. :)

Reb- I know exactly WHY you chose your so-appropriately-fitting screen-name. :)

DO you...? LOL! I AM ordained, too. PENTECOSTAL "WILD THING"... playing/singing, "Pentecost FLASH! It's a BLAST, BLAST, BLAST!" (To the tune of Jumping Jack Flash by the Rolling Stones). Can you dig it...? (Speaking in Ed Sullivan voice...) " Und de NEXT song... GONNA KICK OUT DA DEVIL!" (Sweet Home, Alabama!) Choir SING!

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yer a decendent of EVE no ??? Where's that damn Apple ?

'Twas not ever an apple senor Don Jose,
but the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil",
that was forbidden, in relation to the serpent.
After they partook, they sewed fig leaves to
cover their nakedness, not their mouths
for eating fruit, there's more to it than
what is generally taught by most...

But someone once asked humorously,
"Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons"? :laughing7:

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