Don Jose, Trappergirl, Relevent, Rebel, Coazon, Ed T, TR777, etc.:
Thanks for sharing your vital experiences. I haven't had a death
experience, that I recall, I believe I'm still in this dimension, because
if I get wild and the wood splitting wedge flies into my foot, it hurts.
No experience like what you all are expressing, but have been under
anesthesia a few times now, and that feels strange. But I am not afraid
to die. I hope and believe, my name is written in "The Book Of Life".
I just hope that I don't die tragically, to hurt my family, that
will remain, but peacefully.
What about y'all, can you guys mention something also,
about an inspirational personal experience(s), or feeling
that may have encouraged your Spirit to go right ahead,
and keep on going, to answer the question that question,
that Trappergirl had asked? I can't wait to hear of some
cool experiences and reasons from her, since she it
was that asked the question, I figure she likely
has some real good and interesting ones,
and awesome, no doubt...