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Gentlemen, this is all very Well and True...

However, you must have enough flesh still here,
to be able to dig, in order to look for treasures in
the ground. Otherwise, why do ya' think the Spirits
try to get some of us ta' dig some of it up...:laughing7: :laughing9: :hello::cross:...

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Ed, Crosse. When I had that terminal case of Cancer and they were very worried about me,, I was so weak that I could not get out of bed by myself.

One night i found myself surrounded by a difused, soft whire light, and being encouraged to go on ? Not by voices but ??

I realized thet I was dead but then thought of my Lovely child bride, and realized she wasn't ready to cope with it yet, so I forced myself to go back. I woke on the floor, freezing, on her side of the bed. I managed to crawl to my side then woke her up to help me get back into bed.

I am not afraid of death , just nor being able to finish up the things that were iportant to me.

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Ed, Crosse. When I had that terminal case of Cancer and they were very worried about me,, I was so weak that I could not get out of bed by myself.

One night i found myself surrounded by a difused, soft whire light, and being encouraged to go on ? Not by voices but ??

I realized thet I was dead but then thought of my Lovely child bride, and realized she wasn't ready to cope with it yet, so I forced maself to go back. I woke on the floor, freezing on her side of the bed. I managed to crawl to my side then woke her up to help me get back into bed.

I am not afraid of death , just nor being able to finish up the things that were iportant to me.

Don Jose,

That is a very interesting personal experience,
thanks very much for sharing with us, Awesome.

I do hope to get to meet and visit with you here,
first Amigo. You will pass you're secrets on to family,
but maybe your pointers, will be for even more to benefit.

The things that I feel Supernaturally haunted to do,
in the midst of Evil, and adversity, concern me most...
Like talking about several such things on here, is Appointed.

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Back in July, I made a couple or three posts in the 'Presenting Coca Cola's dark secrets'. At the time I was having some doubts about living much longer. My heart/pulse rate registered from about the upper 30s to about 120. It would do this several times in just 5 or 6 minutes. Scared me! I had a little oxygen sensor that showed the % of oxygen in my blood and also my pulse rate. It was just a little cheap Chinese item. Turned out, the doctors equipment showed the same thing. I had mine on my finger when she came into the exam room. I asked her to check my pulse and see if she counted the same as the equipment. After about 30 seconds, she stopped and shook her head. She said that my pulse rate was so erratic she could not even start to determine how many beats it was making. After an EKG, she said I had some pre-beats and although they didn't concern her, the pulse rate being so erratic really had her concerned. She sent me to a cardiologist as soon as an appointment could be made. I kept monitoring my pulse and kept seeing it from slow to fast over and over in just a short time. I really didn't think I would live long enough to see a cardiologist! The earliest appointment was over 2 weeks away. I did a whole lot of praying, not because I was afraid of dying, but to ensure that I was ready to meet God. Every night, when I went to bed, I wondered if I would awaken the next morning.
Turned out that my problem was something that is fairly common and not dangerous. Those pre-beats confuse the monitors. But before I learned about my condition, I did a lot of thinking about death. No, I'm not afraid of dying. All I can hope for is that my soul is pleasing to God when I do.

Don Jose, That is a very interesting personal experience, thanks very much for sharing with us, Awesome. I do hope to get to meet and visit with you here, first Amigo. You will pass you're secrets on to family, but maybe your pointers, will be for even more to benefit. The things that I feel Supernaturally haunted to do, in the midst of Evil, and adversity, concern me most... Like talking about several such things on here, is Appointed. They, the things I would do to help people, will require a fair treasure, a small fortune, or Kings Ransom... :cross:

HA! WHO told you that you had/have to shave, NOW...?

Agreed! I've began letting my beard grow. I don't know for how long; but as long as it doesn't get 'itchy' I'm gonna let it grow for 'warmth' for this winter! I've had a mustache off and on for a number of years. Occasionally it gets 'bothering' me and I'll either trim it real short or shave it off. I use the oxygen concentrator at night and the tubing with the little pointy things that fit just inside my nose at night, sometime causes the hair to 'turn' up into my nose. If it gets to 'tickling' too much, I trim it. lol I've never grown a full beard except for one time back in 2007. I only kept it for about 3 months.

Don Jose, Trappergirl, Relevent, Rebel, Coazon, Ed T, TR777, etc.:

Thanks for sharing your vital experiences. I haven't had a death
experience, that I recall, I believe I'm still in this dimension, because
if I get wild and the wood splitting wedge flies into my foot, it hurts.:laughing7:

No experience like what you all are expressing, but have been under
anesthesia a few times now, and that feels strange. But I am not afraid
to die. I hope and believe, my name is written in "The Book Of Life".

I just hope that I don't die tragically, to hurt my family, that
will remain, but peacefully.

What about y'all, can you guys mention something also,
about an inspirational personal experience(s), or feeling
that may have encouraged your Spirit to go right ahead,
and keep on going, to answer the question that question,
that Trappergirl had asked? I can't wait to hear of some
cool experiences and reasons from her, since she it
was that asked the question, I figure she likely
has some real good and interesting ones,
and awesome, no doubt...:cross:

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Great song, Mastiff4me. Crosse De Sign's post you quoted is very deep.
I've gleaned a lot of information about many things from this forum. I've not only learned about a lot of people that I had not 'talked' with on this forum. I learned a lot about sprits on this forum. Most of all, I believe I've learned a lot about, not only the lives of the people on this forum, but about my own life. It's been a real blessing to 'meet' and 'talk' with all of you. God bless each and everyone of you! Red

Agreed! I've began letting my beard grow. I don't know for how long; but as long as it doesn't get 'itchy' I'm gonna let it grow for 'warmth' for this winter! I've had a mustache off and on for a number of years. Occasionally it gets 'bothering' me and I'll either trim it real short or shave it off. I use the oxygen concentrator at night and the tubing with the little pointy things that fit just inside my nose at night, sometime causes the hair to 'turn' up into my nose. If it gets to 'tickling' too much, I trim it. lol I've never grown a full beard except for one time back in 2007. I only kept it for about 3 months.

AGREE; short for Spring/Summer/Early Fall; Mountain Man length for Late Fall/Winter. Shaved it off once, for best friend's wedding (was Best Man)... FFFFT! Had very long "sidies"/side boards/side burns; looked like Paul McCartney in @ 1973. BTW, hair & fingernails continue to grow, after death of HUMAN body; In AFTER-LIFE, don't need no "stinking body"; I/Me CONSCIOUSNESS (I/M C) can "projects" PERFECT body image; can be whatever age ya wanna be... just I/M C is BEST; & we ALL "go" by first name; (singing) "WE ARE FAMILY!" boogity, boogity...

Yes, Crosse De Sign, I feel like you do about some of the things that I need to accomplish before I go. I believe I have 'grounded' my daughter in Christianity; but although I have talked some to my son, I don't know where to go from here. He believes in God and Christ; but says he is 'agnostic'. I also don't know just how 'close' my daughter and son-in-law are to the Lord. I know my grandson went to church some, a few years ago, and I know that my son-in-law and daughter talked to him about it. I really need to talk to him and my son more before I 'leave'.
I wonder sometime about my oldest daughter. I can't believe that a loving God would 'condemn' her. She used to 'pray' to God when she was alive; but I don't know how much. I don't remember her ever being baptized. As I said, she was quite 'mentally challenged'. She was 33 when she passed; but her mental capabilities were on a 10 to 12 year old level.
As for my wife, she, like a lot of others, including me, had her 'bouts' with anger and would use words that I believe are definitely sinful. I was raised believing that cursing, using God's name, was about as bad as anything one could do. I can truthfully say that I have never, but 1 time said 'God d*mn'. It was just a 'slip-up'. I asked forgiveness for those words immediately.
I hope, and pray often, that my wife was 'right' with God when she passed. I will continue to pray for her. I don't know how much praying for someone after they have passed helps, but if there's a chance of it helping, then I'll continue to do so.
I continue to pray for myself. I'm just a sinner like everyone else. But I am saved by the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through his father, God. Yes, I still sin. I don't know of anyone that doesn't sin at times.
I thought at one time, and still wonder about it, that I was called to preach. I even sold a house with the intention of going to 'bible college'. I really doubt that I was 'chosen'; I was just called. It just never reached the point where I could go farther. I preached a few times in the church I was attending. At the time, I really thought I was 'chosen' to preach. I'm not sure of the wording; but the Bible says something about many being 'called' but few are 'chosen'.
Hey, I've got to stop this before the forum moderators deletes this post because of 'religion'.
Moderators: If this is considered to religious, please just delete it and don't close this forum because of my mistakes! Please!

AGREE; short for Spring/Summer/Early Fall; Mountain Man length for Late Fall/Winter. Shaved it off once, for best friend's wedding (was Best Man)... FFFFT! Had very long "sidies"/side boards/side burns; looked like Paul McCartney in @ 1973. BTW, hair & fingernails continue to grow, after death of HUMAN body; In AFTER-LIFE, don't need no "stinking body"; I/Me CONSCIOUSNESS (I/M C) can "projects" PERFECT body image; can be whatever age ya wanna be... just I/M C is BEST; & we ALL "go" by first name; (singing) "WE ARE FAMILY!" boogity, boogity...

:icon_shaking2:Oh ,no side effects here.:laughing7: Like lost luggage with programming files. Reboot,reboot.

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Rebel - KGC, you think a lot like me! I think it might help in the winter time; but too hot in the summer.
One of the reasons I shaved my beard and mustache the first time I grew it long, was because when I renewed my drivers license, I looked so much like a 'puny', 'ugly', and 'odd-ball' Willie Nelson, I just couldn't stand the thought! I wish I had a picture of that drivers license. No, not really, because it was so horrible. lol The mustache was kinda 'handle-bar', but really ugly. I'm not sure why my daughter, son, or son-in-law didn't tell how 'stupid' and ugly I looked!

Great song, Mastiff4me. Crosse De Sign's post you quoted is very deep.
I've gleaned a lot of information about many things from this forum. I've not only learned about a lot of people that I had not 'talked' with on this forum. I learned a lot about sprits on this forum. Most of all, I believe I've learned a lot about, not only the lives of the people on this forum, but about my own life. It's been a real blessing to 'meet' and 'talk' with all of you. God bless each and everyone of you! Red

Howdy, texasred:

That's really awesome, and nice of you to say.
I hope someone will have a good, Spirit Kind
of Treasure Experience, and dig a nice cache, or deposit,

P.S. tex, You shouldn't worry about your daughter,
she wasn't at an accountable mental condition, or
age. But I do understand, you thinking of your family.
That alone, tells that you are a good hearted man,
that loves the LORD. And He is much more wise,
compassionate, and graceful, than many may
know. Thanks Again, for your positive input... :cross:

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Rebel - KGC, you think a lot like me! I think it might help in the winter time; but too hot in the summer.
One of the reasons I shaved my beard and mustache the first time I grew it long, was because when I renewed my drivers license, I looked so much like a 'puny', 'ugly', and 'odd-ball' Willie Nelson, I just couldn't stand the thought! I wish I had a picture of that drivers license. No, not really, because it was so horrible. lol The mustache was kinda 'handle-bar', but really ugly. I'm not sure why my daughter, son, or son-in-law didn't tell how 'stupid' and ugly I looked!

Keep it POSITIVE! You are, as you are; Willie is not all that bad... he was at a local "Woodstock" in Nelson County, Va. last week... I LOVE his song, ALWAYS ON MY MIND; I rewrote words to make it a Praise & Worship song. YOU can, TOO!

Well Peoples? Any input about being
inspired? Come on, I'll keep bringing it up, I
did my Outlaw contribution last night.:laughing7:
It could be relating to your partner in life,
parents, family, friends, Horses, Dogs, MULIES,
or maybe, a reale bone chilling experience, that
really changed your life, scared you terribly, or
perhaps, Supernaturally Inspired You, etc. ... :cross:

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Relax Tex, while on the search for Mayan ruins I grew what I thought was a magnificent goatee type. It lasted just a few days when I returned to civilization and heard a group of pretty gals that I was preening for mumble something
lik s Billy goat. sigh so much for my magnificent goatee.

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I would like to make a request, would be very nice.

...maybe even better... :cross:

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