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This topic asks a simple question. The contributions to this thread have swung a wide loop (to quote an old western phrase).

The answer is no. There is no spirit without life.
Spirit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Howdy, Igadbois:

You're free to express your opinion, naturally.
The Question? Maybe not so simple, and the
loop, will likely keep swinging, and widening...

Some things, are not Natural, but Supernatural,
and though possibly in some way may be sensed,
cannot be seen, by the Natural Eye. Thanks... :cross:

This topic asks a simple question. The contributions to this thread have swung a wide loop (to quote an old western phrase).

The answer is no. There is no spirit without life.
Spirit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The rest of the title asks do they have watchers. The answer is for some that are being watched yes. I know of a cache watched often cause I put it there.
Hooray I,m alive and now a spirit. Add a bottle of hooch to a cache and any bet of spirits belonging to treasure ,whatever your definition, would end when recovered.
Not the inanimate spirit of life. though It can not be bottled and where is it? Every where or no where . People give up spirit,people give up.Will them selves to die. Others struggle against every mortal threat. Some win a while longer and keep the spirit. Not all who live possess spirit. Why should all dead then not have it. Life support is not acceptable to some, but not all support involves machines. Are those who quit breathing or have a heart failure then revive dead or now spiritless or was it temporary lack of spirit? All die in the end leaving spirit bouncing to where?

Spirit - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

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Hi Coolest Adventure Heros. Happy Campfire! I was wondering about something. What is your favorite real-life adventure story, that made your own spirit keep charging ahead, and why???

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The rest of the title asks do they have watchers. The answer is for some that are being watched yes. I know of a cache watched often cause I put it there.
Hooray I,m alive and now a spirit. Add a bottle of hooch to a cache and any bet of spirits belonging to treasure ,whatever your definition, would end when recovered.
Not the inanimate spirit of life. though It can not be bottled and where is it? Every where or no where . People give up spirit,people give up.Will them selves to die. Others struggle against every mortal threat. Some win a while longer and keep the spirit. Not all who live possess spirit. Why should all dead then not have it. Life support is not acceptable to some, but not all support involves machines. Are those who quit breathing or have a heart failure then revive dead or now spiritless or was it temporary lack of spirit? All die in the end leaving spirit bouncing to where?

Spirit - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Howdy, Relevent:

That is a lot of pondering,
I do like those multi- faceted
thoughts. Thanks... :cross:

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Hi Coolest Adventure Heros. Happy Campfire! I was wondering about something. What is your favorite real-life adventure story, that made your own spirit keep charging ahead, and why???

View attachment 1053939

Howdy, Trappergirl:

You Are Good! We'll see if everyone will,
give some Golden Input. They should be able,
to shed some light, if they will... I hope everyone
will contribute a thought or so... Interesting idea!... :cross:

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Anyway, I have had, and still do, have my challenges,
in my life. I am very thankful, to be able to walk, after some
of the mild Daredevil, bike, and motorcycle wrecks, I have had.

But that's not my story, to answer the Question Trappergirl asked:

"What is your favorite real-life adventure story,
that made your spirit keep charging ahead, and why???"

Long ago, and somewhat far away, We saw the Outlaws
perform, in a smokey, dimly lit, bar that was off the beaten path.
It was only Hughie and Chris on lead guitars that night, the guy next
to Hughie in the pic that Relevent posted, Billy Jones, wasn't there,
their original 2nd lead guitar player.

They played an hour, or so, and finished with "Green Grass and
High Tides."

I went outside, to see if I could visit with them a little. We caught Chris Hicks,
walking from out back, to their bus, and spoke to him. He was real friendly,
...We laughed, and visited a bit, I asked about Hughie. Chris said,
"I'm gonna go make him come out." Sure enough, shortly,
he stepped out, and visited. I asked him what is the
name of you're new material, he said, "El Diablo."
When he asked me if I knew about that,
looking seriously, I quickly said yes. He said OK...

I've always wished I would have had him explain his take, what they
meant, picking that title. Not long after we spoke, some youngin'
got in his muscle car, floored it, and hit the front
bumper on their bus, and bent it some.

So their driver, and Hughie, were out there, talking to
this guy. They told him to go on, they weren't worried
about it. They didn't want no Laws called. Anyway, my
favorite people that made significant accomplishments,
have largely been musicians. Most have worked really
hard, to develop their GOD given talents, to that level.

Music can be, and is, very spiritual, and can greatly affect
the Spirit, and Soul. That has been a big part of inspiration
for me, people pulling themselves up, and still being Humble.
Being so talented, Yet some still hospitable. Understanding
More, than the average person, or maybe, Treasure Hunter... :cross:

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Howdy, Relevent:

That is a lot of pondering,
I do like those multi- faceted
thoughts. Thanks... :cross:

CDS/RC, PROFOUND THOUGHTS! WHAT is in that coffee or pipe making "the Round" of the camp-fire...? LOL! 20 years ago, MY R & I in the "AFTER-LIFE" (Clinically Dead, 2 1/2 months in "locked-in-state" COMA... losing about 30 pounds, gaining 1/2 inch { 6' tall, now} ALL physical changes); WE are SPIRITS having HUMAN experiences good, bad, or ugly. Spirits go back to WORLD OF LIGHT & HUMAN "remains" are planted in the ground (last Rites, etc). What IS Spirit...? CONDENSED "Ball" of CONSCIOUSNESS... that can "projects" bodily images to HUMAN BEINGS. THAT is why ppl see Balls of Light in grave-yards/areas of intense trauma/death (battlefields, etc). Bring MORE wood & coffee for tonight's camp-fire...:hello2:

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Trapper Girl, I'd very much like to know about your battle with cancer. I've lost a lot of kinfolk to that 'demon' besides my daughter, mom, and sister. If you don't want to share the story with everyone, you can always PM me, or use the email. Thanks, Red.

Homar, I possibly have not seen anything like this either; but I really wonder about an incident a number years ago. Our first daughter was born in 1963, just less than 11 months after we married. At about 2 years old, we began seeing signs that she was possibly 'mentally challenged'. She was in the first grade for 4 years before she was placed in a 'special education' class. She was tested by doctors, psychologists, etc. several times. The first time we had any knowledge about the cause of her condition was when we took her to an Easter Seal clinic. At the time, we were in the 'poverty' class. This clinic was available to us without fees. We happened to have a very knowledgeable man that tested her and gave us the first clue about the cause her condition. His theory, and several others afterward, was that before she was born, the umbilical cord was around her neck, restricting the flow of blood to her brain. Our two children, born later, were normal. (The second was a daughter, who graduated from the University of Texas with a bachelors degree in nursing.) When she was 17, she and the teachers decided that she had absorbed as much information that she was capable of absorbing. She stopped going to school and was still only able to work with numbers up to about 10 on some days. There were times when 2 + 2 were impossible for her to decipher. We would take 10 pennies and try to teach her how to count. At times she would surprise us with what she knew on a particular day; but the next day, she did not remember it. Ok, she had been taught by her mother to check for lumps in her breasts. She found a lump and it was cancerous. After mastectomy and chemotherapy, she was pronounced free of cancer. Later, she started seeing 'snakes' crawling around her room. After some x-rays, it was determined that she had two tumors in her brain. After a biopsy, we learned they were cancerous. These were removed surgically. Then she had radiation treatments on her head. After the radiation, she was like a new born. She couldn't even feed herself. But, after a few weeks, she became her 'old self' again. We were so happy. We were told that there was no sign of cancer what so ever in her body. A few weeks later, she began to have pains in her back. X-rays were taken and we waited for 3 days for the results. On a Friday evening, about 6:30 p.m., our family doctor called us. He told me that the x-rays showed that cancer had spread into her lungs and backbone. He said that on Monday hospice would come to trying to lessen her pain as much as possible and help us get through this tragedy. She passed away on Wednesday, 11 days later. A few days before she started hurting in her back, she and I were talking. I don't remember what we were talking about. I was sitting on the couch and she was starting to enter the hallway that led to her bedroom. I said something and she turned toward me and pointed the finger on her right hand at me. She said, "You, you, (I don't remember the rest of what she said). She was grinning. When she finished, she turned again toward her room and walked down the hall. A few days after she died, I was sitting on that same couch. I don't know if imagined that I saw her standing, pointing her finger at me, and saying 'You, you..---', or if it was an apparition. I had that same 'impression' several times before I left that place. There are times that I still see her standing there, pointing her finger at me, saying 'You, you,..--'. As I said, I don't remember what we were talking about; but I believe I was teasing her about something. She enjoyed some of the 'teasing' I did to her. It was never, in any way, degrading, a put-down, or anything like that. I would never have said anything to her that would have caused her any bad feelings! I guess it was because of her 'condition', I really loved her more than the other two children that I have. If I have ever had an experience of the 'supernatural', this is the only time I can remember.

Morning, all.

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This is to Tex. I needed to let you know, directly, I also have a personal experience in regards to the last part of your post. I had a brother. He died early, at 30. A life filled with some ups, but way more lows. He never quite found himself or saw his potential. Despite the fact he was many awesome things; a master drummer, an electronic expert, and popular with the girls... but he was never content or ever seemingly satisfied. He looked for the shortcuts, which always ended up being the most challenging road(s) of all. In and out of rehabs, in and out of crazy relationships, in and out of everything. Nothing solid ever lasted for long. We never gave up on him. But, ultimately, he gave up. When I got the news, It was not really a surprise. I felt an unusual numbing sadness I could not seem to break. It did not last for long, as when I got onto the plane to join the rest of my family, and wish him a final 'goodbye', there was an unforgettable moment while ascending into the air. All around me seemed to dissolve (really) except one voice. His. I heard, "Bodi (that was the nickname he always called me). Don't worry. I am happy. I am finally free". Now, some might say it was 'wishful thinking' to hear such a thing. But, I think not. The feeling of sadness and confusion absolved, and finally after too many years, there was real clarity. A knowing 'peace' had taken it's place. :) It was then, I really knew, his spirit, was 'in a better place'.

Trapper Girl, I'd very much like to know about your battle with cancer. I've lost a lot of kinfolk to that 'demon' besides my daughter, mom, and sister. If you don't want to share the story with everyone, you can always PM me, or use the email. Thanks, Red.

Yes. Of course, I will share! My Grandma lost her battle, my own Mama won her battle, and I am here to help anyone I can, through my own experience. Brave Hearts Club, unite!!!

Hi Coolest Adventure Heros. Happy Campfire! I was wondering about something. What is your favorite real-life adventure story, that made your own spirit keep charging ahead, and why???

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I'm stumped. It's almost a question I would expect peeking through the gate after answering St. Pete's asking, why that tattoo?
Going forward has been a question a long time. Brains have a switch that must have a term or name. Tenacity,will,perseverance, quit or keep going.
No two alike it seems. Since reading an Aesop's fable of the rabbits and frogs as a young child a watch has been kept of those who are worse off. They certainly have been, and are, many.
There have been occasions it took a lot to find or remember but there was and are still those who make my challenges trivial. Spending time with them resharpens perspective of what pressing on is and why. There is no right or wrong if someone responds by surrender or another refuses. Hard to understand sometimes and questions arise but it is an individuals free will that decides. Part of that free will of choices and decisions. We are fragile as eggs sometimes and near indestructible at others. The will to keep going is personal, excluding trauma too great to overcome or the sand running out of the hour glass.. Sometimes going forward is going backwards and seeking another way or path rather than quitting. Swim upstream towards life or float all the way down stream and relax in warm comfy ,enough salt to float without effort water in exchange for life. We will have done both, or something near, in time. For now I swim.

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This little story isn't really about 'treasures having spirits'. One of my mom's uncles lost most of a leg because of diabetes. This was way back in the mid 1950s. We took a trip to see him, his wife, and son. They lived quite a way from us and we didn't see them often. My mom's brother and his family also made the trip. We visited Saturday and part of Sunday before returning home.
A few weeks later, Mom's brother visited us and told a story that was believable only because he was the major part of solving the problem. He got a call from mom's aunt, saying that the uncle was having a really bad problem that the doctor's couldn't seem to solve. The 'stump' of his leg was 'burning, stinging' so badly that he was in constant pain. After being in the hospital for two days, he was told that they found no reason for the stinging sensation. The doctors could only give him pain medication to control it. This had gone on for several days. It concerned Mom's brother enough that he took off work for several days to go see if there was anything he could do to solve the problem. After being with the uncle for about two days, he learned that after the leg was amputated, it was taken by a friend out into the country and buried. The uncle had requested that it be done instead of having it used for 'medical practices and examinations', as he put it. It took the friend several phone calls and a visit to the hospital before he was allowed to take the leg. The friend and Mom's brother went out to the place where the leg was buried. When they had uncovered the leg, they saw that ants were covering the leg. The clothe wrapping that the friend had put on the leg had been eaten away enough that the ants had access to the leg. They cleaned the leg, wrapped it in plastic, and buried it again. Just over a day later, the uncle's stump stopped stinging! It never bothered him again during the 3 years that he lived after that.

Relevent, I agree with your thoughts. All though life, I always thought my life would end by the age of 55. It was something that had felt since I was in my early teens. No, I haven't the faintest idea why. I was 63 when my wife died. I remember visiting her gravesite a few months after she passed. Standing there, I told her that I would soon join her and our daughter that is buried beside her. I remember my mom passing about 6 months after my dad died. I've known a lot of spouses who died shortly after their partner died.
But, I'm still alive! I will not going without a fight to the end! I just never thought I could last this long. At times I just float along with the flow; but most of the time I'm swimming.
I had never thought about what you said. I puts a lot of things into perspective for me. Yes, I may be 'gone' before I finish this post; but it won't be because I gave up!!

Time to us seems long. But what's a hundred years in the big scheme of things. Yes I have seen couples go near the same time. Others one went first while the one in frail health lived much longer but in the end a decade or any number of them is just a blip on a chart. So joining up just seems like a long time on one end.

Time to us seems long. But what's a hundred years in the big scheme of things. Yes I have seen couples go near the same time. Others one went first while the one in frail health lived much longer but in the end a decade or any number of them is just a blip on a chart. So joining up just seems like a long time on one end.

"DEATH" is NOT all that "bad"...


Morning, all.

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This is to Tex. I needed to let you know, directly, I also have a personal experience in regards to the last part of your post. I had a brother. He died early, at 30. A life filled with some ups, but way more lows. He never quite found himself or saw his potential. Despite the fact he was many awesome things; a master drummer, an electronic expert, and popular with the girls... but he was never content or ever seemingly satisfied. He looked for the shortcuts, which always ended up being the most challenging road(s) of all. In and out of rehabs, in and out of crazy relationships, in and out of everything. Nothing solid ever lasted for long. We never gave up on him. But, ultimately, he gave up. When I got the news, It was not really a surprise. I felt an unusual numbing sadness I could not seem to break. It did not last for long, as when I got onto the plane to join the rest of my family, and wish him a final 'goodbye', there was an unforgettable moment while ascending into the air. All around me seemed to dissolve (really) except one voice. His. I heard, "Bodi (that was the nickname he always called me). Don't worry. I am happy. I am finally free". Now, some might say it was 'wishful thinking' to hear such a thing. But, I think not. The feeling of sadness and confusion absolved, and finally after too many years, there was real clarity. A knowing 'peace' had taken it's place. :) It was then, I really knew, his spirit, was 'in a better place'.

Trappergirl, "Bodi": 8-)

Sincere thoughts, and you Are Very Brave.
Also, your considerations for others, sharing
that very personal (sacred) family experience.
I hope we get to enjoy your kindness forever.

Was He your only Brother, your Father's only Son?
Truly Glad, you have peace... Our Father, Chosen
You, fully knowing you to be so kind, and more...

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