Homar, I possibly have not seen anything like this either; but I really wonder about an incident a number years ago. Our first daughter was born in 1963, just less than 11 months after we married. At about 2 years old, we began seeing signs that she was possibly 'mentally challenged'. She was in the first grade for 4 years before she was placed in a 'special education' class. She was tested by doctors, psychologists, etc. several times. The first time we had any knowledge about the cause of her condition was when we took her to an Easter Seal clinic. At the time, we were in the 'poverty' class. This clinic was available to us without fees. We happened to have a very knowledgeable man that tested her and gave us the first clue about the cause her condition. His theory, and several others afterward, was that before she was born, the umbilical cord was around her neck, restricting the flow of blood to her brain. Our two children, born later, were normal. (The second was a daughter, who graduated from the University of Texas with a bachelors degree in nursing.) When she was 17, she and the teachers decided that she had absorbed as much information that she was capable of absorbing. She stopped going to school and was still only able to work with numbers up to about 10 on some days. There were times when 2 + 2 were impossible for her to decipher. We would take 10 pennies and try to teach her how to count. At times she would surprise us with what she knew on a particular day; but the next day, she did not remember it. Ok, she had been taught by her mother to check for lumps in her breasts. She found a lump and it was cancerous. After mastectomy and chemotherapy, she was pronounced free of cancer. Later, she started seeing 'snakes' crawling around her room. After some x-rays, it was determined that she had two tumors in her brain. After a biopsy, we learned they were cancerous. These were removed surgically. Then she had radiation treatments on her head. After the radiation, she was like a new born. She couldn't even feed herself. But, after a few weeks, she became her 'old self' again. We were so happy. We were told that there was no sign of cancer what so ever in her body. A few weeks later, she began to have pains in her back. X-rays were taken and we waited for 3 days for the results. On a Friday evening, about 6:30 p.m., our family doctor called us. He told me that the x-rays showed that cancer had spread into her lungs and backbone. He said that on Monday hospice would come to trying to lessen her pain as much as possible and help us get through this tragedy. She passed away on Wednesday, 11 days later. A few days before she started hurting in her back, she and I were talking. I don't remember what we were talking about. I was sitting on the couch and she was starting to enter the hallway that led to her bedroom. I said something and she turned toward me and pointed the finger on her right hand at me. She said, "You, you, (I don't remember the rest of what she said). She was grinning. When she finished, she turned again toward her room and walked down the hall. A few days after she died, I was sitting on that same couch. I don't know if imagined that I saw her standing, pointing her finger at me, and saying 'You, you..---', or if it was an apparition. I had that same 'impression' several times before I left that place. There are times that I still see her standing there, pointing her finger at me, saying 'You, you,..--'. As I said, I don't remember what we were talking about; but I believe I was teasing her about something. She enjoyed some of the 'teasing' I did to her. It was never, in any way, degrading, a put-down, or anything like that. I would never have said anything to her that would have caused her any bad feelings! I guess it was because of her 'condition', I really loved her more than the other two children that I have. If I have ever had an experience of the 'supernatural', this is the only time I can remember.