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Forgot it was my turn to put a pot of coffee, too entertained by all the music.:angel3:

Hope you like 100% Kona, thinking of blending it with the A&M Pecan, there's no bitterness in the Kona.:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:


BITTERNESS?!!! HA! Helps to wash out the coffee pot at times, too! Is that Owl, looking at me...? WHO? LOL!

Yes, yes, Mr. Gene Autry. One of the greats. When I was about 8 years old, I used to go to an old man's house that was about half a block from where I lived. He was a big on western comic books. He had a bunch of Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Tom Mix, Ken Maynard, etc.. He would let me borrow them. I became a big fan of westerns.
My parents were very religious and the church taught that going to the theater (we called it the 'show' back then) was wrong. I remember slipping off one Saturday morning and going to the Ritz Theater.
One of my cousins worked out front 'hawking' what ever was showing at the time, and tore your ticket in half. He put half in a container and gave you the other half to keep as proof that you had paid.
I made him promise that he would never tell my parents about me going to see the Roy Rogers movie that was showing. It cost a whole dime to get into the theater.
I had been to the theater a couple of times with an aunt and uncle when I was a lot younger. I remember my uncle holding me in his arms while he and my aunt were standing in the lobby smoking a cigarette. They were not allowed to smoke inside the theater, but could stand just outside the large opening between the theater and the lobby; and still watch the movie. I remember that it was a war movie.

Well ,if nothing else the turtle has been remembered.

Howdy texasred777,

I really enjoyed your stories, and wonder if you are convinced there was a ghost enjoying the rocking chair.

As I have said before, I have never personally seen anything, but have started to believe those who have. My wife was the same way, she always said she wished she would see a ghost some day. Well her wish came true not long ago. She is working as a jailer for the county jail, where a prisoner was killed some years ago. She and others had heard pots falling in the kitchen from time to time. She had also seen the door handle of the restroom door move when there was no one there. She once even stopped to avoid hitting someone in a hall, and found that it was nobody,even though she had seen a shadow. A few weeks ago she was taking care of some papers in the booking area when she turned her head up to clearly see a man staring as her. She even described the man, and told me that as she looked with her eyes wide open, he faded away.

By her description, it was not the black man that had been killed there by another prisoner. I told her that some of the prisoners who have been there, die elsewhere, and don't make it to heaven because of the life they led. It may have been one of those who have no where to go, and revisit the places that might have made a difference?


Homar, I possibly have not seen anything like this either; but I really wonder about an incident a number years ago.

Our first daughter was born in 1963, just less than 11 months after we married. At about 2 years old, we began seeing signs that she was possibly 'mentally challenged'. She was in the first grade for 4 years before she was placed in a 'special education' class. She was tested by doctors, psychologists, etc. several times. The first time we had any knowledge about the cause of her condition was when we took her to an Easter Seal clinic. At the time, we were in the 'poverty' class. This clinic was available to us without fees. We happened to have a very knowledgeable man that tested her and gave us the first clue about the cause her condition. His theory, and several others afterward, was that before she was born, the umbilical cord was around her neck, restricting the flow of blood to her brain. Our two children, born later, were normal. (The second was a daughter, who graduated from the University of Texas with a bachelors degree in nursing.)
When she was 17, she and the teachers decided that she had absorbed as much information that she was capable of absorbing. She stopped going to school and was still only able to work with numbers up to about 10 on some days. There were times when 2 + 2 were impossible for her to decipher. We would take 10 pennies and try to teach her how to count. At times she would surprise us with what she knew on a particular day; but the next day, she did not remember it.
Ok, she had been taught by her mother to check for lumps in her breasts. She found a lump and it was cancerous. After mastectomy and chemotherapy, she was pronounced free of cancer. Later, she started seeing 'snakes' crawling around her room. After some x-rays, it was determined that she had two tumors in her brain. After a biopsy, we learned they were cancerous. These were removed surgically. Then she had radiation treatments on her head. After the radiation, she was like a new born. She couldn't even feed herself. But, after a few weeks, she became her 'old self' again. We were so happy. We were told that there was no sign of cancer what so ever in her body.
A few weeks later, she began to have pains in her back. X-rays were taken and we waited for 3 days for the results. On a Friday evening, about 6:30 p.m., our family doctor called us. He told me that the x-rays showed that cancer had spread into her lungs and backbone. He said that on Monday hospice would come to trying to lessen her pain as much as possible and help us get through this tragedy. She passed away on Wednesday, 11 days later.
A few days before she started hurting in her back, she and I were talking. I don't remember what we were talking about. I was sitting on the couch and she was starting to enter the hallway that led to her bedroom. I said something and she turned toward me and pointed the finger on her right hand at me. She said, "You, you, (I don't remember the rest of what she said). She was grinning. When she finished, she turned again toward her room and walked down the hall.
A few days after she died, I was sitting on that same couch. I don't know if imagined that I saw her standing, pointing her finger at me, and saying 'You, you..---', or if it was an apparition. I had that same 'impression' several times before I left that place.
There are times that I still see her standing there, pointing her finger at me, saying 'You, you,..--'. As I said, I don't remember what we were talking about; but I believe I was teasing her about something. She enjoyed some of the 'teasing' I did to her. It was never, in any way, degrading, a put-down, or anything like that. I would never have said anything to her that would have caused her any bad feelings! I guess it was because of her 'condition', I really loved her more than the other two children that I have.
If I have ever had an experience of the 'supernatural', this is the only time I can remember.

Wow. what a spirit/heart,your little angel! Wanted dad to smile that's for sure. More than once.
Bless you T-Red. Heck of a personal post.


A very touching story, sorry for your loss.
She knew you were doing your best,
taking care of her. God Bless Your
Good memories of her... :cross:

I don't really know why, but I am like my dad when it comes to the street number assigned to a house. He told me one time that he believed that some houses were 'bad'. We lived at a house that had a number 515. During the time we lived at that house, my dad developed heart trouble and my mother had a hysterectomy. My sister lost her voice for several months due to measles, and I developed a large 'pus-pocket' under my arm because of a drainage from my tonsils, which were later surgically removed. Also, I almost died because of any allergic reaction to quinine. I know that there are a lot of other things that could have caused these occurrences, but it is so clear to me that the house was the problem. I have lived in several houses in my lifetime. Most of them were 'ok'. There were a couple that really caused me to think that possibly something about them were 'not right'.
Have any of you had these things occur to you?

My wife's coat. The guys went kinda' crazy,
so she wasn't impressed, and quit wearing it.
Oh well, it was kinda' fun getting them to write...

Steve Wariner autographed it first, and is also,
one of my favorites. Then, all of The Country pickers, etc... :cross:

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Thank you, releventchair. I appreciate your post; and also, Crosse De Sign's 'like'. Thank you both, very much.

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Howdy texasred777,

Thanks for sharing your daughters life with us, it is not easy recalling, and writing about hard times. I have never understood why life is the way it is. Some are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while others have no spoon at all, hell some don't even have a thumb to suck on. Why are so many destined to suffer? Some go hungry, others get abused, sick, or die a violent death at very early ages, while others live a healthy wonderful life?

Yes Tex, I've heard of others who see their loved ones after they have passed away, and some old people see their deceased parents before they themselves pass away.


Homar, I possibly have not seen anything like this either; but I really wonder about an incident a number years ago. Our first daughter was born in 1963, just less than 11 months after we married. At about 2 years old, we began seeing signs that she was possibly 'mentally challenged'. She was in the first grade for 4 years before she was placed in a 'special education' class. She was tested by doctors, psychologists, etc. several times. The first time we had any knowledge about the cause of her condition was when we took her to an Easter Seal clinic. At the time, we were in the 'poverty' class. This clinic was available to us without fees. We happened to have a very knowledgeable man that tested her and gave us the first clue about the cause her condition. His theory, and several others afterward, was that before she was born, the umbilical cord was around her neck, restricting the flow of blood to her brain. Our two children, born later, were normal. (The second was a daughter, who graduated from the University of Texas with a bachelors degree in nursing.) When she was 17, she and the teachers decided that she had absorbed as much information that she was capable of absorbing. She stopped going to school and was still only able to work with numbers up to about 10 on some days. There were times when 2 + 2 were impossible for her to decipher. We would take 10 pennies and try to teach her how to count. At times she would surprise us with what she knew on a particular day; but the next day, she did not remember it. Ok, she had been taught by her mother to check for lumps in her breasts. She found a lump and it was cancerous. After mastectomy and chemotherapy, she was pronounced free of cancer. Later, she started seeing 'snakes' crawling around her room. After some x-rays, it was determined that she had two tumors in her brain. After a biopsy, we learned they were cancerous. These were removed surgically. Then she had radiation treatments on her head. After the radiation, she was like a new born. She couldn't even feed herself. But, after a few weeks, she became her 'old self' again. We were so happy. We were told that there was no sign of cancer what so ever in her body. A few weeks later, she began to have pains in her back. X-rays were taken and we waited for 3 days for the results. On a Friday evening, about 6:30 p.m., our family doctor called us. He told me that the x-rays showed that cancer had spread into her lungs and backbone. He said that on Monday hospice would come to trying to lessen her pain as much as possible and help us get through this tragedy. She passed away on Wednesday, 11 days later. A few days before she started hurting in her back, she and I were talking. I don't remember what we were talking about. I was sitting on the couch and she was starting to enter the hallway that led to her bedroom. I said something and she turned toward me and pointed the finger on her right hand at me. She said, "You, you, (I don't remember the rest of what she said). She was grinning. When she finished, she turned again toward her room and walked down the hall. A few days after she died, I was sitting on that same couch. I don't know if imagined that I saw her standing, pointing her finger at me, and saying 'You, you..---', or if it was an apparition. I had that same 'impression' several times before I left that place. There are times that I still see her standing there, pointing her finger at me, saying 'You, you,..--'. As I said, I don't remember what we were talking about; but I believe I was teasing her about something. She enjoyed some of the 'teasing' I did to her. It was never, in any way, degrading, a put-down, or anything like that. I would never have said anything to her that would have caused her any bad feelings! I guess it was because of her 'condition', I really loved her more than the other two children that I have. If I have ever had an experience of the 'supernatural', this is the only time I can remember.

Gulp, deep breath, sigh. Whew! There are many reasons we relate, Tex, on lots of different levels. Thank you for sharing such depth and real human experience, not to mention spiritual. I am wrapping my head and heart around this post and have to give you a one-of-a-kind precious medal of bravery. I will share my cancer story with you later. It is a pretty wild one. Mind you, I am a survivor. No more cancer. I am SO Sorry for your loss and pain. Homer, I too, don't know why we have to suffer. One day the mystery will be revealed. For me, my pain has lifted me, spiritually, and has changed me, for the better. I guess it has made me flex my big girl muscles and know God and I can handle anything. Sometimes, reminding myself God presents himself through people. Sometimes, disguised as simple people sitting around a campfire. :)

Well sir...... The Sioux will tell you all things have a spirit.... which even includes rocks. Now if one's mind is locked into believing only what one sees, or experiences.... and not believing what others have felt or seen...... then the mind is a mite narrow. It's what one actually believes.... and feels.... that may answer the question of "Spirits". The Sioux also say the longest journey one will ever make is from the mind to the heart. Once this journey is made, one comes "full circle"...... tho' many will never complete this journey. But once this journey is made... "all things are possible".
Soooo...... that being said, tho' some may think this is just ramblin' from an ol' treasure hunter, there are spirits attached..... tho' it may be "residual energy" as some may call it. The spirit will most likely not be seen nor will there be little voices..... but it will be felt. So go by what your initial feeling is at first and not what your mind may tell you...... after all "life is not as serious as the mind makes it out to be".
You may come across a find that doesn't "feel" right and not to take it..... Don't. You may have a find in your collection that keeps you coming back to it and something doesn't "feel" right with it.... you may even have the thought of returning it..... Do. So where do these "feelings" come from? You figure it out from what I have said..... and yes, I've had a few "experiences" in the 50 years of hunting. A few which I will mention later.... some I will not for the feeling is not to.

Well sir...... The Sioux will tell you all things have a spirit.... which even includes rocks. Now if one's mind is locked into believing only what one sees, or experiences.... and not believing what others have felt or seen...... then the mind is a mite narrow. It's what one actually believes.... and feels.... that may answer the question of "Spirits". The Sioux also say the longest journey one will ever make is from the mind to the heart. Once this journey is made, one comes "full circle"...... tho' many will never complete this journey. But once this journey is made... "all things are possible".
Soooo...... that being said, tho' some may think this is just ramblin' from an ol' treasure hunter, there are spirits attached..... tho' it may be "residual energy" as some may call it. The spirit will most likely not be seen nor will there be little voices..... but it will be felt. So go by what your initial feeling is at first and not what your mind may tell you...... after all "life is not as serious as the mind makes it out to be".
You may come across a find that doesn't "feel" right and not to take it..... Don't. You may have a find in your collection that keeps you coming back to it and something doesn't "feel" right with it.... you may even have the thought of returning it..... Do. So where do these "feelings" come from? You figure it out from what I have said..... and yes, I've had a few "experiences" in the 50 years of hunting. A few which I will mention later.... some I will not for the feeling is not to.

Howdy, 'Ol Hiker:

Sioux, Very Interesting...
Welcome to TH Spirit Campfire,
Thanks for your input, as always,
your stories, experiences are welcome, when
you get ready. We all know scientifically, that
everything has a specific frequency, it responds
to. What sometimes triggers the particular frequency?
More importantly, what frequency, action, or words, Moves Spirits...

The Specifics of which, are often mysterious, and possibly, only
discovered, understood, or successfully practiced, by relatively few people... :cross:

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It was Oro, that wrote something like:

It's People that more adverse things happen to
in the natural, that they endure well, keeping faith,
that often seem to be able to see into, or maybe
understand more, about Spiritually Deep things.

Anyway, that's one of my thoughts about it.
Deep Spiritual Perception, seems is often given,
in relation to the condition, or thoughts and intent,
of a persons own spirit, or soul, and is definitely very
much associated, and possibly, treasure related... :cross:

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