OK, you guys are in my alley, I mean, neck of the woods.
So, how's about a little Music Trivia, ... Here's the question.
Does anyone know who the guy is, that opens the song in the first part,
picking the Black Strat, on the video? His Name? ... Two more questions,
to come, after someone answers this one, or not. You have till sundown,
and, the answers can easily be Treasure Hunting Related, and that
IS a reale sort of clue!...
Yeah, I know, the answer reale is very
easy to figure out though... Third and Final Clue:
The name of their band is relevant to some
things that are taken further, like they used an
old singing cowboy's song, Rocked it up, remade it,
and it was a hit, gold, played on the radio a lot then.
Bonus Clue: Several theme implications, are included in
this thread, repeatedly, and that makes about 5, or 7
clues, the evidence of which remains to be seen... Come on Now, don't
be so bashful, at least guess, the answer Is like who'da hidden it, that makes 9.
No one's gonna' ras you, if ye guess an' miss it. Gotta' go see a movie,
at _-towne with family, so you got plenty of time to guess... If you get
the answer, I'll take you to one of my spots (crossing me fingers
with an honest, confident grin)

, I'll be back
(Infamous iron cowboy words)...
P.S. Remember, it's definitely directly treasure hunting related...