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. Good Morning, Troopers (loud trumpet sounds). Ah! I see Reb has left us with some special home grown Sweet Home Alabama variety brew. Now, excuse me while I move away from this cliff, and get my day started.

OK, you guys are in my alley, I mean, neck of the woods.
So, how's about a little Music Trivia, something I used in the
County Jail services (an' they loved it)... Here's the question.

Does anyone know who the guy is, that opens the song in the first part,
picking the Black Strat, on the video? His Name? ... Two more questions,
to come, after someone answers this one, or not. You have till sundown,
and, the answers can easily be Treasure Hunting Related, and that
IS a reale sort of clue!... :cross:

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Well, I guess the keys haven't been found yet.

While we're waiting, I'll give you a little story. This happened in the country, a few miles outside a small central Texas town. It was around 1930 or so. In 1929, I believe that's the right date, my dad said it snowed one night. The snow was deep. Some of the staples for preparing meals were getting low. Dad decided that he would walk into town and buy supplies. His dad was too old to walk that far and the horses couldn't pull the wagon through the deep snow. The snow was deeper than he thought. He only got about an eighth of a mile and had to turn back. He said that having to lift his legs so high in order to step forward, tired him out quickly. The snow was hip deep in some places. They had to 'make do' with what they had for about 3 days until the snow melted enough to go to town. I believe it was the following spring when this 'incident' happened.

Dad and one of his brothers were standing in the back yard smoking and talking. The moon was quite bright and they could see across the field where a few days before had planted seed for a crop; cotton I believe he said. As they stood there, they noticed something white moving across the field toward them. This 'white thing' was about the size of a bed sheet and moving slowly toward them. They stood and watched it for several minutes. As they watched, it drifted under the barbed wire fence that separated the yard from the field. When it was about 15 feet from them, they began backing toward the house. The thing continued to move toward them. They finally went into the house and closed the door. After about 30 minutes, they peeked out the door and nothing was there. He and the brother told the rest of the family about it the next day. After some discussion, they all agreed that it was probably a sign of something that was to happen or had happened.

About a week later the family received news that an uncle had lost an arm due to an accident at a mill where he worked. The uncle worked second shift at the mill. The accident, as near as they could determine, happened the same night that the 'white thing' had caused them to go into the house and close the door.

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I guess I have time for another one. Oh, my mom and dad were very religious. They didn't tell lies or 'stretch' yarns that they told. If I thought that any of this was embellished in any way, I would not be telling it to you.

When my mom was young, probably in her teens, a man came to their home one morning, in northern Texas; or possibly this was while they still lived in Oklahoma. They didn't know this man; but invited him into their home. He spent part of the day with them. After dinner, called lunch now, he asked my granddad to show him a short cut through the wooded part of the farm where the family lived. Granddad took him through part of the woods and to a large log that spanned a creek. Granddad was following this man as they crossed the log, just a few steps behind him. He was watching his footing most of the time, but glanced up at the stranger occasionally. Once when he glanced up, the man was no longer there! 'Tack', as my granddad was nicknamed, knew the man couldn't have reached the other side of the log that quickly, so he must have fallen into the creek. He hurried back to the bank and ran down the creek bank, following the flow, to see if he could find the man. Tack asked in town the next day if anyone had seen or knew of a stranger passing through. No one knew anything about a stranger passing through town.

Nothing was ever seen nor heard about this man by Mom's family after that happened. The only theory that was ever given was that possibly it was an angel. They were always glad that they had invited the man into their house and fed him because they really thought it possible that he was an angel sent by God.

Howdy Texasred,

Keep the good stories coming,
when ye like. I think the keys got found,
that's why no more comments. Wonder if
keys can reale be map dowsed... :laughing7: ... :cross:

I don't know about map-dowsing. I had never heard of it until a couple of years ago. All I've had any dealings with is just taking a couple of stiff wires, bent into an L shape and finding pipes, tanks, etc. with them. I read the other day on the dowsing forum about putting something that you want to find on the end of the rods. I've not tried it yet. I'll certainly let everybody know if I have any finds with it! I can't find my brazing rods that I have had for a number of years. I believe they let me find more than wire clothes hangers and such. Guess I'm gonna have to find some new ones. Haven't found any around this town where I live. Have to go to Boise next few days to find some. Need to go there anyway to buy a new vent roof vent for the little travel trailer before winter sets in.

Glad to hear that the keys were found! That's great.

I don't know about map-dowsing. I had never heard of it until a couple of years ago. All I've had any dealings with is just taking a couple of stiff wires, bent into an L shape and finding pipes, tanks, etc. with them. I read the other day on the dowsing forum about putting something that you want to find on the end of the rods. I've not tried it yet. I'll certainly let everybody know if I have any finds with it! I can't find my brazing rods that I have had for a number of years. I believe they let me find more than wire clothes hangers and such. Guess I'm gonna have to find some new ones. Haven't found any around this town where I live. Have to go to Boise next few days to find some. Need to go there anyway to buy a new vent roof vent for the little travel trailer before winter sets in. Glad to hear that the keys were found! That's great.
Breaking News Alert!!! No keys found. Hmmm... This is quite a mystery. Oh well. Fabulous stories there Tex! Keep me' coming. An angel, for sure. You know, there are angels among us, without a doubt.

View attachment 1052794

OOH OOH, Hurry, Is it Sundown yet?

Wow! You guys aren't even trying to play my game? Well,
Hymn... Hmmn, OK, another Clue. That same guy in the
"Sweet home Alabama", and other videos, co-founded
another band, also from Tampa Bay areas...
That makes three clues already.

Only one more clue to go, if you get it, you get,
Hymn, you get, Hmmn, you will get the answers write... 8-) :laughing7: ... :cross:

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OK, you guys are in my alley, I mean, neck of the woods.
So, how's about a little Music Trivia, ... Here's the question.

Does anyone know who the guy is, that opens the song in the first part,
picking the Black Strat, on the video? His Name? ... Two more questions,
to come, after someone answers this one, or not. You have till sundown,
and, the answers can easily be Treasure Hunting Related, and that
IS a reale sort of clue!... :cross:

Yeah, I know, the answer reale is very
easy to figure out though... Third and Final Clue:

The name of their band is relevant to some
things that are taken further, like they used an
old singing cowboy's song, Rocked it up, remade it,
and it was a hit, gold, played on the radio a lot then.

Bonus Clue: Several theme implications, are included in
this thread, repeatedly, and that makes about 5, or 7
clues, the evidence of which remains to be seen... Come on Now, don't
be so bashful, at least guess, the answer Is like who'da hidden it, that makes 9.

No one's gonna' ras you, if ye guess an' miss it. Gotta' go see a movie,
at _-towne with family, so you got plenty of time to guess... If you get
the answer, I'll take you to one of my spots (crossing me fingers
with an honest, confident grin):laughing1:, I'll be back
(Infamous iron cowboy words)... :cross:

P.S. Remember, it's definitely directly treasure hunting related...

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I looked earlier and it was Rosington Collins(sp.) or King but did not find a treasure related name????

Now relevant, Amigo:
You 'er gettin' a might warmer,
tho' ye may have missed thee
idea, of the theme, concurrent...
Now we are Rockin'! :occasion14:

I better get gone, Note: [Not sent with my phone]:idea1::idea1::idea1: ... :cross:

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I'll take a wild guess an say Neil Diamond.

OK!, Yer' Smokin' hot, an so's this song two,
but, to remind, ye are supposed ta' zero in on
one particular picker, just 'cause he got invited
to play with Skynyrd, doesn't mean that he was
a co-founder of that band, also...


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My brain tonight became a house and missed .

Oh quit, long enough, I gotta' go...
OK, generous musical quizzer that I am:
An old cowboy went ridin' out, on a dark and windy day... :cross:

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Oh quit, long enough, I gotta' go...
OK, generous musical quizzer that I am:
An old cowboy went ridin' out, on a dark and windy day... :cross:

Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way...

The outlaws..Hughie Thomasson! (On pic, left).


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