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So far, it seems to idle and run smooth.

So yes, Amigo Don Jose, I did have to go get some sea foam,
and it seems to have done the trick, after I had checked, and did
several other things I know, to get one smoothed out then I saw
your post this morning. Sometimes, everything you do helps... :cross:

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NO, I WON'T! Get under any thing that can fall on me,
unless, I think it is securely held (jacked) up. Also then,
set safely, on good jack stands... :cross:

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That information came from a Britlander forum on the tender lovin care of a Isuzu, Trooper II. Actually a fantastic off road vehicle.

Course I rebuilt a W II jeep and an earlier 'Diesel' Isuzu Trooper II, Both still runing just fine.

Ya wanna talk cars ?

The Isuzu Trooper II is equipped with a 'Scan Gauge II'", this allows me to continuously monitor it while in the brush. Out there there is no-one to help you.

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I'm not believing this, car is back to old bad habits.
Lke stumbling off idle, and sometimes missing
under load, at low speeds, hmmm...

So, I'm back to the drawing board. Will get the
distributor tested tomorrow, and go from there.

Yeah, I hear you Don Jose, I always try to watch,
and maintain my vehicles, to avoid breakdowns.
This car is great, when it runs right, that is.
:boxing::angel12::angry5::cussing::censored::angry4:... :cross:

go to an Auto Zone store and have them run a computer check - free.- Not like a complete computer scan, but an excellent start.

$ 90 vs free, THEN we can analize your problem. I can think of many things at this point.

go to an Auto Zone store and have them run a computer check - free.- Not like a complete computer scan, but an excellent start.

$ 90 vs free, THEN we can analize your problem. I can think of many things at this point.

Friend Don Jose,

Thank You, I really appreciate that! I don't get much help, if any,
to fix a car. I am going to remove the neg. battery cable momentarily,
to clear the computer, so when it does it on the way to the store,
it will show the code, that may help figure it out.
Sometime the list of possibilities is multiple.
I'll get the parts store to check the code
first, and then the distributor.

The thing is, it's doing it mostly under load, sometimes. That's often
hard to hit on, without trying (replacing) different things, but it
does seem to be getting worse.

That means it could quit, and leave me stuck, trying to get a ride, not fun.
We'll see...

I've recently done several things to this car, so hopefully the code check
and test, will reveal the culprit. You are kind, to even give it a thought... :cross:

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Hi. himm it is almost impossible to thoroughly clean an injector with additives in the engine,. Sometimes a small bit of non soluable material will get into it and under full flow, pressure, will stop any fuel passage or restrict it Nice thing about the Diesel injectors is that you can readily, take them apart for cleaning and pressure adj. The Isuzu Diesel taught me a lot about them.

To really clean them without disassembly ,you have to remove them, rig up a power up system, ( 12 v ) and run them with the intake in the cleaner, checking the spray 'pattern' at the same time. Generally the can of cleaner generates enough pressure.when connected to the intake of the injector.

Hint -- Keep all of your gasoline delivery system CLEAN, such as changing filters or work on the delivery lines.

Excellent points REL.

This will show up an intermittent flow problem caused by an insoluble piece of materiel .

Side thingy you can see the entire code system on line

How to Read an OBD-II Car Engine Code

Auto Repair Manual for Car Codes Free Online

Course as I said ,Auto Zone,or most stores, will give you a free reading on your car, but be wary of their recommendations, some are very sharp, others ????

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Well, sure enough:

I shouldn't have said I could be walking...

The parts store ordered a replacement distributor,
under warranty. So, thinking about Friday, a new one
will be in, I headed on home. Made it pretty good, just
about a mile, an going downhill, when she quit, I coasted
as far as I could, then got over on the grass a little bit, with
RF tire. I rolled the windows down a little, put the shade in the
windshield, got my full bottle of water, locked the car and started
walking. I got about half way, and there was a turquoise and white
Ford Ranger XLT, stopping fast, on the shoulder right ahead of me.
I walked quickly, and the P.U. backed up some...

An old friend, I haven't seen for years, said "I thought that was you".
He gave me a ride home, then after a bit, we went back, and towed the
car home. We had to push it past the pine tree, out of the way, to a fairly
level spot, where I work on it.

So, the almost never time I got stranded, car on the side of the
road, I was fortunate to get it home, and visited with my old buddy,
until he had to go. But he had me go looking for a country salvage first,
and I agreed to let him get my Ford Short Wide truck, that needs a motor.
... :cross:

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Horses anyone? L.O.L..[video][/video]

Yeah, they don't eat or drink too much, if you
have pasture and a pond. Not too high, and easily
replaceable, if'in ya' got somethin' good nough ta' trade.

We may all wish we had a horse, or three, before it's all over... :cross:

Hi, apparently you didn't cross yourself 'seriously' enough when you left the house.

From the way that you have described it to me over several posts, I would venture a guess that is a fuel delivery problem, possibly the fuel pump or the pressure regulator set to low or faulty, .Other is a computer fault. Could be wrong, but I don't see a distributor failure,unless it is like the Toyota truck . ( Ignition coil )
I think that you can rule out injector for now. Tisn't likely that all would go out siultaneously.

Ruel pump requires access to the fuel tank, Never let the fuel run too ow, since the pump needs gasoline as a coolant. Always keep it at least 1/4 full.

Hi, apparently you didn't cross yourself 'seriously' enough when you left the house.

From the way that you have described it to me over several posts, I would venture a guess that is a fuel delivery problem, possibly the fuel pump or the pressure regulator set to low or faulty, .Other is a computer fault. Could be wrong, but I don't see a distributor failure,unless it is like the Toyota truck . ( Ignition coil )
I think that you can rule out injector for now. Tisn't likely that all would go out siultaneously.

Ruel pump requires access to the fuel tank, Never let the fuel run too ow, since the pump needs gasoline as a coolant. Always keep it at least 1/4 full.

Sounds OK, It's fire though, I think at this point. It acted up,
off and on, sporadically. Then just finally went out, like an open coil... :cross:

Borrow a fuel pressure measuring kit from the store, get instructions on how to hook it up, and check fuel pressure by simply turning on the ign key.

In the Toyota pickup the fuel delivery circuit is controlled by a safety circuit When you crank, a dual coil fuel pump relay is pulled in , once the engine starts and you turn off the cranking circuit, the air flow system in the intake, having air flowing against the vane, delivers enough electrical power to hold the relay in keeping the fuel pump connected, , but not enough to 'pull' it in.

Result, the pump works just fine when cranking, starts easily, but immediately stops after you turn off te cranking cycle.

A safety factor in case of an accident and the engine stops, , the air flow meter, having no air flow drops the relay to the fuel pump system, so the pump stops, instead of continuing to pump raw gasoline through a broken fuel line, savea you from beimg an overly cooked chicken..

Typical symptom, she cranks ad starts fine, but when you back off on the start sw it immediately stops. I don't think that one mech in a hundred knows this. Faulty fuel pump relay hold in circuit.

Sounds OK, It's fire though, I think at this point. It acted up,

A Distinct possibility. Does it try to start ??

When you try to start what re the complete symptoms ???

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Howdy :cross:,

You can know for sure if it is a fuel problem by putting a little gas in the intake, or maybe spray WD-40 into it. If doesn't start, it would be electrical. If it was acting up, then died, check the wire that supplies the coil, and the main coil wire that supplies the distributor. Wires may have been rubbing on metal. Or have Don Jose hold the coil wire while you crank it.:laughing7: :o


Sounds OK, It's fire though, I think at this point. It acted up,

A Distinct possibility. Does it try to start ??

When you try to start what re the complete symptoms ???

First, let me say Thanks, to Don Jose, Relevent, Coazon, and all of you
generous people, taking the time to share your often hard earned knowledge,
and excellent experience. This is another great way Treasure Hunters help each other,
to be able to get out, and hunt more treasures, Awesome... :thumbsup:

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The new warranty Distributor is already in,
so I have this one pulled out to swap it out
in a few, and maybe the shade will hit that
spot, when I'm putting it on... Hope that's it,
nothing else. Like I say, I've been through all
of this with this car already... :cross:

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My uneducated guess would be...Fuel filter or coil...I don't think it would be your map sensor...

But who can say for certain???

Ed T:)

Already been changed, Had to buy dealer only, "Genuine Honda",
the old MAP (probably still good), is in the glove box, lots of
new parts installed already. Thanks, Crosse... :cross:

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