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Old three step rule in the brush

Fuel delivery

Ignition spark delivery

Aux systems

if you can't find it by then you need help.

This is all true, or could be them Blackbird Spies Crosse d
my ign. wires when I wasn't looking :laughing7: Thanks... :cross:

There is always the ancient problem called vapor lock...Yet I have not seen this in a few years...It is caused by a weak rubber fuel line that gets sucked shut... Almost as if pinched shut by vacuum pressure...Causing fuel delivery problem...
Vapor lock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Maybe there is more too it than I believed...

Did you ever check to see if your timing belt gave out???This could be a real possibility...

Ed T:)

Yeah, installed new: crank sensor, water pump, timing belt,
acc. belts, idler pulley, distributor, computer, map sensor,
fuel pressure regulator, 3 injectors, EGR valve, fuel filter,
copper spark plugs, and 2 broken motor mounts, etc.,
the last go 'round. Gonna' get computer tested. Thanks... :cross:

I had a 1990 Honda Accord Ex that had a problem that was driving me nuts...I finally figured it out...I don't know if it will solve your problem...But you can check and see if your Honda has one of these boogers in it...And I just soldered the points as well and the problem was solved... I hope this may solve your problem...

Ed T:)

Thanks, Ed T;

That's a cool trick, I Have had to replace them,
just found a good used one, looks like a nice, easy repair!

Usually, you can hear them (main relay) click, when you turn the key on,
to the first position (dash lights, wait for click, under left driver's side of
the dash), before turning it to the next position, engaging the starter.

I have been hearing mine click, I think, but will check it also,
that's real good info, and a good repair! Thank You Kindly, Crosse... :cross:

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There is always the ancient problem called vapor lock...Yet I have not seen this in a few years...It is caused by a weak rubber fuel line that gets sucked shut... Almost as if pinched shut by vacuum pressure...Causing fuel delivery problem...
Vapor lock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Maybe there is more too it than I believed...

Did you ever check to see if your timing belt gave out???This could be a real possibility...

Ed T:)

HA! "Spirits" ARE VAPORS; lock 'em IN! BOO!

On A Dark and Stormy Night, Three Mechanics Sat in a Cave. The First one said, Don Jose', tell me a story, and this is how the story began...

View attachment 1045452

Ha! Just a reminder, it can't be as bad as my old car. So, how is everyone doing here? I see the fire had died down, but the campsite looks relatively clean. Pretty impressive! Coffee, anyone???' I am making a special pot with my polka dotted socks.

Mastiff4me, good to hear form you again…….looks like there is not enough duct tape nor WD-40 to repair your vehicle…….
We need you to keep our black feathered friend grounded and to restrain our padrino Señor Don Jose……

Mastiff4me, good to hear form you again…….looks like there is not enough duct tape nor WD-40 to repair your vehicle…….
We need you to keep our black feathered friend grounded and to restrain our padrino Señor Don Jose……

Will pass on the coffee, as wife & I are returning to Outer Banks, NC... next week; are planning & packing. Gonna stay SOUTH of Nags Head, hiking the LONG "wild" beach, maybe "do" campfires & Tiki Lights; on the "WILD" beach with the ROARING Atlantic Ocean waves & Sea Gulls & other Sea Birds flying around. Will be close to Blackbeard's lair; hope he pops in, for a chat... :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee or Grog, Mateys...?

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Rebel, enjoy the trip with your wife……sounds like a nice trip……….vaya con Dios

Will pass on the coffee, as wife & I are returning to Outer Banks, NC... next week; are planning & packing. Gonna stay SOUTH of Nags Head, hiking the LONG "wild" beach, maybe "do" campfires & Tiki Lights; on the "WILD" beach with the ROARING Atlantic Ocean waves & Sea Gulls & other Sea Birds flying around. Will be close to Blackbeard's lair; hope he pops in, for a chat... :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee or Grog, Mateys...?
Please have a spectacular getaway. South of Nags Head is my favorite. Can't beat those wild horses, either. Be safe and find that treasure!!!

Please have a spectacular getaway. South of Nags Head is my favorite. Can't beat those wild horses, either. Be safe and find that treasure!!!

THANKS Ya'll! Singing... WILD HORSES by Rolling Stones; "WILD horses... couldn't drag me away..." (or, SOMETHING like that). HOT GROG! ALL around the campfire... with thundering hooves of SPIRIT horses, coming up the beach (I was told). We WILL find out!

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Howdy Mastiff4me, and welcome back to our camp. Just three days ago I was looking at the Caucasian Ovcharka on the web, man they are big dogs. They look like the Tibetan Mastiff, which is also a bad looking dog. What type of Mastiffs do you have?

Thanks for the fancy sock coffee, could I get a refill since Reb passed on his?


Well,goodbye valve train gremlin theory. If it is electrical I would probably stroke old paint gently on the muzzle ,draw my pistol... put it back, walk away and call the dealer service department. Did I mention electrical trouble shooting gets me chasing my own tail?:laughing7:

Relevent, Exactly

So I study, and try what I can for now. Don't want to
put it in the shop, don't trust the spirits, they really like
money, I don't have (or want to give them) right now.
So I study the shop manual, with what primitive
hillbilly mind I've got... :icon_study::read2::coffee::laughing1:

Howdy Mastiff4me, and welcome back to our camp. Just three days ago I was looking at the Caucasian Ovcharka on the web, man they are big dogs. They look like the Tibetan Mastiff, which is also a bad looking dog. What type of Mastiffs do you have? Thanks for the fancy sock coffee, could I get a refill since Reb passed on his? Homar
Hola Coazon. Great to see you here. And, of course... here is a piping hot cup of my most special coffee. My dogs are English Mastiffs. They are giant teddy bears, but seem to scare everyone away. We have a unique delivery system here at my house. It s called 'chuck it over the fence, and run like crazy'. Maybe they can guard our camp sometime? No one would dare intrude. Haha. And, Don Jose', thank you for my awesome note. I apologize, I did not see it until yesterday. So nice. Mil abrazos a su familia.

Naw, No Vapor Lock

That's "old school", and now' days that's been taken care of in several ways,
though alcohol vapors can sure turn loose some wild ol' spirits in people. :laughing7: :laughing9:

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I WILL wear my Va. Beach ball cap; saying DANG Virginia Beach Sea Gulls! Has bird crap all over the hat... "Bomber to bombardier... BOMBS AWAY!"

Dern Yankeys...

Even brag about their seagull spirit bombers ha ha... :laughing7:

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Hi Trappergirl,

Good to see you at the fire, we tried to keep
your rustic decorations in good shape:icon_thumleft:

If there's any of your coffee left, por favor,
I'll take a cup. Gonna have to get fired up, to
to go back to testing, and get this car runnin'... :thumbsup:

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Howdy :cross:,

You can know for sure if it is a fuel problem by putting a little gas in the intake, or maybe spray WD-40 into it. If doesn't start, it would be electrical. If it was acting up, then died, check the wire that supplies the coil, and the main coil wire that supplies the distributor. Wires may have been rubbing on metal. Or have Don Jose hold the coil wire while you crank it.:laughing7: :o


Howdy coazon,

I'm going to try some more things, later today.
Don't drink all the coffee yet, or you'll have to
get her to make some more. It's my treasure
hunting buggy, because of good MPG, etc. :laughing7:
I'm afraid to get Don Jose to hold the wire, he
may blow the coil up! :laughing9: Thanks, :cross:

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