I guess they were hardly working found there fishing weights lol. This valve or tap which I love the style of it and this spoon which looks to been dipped in lead or something
Would be related to either. Yours has a green paint scheme. Many tractors had petcocks that had to be “set” when spinning the wheel to start the engine. I believe it prevented the cylinders from maintaining too much compression initially. Once it fired, the petcock would get closed to maintain compression at its fullest. The green could point to John Deere or Oliver. However, the decorative butterfly handle makes me doubtful.Is that valve related to the petcocks on model ts or is it gas line
That spoon looks to been dipped in molten lead even the handleThat valve is what I would refer to as a petcock. The handle is somewhat more ornate than most.
Does the spoon have any words on the rear of the handle spine?
Good finds! 👍🏼