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Crosse De Sign, well said……absolutely those grounded in faith have nothing to fear from evil…….the devil is like a mean dog on a chain, no problems unless you put yourself within danger……
In our unbelieving world today, too few understand the reality of the spiritual world, far too many embrace the "religion of science" which has more question unanswered than anything else…….(and I am trained in hard science).
This is not to say science has no basis, it does, but today people seek everything in science, not understanding the limitations of it.

Howdy doc-d, I hear you.
I do really like, respect, and enjoy science. Certainly explores, and explains
a lot of things. Though seems not to necessarily touch on spiritual matters.
Does help to tie many things together, I think... Thanks, :cross:

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Cross, many lights are cused by simple chemical reactions with metal and an chemically acrive soil. and an enclosed space over time No, this does not include fort Knox.

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Crosse……..guess it all depends on your world view……..for me, the spiritual (read Jesus Christ, the angels and saints) is more real than our world…….you cannot truly separate the two…… seems to me today more than other times, what we see happening all around is is a reflection of the spiritual world……the age old battle of good versus evil……..
While it is true that the laws of our physical world explain much, it is also true they fail to explain much…….
I am well aware this will sound odd to most in todays world……yet such is also well foretold in both scripture and prophecy alike.

Mi amigo Don Jose, 91 years young……it sounds like you have led a very interesting and blessed life……..sorry to hear about the fail to launch family who depend on you…….yet today so many have difficulty given our rapidly imploding economy in the USSA……..things will become more clear in the not distant future.
Vaya con Dios, vaya con Dios en todo. Porque sólo en Dios que vamos a obtener la vida eterna.

Crosse……..guess it all depends on your world view……..for me, the spiritual (read Jesus Christ, the angels and saints) is more real than our world…….you cannot truly separate the two…… seems to me today more than other times, what we see happening all around is is a reflection of the spiritual world……the age old battle of good versus evil……..
While it is true that the laws of our physical world explain much, it is also true they fail to explain much…….
I am well aware this will sound odd to most in todays world……yet such is also well foretold in both scripture and prophecy alike.

Mi amigo Don Jose, 91 years young……it sounds like you have led a very interesting and blessed life……..sorry to hear about the fail to launch family who depend on you…….yet today so many have difficulty given our rapidly imploding economy in the USSA……..things will become more clear in the not distant future.
Vaya con Dios, vaya con Dios en todo. Porque sólo en Dios que vamos a obtener la vida eterna.

Hey doc-d,

I do also believe the supernatural dimension(s) is manifested in the natural
world dimension we experience our senses in. This is why things are known to
happen when treasure hunters get close to substantial treasures, I believe.

Spirits good or bad know that wealth is power, and things can be changed
with power, so this is undoubtedly a major part of the constant ongoing spiritual
battles that we often dismiss or forget about. It's good to relax and do human
things, and enjoy as much as possible, I think...

It is very good to know of such spiritual things and be aware of the powers,
especially when seeking treasures, and whether intending to use it for more than
self gain, if one succeeds.

If it is within one's power, physical and spiritual, and of course,
GODS will for one to capture and utilize... Thanks, :cross:

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Hi, I still have a welcome guest in that every so often I get a distinctive odor of perfume, face cream. or soap, feminine of course, suggestive of a spirit contact, but I also acknowledge that something that I am doing at the moment can nudge a section of my memories to recall them, stilllllll

Tis me Jose, keeping my ever watchful eyes on you. Can't be their in person, only in spirit form:hello:

Luv ya you ole goat lol..........


Hi, I still have a welcome guest in that every so often I get a distinctive odor of perfume, face cream. or soap, feminine of course, suggestive of a spirit contact, but I also acknowledge that something that I am doing at the moment can nudge a section of my memories to recall them, stilllllll

Don Jose, I tried to smell the perfume the first time you
mentioned it. It was so faint that I believed it was only in
my imagination... Still not sure what you referred to about
knowing what "he" was indicating.

A matter of discernment, If something is of someone's personal
matters, about family or of a visitation of some kind for a purpose,
it is rare, yes?
One desires to always use utmost discretion. Someone in tune to
spiritual activities, often is sort of alone, If you know what I mean.

Job, a righteous man that the LORD allowed the devil to test in the
ultimate ways a strong man could be tested, suffered great pain.

Afflicted severely in the flesh, he unfortunately sat in excruciating
pain, and allowed his supposedly wise accusive friends to ramble on
in judgment, until GOD told him Job what are you doing? Get up from
there. Later, God allowed "my servant Job" to make offerings, including
for his falsely accusing friends...

Job was compensated Double of his former Wealth for all of his Trouble.
He also received the Same number of Children that he had Before the great
record Test, which means twice the number of his children's Souls in Heaven.

I think Job was one of the coolest, awesome, spiritually in tune
men to ever walk the Earth. Because he Refused to curse GOD,
even when his unbelieving wife mocked him, and said,
"Why don't you just curse GOD and Die?" He faithfully said:
"I Know My Redeemer Lives"...

He DID, of course, before all of the devastating attacks,
regulary Make Offerings To The LORD, Just In Case his children
had done something, and not considered the LORD...

So, perhaps some of the best Men, when possible,
always make sacrifices, and pray for their most
Precious treasures, their GOD given Children... :cross:

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Crosse as i have mentioned in the past, ever since I started the Tayopa Quest, for some reason I feel that I am only a tool.
Whenever I am at a loss to continue, somehow what is needed is given to me,whether it is , money or the next clue, never in an excess, but just enough to take the next step to the point that I am confidentially wait for the next step, I know it is coming. 'Spoiled ???

As for the perfume etc., is it because------. I tend to credit the Holistin Universe belief, where everything in the past, present, and future is happening rghr now in the conceived present. Our conception of time.

In my experiments of the paranormal, I once had a gitl that could read my mind on command, but not when I denied it-- had to be careful there since she was a very cute and cuddly gal :censored:

She could ONLY read mine, and then only when I allowed her to ???? Long story there.

Don Jose (job) da La Mancha Is God a being, or simply a natural force which we cannot comprehend??

Great,you guys get to smell perfume. I get an old onion smell. Wait,I think I know where it's coming from....

only two things that smell like fish - and one of them is fish!

Don Jose, My Friend;

Why would God be something natural that we can't explain, when He
and HIS SPIRIT IS, SUPERNATURAL? We are Natural, that's why we cannot
explain the SUPERNATURAL. We are not God, we are His Creation that he LOVES,
especially when we love Him back. We that Treasure Him, are His GREATEST Treasures,
To be Blessed By Him, With Him Forever, when that day comes,
that Has Not Happened YET... :cross:

Is it just me... OR, is it getting COSMIC in here...? WHAT is in that "Sock" Coffee...? Hmmm... :icon_scratch:

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Is it just me... OR, is it getting COSMIC in here...? WHAT is in that "Sock" Coffee...? Hmmm... :icon_scratch:

Toenail fungus, more potent than it's cousin fungus, the magic mushroom. If it will eat your toenails, imagine what it will do to your brain. :laughing7:


Hi, I still have a welcome guest in that every so often I get a distinctive odor of perfume, face cream. or soap, feminine of course, suggestive of a spirit contact, but I also acknowledge that something that I am doing at the moment can nudge a section of my memories to recall them, stilllllll

Don Jose,

You said: "Something that I am doing at the moment
can nudge a section of my memories to recall them, stillllll...

I have a lot of memories that reminisce with lighting,
the fragrances in the air in the different seasons, the way
the wind flows, crisp or humid air, the sky at day or night,
songs that are never forgotten with memories attached, etc.

I could naturally, see where a man of your many interesting experiences,
would have quite a vast repertoire of memories of all kinds... :cross:

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