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Hi When you get to Alamos, give me time to shower, shave, destink, brush my tooth and put on a shirt and shoes, plus give me time to hide all of my girlie pictures :laughing7:

Jim & your lovely mother, Nancy< have spoiled me, coffee and the special of the hotel mango Marmolade


Mango jam  Haciendo de Los Santos.webp

That some spooky stuff that you have share..... I believe that treasure dose have spirit, even thou I haven't EXPERIENCE moment like that but I heard lot of stories from old folks where they have the same EXPERIENCES or know some one that have the same EXPERIENCE. There was stories that was told that the founder have kept the treasure got ready sick, had bad dreams and had went back and put the treasure back where was found. I have heard good and happy stories too where the spirit came to the founder's dream and tell where the treasure is.... in my culture we believe that treasure that have spirit that wont leave their treasure will be reborn will come back to dig their treasure up....

The next generations spirits may pick up where other's
spirits have left off, before they went down to their flesh graves.
Who inspires, empowers them to try to do what few will ever do?

Belief in whatever, naturally, is everyone's privilege, doesn't
necessarily make it reale though, but maybe real to them.

Learning what is really reale is the trick, or, really
making your reality work to obtain the treasures you seek...
I may agree that there are different spirits out and about.
If everyone's spirit, that their flesh was dead and gone,
is somewhere, then where would they all be?

Is the flesh really subject to laws of the spirit? :cross:

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Yes the spirits can be effective and controlling to the flesh,
or even, total spiritual seduction...

Then there are The Spiritual Laws that are always at work,
especially playing when you may be reale treasure hunting... :cross:

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Yes the spirits can be effective and controlling to the flesh,
like those maybe Fermented, Brewed, Distilled, Aged, and also
those that aren't edible, or drinkable, though maybe can be swallowed
(mentally or psychologically) or absorbed, maybe voluntarily, or even
involuntarily, by partial, or total spiritual seduction...:laughing7:

Then there are The Spiritual Laws that are always at work,
especially playing when you may be reale treasure hunting... :cross:

Hmmm... eh...? :coffee2:

OK, What If Everything We See, Think, Hear, Say, or Do,
especially when seeking Real Treasures, Really Does Matter...
Then what effect are we talking about, say for a particular thought,
action, spoken words, influences, experiences, reactions, etc.

We KNOW it depends on the situation, Natural circumstances and laws...
There are also Spiritual laws at work, and in effect just like Natural laws
such as gravity, heat and cold, the cycles of life, on and on.

Spiritual laws work, whether anyone knows of them,
realizes, acknowledges, or even believes in them...
Cause and Effect, often unseen, sometimes seen...
A thought is spoken, or becomes action. Then maybe
something happens, expected, or not, maybe understood
or explainable, or maybe not. What caused the experience,
and where did the thought or action come from, and then can
there be an effect on the desired outcome... :cross:

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Where do you suppose (this question to anyone) the idea originated, that "ghost lights" would appear over buried treasures? I think someone had traced the belief to Europe, specifically central (Germany/Switzerland) but what led people to believe this? Thank you in advance.

My guess (not having studied), my first thought is
that people believing in something like ghost lights
over treasure, naturally would have come from observations.

Most likely from experiences thought to be absolutely
real, that various people shared and accepted as a phenomenon
known to happen, maybe in similar circumstances...:dontknow:

The demonic has many manifestations, including lights, orbs…….and there is no question the demonic can be associated with objects and locations.
These demonic manifestations tend to vary with the faith of individuals……that is, while not absolute, demonic manifestations happen more with those who do not believe or open themselves up to the demonic through some type of sinful activity….

Oh ye naysayers, mock if you wish, and you may say you don't believe now, perhaps; surely you will once you depart this earth and stand in judgment as we all will.

Nah... just Swamp Gas... ("Post" # 651).

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The demonic has many manifestations, including lights, orbs…….and there is no question the demonic can be associated with objects and locations.
These demonic manifestations tend to vary with the faith of individuals……that is, while not absolute, demonic manifestations happen more with those who do not believe or open themselves up to the demonic through some type of sinful activity….

Oh ye naysayers, mock if you wish, and you may say you don't believe now, perhaps; surely you will once you depart this earth and stand in judgment as we all will.

"SINFUL ACTIVITY"...? "Stand in judgement"...? Well, it IS Sunday.

The demonic has many manifestations, including lights, orbs…….and there is no question the demonic can be associated with objects and locations.
These demonic manifestations tend to vary with the faith of individuals……that is, while not absolute, demonic manifestations happen more with those who do not believe or open themselves up to the demonic through some type of sinful activity….

Oh ye naysayers, mock if you wish, and you may say you don't believe now, perhaps; surely you will once you depart this earth and stand in judgment as we all will.

Howdy doc-d;

Well said, though the Scriptures do tell us that the
true believers will have nothing to fear in the judgment.
That when the LORD makes up his peculiar Special treasure,
of those that had loved and thought of Him, and mentioned
His name, and spoke kindly and fondly of Him often, He will
spare them in the hour of temptation, like a man spares his son...

The righteous will shine forth like the sun, blessed, happy,
unafraid, and on the last day of the millennium at The White Throne,
will receive rewards (some land allotments) at the judgment, even a
double portion for the very elect, who had not only washed their robes
in the Blood Of The Lamb, but that had also served him, and witnessed
against the false one, unwavering...

No penalty for the just, but only all good things forever, for the LORD's
peoples, the precious True Treasures, so desired of the most high GOD...

Yes, what we say and do, our motives, the spirits behind us, as we seek
treasures to help ourselves and others in this lifetime, can definitely
determine our success, longevity, happiness, life... :cross:

Crosse De Sign, well said……absolutely those grounded in faith have nothing to fear from evil…….the devil is like a mean dog on a chain, no problems unless you put yourself within danger……
In our unbelieving world today, too few understand the reality of the spiritual world, far too many embrace the "religion of science" which has more question unanswered than anything else…….(and I am trained in hard science).
This is not to say science has no basis, it does, but today people seek everything in science, not understanding the limitations of it.

gentle men; Lights 'do' exist, we covered this rather well on past posts in here - look it up.

Here is an 8 Reales that was my part of an 8 pack mule train that was stolen and buried in the sand of an 'arroyo, The area was identified by a light, but they were unable to locate it, so I was called in with detectors. I quickly located it and one mule load was my share. I have several other examples but it suffice to say that the Jesuits were advised how to prevent them.

8 REALES Alamos minted. 1885.webp

Senor Don Jose……..I do not dispute that lights may exist in association with treasure and for other natural reasons… point is that it can also be part of demonic manifestations also.
Awesome find with the spanish sliver……...

gentle men; Lights 'do' exist, we covered this rather well on past posts in here - look it up.

Here is an 8 Reales that was my part of an 8 pack mule train that was stolen and buried in the sand of an 'arroyo, The area was identified by a light, but they were unable to locate it, so I was called in with detectors. I quickly located it and one mule load was my share. I have several other examples but it suffice to say that the Jesuits were advised how to prevent them.

View attachment 1025717

Interesting example Don Jose,

Reckon you are rich then, having had so many years of good success. :thumbsup:

How young a lad are you? Or is that classified also...:laughing7: :laughing9::tongue3:
Thanks, your friend:cross:

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Just Kidding of course, my friend Don Jose. Do you think the
lights are undoubtedly caused by different reasons? I have read
some of the posts pertaining to them... Do you think that when they
happen at a treasure location, there is a spirit(s) showing the location?

Have you personally seen very many different lights at treasure sites?
If so, what happened, can you say more than suffice it to say the Jesuits
know how to prevent it. Does that mean they say something? Thanks, :cross:

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Awesome Amigo, Don't know if I'd live that long,
and I hope to read some good full length stories written
by you. I will have my silver ready when the time comes. :cross:

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