The demonic has many manifestations, including lights, orbs…….and there is no question the demonic can be associated with objects and locations.
These demonic manifestations tend to vary with the faith of individuals……that is, while not absolute, demonic manifestations happen more with those who do not believe or open themselves up to the demonic through some type of sinful activity….
Oh ye naysayers, mock if you wish, and you may say you don't believe now, perhaps; surely you will once you depart this earth and stand in judgment as we all will.
Howdy doc-d;
Well said, though the Scriptures do tell us that the
true believers will have nothing to fear in the judgment.
That when the LORD makes up his peculiar Special treasure,
of those that had loved and thought of Him, and mentioned
His name, and spoke kindly and fondly of Him often, He will
spare them in the hour of temptation, like a man spares his son...
The righteous will shine forth like the sun, blessed, happy,
unafraid, and on the last day of the millennium at The White Throne,
will receive rewards (some land allotments) at the judgment, even a
double portion for the very elect, who had not only washed their robes
in the Blood Of The Lamb, but that had also served him, and witnessed
against the false one, unwavering...
No penalty for the just, but only all good things forever, for the LORD's
peoples, the precious True Treasures, so desired of the most high GOD...
Yes, what we say and do, our motives, the spirits behind us, as we seek
treasures to help ourselves and others in this lifetime, can definitely
determine our success, longevity, happiness, life...