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Virginia Tech cheer for BD (only 32...?) Cooked Turkey! Fried Ham! It's your Birthday! HOT DANG! LOL!

Yeah ya' gotta' be 32 sometime, Ya' know...:laughing9:
Warmed up, but not cooked yet???:tongue3:

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No damn Yankee ??? ya mean a cotton pickin rebel ?? Southern trash also probably.

I feel betrayed, so let's go see if the coffee pot has enough. If not we will have to stir Oro for his sock coffee, but
watch out, when he ia dozing with his sheep, he comes out a-shooting, until he wakes up, but his fresh sock coffee is worth it.

Don Jose de La Manchadamn Y

Sittin' in the shadows, No Damn Yankee ???, A Cotton pickin Rebel ??
Southern trash also probably? Ye might ourta stay in 'em shadders fer a
little longer? Sounds like ya' mighter' been out there in ta' sun too long,
maybe. laughing7:

An' now it be ye er talkin' a' feelin' betrayal ??? What, no mere
U.S. patriotism? Then who ere been doin' a heap er' betrayin' ...
some one eyed Black Jack?... :laughing7: :cross:

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Sittin' in the shadows, No Damn Yankee ???, A Cotton pickin Rebel ??
Southern trash also probably? Ye might ourta stay in 'em shadders fer a
little longer? Sounds like ya' mighter' been out there in ta' sun too long, maybe
ye got ery a tropical southern "Heat Is Struck Patriotic Attention Disorder" (HISPAD)...:laughing7:

An, talk about sittin' in the minor shadows, aint ye thee one,
were ery a Native Californian? An' moved on outta' ere th' amber
waves a' grain (good liquid bread), an' purple mountain majesties?
All fer a bunch a' green stained rocks 'ta smash an' play weeth...

An' now it be ye er talkin' a' feelin' betrayal ??? What, no mere
U.S. patriotism? Then who ere been doin' a heap er' betrayin' ...

Reckon' Ye might reconsoider, move outter de shaders, cool of
an' make up a BIG 'ol pot a some er' thee strong Oirish Coffees
fer a peace oferin, ta' de good ol' southern hillfolks, with ere
without ye good 'ol tropical socks, an' add some one eyed Black Jack?... :laughing7: :cross:

I think our amigo was referring to himself, being that he is originally a California YANKEE, which while being a southern state, was among the Union side in that family feud; besides (this directed to Don Jose) what many Americans (especially southerners) seem to be unaware of is that to most of the world, ALL Americans are 'dammed' Yankees! (ala the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming etc)

No more haunted treasure tales amigos? :dontknow: I am pretty sure there are many more you are holding back!

...a little hillbilly muzic...

Ya'll come back now, hear... :laughing1: Crosse :cross:

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I think our amigo was referring to himself, being that he is originally a California YANKEE, which while being a southern state, was among the Union side in that family feud; besides (this directed to Don Jose) what many Americans (especially southerners) seem to be unaware of is that to most of the world, ALL Americans are 'dammed' Yankees! (ala the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming etc)

No more haunted treasure tales amigos? :dontknow: I am pretty sure there are many more you are holding back!

Like a game of TEXAS hold-'em POKER!

Cotton picking Rebel :laughing7: Only sacing grace is yre coffee, fillr her up !:coffee2:

hornery ????? :laughing7:

Jose el Santito

OK, Ya' got me there pilgrim...
Now... I only got a fifth of Crown Black,
an It's 'a livin' up to it's good Scotch, I mean Canadian
smoothness name... Ummm. Hold on, gotta' pour another,
an one fer Oro an Coazon, oh yeah Rebel an Relevent don't
drink their spirits no mo; :laughing7:

Well Y'all know I Always like ta' share,
so lift yer mugs er glasses, coffee a' not
if Ye like, it'll be my pleasure either way.
With coke er on the rocks (Don Jose's green ones)
But white gold, Southern Gentlemen, Dern Yankees
er not, we sure nuff gonna' sleep good tonite, with
full gizzards, anybody else in? It's a little story fer
admittance... No not yer sins, spirited treasure tales.

Ye dern Yankee, hold still whilst I pour...:laughing7:
Now whose cookin', an whose storytellin?
This Probly won't last too long... If only Truckin'
were around, he's got the best private reserve...

Okay, there's a good fire, it not rainin an'
the cabins er made up ready. The steaks or
hamburgers are done (custom cooked).
Homemade tater salad or campfire baked?
ALL the fixins, an corn muffins or fresh bread...
Now, Carry On, Good Friends an Yankee Neighbors... :thumbsup: :cross:

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Hope Y'all had a reale good rest, we did in our camp,
an I went out earlier to move the car in the rain on a hill.

Didn't want someone slipping down the steep grade.
Found a leveler parking spot an been reading posts.

NO coffee in the lobby this morning, so making some
before we go out to breakfast...

Hmm, no treasure stories,:laughing7:

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Hi Crosse . nah I had missed my monthly bath and was a bit rank, so decedd it was best.


MONTHLY? ??? ??? ???

You mean to tell me that you are THAT wasteful of precious water, in a desert country, to be wasting it on a MONTHLY basis? I am shocked, nay stunned at this capriciousness on your part, after so many years of clear, level headed behavior on your part. The old timers held that a bath annually was the correct habit, thus not wasting over-much water, nor allowing the stink to peel paint and leave a stain on chairs. :tongue3: This not to mention the increased used of precious SOAP as well, which is needed for adding to your mudding pool to help break the water tension and increase gold particle recovery. Honestly Don Jose', and you call me city-fied? Sheesh! We need to get you back out to Tayopa for a three month stay, to help clear your head and refresh your mind to the priorities! What is next, cologne to splash on your face for the ladies? :love10: ::) :icon_pale:

I need a fresh coffee after that revelation!

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

H,pf.i giant hound lover, As Mark Twain often said "soap and water will kill you, just not as fast as a gun".You trying to kill me in favor of that , that southern Calif/ -----?? and after I gave you the Tayopa data? Hmm, then again, hmmmm nah. ======= :dontknow:

Seriously, to clear up a possible point, has any one ever seen me upset in here? It is that I had to change my time for posting since my eye was acting up , not because of that, that, suthern Californian ---. :laughing7:
As matter of fact I can think of many southern California's , that i would lkie to be friend with , funny, but they all have feminine names ???

I spec Oro's man eaters will save me -N- Beth the trouble of making him a sorprana someday.

Since mi poppy was born in "Rough & Ready and it succeeded from the union, but they were bought off with two barrels of beer " i I am a citizen of it by birth, now that makes 7 of us, counting the postmaster. ---- hmmm? so even though my birth was in Nawthern Calif, ----????

Ah to heck with such immig, problems, I am now an Arizonian.

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H,pf.i giant hound lover, As Mark Twain often said "soap and water will kill you, just not as fast as a gun".You trying to kill me in favor of that , that southern Calif/ -----?? and after I gave you the Tayopa data? Hmm, then again, hmmmm nah. ======= :dontknow:

Hey YOU are the one using so many gallons of water to bathe SO frequently, once a month! I am trying to save you from the possible dangers from H2O + soap!

Hmmm, nothing like a good friendly (spirited) debate over a little
stickey subject like savin' soap an water... Was that good Rock MINE camp H2o
Ye used to remove the gold dust stuck ta' yer, well your strong hide?
Well, if the conservationists get wind of this, an especially if ye did splash
incriminating cologne, well fraid ye may be revisiting some o' yer lifelong friends
at home state college in a, well maybe Saine Quint Inn, metals sword that is...:laughing7:


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Reale, born in Rough -n- Ready, uh?
Succeeded from the Union, then was just
bought out with 2 barrels of beer. Light Yankee Beer?...:laughing9::laughing7::laughing9:

Arizonian sounds reasonable, little bit Haboob dusty.
Maybe good gold/silver though, got much water? :laughing9::laughing7::laughing1:

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Well, took a ride thru the flooded silver mine today.
Shot the place all up, an still didn't find the hidden silver,
but at least it was cool down there, under the mountain... :thumbsup::cross:

That some spooky stuff that you have share..... I believe that treasure dose have spirit, even thou I haven't EXPERIENCE moment like that but I heard lot of stories from old folks where they have the same EXPERIENCES or know some one that have the same EXPERIENCE. There was stories that was told that the founder have kept the treasure got ready sick, had bad dreams and had went back and put the treasure back where was found. I have heard good and happy stories too where the spirit came to the founder's dream and tell where the treasure is.... in my culture we believe that treasure that have spirit that wont leave their treasure will be reborn will come back to dig their treasure up....

Howdy fatty85,

Welcome to TreasureNet, and welcome to our fire. Lately we have just been drinking spirits, which I really don't mind, hic. Coffee? :coffee2::coffee2:anyone else? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: That was my place upwind of Don Jose, but go ahead, I'm starting to get a little used it, and sides, he bathed a few days ago.:laughing7: And these guys wonder where everyone went?:BangHead: Hey Don Jose, remember that story you told us about the giant serpent you encountered in the river? It was just coming up for air, can't blame it.

fatty, I believe every culture has spirits connected with treasure, it would be nice to know what different beliefs they all have from ours. Yours sounds good, you can't take it with you, but you can come back for it.:hello2:

Homar (full of black spirits that :cross: has been pouring us.)

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