Cotton picking Rebel

Only sacing grace is yre coffee, fillr her up !

Jose el Santito
OK, Ya' got me there pilgrim...
Now... I only got a fifth of Crown Black,
an It's 'a livin' up to it's good Scotch, I mean Canadian
smoothness name... Ummm. Hold on, gotta' pour another,
an one fer Oro an Coazon, oh yeah Rebel an Relevent don't
drink their spirits no mo;
Well Y'all know I Always like ta' share,
so lift yer mugs er glasses, coffee a' not
if Ye like, it'll be my pleasure either way.
With coke er on the rocks (Don Jose's green ones)
But white gold, Southern Gentlemen, Dern Yankees
er not, we sure nuff gonna' sleep good tonite, with
full gizzards, anybody else in? It's a little story fer
admittance... No not yer sins, spirited treasure tales.
Ye dern Yankee, hold still whilst I pour...

Now whose cookin', an whose storytellin?
This Probly won't last too long... If only Truckin'
were around, he's got the best private reserve...
Okay, there's a good fire, it not rainin an'
the cabins er made up ready. The steaks or
hamburgers are done (custom cooked).
Homemade tater salad or campfire baked?
ALL the fixins, an corn muffins or fresh bread...
Now, Carry On, Good Friends an Yankee Neighbors...