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I want to wish everyone a happy Independence Day.

Ya'll have a real safe one, and enjoy...
:occasion13::occasion16: :occasion17::occasion14::occasion17::occasion14::occasion17::occasion14::occasion17::occasion14::occasion17::occasion16::occasion13:

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View attachment 1015638View attachment 1015639View attachment 1015640
Curious about the possible age of this axe head,
found with a detector laying next to an old oak tree,
about 23 yrs. ago.

I'm hoping someone will have some ideas, or good
information about it.

I layed it up on the top plate of an old shed, and
it was out of any direct contact with rain or weather.
When I got it out, it still had the dirt packed in the
rusty handle hole.

I ask, because I learned there was some use of
such things like axes, as clues.

As you can see, someone really beat on the end and the
top of it, both sides out from the edges of the handle
hole, some normal hammering wear also on top edge of
the hole to tighten up the wedges... Thanks, Crosse :cross:
View attachment 1015633View attachment 1015634View attachment 1015635View attachment 1015636View attachment 1015637

I wish I had a good guess to tell you but unfortunately have no idea. Sorry, but a NEAT find anyway!

Are there good spirits, behind people who may really try to help others?
Or, maybe other spirits that want to discourage treasure hunters instead...

Spirits that would do anything, to get a supposed treasure for themselves.
Then maybe just some humorous people with computers,
having a bit of good 'ol fun... 8-) :tongue3: :laughing7: :thumbsup::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

HA! You ARE "HYPED up" on all THAT coffee; what's in your coffee...?

HA! You ARE "HYPED up" on all THAT coffee; what's in your coffee...?

Caffeine, Pure Honey, Irish Crème, maybe some good news.
Then the Fourth of July? Independence Day? Being a good sport?
Maybe another line on the 'ol sun dial marker...
Have a good one Rebel, and everyone... Crosse :cross: :thumbsup:

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Ha! Rebel, It's not what's in the coffee, but what's in the water...
A Story...


It's someone else's turn to tell a good one, anyway. But alas,
everyone has left the campfire, for other more important festivities.
Or, perhaps some not truly understanding, didn't like the dry humor...

Well, I suppose there are other things to do, on one's celebrated journey,
having another round of human experience... :laughing7: :laughing9: :thumbsup: Crosse :cross:

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:coffee2:Want adventure...? Be at Nags Head, NC... TONIGHT! LOTS of GOLD on the NC beaches of Outer Banks, NC... TOMORROW... HH! Good Luck!:icon_thumleft::hello2::tongue3::coffee2:

:coffee2:Want adventure...? Be at Nags Head, NC... TONIGHT! LOTS of GOLD on the NC beaches of Outer Banks, NC... TOMORROW... HH! Good Luck!:icon_thumleft::hello2::tongue3::coffee2:

Really appreciate the invitation Brother, sounds interesting, and we certainly wish you
all the best success, and good GOLD! Are you going?

... Crosse :cross:

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I wish I had a good guess to tell you but unfortunately have no idea. Sorry, but a NEAT find anyway!

I was hoping it was older, like maybe a French
trade axe, but will keep lookin'... Thanks... :cross:

Seems to be a very precarious looking guy to me...

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Just chillin', in a country frame of mind, an' gotta' go see,
an excellent show reflectin' on the lake, seen it before,
will be awesome! :thumbsup:

... Crosse :cross:

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Happy Birthday Cross de Sign, and wishing everyone a very Happy 4th of July!

How about some more stories amigos? Please do continue,

Yes, Happy birthday America! 238 yrs. young...
Well said, coazon de oro.

Thank You Gentlemen (Amigos), appreciate that.

Hope Y'all, and everyone, especially American Patriots,
had, and continue to have a good one...

Our country is one of our best True Treasures.:key::gold-bracelet::3barsgold::coins::goldtrophy::treasurechest: 8-) :thumbsup:

Let's see, that makes me 32 now... :tongue3: :laughing7: :laughing9:

Virginia Tech cheer for BD (only 32...?) Cooked Turkey! Fried Ham! It's your Birthday! HOT DANG! LOL!

Coming in late with a many happy returns of the day to ya Cross!
Joyous Independence all.

No damn Yankee ??? ya mean a cotton pickin rebel ?? Southern trash also probably.

I feel betrayed, so let's go see if the coffee pot has enough. If not we will have to stir Oro for his sock coffee, but
watch out, when he ia dozing with his sheep, he comes out a-shooting, until he wakes up, but his fresh sock coffee is worth it.

Don Jose de La Manchadamn Y

Reb, you posted - in reference to evil shadows, why Oro of course,toss another log on the fire and pass the coffee pot

Don Jose de La Mancha ( el DAMN YANKEE )

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