I'm game if you are, though I haven't a clue how one would categorize such a subject on the forum. Be happy to follow, just lead the way. Somewhere more, User Friendly, perhaps?
As for "spirits", I'm not yet convinced that the manifestations we have been discussing ARE spirits. They could just as well be a version of our own subconscious, or an innate ability, manifesting itself, as Releventchair put so aptly. Or a byproduct of information transfer via some resonance, be it imprinted emotions, memory. Even the sheer ability of a concentrated thought to actually affect physical reality. I remember reading a post earlier in this topic, I believe the member was Devo, where it was suggested that with enough concentrated intent, your thoughts will be felt, even manifest, in some way, shape, or form. Two recent scientific studies come to mind immediately, one involved the use of Random Event Generators placed all over the globe recording the ability of concerted mass human emotions to change randomness into order. The other involved the use of concentrated intent to affect the movement of photon transfer, a "Double Slit" experiment I believe. ( Links available for those interested ). And those are just two of many that show our thoughts have the ability to affect "reality" on a physical plane.
Who's to say that maybe those voices we hear, brief ghostly visions, aren't spirits at all, but simply echoes of some past occurrence recorded and trapped in the stones themselves? Science has shown it's possible for crystals to hold information for a projected "million" years. What of all the phenomena surrounding ancient temples and monoliths around the world, the possibilities are endless.
Then, of course, there's always an overactive imagination.
Somehow, the possible "ghost" of Jesse James seems way overdone in my humble opinion. ( If he had actually stolen as much money as he was credited with, it would have shown up way before now, along with the poor fellow's exhausted bones lying across it from digging so many holes ). Butt, some legends/fantasies just die hard. Have to love those dime store novels and entertainment value.
Lead on Macbeth!
Happy Trails