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Keep in mind, we are ALL electro-magnetic beings (spirits) enclosed in a human body; SPIRIT BEINGS having HUMAN EXPERIENCES; good, bad, ugly. After death Human form decays, Spirit is released. Of COURSE... CRYSTALS help; used in a radio, TV, Computer, etc. to "tune into"... WHAT are YOU "tuned into" during MEDITATION...? At death, Spirit is in the THETA "wave-length". Take it from there...

Yes, Rebel-kgc, that is exactly where I was going with that. Electromagnetism, Vibration, Frequency, Resonance. I think we may be heading in the right direction, I have much research in this area to share if there is an interest.

And Releventchair, you may have hit the nail on the head. Perhaps we are the "tuning fork" for these spirits to tune in on. I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on this, please!

I have a site in Colorado and every time I am there, that place literally haunts the s*** out of me. I always feel like I am being watched as I move up and down the canyon. The eyes, as I refer to "They watch you come and they watch you go". They know things and see many things. Amazes me how they set up sites like that, drives me crazy to no end lol.

I apologize, Treasure Hunter, I thought I had replied to your post, but now I can't find where I posted it. Must still be floating out there in cyber space somewhere.

I'm curious, when you say "eyes", are you describing actual rock carvings or 'glyphs in the canyon near your site, or do you mean just the feeling of being watched while you are there?

Yes, Rebel-kgc, that is exactly where I was going with that. Electromagnetism, Vibration, Frequency, Resonance. I think we may be heading in the right direction, I have much research in this area to share if there is an interest.

And Releventchair, you may have hit the nail on the head. Perhaps we are the "tuning fork" for these spirits to tune in on. I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on this, please!
I AM interested in your research; I have done some; too. NOT on this "thread", tho; start one somewhere else... "tuning fork" is KEY; ALL Th'ers can learn to do this, & some may ALREADY do it... "BE STILL & LISTEN/FEEL". BTW, NOT interested in tuning into Spirits... the GOLD/SILVER/GEMS have their own frequencies...

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I'm game if you are, though I haven't a clue how one would categorize such a subject on the forum. Be happy to follow, just lead the way. Somewhere more, User Friendly, perhaps?

As for "spirits", I'm not yet convinced that the manifestations we have been discussing ARE spirits. They could just as well be a version of our own subconscious, or an innate ability, manifesting itself, as Releventchair put so aptly. Or a byproduct of information transfer via some resonance, be it imprinted emotions, memory. Even the sheer ability of a concentrated thought to actually affect physical reality. I remember reading a post earlier in this topic, I believe the member was Devo, where it was suggested that with enough concentrated intent, your thoughts will be felt, even manifest, in some way, shape, or form. Two recent scientific studies come to mind immediately, one involved the use of Random Event Generators placed all over the globe recording the ability of concerted mass human emotions to change randomness into order. The other involved the use of concentrated intent to affect the movement of photon transfer, a "Double Slit" experiment I believe. ( Links available for those interested ). And those are just two of many that show our thoughts have the ability to affect "reality" on a physical plane.

Who's to say that maybe those voices we hear, brief ghostly visions, aren't spirits at all, but simply echoes of some past occurrence recorded and trapped in the stones themselves? Science has shown it's possible for crystals to hold information for a projected "million" years. What of all the phenomena surrounding ancient temples and monoliths around the world, the possibilities are endless.

Then, of course, there's always an overactive imagination.

Somehow, the possible "ghost" of Jesse James seems way overdone in my humble opinion. ( If he had actually stolen as much money as he was credited with, it would have shown up way before now, along with the poor fellow's exhausted bones lying across it from digging so many holes ). Butt, some legends/fantasies just die hard. Have to love those dime store novels and entertainment value.

Lead on Macbeth!

Happy Trails :hello:

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Maybe, "Tuning into Treasures" on another Forum... think MOST Th'ers are "into that"... COULD get too "Scientific",
tho... heh.

Point taken, Rebel. Will see what we can do to make it more appetizing AND user friendly.

Best Wishes :icon_thumleft:

Point taken, Rebel. Will see what we can do to make it more appetizing AND user friendly.

Best Wishes :icon_thumleft:
ALREADY done... check EVERYTHING ELSE "forum" for the NEW "Thread"; far as I know, only CRYSTALS are "living Rocks" (STILL growing...).

I have a friend I starting working on some of these sites with a couple years ago. He is very attuned to the spiritual side of stuff. I am not so much... or at least I am tolerated or possible even welcomed for the most part in these places.

He was more into outlaw cache stuff in the years past and had been doing that many years and had no idea of the spanish/ancient type stuff. When I first introduced him to these sites and the markers and alignments, I was very excited (much more than him) about showing him some of them and took him on a very good one where you could easily see the markers and was leading him around and trying to show him some of the alignments with a compass and such. Well, it didn't work out so well the first go around, because he had to just sit down because of all the spirits SCREAMING at him and talking to him all at the same time. He could barely walk the trail , and I could tell he was having trouble not tripping over small rocks and focusing on just plain walking.

There are people way more aware and "in tune" with the spirit side of things than others. It's just a rare chance however that they are ever introduced to these sort of places or know why they exist.

I believe also , like Ditlihi mentioned , how the music " cool down " the treasure Spirits or distract their attention from the treasure . I believe they like a soft song about love or about a story mixed with love and drama .
I believe this song has the standards to be used for this purpose :

The beginning and the end
Darkness and light ancient drama
I hear you, my heart,
I'm not deaf
Love...what a difficult thing

So many memories
It hasn't been long time ago,
Love, laugh and cry
In the end,
I wasn't very lucky
Love...what a difficult thing

Love disappears,
It fades away like the stars,
It goes away like the summers

Love disappears,
It fades away like the stars,
It goes away like the summers
It goes away like the summers


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The ongoing battle with man, spirits, treasures, happiness...

A truly talented and treasured soul...
Singing of some ancient times,
when time hadn't yet taken,
such a spirited toll... RIP

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I believe also , like Ditlihi mentioned , how the music " cool down " the treasure Spirits or distract their attention from the terasure . I believe they like a soft song about love or about a story mixed with love and drama .
I believe this song has the standards to be used for this purpose :

The beginning and the end
Darkness and light ancient drama
I hear you, my heart,
I'm not deaf
Love...what a difficult thing

So many memories
It hasn't been long time ago,
Love, laugh and cry
In the end,
I wasn't very lucky
Love...what a difficult thing

Love disappears,
It fades away like the stars,
It goes away like the summers

Love disappears,
It fades away like the stars,
It goes away like the summers
It goes away like the summers

Love It, Marius! Thank you! :notworthy: :-*

But the Dog Days of summer are over, and as the seasons change so does the treasure hunter. They say fortune smiles on the bold, and as you and I both know, when the music distracts - the Wise treasure hunter acts. While the lesser spirits, stuck in their rut, are destined to play out their days in the same old record groove, endlessly skipping in the same worn spot; the Bold spirited treasure hunters go where angels fear to tread, and with a fearless heart and keen wit, dance away with the True Treasures in Life. Alive and Kicking. Fearless, Free, and Fortunate.

Who you going to call when lesser spirits play? Ghost Busters?


Bold Spirits. Like Us, Marius. :hello:

You turn me on, you lift me up
And like the sweetest cup I'd share with you
You lift me up, don't you ever stop, I'm here with you
Now it's all or nothing
'Cause you say you'll follow through
You follow me, and I, I, I follow you

What you gonna do when things go wrong?
What you gonna do when it all cracks up?
What you gonna do when the Love burns down?
What you gonna do when the flames go up?
Who is gonna come and turn the tide?
What's it gonna take to make a dream survive?
Who's got the touch to calm the storm inside?
Who's gonna save you?
Alive and Kicking
Stay until your love is, Alive and Kicking
Stay until your love is, until your love is, Alive

Oh you lift me up to the crucial top, so I can see
Oh you lead me on, till the feelings come
And the lights that shine on
But if that don't mean nothing
Like if someday it should fall through
You'll take me home where the Magic's from
And I'll be with you

What you gonna do when things go wrong?
What you gonna do when it all cracks up?
What you gonna do when the Love burns down?
What you gonna do when the flames go up?
Who is gonna come and turn the tide?
What's it gonna take to make a dream survive?
Who's got the touch to calm the Storm inside?
Don't say goodbye
Don't say goodbye
In the final seconds who's gonna save you?

Oh, Alive and Kicking
Stay until your love is, love is, Alive and Kicking
Oh, Alive and Kicking
Stay until your love is, love is, Alive and Kicking


Where Angels fear to tread? Lol, very funny saying. :laughing7:

The "True Treasures" in life, have never been of karnal nature.

Never heard of Treasured messengers ever being the ones to grow
afraid of treading anywhere. They only go where they are Spirit Sent...

... In fact it will be The Strong and Mighty Arch Angel Michael, and other Angels,
that makes war with, prevails against, and then casts the evil one down to the earth.
...Holy Angels Fear? Ha ha ha...
... :sunny: :fish:


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I believe also , like Ditlihi mentioned , how the music " cool down " the treasure Spirits or distract their attention from the treasure . I believe they like a soft song about love or about a story mixed with love and drama .
I believe this song has the standards to be used for this purpose :

The beginning and the end
Darkness and light ancient drama
I hear you, my heart,
I'm not deaf
Love...what a difficult thing

So many memories
It hasn't been long time ago,
Love, laugh and cry
In the end,
I wasn't very lucky
Love...what a difficult thing

Love disappears,
It fades away like the stars,
It goes away like the summers

Love disappears,
It fades away like the stars,
It goes away like the summers
It goes away like the summers

Speaking of spirits and treasure, Marius, have you ever heard a treasure hunter mention what they would do with the riches they may find? I've found that most talk of fame, of buying mansions, cars, and traveling to exotic places, wealth and fortune - living their dreams. How many have you heard talk of being "fortunate"? How many even recognise what the word truly means? How many of those who dream of fortune spare a thought for any other than themselves? Do the ones who have no home, no food to eat, who with hollow eyes and stomach, stare into the future with no love, no hope, do they ever cross the minds of those counting their coins?

Not many, Marius, that I've seen. What spirit possesses a person to think only of themselves, relieving their own misfortune, while preaching hate and condemnation and claiming Grace for their own sins while standing in judgement of others? Spirits who would claim Divine Right and Protection, while spewing venom on those that choose to work quietly in the night to save the less fortunate, to fill those empty stomachs and empty hearts. What spirits are these?

There most certainly are spirits at work in the search for wealth and riches. But those who recognise the True Treasures in life, also recognise those spirits for what they are. The seekers of True Treasure will be rewarded in kind. So will the others, in order with their works.

I've been honored in knowing you, Marius. You, like myself, are a person "of the people". You have a beautiful heart. Thank you for sharing it with me. :love2:

And with that, I will bid this thread and it's troubled spirit Adieu.


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Fearless Angels ~ Strong Messengers Watching Treasures And Spirits


... :sunny: :fish:


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Thank you Ditlihi for the song and for the kind words to my person . I have been honored in knowing you too . Your character and your spirit are of a warrior Angel , and your sensibility and your emotive heart are of a Princess .

hi Bigdogdad, how to get spirits on our side ?

BDD, very well spoken. It's my belief that these treasures were put there for a reason. A reason know only by the priest and God. It's to be used for the good of man and fight the evil that to come. When the time is right each one of us will be given what is needed to find it. I believe most of us are God fearing believers. Most of us will help our fellow man with our Blessings. At least that what I'm to do. It's for the work of God so don't let the evil spirits worry you. They can't hurt you. They may scare you and make you doubt yourself. But have Faith and fear not for the armor of God will protect you. Ask for His Blessings and you will receive it.
We need His Blessings in this country.

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This was taken last week. You can decide for yourself.20180208_200942.webp

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