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Thank you, sorry for any inconvenience on my part...

Sometime Spirits Do work through people, to get at other people(s).

I don't know. I don't imbibe


Tuscoro You talk about having your own site.
If you delete someones post & they Re post it , What Would you do ?

Well, I'll give you the Benefit of the doubt this time, However, I personally Ban the member for second guessing me and reposting.
This is =your Warning. When I Edit or Delete Posts it is for a reason.

I like the song. But I have to ask does this thread Belong in Music ?

& Why so Much hate ? if you hate Men , Your definitely at the Wrong place.
I would imagine there has to be a man hating site somewhere

and do not assume it is alright to use members real or perceived real names in public ,
unless you are sure it is ok.

and this goes for all members
Times 2......

I have had a lot of hesitation about putting this photo up....Seems the son and I were opening an old, (very old), mine. It took two years to get down to the tunnel entrance, as it had been covered very well by the ******* or the *******. We were taking a break after beginning what will take several years of work. He grabbed me by the shirt and asked, "What in hell are those? Some kind of mine gas?" At first, I didn't think much of the blue things floating around us...but after a minute or so, I grabbed my camera. I didn't believe what ever it was could be caught on film...Lucky me! I will tell you, this is not the camera, as we saw these "things" long before I started taking photos.

There is one still exiting the tunnel. They stayed around for approx. 3 to 4 minutes, and just disappeared.

I am not making the assumption that they are spirits, nor am I saying they are not. Only that I do not know....Oh well, here goes...


That's cool. Did you go in it after that?

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At the present time, this is as far as we have got. The site is 220 miles from home, and we only get there every couple of weeks. We were able to shine a flashlight to the back of the tunnel, approximately 70 feet. The tunnel has been back-filled by those that left it behind. It is one of those I would like to go at every day, and so would the land owner. We have an agreement with him for the next 2 years and 4 months. He is not sure where it is on his property as we wanted to protect our interests in whatever may be there, if anything. There are 3 other tunnels on the property, (we believe, as the signs we read to find this one are guiding us the the others). We haven't let him know about the others, as it took us over a year to get down from the top to find this one......keep your fingers crossed, please!

Below is a photo of a water trapped one that we have yet to work on, it lies on the adjoining property. It is filled with 7 1/2 feet of water. We have swam to the back of the tunnel, (approx. 90 feet), where it splits in to 3 adjoining tunnels. I wish I had another lifetime or so to investigate all of them, as there are a few more.......Seems everytime I roll out of bed, I am another year older!

watertrap nv.webp

Bytheway...If you look left and up from the exposed tunnel, you can see a cut juniper sticking looks to be part of a rotted death trap set up. It has notching in it, where it has been fit in to the rocks above. As we went down on it, we were able to match it to where it had been. It had let down at least 3 tons of rock and debri. (not shown as it wasn't found yet)

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Interesting pics. I honestly don't know either. I haven't ran across
that same thing. I think spirits come and go, between our reality,
and maybe another dimension.

Have any other unusual things happened?

Thanks for sharing your pics, and your story so far.
You likely know how to deal with spirits, should there
be an audio or visual manifestation, that's startling.

Sounds like a lot of work, and hopefully some good
fun, for you and your son. How cool!
I wish you good successs...
Thanks for posting.
Good luck...
... :sunny: :fish:


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Dedicated to all ghosts and Treasured Spirits


"There are strange things done in the midnight sun By the men who moil for gold;"

"The Arctic trails have their secret tales
That would make your blood run cold;"....The Cremation of Sam McGee
Robert W. Service, 1874 - 1958

Gold Prospector.webp

"The Weird Coincidence Of The Yukon Gold Rush"....By 67 Not Out

"I’m sure there were lots of tales from the Yukon territory, the gold rush and the ‘trail of ’98′ but this is perhaps one of the weirdest — and features a remarkable coincidence

The story is of Simon and John Turner, known to thousands of old time sourdoughs as the Two Apostles and also the Gold Dust Twins.

Simon and John were twins. Everything one wanted to do, the other also wanted to do. If one had a pain, the other felt it: they had a bond that shared everything.

The twins followed the trail to Yukon gold. Eventually, in the vicinity of the Lake La Barge region they located a paying claim. John started for Skagway with a large bag of gold nuggets. Simon stayed to work the claim.

Weeks and then months passed, but there was no sign of John returning. Simon felt a strange foreboding. He decided to close his claim and set off to Skagway himself.

There was no trace of John, so in 1900 Simon took up the search for his missing twin. His search continued for 32 years travelling over all of the possible routes John may have taken.

He became a famous figure. In Skagway, at Dyea amd Lake Bennet men told of his seeking. Many thought him a little mad. Others did not accept his story of a search for a long lost twin brother, but credited his search to some hidden cache, or pay streak and regarded his story as a cunning dissimulation on his part to hide his true endeavour.

The years rolled by, Simon grew bent and developed a dry, hacking cough. Many tried to persuade him to give up his search but his reply was always the same: “Identical twins we were. Everything one did the other had to do, you can’t separate that kind. I’ve got to find him. We came into this world together and together we gotta be when the last trumpet sounds.”

When he reached 70 years of age Simon moved to a wilderness almost devoid of men.

Two prospectors working out from White Horse came upon Simon lying at the base of a precipice, about 100 yards off the old Lake La Barge trail. Though the old man’s neck was broken from a fall his face wore a look of perfect serenity. He had not been dead for very long.

The two prospectors decided it best to bury him where he lay. They dug down a little way when they turned up a skeleton. Mingled with the bones was an ancient wallet and some 32 year old papers, well preserved where the frost line lies close to the surface.

The papers bore witness that the skeleton was that of John, his long sought identical twin! By grim irony Simon had located his brother too late to know it in this conscious world.

Perhaps all of this was simply a coincidence, or maybe there’s something more in this sympathy existing between twins, that is more powerful than man can know.

The two men were finally buried together and over their grave stands a simple headstone which reads:

In Death They Were Not Divided."

As long as the Angels are real


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Oh ... these Greek Spirited songs


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"The Arctic trails have their secret tales
That would make your blood run cold;"....The Cremation of Sam McGee
Robert W. Service, 1874 - 1958

View attachment 1327842

"The Weird Coincidence Of The Yukon Gold Rush"....By 67 Not Out

"I’m sure there were lots of tales from the Yukon territory, the gold rush and the ‘trail of ’98′ but this is perhaps one of the weirdest — and features a remarkable coincidence

The story is of Simon and John Turner, known to thousands of old time sourdoughs as the Two Apostles and also the Gold Dust Twins.

Simon and John were twins. Everything one wanted to do, the other also wanted to do. If one had a pain, the other felt it: they had a bond that shared everything.

The twins followed the trail to Yukon gold. Eventually, in the vicinity of the Lake La Barge region they located a paying claim. John started for Skagway with a large bag of gold nuggets. Simon stayed to work the claim.

Weeks and then months passed, but there was no sign of John returning. Simon felt a strange foreboding. He decided to close his claim and set off to Skagway himself.

There was no trace of John, so in 1900 Simon took up the search for his missing twin. His search continued for 32 years travelling over all of the possible routes John may have taken.

He became a famous figure. In Skagway, at Dyea amd Lake Bennet men told of his seeking. Many thought him a little mad. Others did not accept his story of a search for a long lost twin brother, but credited his search to some hidden cache, or pay streak and regarded his story as a cunning dissimulation on his part to hide his true endeavour.

The years rolled by, Simon grew bent and developed a dry, hacking cough. Many tried to persuade him to give up his search but his reply was always the same: “Identical twins we were. Everything one did the other had to do, you can’t separate that kind. I’ve got to find him. We came into this world together and together we gotta be when the last trumpet sounds.”

When he reached 70 years of age Simon moved to a wilderness almost devoid of men.

Two prospectors working out from White Horse came upon Simon lying at the base of a precipice, about 100 yards off the old Lake La Barge trail. Though the old man’s neck was broken from a fall his face wore a look of perfect serenity. He had not been dead for very long.

The two prospectors decided it best to bury him where he lay. They dug down a little way when they turned up a skeleton. Mingled with the bones was an ancient wallet and some 32 year old papers, well preserved where the frost line lies close to the surface.

The papers bore witness that the skeleton was that of John, his long sought identical twin! By grim irony Simon had located his brother too late to know it in this conscious world.

Perhaps all of this was simply a coincidence, or maybe there’s something more in this sympathy existing between twins, that is more powerful than man can know.

The two men were finally buried together and over their grave stands a simple headstone which reads:

In Death They Were Not Divided."
Very STRONG Empathy; seen it in twins before... TWINFlame Soulmates.

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You Get What You Believe.

I don't think I've really heard of a "Spirit" being attached to any particular object. Demons on the other hand...Yes. And they will pose as whatever you are most capable of accepting them as. Angels, Spirits, or even their true form. Just as long as they can get your attention, and get you focusing on them. It's all about energy for them. And your focus, is just that. When you have Millions of people facing Mecca at the same time, and praying. You have a very large amount of energy being focused in that direction. And I can guarantee you that there is something on the other end receiving it. Best bet is to get rid of anything that you feel has something attached to it. It's not gonna be something that pops out and guards the house at night, and sweeps your floors like a Roomba. haha

Be careful what you look for. In these matters, you will find it. And it won't be anything treasured.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Real Treasures have Real Spirits

Oh ... this Greek Spirited songs

To the strong spirited Greeks the cigarette is much more than just a love affair. It is life in its entirety. The cigarette is a simile to the erotic flame which leads to life, presents at death and all that is in between. The smoke carries the Spirit upward and into Eternity.

It resembles an adventure book that never ends...

Στη ζωή, το πνεύμα, να περιπέτειες! Αυτό το φως σε σας, Marius!

my lighter.webp

Thank you Ditlihi for your honor .

Anyone experienced a "Night Hag" or the "medical term" -sleep paralysis- after being around these areas alot?

Anyone experienced a "Night Hag" or the "medical term" -sleep paralysis- after being around these areas alot?


If you be talkin' bout this...

Or we can go in a different direction....


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Ha, no, I'm more into 90's grunge music cause that's when I was just out of college. But it can be a little more bizzare than a washed up rock band when it happens... A couple times... each more violent than the last.

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