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Very nice grunge link! But no, when you wake up from a tortuous dream and see a dark figure rocking back and forth on your chest and you can't move for 30 seconds, it's pretty disturbing. Especially more disturbing after a couple times in a row out of the blue after messing around on some of these treasure sites in the wee hours of the night.

The darkness, and bad smell, has gotten much worse here.
Funny how y'all show up, not to contribute to the topic,
but only to make your dark spirit ways known.
To try and harass, dark spirits gather.
Oooh Darkness... I choose light...

One for The Ancient Of Days
... :sunny: :fish:


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Ha ha ha... Hmmn... Sure 'nough? Can strong spirits smoke, or is that just a human thing...
Do they like it, or can it flush them out...

Life's smokey adventure book may end in an uncontrolled, quite uncomfortable way, with over 300+ something deadly chemicals per puff to the lungs, brain, blood and vitals...

I used to like cigarettes, butt they only shortened my breathing after sometime.
They are very good for adding a few more pirate wrinkles though, however they do spread and grow, without notice, and you can't give them back... Like some familiar spirits, haunting for spite like a lost rebel, or a stick mind...

Well, this calls for some Vintage Smokey Skynyrd. Rossington, the only original survivor now, recently had a small situation, and needed a stint replacement, or upgrade, so I heard...

But here he is, playing on a song Ronnie had written about him, ironically,
smoking licks on his now treasured antique guitar.

Like as though he was the only one living on the edge at the time...

It is a bit entertaining, though boring also, when spirits think they
can put on their little muse, and supposedly go on undetected,
kinda' like a hidden treasure, but their really... not...
... :sunny: :fish:


My apologies, Sir or Madame, but after puzzling through your last replies that, oddly, seem filled with animosity and directed towards me, I went back and reviewed the last 30 pages or so of this thread in order to better understand whatever point you seem to be attempting unsuccessfully to make. I believe I have a much better grasp now, and ask your forebearance with a noob to this forum. My only reply to you, after said review, is that I don't imbibe either. Your posts are lost on me.

While I admit to coming across this topic in a haphazard way while clicking through the recent posts section, I don't believe that I have committed any infractions to the rules by merely replying to the post just prior to my own. I was simply voicing my respect for the intent of the poster and the content of their post, which I found to be an endearing sentiment to life's spiritual treasures and the simple pleasures to be found and shared along the way. Love, Adventures, the intimacy of a shared cigarette. A salute to a kindred spirit.

Therefore, after a wonderful little discovery I was directed to from another member here, I have located a neat feature called the ignore button. (My appreciation to the member and to the foresighted administrators here for providing this helpful tool!). Good day and goodbye to you.

To the remaining contributors on this thread, seeing that you seem to have an affinity for music, have you ever tried using the same to control these "spirits" that appear attached to treasure sites? I've found that they are drawn irresistibly to the sounds of music, become enthralled with it, and can easily be distracted away from your efforts by simply setting an inexpensive boom box or cd player to play (on a continuous loop) nearby. Once your recovery is made, simply leave the music in place until after the cache has been removed to a different location, then you can either go back and recover your boom box, or just leave it. I've used this method successfully, and have not been troubled once afterwards. To the individual troubled by sleep paralysis, try using this method while you sleep. It could help I would think. Sweet dreams!

Oh, I haven't had it happen in maybe 10 months or so , ever since I confronted it "in the act" when I figured out what was happening. Perhaps I "cured" myself of it.

I have a site in Colorado and every time I am there, that place literally haunts the s*** out of me. I always feel like I am being watched as I move up and down the canyon. The eyes, as I refer to "They watch you come and they watch you go". They know things and see many things. Amazes me how they set up sites like that, drives me crazy to no end lol.

That's excellent news! Having never experienced waking to a dark amophorous weight atop of me, I truly cannot say what I would have done in your position. I find the prospect extremely creepy though. Could you elaborate on the confrontation a little? Did it involve physical force, or a verbal one? I normally avoid confrontations, as they drain energies I would rather put to constructive use. But I realise they are sometimes unavoidable, in which case I would want to take advantage of another's experience and advice in handling such an occurence. Care to share?

Ha, well there is no way to put it that doesn't sound crazy. So anyways I guess I picked up a tag along or something from one of these sites I mess around on, and have many I go to so I have no idea which or when it exactly came about, But I started having these bizarre extremely vivid dreams like overly dealing with negative emotions and I would wake up pissed off and having to deal with them. They continued off an on for about a month or so, until they started taking a new twist, that of being tied up , tortured, cut up, stabbed, etc, in which I started waking up in the middle of them, paralyzed, and I would try to come fully out of it, and I would literally feel like I was being drugged back to sleep. Sometimes I would go right back into the dream. This only went on a couple more times, until one time I woke totally out of it, but still paralyzed and thought I saw something on me. It immediately disappeared, and I thought, whoa, that was weird. It was if something was inducing my dreams and feeding off them. So I looked it up, and it supposed to be a medical type condition that happens when you wake up and your body is still putting out chemicals as to make you not move in your sleep. However many people have the same story, seeing something sitting on their chest and holding them down, in fact it goes way back in many different cultures and is mythical or paranormal related thing that has been spoken of for generations.

Anyways long story short, same thing happened one more time and I broke out of, asked the thing who it was, and basically told it I was aware of it now and it wasn't welcome in my house. It was a shadowy thing in what looked like a dark cloak ( I sleep with a window unshaded and I can usually still see a little bit in the dark room) . I couldn't see it's face, it sat sideways on me with one hand on my chest, one on my legs ans was kind of rocking back and forth on my stomach. So I have no idea if was just my mind the medical thing or what, but It hasn't been back since. When you wake like that you are still a little groggy and it's hard to tell if you are really awake or not sometimes in the middle of the night. But the bizzare thing (other than visually seeing something) was the feeling of half waking out it and the feeling like I was being drugged back to sleep.

Ha ha, the medical thing?
What you mean by that... :icon_scratch:
They have a medical explanation for it and call it sleep paralysis. Because we need a scientific explanation for everything in the world we live in, haha.

My apologies, Sir or Madame, but after puzzling through your last replies that, oddly, seem filled with animosity and directed towards me, I went back and reviewed the last 30 pages or so of this thread in order to better understand whatever point you seem to be attempting unsuccessfully to make. I believe I have a much better grasp now, and ask your forebearance with a noob to this forum. My only reply to you, after said review, is that I don't imbibe either. Your posts are lost on me.

While I admit to coming across this topic in a haphazard way while clicking through the recent posts section, I don't believe that I have committed any infractions to the rules by merely replying to the post just prior to my own. I was simply voicing my respect for the intent of the poster and the content of their post, which I found to be an endearing sentiment to life's spiritual treasures and the simple pleasures to be found and shared along the way. Love, Adventures, the intimacy of a shared cigarette. A salute to a kindred spirit.

Therefore, after a wonderful little discovery I was directed to from another member here, I have located a neat feature called the ignore button. (My appreciation to the member and to the foresighted administrators here for providing this helpful tool!). Good day and goodbye to you.

To the remaining contributors on this thread, seeing that you seem to have an affinity for music, have you ever tried using the same to control these "spirits" that appear attached to treasure sites? I've found that they are drawn irresistibly to the sounds of music, become enthralled with it, and can easily be distracted away from your efforts by simply setting an inexpensive boom box or cd player to play (on a continuous loop) nearby. Once your recovery is made, simply leave the music in place until after the cache has been removed to a different location, then you can either go back and recover your boom box, or just leave it. I've used this method successfully, and have not been troubled once afterwards. To the individual troubled by sleep paralysis, try using this method while you sleep. It could help I would think. Sweet dreams!

Hi Ditlihi

I would add to your post ..." and the intimacy of a shared cigarette's smoke " . And if you don't understand what I mean , with the first occasion i will show you how we can do this.

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offer the spirit a last cigarette....


And/or....offer some ......."spirits" to the.....spirits!


Ha, well there is no way to put it that doesn't sound crazy. So anyways I guess I picked up a tag along or something from one of these sites I mess around on, and have many I go to so I have no idea which or when it exactly came about, But I started having these bizarre extremely vivid dreams like overly dealing with negative emotions and I would wake up pissed off and having to deal with them. They continued off an on for about a month or so, until they started taking a new twist, that of being tied up , tortured, cut up, stabbed, etc, in which I started waking up in the middle of them, paralyzed, and I would try to come fully out of it, and I would literally feel like I was being drugged back to sleep. Sometimes I would go right back into the dream. This only went on a couple more times, until one time I woke totally out of it, but still paralyzed and thought I saw something on me. It immediately disappeared, and I thought, whoa, that was weird. It was if something was inducing my dreams and feeding off them. So I looked it up, and it supposed to be a medical type condition that happens when you wake up and your body is still putting out chemicals as to make you not move in your sleep. However many people have the same story, seeing something sitting on their chest and holding them down, in fact it goes way back in many different cultures and is mythical or paranormal related thing that has been spoken of for generations.

Anyways long story short, same thing happened one more time and I broke out of, asked the thing who it was, and basically told it I was aware of it now and it wasn't welcome in my house. It was a shadowy thing in what looked like a dark cloak ( I sleep with a window unshaded and I can usually still see a little bit in the dark room) . I couldn't see it's face, it sat sideways on me with one hand on my chest, one on my legs ans was kind of rocking back and forth on my stomach. So I have no idea if was just my mind the medical thing or what, but It hasn't been back since. When you wake like that you are still a little groggy and it's hard to tell if you are really awake or not sometimes in the middle of the night. But the bizzare thing (other than visually seeing something) was the feeling of half waking out it and the feeling like I was being drugged back to sleep.

Yikes, that sounds very frightening indeed! I am familiar with the medical term of sleep paralysis, though not convinced by it. Not all things are explainable by modern science, in my humble opinion. But your event sounds terrifying, am certainly very glad I haven't experienced it myself. It does prompt me to ask though, are you familiar with your homes history? Could there have been an event in the past similar to what you experienced, the torture, tying up and stabbing? Perhaps a murder committed there? Of course, it could have attached to you at a different location, such as your site. Either way, I think you solved the problem from the sounds of it. Good job! Very interesting that you accomplished this by addressing it personally, must have taken some nerve to do. I've heard pros and cons on that, acknowledging them. Interesting!

A story in return then?

I've been fortunate to make the acquaintance of several missionaries to such far flung areas as <insert your choice here>, among others. In our discourses I found an intriguing common theme in their recounting of various experiences with "spirits" among the local indigenous. It seemed that upon any instance where they encountered something of spiritual importance, a shrine, a monument, burials of any kind, the indigenous would immediately begin chanting, singing low under under their breath, rhythmic tapping with a stick, or shaking rattles. This of course the missionaries viewed for the most part as superstition. That is, until each had a personal experience during the course of their service, where they were beset by unusual accidents, visual disturbances, strange noises or unexplained voices when approaching the same areas on their own.

One missionary, with whom I came to be close friends and remain in close contact, told me of hiking through a stretch of forest and being followed by such an entity after passing near an ancient grotto formerly used as a place of sacrifice in centuries past. He related as how this being or spirit trailed him for miles, sometimes in front of him on the trail and sometimes behind. He described how he would stumble over obstructions that he couldn't see, apparitions of someone flitting through the trees would disappear when he turned to look at them. It frightened him so badly that he picked up a fallen branch and, fashioning two sticks out of it, he began rapping them together and chanting the only song he could recall at that terrified moment (which as it turns out was a childhood nursery rhyme). He stated that from that moment until he arrived at his destination, all manifestations stopped and he was allowed to pass unhindered.

An explainable coincidence one might think, working with superstitious people for extended periods one might pick up a few superstitions himself. Yet viewed with a wider lense, I have seen the same in all walks of life. From ancient times people have accompanied burials, funerary functions, spiritual ceremonies, with music. To this day we do the same. Is there something to it? Or is it a superstitious custom that has been passed down for eons in the human race?

As a writer and producer of documentaries on various subjects, I find the thought intriguing. And, as most treasures appear to involve sudden death in some way, shape, or form in its accumulation, it makes for an interesting avenue of research and documentation. One I've been exploring for a couple of years now after becoming acquainted with some fellow treasure hunters on a different project. Thus my interest in this particular topic on Treasurenet. On a personal level, I've my own interest in things spiritual in a global sense.

No, I am not looking to cast a TV show, and no, I am not hiring consultants. I'm just here to chat, like the rest of you, and maybe learn a thing or two along the way. I've no pet theories, just an open mind willing to discuss the possibilities and share experiences. Anyone else game?

Awesome song choices, I can smell the cigarette smoke from here! :icon_thumright:

I can tell the spirits are smiling on this topic, lol. Great fun to be part of this group, I salute you all for the honor of sharing it with you. More stories as we share the spirit of the smoke?

Hi Ditlihi

I would add to your post ..." and the intimacy of a shared cigarette's smoke " . And if you don't understand what I mean , with the first occasion i will show you how we can do this.

Thank you, Dear Marius. I DO understand, and look forward to that occasion! With MUCH anticipation! :notworthy:


From what I know about sleep paralysis mixed with shadow ghosts , the person who is involved , should do a cross shape in his/her mouth with his/her tongue . The tongue is the only part that somebody could move in this case . Do the cross and all will go well .


From what I know about sleep paralysis mixed with shadow ghosts , the person who is involved , should do a cross shape in his/her mouth with his/her tongue . The tongue is the only part that somebody could move in this case . Do the cross and all will go well .

This is fascinating information, Marius, an excellent suggestion. One I see a lot in my research across many different societies, the sign of the cross holding power over spirits.

And, Releventchair, thank you for the timely tune! I was considering a post about memories and diamonds just before you posted this, amazing timing and synchronicity!

I recently read an article about scientists discovering the power of crystals and their ability to hold millions of bytes of memory. No, not your modern metaphysical jargon from some guru, lol, but actual Physics.

5D 'Superman memory crystal' heralds unlimited lifetime data storage -

" The researchers claim that their memory crystals “[open] the era of unlimited lifetime data storage.” As well as providing unprecedented capacity and high-speed reading, fused quartz is exceptionally stable and can withstand temperatures up to 1000 °C. “We think it should potentially last a million years,” enthuses Zhang, meaning the stored data will likely outlast the human race."

Here's my question, could some of these manifestations attached to treasure be actual memories recorded in the crystal structure of, say, diamonds or gemstones? Could a "spirit", by the extreme circumstances of its demise, embed itself into the the actual treasure itself? I've read countless stories of a piece of jewelry causing manifestations to occur surrounding its current owner. The same might be said of any minerals I would suppose, even certain types of stone containing a high concentration of quartz. A possibility?

I suspect the owner causes more manifestation than any gem(s).
Should we wear a bead with the former owners oil and dander on it we sense the previous owner, or aura ,or emotion?
Had we wronged the owner ,or been encouraged by the previous owner ,or heard about the previous owner much of that reflects in our sense?
There are those who credit crystal with ability.

A caretaker , Kerry Moon at Garnet in Montana reported activity with no explanation in the ghost town.
Some have attributed the elements combined with the crystal and minerals there as having recorded life...
(From Earl Murray's Ghosts Of The Old West.)


Keep in mind, we are ALL electro-magnetic beings (spirits) enclosed in a human body; SPIRIT BEINGS having HUMAN EXPERIENCES; good, bad, ugly. After death Human form decays, Spirit is released. Of COURSE... CRYSTALS help; used in a radio, TV, Computer, etc. to "tune into"... WHAT are YOU "tuned into" during MEDITATION...? At death, Spirit is in the THETA "wave-length". Take it from there...

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