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Praise is always one of the best, most powerful spiritual
weapons, to ward off evil spirits, and bad men...
Check it out and see... I know it is... :sunny: :fish:

~:Crosse, Of The Lord:~

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... ~: One Final Request, For The Bravest Warriors :~ ...

...Aggressive ain't even the right word,
when yer talkin' Spiritual Warriors...
... Cause Angels fight on their behalf,
and the LORD's spirit, will have their
enemies, all in complete derision, fleeing,
and then turning their swords on each other...

... ~: Blessed Be The Name Of The LORD :~ ...

... :sunny: :fish:


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... ~: Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord :~ ...

... ~:Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord:~ ... :sunny: :fish:

~:Crosse Of The Sign:~

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You really could go play your little games somewhere else, trolley!
I don't care for your taste, and you are not contributing,
nor ever have, anything to the actual thread topic !!!
And if a TN member... Hmmn...
Your small talk says it all... :sunny: :fish:

~:Crosse The Sign:~

I'll probably get banned for replying, but the post before you edited it, was calling for bad to happen to someone. So I guess that was off topic too?
Is this thread for treasures? for videos? or for religion?
Someone so openly religious perhaps could be a little kinder?
I mean no one harm.


As far as what the thread is for, if you don't know
by now, perhaps you never will. I have been allowed
to post videos, for different purposes, including for
entertainment, and for spiritual reasons, which is
directly topic related. I have talked extensively,
about how hidden treasures, spirits, faith and
how to obtain power over the spirits can come,
through knowledge and practicing it... 'Religion',
is man made. I have not gone into what man
does to support their beliefs. I have, however,
quoted scripture, and spoken of my beliefs, in
relation to some very important and successful
treasure hunting, including 'The True Treasures'...

If you had studied the thread, perhaps more
objectively, you may have come to a different
understanding, including maybe a little something
about 'Spiritual Warfare', which is my main purpose.
Since so many people, apparently know little, or nothing
about it. I understand it as being critical to very good, and
lasting, even life saving, Treasure Hunting successes...

That's why I commented, that you may have more
fun somewhere else. This thread is over 18 months
old, and you have posted off and on a few times.
Have you got something to contribute to the topic?
The videos are varied, some just to make one smile...

The edited post you referred to, was talking about
bad men getting caught doing bad things, and asking,
or maybe sending Powerful Angels and Spirits, to help
the people engaged in the battle, to get it accomplished...
That is, for Victory, over the evil that is intended...

It's called: Spiritual Warfare, and it very seriously
involves lots of Prayer, Praising for the victory ahead
of time, Understanding, and Unwavering Faith...

Maybe it's just more serious, than your brand of humor...
... :sunny: :fish:


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Very Nice Editing, Thanks!... Much Thanks to The LORD,
To His Awesome Powerful Spirit And Angels, For Total Success,
In Defeating The Evil Enemies, Of His True Sacred Treasures...
... :sunny: :fish:


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Then you might try coming off a little kinder! Even
better, a lot more like a gentleman showing some
level of wisdom! Smarting off to women responding
to this thread as you have in the past, and posting
tacky videos, is what I'm talking about...

Maybe if you also mind your own business,
when you obviously Don't Understand at all
what is going on, it would be pretty good too...

As far as what the thread is for, if you don't know
by now, perhaps you never will. I have been allowed
to post videos, for different purposes, including for
entertainment, and for spiritual reasons, which is
directly topic related. I have talked extensively,
about how hidden treasures, spirits, faith and
how to obtain power over the spirits can come,
through knowledge and practicing it... 'Religion',
is man made. I have not gone into what man
does to support their beliefs. I have, however,
quoted scripture, and spoken of my beliefs, in
relation to some very important and successful
treasure hunting, including 'The True Treasures'...

If you had studied the thread, perhaps more
objectively, you may have come to a different
understanding, including maybe a little something
about 'Spiritual Warfare', which is my main purpose.
Since so many people, apparently know little, or nothing
about it. I understand it as being critical to very good, and
lasting, even life saving, Treasure Hunting successes...

That's why I commented, that you may have more
fun somewhere else. This thread is over 18 months
old, and you have posted off and on a few times.
Have you got something to contribute to the topic?
The videos are varied, some just to make one smile...

The edited post you referred to, was talking about
bad men getting caught doing bad things, and sending
Powerful Angels and Spirits to get it accomplished...
It's called: Spiritual Warfare, and it very seriously
involves lots of Prayer, and Unwavering Faith...

Maybe it's just more serious, than your brand of humor...
... :sunny: :fish:


Thank you for the reasoned reply. I do agree that seriousness is the issue and I'm sorry for ruining your thread.
My view on websites like this are that they are for fun. Hence my frivolous comments. I will not intrude into your spiritual battles again.

Thank you for the reasoned reply. I do agree that seriousness is the issue and I'm sorry for ruining your thread.
My view on websites like this are that they are for fun. Hence my frivolous comments. I will not intrude into your spiritual battles again.

Not always is spiritual battles. If you knew the reason, behind
the one sentence comment that I deleted, then perhaps
you would understand, and maybe even agree... Sigh...

I don't see any way that you ruined anything...
Though I do think, if you took a more gentlemanly
approach, that more of your humor would go farther...
I did see your point about the comment, and it had been
there long enough, for the intended party(s) to see it,
and to potentially take it's effect. Maybe something
would have been said about it, then maybe not...

But since you are looking for fun, and after all, there
is really never too much laughter, in fact not enough
in this old world. Just comes into the interpretation
of the ones being amused, I suppose...

There are many different tastes, and I have even
found some of your stuff to be a bit funny. You can
enjoy yourself here anytime. After all it's an open,
'Everything Else' forum. Just may get a Critique...
... :sunny: :fish:


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Thank You Father In Heaven, For The Swift and Sudden Victory, Against All Evil...

Happy Dances! "It's not by power, nor by might, but by My Spirit, says The LORD"...
... :sunny: :fish:


"The LORD Is my strong tower. I will run to him, in the time of need"... King David
... :sunny: :fish:


So be of good courage, knowing that we are never really alone.
We have an Awesome Father In Heaven, a Victorious King,
that loves us dearly, and at all times, that's forever...

Believe It, Speak It, See It... :sunny: :fish:


... ~: I Won't Back Down :~ ...

Dear Father, I bind all of these evil spirits, by the power given to me by Yeshua.
I loose your Awesome Holy Spirit, and Your Guardian Angels to Guide, Protect,
and to Destroy All of the Works of the Enemy... Thank You, For Victory LORD!!!

This next level of praise, is to bring on the heavy artillery,
for the loosing of the unseen armies of 'The Most High',
and they can well handle, the task at hand...
... :sunny: :fish:


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All hail the powers, of Jesus' name,
let Angels prostrate fall...
Bring forth the Royal Diadem,
and crown Him, Lord of Lords...

Powerful Praise, to Weaken God's Servants' Enemies...
Father in Jesus' mighty name, and by his powerful blood,
and by the anointing, You have so Graciously Granted to me,
let Your Spirits confuse the enemies of Your Treasured Spirits...

Cause the false ones to be exposed for who they are. Please
also send your Holy Angels, To Defend Your People, and Totally
Destroy their enemies evil works, for Your Own Awesome Glory,
Show Your Mighty Power, Oh Awesome and Righteous LORD!
... :sunny: :fish:


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Dear father, There Is None Like You God.
Let Your Enemies, and the enemies of your
children, and humble servants fall before us... :sunny: :fish:


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There is awesome power in high praise to our Treasured God!

To overcome all of our Spiritual enemies, and to be totally,
very powerfully victorious... NOW!!!

I rest my case, and Holy Faith, in your all powerful hands LORD God...
... :sunny: :fish:


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... :sunny: :fish:

...For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
but mighty unto God, to the pulling down of strongholds...



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