Do Spirits have Real Treasures?
Hi Mrs. Jodie,
So Glad you had such enjoyable times, and a safe journey!
Everything you described sounds Awesome! No, I have never
really heard of the Church you spoke of and described, tho
my friend talked about it some, and said he would like for
us to go down there at the special season, if possible...
That sounds like a very unique, historically rich, and
spiritually special, interesting place for sure...
As you know, I have never been to old Mexico, or studied
much about it, so all of the history that you talked about,
was very interesting... Perhaps I will be able to make
the trip with my friend, and experience some of the
interesting architecture, culture and scenery...
With what you found in such a short time, sounds
like the coin hunting must be pretty good! I wonder
what else is laying around, just under the ground
waiting, Treasure Spirits and all, lol!...
Yes Sis', it would be great, if we could all enjoy
the things that matter the most, a lot more indeed!
Since life and time, really is way too short... Thanks
Very kindly, for sharing your so cool sounding trip,
and some of the experiences with us, your good
TN friends, and you all take good care... You
are a very special, and Spirited Treasure!...
