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We are the definition of Red Dirt, several generations an' modern Indians.

Yeah we live out in the country, enjoy all the good peace we can, an' love it.
Sometimes find time to get our kicks, out on 'ol Classic Route 66... :sunny: :fish:


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Do Spirits Have Hidden Treasures?

I remember a hidden treasure story, I was told several years ago...
It was told to me by my much loved uncle's brother in law, who worked
many years as a driller, and tool pusher out in the oil fields of N/W Texas...

One early fall, he had a man show up at his drilling rig on location. He
was looking for work rough necking, which is a hand up on the floor, or
maybe working up in the derrick. That is most times some very hard
and dirty work, and can be long hours. If they for some reason, have to
do a lot of 'tripping', that is pulling all of the pipe joints out of the hole,
maybe to change the drill bit, or to 'fish' for broken tools, and then going
back down in, or maybe both. Sometimes, they may even have to work
the grueling 'pulling doubles', that is, do back to back towers, or 2- 8 hr.

Well, it just so happened, that Jerry really needed a hand, so after
talking to him a little bit, he realized the guy had some good experience,
and after the normal hiring formalities, he put him right to work. They hit
it off pretty good, and Jerry being quite a talker and BS'er himself, they
talked a lot, and the man confided in him, some of his personal business...

What he and his wife were traveling in, was an old bus, converted
with everything they needed to live in it. They spent all summer,
after the spring thaw, somewhere up in Colorado, prospecting and
gathering gold, dust and nuggets, and apparently had a pretty good
place that they successfully worked. Instead of using what they found
working their claim, sluicing or whatever all summer to live on thru the
winter, they would travel down out of the mountains, he would find work...

Then, since they could park their bus on location, their modest basic
everyday living expenses, were very low. His wife would do everything
to take care of him, while he worked all of the fall, winter, and early spring.
Time the weather in the high mountain elevations, would not permit them to
work for the gold, and they were able to save enough money, to leave the job
in the spring, and go back to their gold claim and work it all summer again...

This went on for several years. Every fall, Jerry knew the prospector would look
him up. He would go to the drilling company's office, find out where Jerry's rig
location was, get hired back on, and work all winter long, then when springtime
rolled around, they'd head off, and go back up to their gold claim. Work and
enjoy being there in the cool country, up in the beautiful high mountains,
getting gold and again saving it, storing it away, he later told Jerry, by
hiding it in the seats of their old bus...

Then, one fall, the guy didn't show up in his bus, at the usual time
that he had been, and Jerry wondered about him, and what may
have happened to him and his wife... But then, sure enough, he
finally found Jerry's rig location, and got out of his car to talk to
him a while. He was driving a brand new Cadillac, and they
both had nice new clothes on...

He and his wife, had apparently saved enough to live on
comfortably. Then cashed all of their hidden gold in, were
going to retire. He just wanted to stop and thank his old
boss and driller friend for working him, and to say goodbye...

They all visited for a good little while, and then Jerry watched
them drive off, and he never saw the guy ever again... :sunny: :fish:


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Howdy KaitoNation,

Glad you got a laugh, so early on in the thread...
Yeah, a creative criticism that was well put, and deserved.
Sad thing is, when I thanked maipenrai, and asked if there was
something else, to actually contribute to the topic, well no response... Sigh...

But, I must say, I appreciated it. Was a bad habit I had gotten into...
Now I just use that style for emphasis... Got Any Interesting Stories To Share?
Thanks for your comment, come back and visit anytime kitty... 8-)
... :sunny: :fish:


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... :sunny: :fish:

Back in the 80's, we used to go see my much loved Indian Grandma,
on weekends whenever we could, at her place out in the country,
in 'The Old indian Territory'... Along the way, was Reba McIntyre's
Ranch... We would look to see if she was in off of the road, from
touring, doing concerts, and count the busses in. Sometimes 3,
maybe 5, or even 7 busses would be parked there in the long
drive, by the large ranch style house... Was interesting...


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Hey Relevent,

How's it goin' today? Hope that back's doin'
a lot better. Tom T. Hall, was one of my good 'ol
Dad's favorites. He used to love to turn on his 8-track
player in his Chevy pickup, and listen to his favorites.
Drink cold Coors, before there was such a thing as
'The Silver Bullet', and pull tabs were tossed, to
later challenge the coin hunters, lol... That was
before I was very interested in his 'old' music,
growing up on the West Coast, I thought that
John Denver was country, lol... Just kiddin',
cause my good friend the butcher's son, his
Dad always listened to it, and I remember
some of the now 'classic country' tunes
from him playing country radio back
then, a lot of good tunes, I think now... :sunny: :fish:


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I like songs about cowgirls the best... :sunny: :fish:
Quite a nice Spirited Treasure...


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Back is gaining. Worth about two bucks(whinny) now. Knocked the meds off after a week. Still not completely worn off yet.

Cow girls? Kinda scarce round these parts....well, real uns anyway.
There's some rednecks, though not quite real to tradition either. A tradition of scarves to i.d, union workers from mining battle days ,now mean somethin else....


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Then there's trouble...:laughing7::skullflag:


And the other side of rhythm .


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