Do Treasures Have Real Spirits?
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The Chickasaw Conference Center, high atop the
ancient, but greatly worn down Arbuckle Mountains.
They are said to be some of the oldest in the world,
along the old Chickasaw Trail. I have direct bloodline to
them, thru their Legendary Brother Tribe, The Choctaws...
Frank James was known to have offered a reward, for
anyone who could show him a particular marked rock,
somewhere in the rocky, and thick wooded Arbuckle Mts.
After he was acquitted, he moved to Fletcher, in S/W OK.,
to spend years recovering treasures he, Jesse and the gang,
had worked so hard to obtain, and secretly cache away,
in the areas around the famed Wichita Mountains...
Leaving clues that apparently would
not all be later found again by him...
So did he ever find that particular one? ...
