... ~: The True Treasures ~:~ Bearing ~:~ The Sword Of The Spirit :~ ...
There is NO power in heaven or earth, like the power
we obtain thru Praise to The Ancient Of Days...
The devil himself knows it. demons and evil
spirits know, tremble, are subject to it...
Wielding The Sword Of The Spirit, which is
knowing, speaking, and believing His Secrets...
God's written Sacred Holy Testimonies, to all of us,
His long ago, Chosen and Cherished Anointed Witnesses,
His Own Special, Brave and Peculiar ... ~: True Treasures :~ ...
So... I do it in faith. The results in the natural,
are often mostly unseen by natural eyes of flesh...
Especially at first, when warring with His, and our ancient
arch enemies, that work to destroy our Sacred Faith continually...
Nevertheless, even though the results are often unnoticed, still
I do it often, trying to remember to do it always, continually, daily,
a mindset upon Him, His Spirit, and to our Powerful Allies...
To be thankful, and try to enter into His Holy Presence, thru The
So Awesome Grace (benefit) that He has given to us, by the workings
of His Most Powerful Holy Spirit... To Thank, Bless, Praise and to Petition Him,
The LORD our Awesome God... The Most High... As mine, and many of yours', ancient
Father King David so eloquently did. Generously taught us all, so much about the power of praise...
Prophecy speaking in it, and examples of talking to our Father in Heaven, as written by The Always Victorious King David,
and other extremely talented and Chosen Psalmists, so recorded long ago, by His Anointed Servants, in The Psalms...
It really pleases Him, as He has made many references, stories in His
Holy Word, Testimony to the powerful Spiritual effects of Praising Him...
May you praise Him often, and may He Grant you Power over the raging
snares and temptations, imposed upon all of the hearts and souls of mankind...
Especially those, that is all of us, that can and do warfare, with His Ancient Arch Enemies...
May you obtain and preserve the kind of life, that is full of faith, love, and hope... I hope you
may obtain many pleasant treasures in life, and even most of all, be one of and influence,
The True Treasures of our Everlasting Father, Blessed Redeemer, Prince Of Peace, The
Holy One, The Mighty God of our Noble, Brave and True, Great Ancestral Fathers ...
