Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

For somebody not posting deception and offering an alternative of Spirit Mountain seems awfully interested in The Superstition area that has nothing to offer and nothing will be found there.

Looks like Sarge found the Golden Egg of the Superstition's :laughing7:

Sgtfda...........Now that you've found gold in the Superstitions using the Stone Maps.....................Where you gonna go next?

Bradshaw's for the summer to Butterfly Creek. The gold only appears when you have a gold witch with you. Thus the meaning of the priest stone. Yes I have one and the gold appears only where she points with her rods That my friends is true. Truth can be stranger than fiction. You go without the gold witch you find nothing in the same spot. I have yet to see someone put that theory to the priest stone. I believe the stone makers had a gold witch with them who pointed where to dig and the priest stone demonstrates that.

:cat:to all, the reason I started this thread was to share what knowledge and history I have concerning the stone tablets and their history. do to health problems I did not want to see it lost. I stopped posting because all the information I was giving was not taken seriously or even being used. no one had ever posted back and commented on any of the clues I had given. seems your too busy arguing with each other to ever accomplish anything. or even go look. at this point,I feel just like howard in the movie treasure of the sierra madre, when dobbs and curtin called howard back to see all the gold they found after putting water on the rocks,yes, that's right you know exactly what howard told them. so heres the information you should have, lets see how you treat and understand it. 1. who lived on the property at burns ranch before burns acquired it. 2. why did burns want that property. 3. where did burns find his church treasures. 4. why in the past did numerous treasure hunters focus on burns ranch instead of the mnts.5. bob ward found the dios rock on burns ranch and removed it.6. there is a total of 18 mission symbols from burns ranch across superstition mnt to horse mesa where there are 3 symbols. 7. on the heart map is an old mission symbol that has been mistaken for a hill or mnt.8. last clue, jewish Mexicans, most of these clues and the trail is also on the Tucson artifacts.:cat:


We have surely missed your yarns. Can you tell us which of the Tucson artifacts has the same trail as the Stone Maps?

Carolyn with lead artifact.

I have pictures of all the artifacts, so I will be happy to post your evidence for you.

Joe Ribaudo


We have surely missed your yarns. Can you tell us which of the Tucson artifacts has the same trail as the Stone Maps?

Carolyn with lead artifact.

I have pictures of all the artifacts, so I will be happy to post your evidence for you.

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper, I know you have a long history with the Tucson artifacts,but so do many others,when I give information out you can either look at it and learn or not ,it cant hurt you to do your own research ,I had to do my own research,and if it doesn't fit in with your theory move on don't waste your time. and when it comes to the Tucson artifacts and the stone tablets people need to research (Timoteo odohui) did he end up working on a ranch around the superstitions,remember the Mexican ranch worker trying to sell stone tablets , just food for thought. have a nice


You, on the other hand, have developed your own reputation for the truth.......

People who make up stories will only last so long before they are exposed. Know what I mean?

Joe Ribaudo

Cactus you have been here long enough to know our rules and been warned in past for breaking them.....

It violates TN rules to call a member a liar or imply they are lying.

Please obey our rules, there will not be another warning.....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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View attachment 970112

Church Ruins, Lower Eagle Creek | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Church Ruins, Lower Eagle Creek by steve_keller, on Flickr

View attachment 970113View attachment 970114View attachment 970115


With all due respect, somebody may have misinformed you about your "mission" picture. After speaking with a local historian about the structure in the photo's we learned that it is a concrete school house built around 1900.

As for personal agenda, mine is finding the truth and if that makes me an :censored: hole for upsetting people about unsubstantiated claims, I apologize. However don't try to sell altered facts as truth, cause the truth will always come out eventually, whether you want it to or not. So don't blame others when a story falls apart...................research, research, research.

I must admit that your ideas are Entertaining though, almost History Channel quality. I also find it interesting that you left us early in October and have returned once again at the end of March. Just wish you could have made it to the Rendezvous, we could have had some good laughs.

Have Fun NP and Good Luck

BTW One reason it is so difficult to get anywhere, some people would like to distort the facts to fit history and their own ideas, thus muddying the waters for whatever their agenda may be.


Excellent post.:thumbsup: I must agree, NP has (likely) been misinformed. We should all give him the benefit of the doubt.

Take care,


For the record: There has been no deception associated with anything I have posted. My mission photo is original and was taken at the site I described. (I'm not so sure about the one posted by ________.)


With all due respect, somebody may have misinformed you about your "mission" picture. After speaking with a local historian about the structure in the photo's we learned that it is a concrete school house built around 1900.

So don't blame others when a story falls apart...................research, research, research.

It is what it is.....................misinformation somewhere along the way. Although I will give NP the benefit of A doubt.

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Hello NP

Welcome back to arena .

You wrote " I believe that most treasure stories are in actuality the same treasure just different stories. " .

Can you explain and give an example ?

markmar thank you. In some states certain groups in history had different caches to hide,they would start different stories for each cache hidden to keep people off focus,when some stories were written down the individual stories were done so in code to protect the treasure , some great treasure legends will be found to be connected to each other, thank you np:cat:

I, like Marius, would enjoy hearing an example..............Please.

I, like Marius, would enjoy hearing an example..............Please.

I can do that....... "Mine With the Iron Door" You will see stories of that mine in ten different states.

........and I think the Stone Maps only lead into the Superstition Mountains. Good luck anywhere else.

I can do that....... "Mine With the Iron Door" You will see stories of that mine in ten different states.

........and I think the Stone Maps only lead into the Superstition Mountains. Good luck anywhere else.

Ha ha - very good example. Last summer I heard yet another Lost Mine With An Iron Door yarn for your files. It was way up in Noonday Canyon in NM's Black Range. The 'witness' was the brother of none other than Gus Raney (now there's a guy for the conspiracy theorists!). Time period? The 1930's of course! People gobble up these iron door stories like ice cream.

NP. The ranch worker trying to sell stones works for me.

sgtfda my hats off to you, I give you lots of credit for actually going out and looking for things,glad you found some gold, hope you find lots more, keep looking its gotta be there ,lots of luck and find the big one. remember every rancher had a need for a good blacksmith and stone mason. thanks and good luck. np:cat:

Panoramio - Photo of Old Church near Morenci, AZ

Panoramio - Photo of Eagle Creek Ruin

For those that doubt the validity of the photo's and location of the "mission" showing it near the Burns Ranch as some would like us to believe. This is the actual location. 33° 3'28.61"N 109°26'15.79"W

Even our most reliable sources can be wrong, so it's always a good idea to research any information or pictures to validate them so you don't loose credibility when your facts don't match the truth.


I honestly think you need to address this issue with your information otherwise I don't think to many are going to put much faith in your word. I believe somebody may have misinformed you about what your picture actually is.

Good Luck

sgtfda my hats off to you, I give you lots of credit for actually going out and looking for things,glad you found some gold, hope you find lots more, keep looking its gotta be there ,lots of luck and find the big one. remember every rancher had a need for a good blacksmith and stone mason. thanks and good luck. np:cat:

Thanks NP

on Friday we contacted a local historian in apache jnct, and asked if he could visit with us at the blue bird mine and store, he said he would be glad to,then he wanted to know how to get there.OH well,we cancelled our meeting needless to say. np:cat:

on Friday we contacted a local historian in apache jnct, and asked if he could visit with us at the blue bird mine and store, he said he would be glad to,then he wanted to know how to get there.OH well,we cancelled our meeting needless to say. np:cat:

You cancelled the meeting, simply because the historian did not know the location of the Blue Bird? Why? Do you demand that any historian must know all local landmarks, or you will not meet with them to present your evidence? How many historians do you know of, that spend their time learning the local landmarks and how to get to them? I would suggest you re-schedule your meeting, and apologize for having made an appt then breaking it, which was rather rude and inconsiderate. Few historians enough, are willing to even look at evidence and claims of new discoveries, you were lucky to find one willing to meet.

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

oroblanco, to start with if a historian in apache junct does know the location of the blue bird,he needs to find another title, and second, I would share not any evidence with one. besides this was a joke between friends. np :cat:

New shots of the old stone house on the Gila.
Interesting place, with other odd things nearby.

Gila River Stone House.webp

Gila Stonework.webp


From the beginning of this thread there has been an attack on the mission and mission site. More time has been spent on it rather than on the theory I presented.
There are no secrets. There are solutions. Without the stories, the research and the hunt there would be no treasures.
In the past many of my dreams with treasure have come true. The ones that I could not spend enough time on have alluded me due to my health. When starting this thread what I hoped to share was my information and research about the ones that got away.
The picture I posted is the mission off Peralta Road. The picture is 50 or 60 years old.
The mission on Burn's Ranch was written about over 20 years ago.
The "Dios Rock" was found over 30 years ago.
Burn's had church relics and gold that he had found.
From the 1940's to the 1960's the mission site on Burn's Ranch was a popular dig site.
This was all done some 20 years before I started this thread.

There has been so much time spent on disputing the mission and mission site. My theory stands, like it or not. It's your loss, not mine.
This is my last comment on the mission. Although some people will never be convinced, I remain steadfast in my research and beliefs.

Treasure Hunters are dreamers, why can't dreams come true ?

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