Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

:3some:somehiker,cactusjumper,vastterain, I guess we will all have to introduce our selves at the rendezvous,and by the way,bring two things plenty of film, and a new attitude,because Im bringing your crying towels,:laughing7::cat::cat::cat:np the way,did I mention,Im very familiar with speaking at treasure shows from events in the past. Maybe I forgot to mention that.
Maybe you forgot to show up.

5 pm. shot of the Superstitious Knight.
Taken from across the school on E. Broadway Ave.

superstitious knight.webp

From the beginning of this thread there has been an attack on the mission and mission site.

The picture I posted is the mission off Peralta Road. The picture is 50 or 60 years old.

There has been so much time spent on disputing the mission and mission site. My theory stands, like it or not. It's your loss, not mine.
This is my last comment on the mission. Although some people will never be convinced, I remain steadfast in my research and beliefs.



Again with all due respect (which is running very thin) You posted the picture and made the claim about it's location that has been proven to be completely false. It seems you have blinders on when it comes to any valuable research, especially if the facts are looking you right in the face.

More time has been spent on it rather than on the theory I presented.
There are no secrets. There are solutions. Without the stories, the research and the hunt there would be no treasures.
In the past many of my dreams with treasure have come true. The ones that I could not spend enough time on have alluded me due to my health. When starting this thread what I hoped to share was my information and research about the ones that got away.

The mission on Burn's Ranch was written about over 20 years ago.
The "Dios Rock" was found over 30 years ago.
Burn's had church relics and gold that he had found.
From the 1940's to the 1960's the mission site on Burn's Ranch was a popular dig site.
This was all done some 20 years before I started this thread.

There has been so much time spent on disputing the mission and mission site. My theory stands, like it or not. It's your loss, not mine.
This is my last comment on the mission. Although some people will never be convinced, I remain steadfast in my research and beliefs.


Honestly you have provided nothing more than "stories" with no valid research or any proof to validate your claims, you expect us to take your "word" that what you say is fact. Honestly if you cannot come to terms with the TRUE FACTS about your "mission" picture I honestly believe nobody is going to listen to your "facts"

What I find strange you hear a lot of talk about a mission building being there at one time.

Frank has recently figured out how to fall off a mountain and brake a rock with his head...We rushed the rock to the doctor an its all glued back together and doing fine now...Ole Sarge, well he still hears voices telling him Tall Tales! :tongue3:

That's it Tim bust my crack. I do hear voices. Of those who know the big secret.

There is a "big secret". And 1 day all those who 'think they knew it (properly) are going to find out what a lie it contains- it will cost lives.

There is a "big secret". And 1 day all those who 'think they knew it (properly) are going to find out what a lie it contains- it will cost lives.

It's so awesome that their is all these secrets, the biggest secret yet well Its not a secret anymore is that 90% of the people who think they know the lol "secret" are full of ****

We all know it's Mary who's going to get poor Frank in the end.

Well they did not get me on the swiftboat. Nor 33 years in a police car. I guess it's up to Mary. Though she may be a hot gal and that could be my downfall.

Well they did not get me on the swiftboat. Nor 33 years in a police car. I guess it's up to Mary. Though she may be a hot gal and that could be my downfall.


Hot women have been the death of more men, and the downfall of more kingdoms than just about any other possible reason! HAHAHA


I change my mind. They just had a. 5 second clip on the stone maps on Americas secrets. The dill man brothers believe it leads to Utah. They even had another map. Looked like something the kids drew up but that's beside the point. The look like a couple edumacated individuals. Glad I caught that clip. Gonna pack up the car tomorrow. I just had a feelin they led to Utah. Nice flat terrain to walk around on instead of these mountains here. And I believe it's a steady temp of 70 in Utah year round. Anyone else happen to catch that very enlightening clip?

Flat and 70 degrees? Yeah good luck with that. A good site to read before going would be If you go don't go alone and watch your back. Watch for Indians anywhere around the Uintah Mountains. Good luck!

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