More time has been spent on it rather than on the theory I presented.
There are no secrets. There are solutions. Without the stories, the research and the hunt there would be no treasures.
In the past many of my dreams with treasure have come true. The ones that I could not spend enough time on have alluded me due to my health. When starting this thread what I hoped to share was my information and research about the ones that got away.
The mission on Burn's Ranch was written about over 20 years ago.
The "Dios Rock" was found over 30 years ago.
Burn's had church relics and gold that he had found.
From the 1940's to the 1960's the mission site on Burn's Ranch was a popular dig site.
This was all done some 20 years before I started this thread.
There has been so much time spent on disputing the mission and mission site. My theory stands, like it or not. It's your loss, not mine.
This is my last comment on the mission. Although some people will never be convinced, I remain steadfast in my research and beliefs.