Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


I can see that we are not on the same page, and judging by the tone of your remarks, I have not earned your respect. You haven't earned mine either as of yet...

If one is not able to recognize deception then how is it possible to deduce the truth? You tell me.


Ellie, you said that you enjoyed humor. I was only contributing in that regard.

It was not my intention to detract from what you had to say. If I did that, then I apologize.

I did not mean to imply that your half-horse theory didn't carry any weight.


Sometimes it is hard to distinguish. sgtfda & somehiker are funnier than hell, they are simply crazy! Ha, ha, haaa. I had to touch base and make sure.

Thanks for the response, our work is like a child that we are grooming to meet the world.



Scott Wolter with America Unearthed was filming today at the Mammoth Mine interviewing Tom Kollenborn, Ron Feldman and a third person whose name I can't remember. The Lost Dutchman being the topic.



FYI,Scott Wolter with America Unearthed

Watched half of a show, could not stand to finish it, then looked into Scott Wolter's "ideas" (I would not even consider them theories).


Scott Wolter with America Unearthed was filming today at the Mammoth Mine interviewing Tom Kollenborn, Ron Feldman and a third person whose name I can't remember. The Lost Dutchman being the topic.



Please say this is some kinda twisted joke :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:

You mean they would actually talk to him?
Oh boy, here come some more facts and truths.
I need to watch that and take notes. Maybe better clues.:tongue3:

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You mean they would actually talk to him?
Oh boy, here come some more facts and truths.
I need to watch that and take notes. Maybe better clues.

Hopefully they don't talk to him, if they do more than likely it will get distorted and taken out of context. :BangHead:

As for better clues from that show, they will probably lead to Spirit Mountain.

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Looking for information on kgc signs just learned of these. Ty

Geeze Somero, tis a good thing that you have as hard a head as I had imagined,all that banging, now drink your coffee:laughing7::coffee2:


Depending on your point of view, I'm either persistent, determined, or plain ol' mule headed stubborn. :laughing7:

Just hate the thought of respectable folks having their words distorted. :BangHead:

Anybody see Rick in "Monsters and Mysteries in America" season 1 episode 6 "Desert Wasteland" aired 4-28-2013 on Destination America?

Hello Everyone,
I started this thread to offer a different solution to an old mystery.
Some of you are more interested in maintaining the status quo than entertaining a new theory. That's fine, but it will never get you any where.
I still believe that the signs and symbols in the Spirit Mountain area are relevant to any discussion of the Stone Tablets.
For the record: There has been no deception associated with anything I have posted. My mission photo is original and was taken at the site I described. (I'm not so sure about the one posted by ________.) Other people have personal agendas which have nothing to do with the subject at hand.
After all that has been said here, I have enjoyed the lively debate.
Thank-you for your interest. While I will continue to watch this site, I will be moving on to other treasures that I have extensive knowledge of. I have spent years studying many of the most famous treasure sites and have been to all them. At this time in my life, I feel that I should share what knowledge I can regarding these sites to people that are interested.
One final thought, I believe that most treasure stories are in actuality the same treasure just different stories. Watch for me under some other headings, we'll see what we can find.
Thank-you, NP :cat:

Hello NP

Welcome back to arena .

You wrote " I believe that most treasure stories are in actuality the same treasure just different stories. " .

Can you explain and give an example ?

markmar thank you. In some states certain groups in history had different caches to hide,they would start different stories for each cache hidden to keep people off focus,when some stories were written down the individual stories were done so in code to protect the treasure , some great treasure legends will be found to be connected to each other, thank you np:cat:


Scott Wolter with America Unearthed was filming today at the Mammoth Mine interviewing Tom Kollenborn, Ron Feldman and a third person whose name I can't remember. The Lost Dutchman being the topic.



Thanks amigo I sure wish we got that program (America Unearthed) for I would definitely watch Tom K and Ron.

Regarding the Mission:
In Bob Ward's book: Chapter 3, page 59: "Upon a hill east of the old Burn's ranch is the remains of an old Mission, I had seen pictures of it from Bob Gorman when he and a few others were digging it up back in the 1930's thinking there may be a treasure or two. Nothing was ever found. On the old maps made, the ruins are labeled just that; old ruins." NP

secretcanyon, I ,cant tell you how old the mission was, it was in ruins during burns time when he had the ranch, but between the 1930's to the 1970's people were still digging up the center of the foundation,earlier maps list it as a ruins, the last time I was there it still had part of the foundation showing,and a huge hole in the center, its back about 1 or 2 miles back from peralta trail head, if your coming from the hwy up peralta road, its off the right hand side about 150 to 200 feet next to a road and at the wash on the left hand side of the road on a small hill is the old mission, older maps should also


Church Ruins, Lower Eagle Creek | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Church Ruins, Lower Eagle Creek by steve_keller, on Flickr

old mission 1.webpold mission 2.webpold mission 5.webp

Hello Everyone,
I started this thread to offer a different solution to an old mystery.
Some of you are more interested in maintaining the status quo than entertaining a new theory. That's fine, but it will never get you any where.

For the record: There has been no deception associated with anything I have posted. My mission photo is original and was taken at the site I described. (I'm not so sure about the one posted by ________.) Other people have personal agendas which have nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Thank-you, NP :cat:


With all due respect, somebody may have misinformed you about your "mission" picture. After speaking with a local historian about the structure in the photo's we learned that it is a concrete school house built around 1900.

As for personal agenda, mine is finding the truth and if that makes me an :censored: hole for upsetting people about unsubstantiated claims, I apologize. However don't try to sell altered facts as truth, cause the truth will always come out eventually, whether you want it to or not. So don't blame others when a story falls apart...................research, research, research.

I must admit that your ideas are Entertaining though, almost History Channel quality. I also find it interesting that you left us early in October and have returned once again at the end of March. Just wish you could have made it to the Rendezvous, we could have had some good laughs.

Have Fun NP and Good Luck

BTW One reason it is so difficult to get anywhere, some people would like to distort the facts to fit history and their own ideas, thus muddying the waters for whatever their agenda may be.

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To answer the title of this thread, if you watched "Ancient Aliens" Season6 Episode15 "Treasure of the Gods" you would have seen the Dillmans talking about how the Stone Maps along with one they supposedly found in Utah prove the location of Montezuma's Treasure. I provided the Stone Maps Pics to the production company. HAHAHA Uncredited stunts in three movies, and all it took to get my name on TV was lending a few pictures.

Best - Mike

:cat:to all, the reason I started this thread was to share what knowledge and history I have concerning the stone tablets and their history. do to health problems I did not want to see it lost. I stopped posting because all the information I was giving was not taken seriously or even being used. no one had ever posted back and commented on any of the clues I had given. seems your too busy arguing with each other to ever accomplish anything. or even go look. at this point,I feel just like howard in the movie treasure of the sierra madre, when dobbs and curtin called howard back to see all the gold they found after putting water on the rocks,yes, that's right you know exactly what howard told them. so heres the information you should have, lets see how you treat and understand it. 1. who lived on the property at burns ranch before burns acquired it. 2. why did burns want that property. 3. where did burns find his church treasures. 4. why in the past did numerous treasure hunters focus on burns ranch instead of the mnts.5. bob ward found the dios rock on burns ranch and removed it.6. there is a total of 18 mission symbols from burns ranch across superstition mnt to horse mesa where there are 3 symbols. 7. on the heart map is an old mission symbol that has been mistaken for a hill or mnt.8. last clue, jewish Mexicans, most of these clues and the trail is also on the Tucson artifacts.:cat:

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If your stone map theory produces this ill listen. My theory has. I could be wrong but I don't think so. You can't find a duck egg looking in a chicken shack.


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