Bronze Member
You wrote elsewhere:
"Pending a reply from Diane Hadley regarding some questions I have about the translation of Fr. Segesser's papers, particularly his grasp of Spanish, I am now of the belief that the "spelling errors" could simply have just been intentional, and not necessarily coded (except for the missing "R" from "Coazon" which we see above the horse's mane), and were done for the same reason that Spanish was used as the language on those stones: to disguise authorship."
You are using an excellent source there. Believe she can shed a great deal of personal insight into Father Charles Polzer. Diane does not believe in "Jesuit Treasure".
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo
Hi Joe,
My intentions as far as approaching Diane, has neither to do with Fr. Polzer or Jesuit treasure, but with Fr. Segesser's command of written Spanish which may answer some questions I have in regard to what is written on the Stone Maps.
I am well aware of your opinion of these stones.