Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

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Yep, The old church off of Lower Eagle Creek Road. I see it quite often. There was an old mine down the road from it just across Eagle Creek. I see it quite often on my way to the pump house there at Eagle Creek. Most of this area is private property owned by Freeport

Llenty of "interesting" things to explore in that area if you willing to pack everything in. Lots of "interesting" things in this area period.

At Dons Camp I noticed all the square cement blocks in the ground had writing on them. Was told they were for trailer supports years ago. Joked I bet the Dons had the stone maps made and Dons camp was the missing big map. What a joke it would be. All the Dutch and stoners standing on the last map oblivious to it all. Later a friend told me he found carved map symbols on boulders in the outskirts of the camp. Hmmmmm! Sort of like not being able to see the nose on your face! Here is a photo of one next to my camp. Thanks Ralph everyone enjoyed the steak!


At the rendezvous the guest speaker, Jack San Felice gave a talk on ghost hunting old Superstition sites. Very interesting. One site he brought up was the old mission foundation near Burns ranch. Said he got a reading standing in the hole. Had a impression it was from a dead priest. He also said the site had been torn up over the years. WHAT! Now I said before there is too much talk about that old mission. I don't know what it was but something was there.

So there was a mission or something by the Burns ranch?
Np could have been correct but just had the wrong photo?
Did not Np have a stroke he said.

I suspect the spanish never came near the burns ranch matt.

but...hello, was glad to meet you an the wife...hope I didn't scare her too bad...:hello:

no NP at the meet...rather disappointing...I was a true believe in the mission..., and still believe the Spanish had some type of rest area for the people traveling from the pima villages to santé fe...probably around queen creek and the gila river confluence.

Pippin,as soon as we left she said she really liked you and thought you where a really nice person.
She wants to come up to Prescott and we will all go out together. Do some prospecting and MDing.
For the last 2 days she keeps saying how nice it was to meet you.

At the rendezvous the guest speaker, Jack San Felice gave a talk on ghost hunting old Superstition sites. Very interesting. One site he brought up was the old mission foundation near Burns ranch. Said he got a reading standing in the hole. Had a impression it was from a dead priest. He also said the site had been torn up over the years. WHAT! Now I said before there is too much talk about that old mission. I don't know what it was but something was there.

Interesting: That a guest speaker confirmed the mission site on Burns Ranch....

Surprising: That there was so little comment from people who swore it didn't exist....

Interesting: That a guest speaker confirmed the mission site on Burns Ranch....

Surprising: That there was so little comment from people who swore it didn't exist....

there was no question and answer period with that speaker...sorry...good try...
and the question i did ask, after he spoke...was tossed wside..."go read the book"...i don;t buy books from authors who refuse to divide fact and fantasy....

where was the "i'll show you the ruins person?"

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NP leaves, and Ophir appears. More discussion about a Mission that never existed. Interesting!

Interesting: That a guest speaker confirmed the mission site on Burns Ranch....

Surprising: That there was so little comment from people who swore it didn't exist....

I believe the term used was "old foundation" and never the word "mission" instead "POSSIBLY Church" and as we have proven beyond a doubt NP's picture is nowhere near Burns Ranch or the old Cabin site, and is not even a mission but an old concrete schoolhouse built around 1900. So unless somebody can show any other evidence of buildings in the area that would be related to a mission, i.e. storehouse's, stables, I think Vaseterian showed it to be more of a pump house location.

It is interesting that NP or DB did not show up at the rendezvous, as promised, to take us all on a tour of the location. Now we have a "new" member trying to keep this whole "mission" story going..........................really........................let it go unless you have irrefutable proof.

After the " mission " story , we must to prove how the Stone tablets lead to somewhere other than the Spirit Mountain .

I believe the term used was "old foundation" and never the word "mission" instead "POSSIBLY Church" and as we have proven beyond a doubt NP's picture is nowhere near Burns Ranch or the old Cabin site, and is not even a mission but an old concrete schoolhouse built around 1900. So unless somebody can show any other evidence of buildings in the area that would be related to a mission, i.e. storehouse's, stables, I think Vaseterian showed it to be more of a pump house location.

It is interesting that NP or DB did not show up at the rendezvous, as promised, to take us all on a tour of the location. Now we have a "new" member trying to keep this whole "mission" story going..........................really........................let it go unless you have irrefutable proof.

Was just curious if any of you guys that attended the Rendezvous this year took a little side trip and followed the "directions" givin by NP to the supposed mission site, and if so, did you find anything?

Was bummed I couldnt attend this year....really loved the scenery and the people I met back in 2011... was a great road trip.

If NP would have shown up I would have taken time to go see, apparently it was not worth his time so I did not want to waste mine.

If NP would have shown up I would have taken time to go see, apparently it was not worth his time so I did not want to waste mine.

Same here. Vasseterian has been out to the area himself.
I was there,Chuck from Texas was there,Somero was there,all of us where there that told NP we would be there for his hike.
But he was not. If he could not prove this why would I even believe anything he posts again, even under a new name.

I stopped on my way out to look around. Did not see anything though I may not have been in the right spot

If NP would have shown up I would have taken time to go see, apparently it was not worth his time so I did not want to waste mine.

My sentiments exactly Eric! I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but after being insulted continuously by NP for questioning his "mission" photo from the exact spot he was going to take folks to (that ended up being debunked as neither a mission nor anywhere near that spot), that benefit of the doubt disappeared.

There are far too many REAL things to find by exploring the Superstitions than to follow the words and directions of someone who deceives and doesn't even have the decency to apologize after being proven wrong.

Np has no credibility as far as I'm concerned at this point.

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