Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

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i am just glad i found out it is that easy to find a pic on google earth.i will stick to browsing offline. its safer anyways... a lesson well learned..

I guess nobody want's to play marbles :dontknow:

To All

I can assure everyone that I have found its location and that I am currently waiting for information from a local expert in the area. So as soon as I have more information I will let everyone know.

i am just glad i found out it is that easy to find a pic on google earth.i will stick to browsing offline. its safer anyways... a lesson well learned..

Don't feel badly - someone would have eventually figured out where it was as it's not in an isolated location as you mentioned. We're persistent here, and when someone is making a claim like NP did, we like to get to the bottom of it - in this case, he got caught and I'm glad the truth came out.

Here's another photo of the "church" in question and in this shot you can see the "cleanout" hole at the bottom left - I'm now 100% convinced this is the same building. NP should be ashamed, but I doubt he is.


old mission 1.webp

old mission 2.webp

old mission 5.webp

I can really see no reason not to post this location. It is just off the road, probably where NP/DB's picture was taken. As for the history of it, still waiting. Others may have better luck researching the area.

Here is a hiking guide to the area, if you go through the photo albums you will find an image named Holy Cow show cows in and around the building.

The Grand Enchantment Trail

Don't feel badly - someone would have eventually figured out where it was as it's not in an isolated location as you mentioned. We're persistent here, and when someone is making a claim like NP did, we like to get to the bottom of it - in this case, he got caught and I'm glad the truth came out.

Here's another photo of the "church" in question and in this shot you can see the "cleanout" hole at the bottom left - I'm now 100% convinced this is the same building. NP should be ashamed, but I doubt he is.

View attachment 879349

Not to hard to figure out with the clues.................3 plus hour drive on highways from AJ, and no Saguaros in the photo, could only mean towards New Mexico.

I wonder what NP/DB was planning on showing old pump house maybe.

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I really do not see the issue with posting this location, after all it is on a hiking trail/road. Not to mention there are not any attempts to preserve the structure from the elements, and anybody fool enough to deface it or dig there would surely incur the judgment of the locals across the road.

@cubsfan.. i didnt say it was in an isolated area... i just wasnt sure if it was part of the morenci mine or on indian reservation. long time since i have been there...used to camp there all the time.and nice pic cubfan...@somero.....find with clues uh huh...or that google pic search engine that i now know about........

jimmshoe - I think you misunderstood my post, and after reading it myself I see where the misunderstanding came from. I was trying to say that you had mentioned that it was NOT in an isolated area.

@Somero - NP would have shown us the same location Vastterrain took a photo from, but tried to convince us his "mission" photo was taken from there and that looters and treasure hunters had removed all the rubble over the years so there was nothing left to find.

I don't feel like going back over all the posts, but at one point didn't he claim that he himself had SEEN the ruins from the picture at that exact spot in the Superstitions? If so, he wouldn't even be able to claim he was duped by Bob Ward or Garman or whoever that they took the photo and convinced him it came from that location.

If you find out any information about that old church, it would be interesting to know what the history is.


I'll wade through the muck for you.

vastterain, that picture has been in my family for 85years,just so we get that straight right now,i personaly have been to that mission site many years before bob ward ever moved in to that cabin,i also have all the old negatives of the mission picture,the picture of the mission is an enlargement,and for whatever reason,exept for a personal agenda,cactusjumper attacked the mission when I started this thread,go look at the very first pages of this thread,anyone see what you missed,np:cat:

I really feel bad for NP/DB, whatever his reasons are for trying to persuade us, seems his credibility is pretty much gone, slowly chipped away along this thread and jimmshoes kinda put the last bit away.

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@somero.. i guess i just feel like an idiot because i didnt think it would be that easy to locate the area. thats all. i figured it would take a while.. not 10 minutes ha ha...a good learning lesson on this forum. but i would like the credit for bringing NP down a notch though ha ha......its all good...

Don't feel bad, you basically threw a gold bar into a room full of people with metal detectors. As for NP/DB we can only wonder about his motivations for such claims and the need for multiple names.

Somero - is it just me, or does that photo sort of sum up the whole tall tale from NP? I see some cows, but I bet there's more than a few piles of Bulls^&t mixed in :P

Definitely need the waders to get through most of this thread :laughing7: I think we can all agree on this now with this mornings revelations. Anybody wanna go cow tippin' or biscuit tossin'?

Clifton.webp 8.2 mi. west of Clifton AZ

It seems to me, that somewhere in this mess, I said there would still be visible signs of NP's "mission". Too many people were in this area (Burns Ranch) for it not to be seen or written about.

I would imagine NP is already back with a new name.

What a farce!

Joe Ribaudo

Hmmmm! Perhaps after his stroke he got the pictures mixed up. What ever was there it sure as hell not the one in NP's photo. Still I wonder about all the talk of something that was near Burns Ranch.

It seems to me, that somewhere in this mess, I said there would still be visible signs of NP's "mission". Too many people were in this area (Burns Ranch) for it not to be seen or written about.

I would imagine NP is already back with a new name.

What a farce!

Joe Ribaudo

Yeah, I'm back to JOE! Done my time and free as a freebird. That's the photo of the mission but NP used a painting of the mission for his mission. Why that old side winder. I'd tell you his name but that would not be good for him. So I'll let that be, But I'll give him a public thrashing, You bad NP! you no why. So I'll be reading your posts and that new found Cub friend of yours.......

Yours truly

Wayne Rex Mickelson and the undisputed champ, The best of the best, It seems I'm suffering from many personalities to. Just as you have in the past, JOE

Way to go Somero.
Figures, if there is anything that has to do with an old building, it would be a framer to do it. :occasion14:

i am just glad i found out it is that easy to find a pic on google earth.i will stick to browsing offline. its safer anyways... a lesson well learned..

I guess nobody want's to play marbles :dontknow:

As I pointed out before............................Interesting usernames floating about recently.........................I can understand deleting posts out of frustration and anger, been there, but I wonder why jimmshoes deleted his.
Should we expect Not Peralta/Dirty Boots to delete all his posts?

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