Glad you responded again Daugela, and good to hear your original post wasn't what I termed a "driveby"

. You're probably aware that in all things treasure hunting, there are controversies and quite often someone will hop into a thread and post something dramatic and potentially very enlightening, but fail to ever post enough information for anyone to really follow up on.
I'm not sure I understand why you can't simply share the location unless you're afraid folks will go to the location and damage the structure in some way, but if you're not willing to do that, it would be great if you could indeed post new photos of it from the same apparent photographer position so they can be compared easily.
Another alternative would be to pick one person who lives locally who posts regularly on this and other LDM threads and take that person along to see your site? If you should decide to do that, might I suggest you contact sgtfda, somero or roadrunner via PM?
Looking forward to seeing photos of your site.