Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

oroblanco, my point exactly, how could the lost Dutchman be lost,he knew were he was going,he just didn't figure it was anyone elses business,np:cat:

The Dutchman, Jacob Waltz was not lost, the name does not imply that, it is "the Lost Dutchman's mine" as in the lost fill in name mine. If the mine were not lost, it would be called the Dutchman mine, as has happened with other lost mines which were found. However, remember he supposedly told his friend Reiney, that the mine is hard to find even when you know where it is.

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oroblanco, thank you for the

springfield, where are the original LDM clues?, that's a very good question,not more books on hearsay,non verifiable statements,seems like everyone in the state was at the death bed of Jacob waltz,if you listen to all these eye witnesses accounts,i think at the time they bussed more people in for his death,are there any old collectable bus

Frankly, NP, none of the public domain lore is verifiable to us today. As near as I can see (and I'm not a LDM aficionado), the very best potential information on this comes from three degrees of separation from the actual Waltz events, whatever those were. The person(s) receiving information directly from Waltz ('known' or unknown) would represent the second degree of separation, and if that information was accurate (no guarantee), they certainly had no reason to pass it along without corrupting it. Of course, there's the possibility that persons unknown knew the truth of the Waltz enigma from the beginning and exploited it under the radar, with all the other seekers chasing bad information in circles ever since.

Frankly, NP, none of the public domain lore is verifiable to us today. As near as I can see (and I'm not a LDM aficionado), the very best potential information on this comes from three degrees of separation from the actual Waltz events, whatever those were. The person(s) receiving information directly from Waltz ('known' or unknown) would represent the second degree of separation, and if that information was accurate (no guarantee), they certainly had no reason to pass it along without corrupting it. Of course, there's the possibility that persons unknown knew the truth of the Waltz enigma from the beginning and exploited it under the radar, with all the other seekers chasing bad information in circles ever since.

springfield,thank you, I agree with what you said,however,I don't think the same can be said about the stone tablet legacy,,I have tried to help people on this thread and given lots of clues with what information I know and have,but, find more game playing among a few,that no matter what you say they view it as a joke,i have stopped putting information on here,do to lack of interest on real history, people on here would really have to show a real initiative ,and proof that they are looking at the information im giving to them,np:cat:
one of the points is, people need to take everything they know about the stone tablets and throw it out the window until all the information concerning them is made public,and all the real tablets are exposed,np:cat:

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springfield,thank you, I agree with what you said,however,I don't think the same can be said about the stone tablet legacy,,I have tried to help people on this thread and given lots of clues with what information I know and have,but, find more game playing among a few,that no matter what you say they view it as a joke,i have stopped putting information on here,do to lack of interest on real history, people on here would really have to show a real initiative ,and proof that they are looking at the information im giving to them,np:cat:

IMO, the stone tablets have even less 'going for them' than the LDM, at least in the context that 'solving them' will lead a person to something significant. They were created by someone for some purpose, yes, but in my mind there is 'something fundamentally wrong' with them and the beliefs surrounding them. That said, they have provided lots of adventurers with an excuse to roam the mountains with a purpose and that's not a bad thing.

springfield,thank you, I agree with what you said,however,I don't think the same can be said about the stone tablet legacy,,I have tried to help people on this thread and given lots of clues with what information I know and have,but, find more game playing among a few,that no matter what you say they view it as a joke,i have stopped putting information on here,do to lack of interest on real history, people on here would really have to show a real initiative ,and proof that they are looking at the information im giving to them,np:cat:
one of the points is, people need to take everything they know about the stone tablets and throw it out the window until all the information concerning them is made public,and all the real tablets are exposed,np:cat:

I agree, people need an adventure,np:cat:

I'm with you Springfield on the LDM. The stones. One look is all you need to see something is off with them.

I'm with you Springfield on the LDM. The stones. One look is all you need to see something is off with them.


In that "one look", what jumps out at you as "something is off with them"?

Take care,


sgtfda, good morning:coffee2: yes the first thing I noticed on the stone tablets was the straw,then I saw it was just used for shipping,thats were I got my second thousand yard stare:censored:np,:cat:


In that "one look", what jumps out at you as "something is off with them"?

Take care,


I know your question was posed for Frank, but thought I'd add my $0.02.

I don't pay a whole lot of attention to the Stone Maps, but have always thought that perhaps what are called the "trail maps" may be authentic and lead to something interesting. The Priest/Horse stone however, struck me initially and always has as being a cartoonish depiction of things with far too much "extra junk" added to actually mean anything.

To me, the fact alone that so many people have "solved" them and yet few if any of those people agree on ANY of the same locations or markers leads me to believe that either a great deal of "extra stuff" was added to cause confusion, or the entire stone was fabricated for that reason.

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cubfan64, I know it was for someone else but, since no one has mentioned this before,I will explain,in order to understand all the stone tablets,or trail maps whatever you want to call them,you would understand if you could see the; murals; lets see the people with so much knowledge explain the ( MURALS).np:cat:

cubfan64, I know it was for someone else but, since no one has mentioned this before,I will explain,in order to understand all the stone tablets,or trail maps whatever you want to call them,you would understand if you could see the; murals; lets see the people with so much knowledge explain the ( MURALS).np:cat:


I would be happy to explain the "MURALS" to you. You do have a picture, don't you?

Joe Ribaudo

I know your question was posed for Frank, but thought I'd add my $0.02.

I don't pay a whole lot of attention to the Stone Maps, but have always thought that perhaps what are called the "trail maps" may be authentic and lead to something interesting. The Priest/Horse stone however, struck me initially and always has as being a cartoonish depiction of things with far too much "extra junk" added to actually mean anything.

To me, the fact alone that so many people have "solved" them and yet few if any of those people agree on ANY of the same locations or markers leads me to believe that either a great deal of "extra stuff" was added to cause confusion, or the entire stone was fabricated for that reason.


I am totally with you on the Priest/Horse Map. Believe I have said, pretty much, the same thing for years. I have never attempted to explain that particular stone carving.:dontknow: Of course, I don't have the "MURAL" to explain things to me.

Take care,



To me, the fact alone that so many people have "solved" them and yet few if any ofthose people agree on ANY of the same locations or markers leads me to believe that either a great deal of "extra stuff" was added to cause confusion, or the entire stone was fabricated for that reason.

You can give an example of what you believe is an " extra stuff " ?
I have read , how many people believe how the stone maps are a hoax and could been carved to confuse the searchers .
Who in over the world , would did so much effort to carve the stones just to make a joke ? Did you ?

cactusjumper,yes, I do have plenty of pictures,right were they belong,in a depository sealed in plastic for my heirs to donate to a certain historical society on my behalf,the historical society is the ones that sealed them over twenty five years ago,along with numerous other items,and at the time of my death the historical society will own them,you couldn't even explain the trident markers on the old trail, how are you going to explain the murals?np:cat:

I want to add something about horse /priest stone . This stone is like a closed book . The front cover ( the start point ) is the horse map and the back cover ( the end point ) is the priest map . In the book is the trail map which starts with DON map and continue with Cross map which ends with the Latin heart and stone Crosses .

well now that were beyond that,lets have a nice day,np:cat:

NP, my friend, sorry for not responding sooner. Busy Busy Busy...................

you are attacking someones integrity to match what fits for you,you should have more respect for someone who spent so much time in the supes,just like bob corbin said,"bob ward is a true man of the superstitions,he knows the legends of the superstitions and has probably walked more of the mountains than anyone alive", and WHO are you to think you can challenge this mans word or integrity .np:cat:

Like I said I'm not questioning the mans integrity, though you seem to place him on a pedestal, just questioning the motives. I think any "book" about the LDM or Stone Maps raises questions, after all this is a very controversial issue.

So WHO am I? Short answer..............I am one of those people that ask questions, I presume this is the reason you dislike me so much. Asking questions is a good thing, if nobody asked questions the world would be a pancake in the middle of the universe, so questions motivate to move forward with knowledge. I even question my own conclusions and if I ever get to a point where I state my OPINION as fact, like some do, then I would hope Cactusjumper would smack me in the head and ask what the heck my problem is. Seriously, when we try to put our opinions as fact, this is where most run into issue, that is why with every bit of new information, no matter how unusual, it requires a reassessment of the bigger picture.

somero, perhaps someone got bored and carved the stone tablets perhaps someone got bored and madae up the Dutchman legend,maybe you are attacking the integrity of someone with so much time in the mnts,bob wrote his book before his death the rock with the carving as he stated he didn't spend any time on it, maybe everyone that ever wrote anything about the supes should be disregarded

Again not attacking integrity, just questioning motive. If he had the rock carving and knew where the "mission" was, why not look into it further? Just asking. I think disregarding everything about the LDM, Stone Maps, and the Superstition Mountains would be a mistake, so lets not loose Common Sense when it comes to understanding facts or theories presented in these matters.

somero, It was not just about bob,it would have been about anyone that spent most of their life in the mnts, its a harder life than people can even imagine,and commands respect for the people that have done it,and its like every thing else in treasure hunting,if you have some one that knows the history,and has the real experience behind certain legends, its better to ask real questions if you have the opportunity while they are alive,not question them in


somero, It was not just about bob,it would have been about anyone that spent most of their life in the mnts, its a harder life than people can even imagine,and commands respect for the people that have done it,and its like every thing else in treasure hunting,if you have some one that knows the history,and has the real experience behind certain legends, its better to ask real questions if you have the opportunity while they are alive,not question them in

Sadly we cannot always ask questions and we have to rely on what is left behind.

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