Don Jose - excellent point. All too often many (or most) of us today seem to forget that we are not exactly the first treasure hunters to come down the pike. Many have been out there ahead of us, in some cases by the thousands, destroying what may have been important markers, maps, and documents, after memorizing the info, collecting maps and documents that were avalable then but have today vanished and of course making fake markers. I have it on good authority, as an example, that in 1950 there were a grand total of exactly two sunburst markers in the Superstition mountains, and as of two years ago, there are over thirty of them. Earlier treasure hunters often did not want any competitors to find what they had found.
Even the cactus with the markers in it, famous in LDM lore, is long gone today. But new marks have sure appeared, running trails through the mountains.
Another problem is that we as treaure hunters usually leap to the conclusion that a found trail marker, MUST therefore be a treasure trail marker! This is not necessarily the case - they can be just a trail marker, a way to find water or a good camp site, or simply a way out or across the land. Stacked stone markers are very often mining claim markers, as this is (and was) a common legal way to mark your corner monuments.
Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. By all means, do continue.