Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

cactusjumper, no,i cant say,i don't see a signature where someone signed it, sorry. I guess you would have to ask bob ward since he wrote about it in his book, and probably took the picture,but we all know talking to bob is out of the question, he wrote his book almost twenty years ago,np:cat:

cactusjumper,yes, I also think its a smoke screen, for the last five years ,that group has been trying to beat another group to a saddle area in the supe's, but theres been to much traffic for them every time they have attempted

What saddle is this.
I and a couple others will make a 3rd team.
But we will actually go get it.

Ah! The cave of gold bars

Frank - at least one of the "cave of gold bars" was supposedly removed long ago, but take your pick as there are a few of those alleged gold bar caves out there :)

nothing better than coffee in the morning,(hows your thought process this fine day) lets explore a possibility , a long time ago there used to be two stone markers at west boulder canyon,what if these two markers contained the original information that's on the stone tablets,what if at one time a cowboy was riding through that area came across the two markers and discovered this information inside the markers and destroyed the markers, what if this cowboy went back to the ranch were he worked and pondered what to do with it, maybe he couldn't figure out there meaning,then transferred the information on to stone tablets for better effect,then sold them, just a thought,np:cat: ps,the stone markers were replaced by someone.

Not Peralta, up at La Gloria Pan lost mine, Jorge Vega deliberately destroyed or moved every marker, real or imagined.

A critical one with the three rings, similar to the Olympic design, he tumbled down a steep cliff slope into the orroyo below.. When I asked him why ?? he replied, "if anyone comes looking for the Gloria Pan they now have to incude me" snicker. That was him snickering not me.

So today I assume that every marker, unless it is exactly where it should be, is assumed to be incorrect

Don Jose de La Mancha

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real de tayopa tropical tramp, im just now on my evening:coffee2: and how good it taste, I agree 100%, I assume the same about all markers, thanks,np:cat:

Not Peralta, up at La Gloria Pan lost mine, Jorge Vega deliberately destroyed or moved every marker, real or imagined.

A critical one with the three rings, similar to the Olympic design, he tumbled down a steep cliff slope into the orroyo below.. When I asked him why ?? he replied, "if anyone comes looking for the Gloria Pan they now have to incude me" snicker. That was him snickering not me.

So today I assume that every marker, unless it is exactly where it should be, is assumed to be incorrect

Don Jose de La Mancha

Don Jose - excellent point. All too often many (or most) of us today seem to forget that we are not exactly the first treasure hunters to come down the pike. Many have been out there ahead of us, in some cases by the thousands, destroying what may have been important markers, maps, and documents, after memorizing the info, collecting maps and documents that were avalable then but have today vanished and of course making fake markers. I have it on good authority, as an example, that in 1950 there were a grand total of exactly two sunburst markers in the Superstition mountains, and as of two years ago, there are over thirty of them. Earlier treasure hunters often did not want any competitors to find what they had found. Even the cactus with the markers in it, famous in LDM lore, is long gone today. But new marks have sure appeared, running trails through the mountains.

Another problem is that we as treaure hunters usually leap to the conclusion that a found trail marker, MUST therefore be a treasure trail marker! This is not necessarily the case - they can be just a trail marker, a way to find water or a good camp site, or simply a way out or across the land. Stacked stone markers are very often mining claim markers, as this is (and was) a common legal way to mark your corner monuments.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. By all means, do continue.

Don Jose - excellent point. All too often many (or most) of us today seem to forget that we are not exactly the first treasure hunters to come down the pike. Many have been out there ahead of us, in some cases by the thousands, destroying what may have been important markers, maps, and documents, after memorizing the info, collecting maps and documents that were avalable then but have today vanished and of course making fake markers. I have it on good authority, as an example, that in 1950 there were a grand total of exactly two sunburst markers in the Superstition mountains, and as of two years ago, there are over thirty of them. Earlier treasure hunters often did not want any competitors to find what they had found. Even the cactus with the markers in it, famous in LDM lore, is long gone today. But new marks have sure appeared, running trails through the mountains.

Another problem is that we as treaure hunters usually leap to the conclusion that a found trail marker, MUST therefore be a treasure trail marker! This is not necessarily the case - they can be just a trail marker, a way to find water or a good camp site, or simply a way out or across the land. Stacked stone markers are very often mining claim markers, as this is (and was) a common legal way to mark your corner monuments.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. By all means, do continue.


A flat stone has been placed over the location of the cactus marker. Beneath it the directions of the stones are laid out on another stone. This is a picture of Ernie and Al Morrow, who showed my uncle and Ernie the location:

Take care,


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cactusjumper, nice photo, Interesting

Don Jose - excellent point. All too often many (or most) of us today seem to forget that we are not exactly the first treasure hunters to come down the pike. Many have been out there ahead of us, in some cases by the thousands, destroying what may have been important markers, maps, and documents, after memorizing the info, collecting maps and documents that were avalable then but have today vanished and of course making fake markers. I have it on good authority, as an example, that in 1950 there were a grand total of exactly two sunburst markers in the Superstition mountains, and as of two years ago, there are over thirty of them. Earlier treasure hunters often did not want any competitors to find what they had found. Even the cactus with the markers in it, famous in LDM lore, is long gone today. But new marks have sure appeared, running trails through the mountains...

This may spur a whole new generation of LDM writers. Instead of Where is the LDM? books, we'll get 'Where are the Original LDM Clues?​ books.

nothing better than coffee in the morning,(hows your thought process this fine day) lets explore a possibility , a long time ago there used to be two stone markers at west boulder canyon,what if these two markers contained the original information that's on the stone tablets,what if at one time a cowboy was riding through that area came across the two markers and discovered this information inside the markers and destroyed the markers, what if this cowboy went back to the ranch were he worked and pondered what to do with it, maybe he couldn't figure out there meaning,then transferred the information on to stone tablets for better effect,then sold them, just a thought,np:cat: ps,the stone markers were replaced by someone.

good morning,had your :coffee2:this morning, just speculating ,but, I wonder who could have went back and rebuilt the monuments, did they put them back in the same spot,why put them back at all, and what about the cowboy,i wonder what ever became of him, have all the tablets been made public?np:cat:

This may spur a whole new generation of LDM writers. Instead of Where is the LDM? books, we'll get 'Where are the Original LDM Clues?​ books.


I believe the groundwork has already been laid, and they are in the works........even as we speak.

Take care,


springfield, where are the original LDM clues?, that's a very good question,not more books on hearsay,non verifiable statements,seems like everyone in the state was at the death bed of Jacob waltz,if you listen to all these eye witnesses accounts,i think at the time they bussed more people in for his death,are there any old collectable bus

springfield, where are the original LDM clues?, that's a very good question,not more books on hearsay,non verifiable statements,seems like everyone in the state was at the death bed of Jacob waltz,if you listen to all these eye witnesses accounts,i think at the time they bussed more people in for his death,are there any old collectable bus

Not to speak for our mutual amigo Springfield, as he is fully capable and able to do so, but I thought I could provide what you are seeking. At this link
you will find the first two articles ever published on the Lost Dutchman mine, both written by Pierpont C. Bicknell, published circa 1894 and 1895. Bicknell based his articles on his interviews with Julia Thomas specifically, may have spoken to others, and did some searching on his own. These are the first set of clues to hit the public eye, as far as I am aware.

There are older Lost Dutchman articles of course, even in Arizona, but these relate to two other, different and separate lost mines located elsewhere in the state and involving two different Dutchman whose names are not Waltz. I hope this helps.

Good luck and good hunting aimigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

oroblanco, my point exactly, how could the lost Dutchman be lost,he knew were he was going,he just didn't figure it was anyone elses business,np:cat:

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