Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

To top it all is a slightly enhanced version of NP's "Mission" Photo.
Notice the part i marked with has been touched up! something added or taken away (add a cross or replaced a Mexican flag??) but certainly has been touched up! IMG_222693390107 copy.webp


Actually, N.P.'s story has morphed into a Calalus/Tucson artifacts theory. If he is tied into any group, they would be the ones.

It's a great story, but N.P.'s information has been less than impressive, so far. It takes some serious research to become, even somewhat, knowledgeable on the subject.

As in all such tales, "they" are surpressing the evidence. According to Ben Davis, he and the "Gatekeeper" have removed all the artifacts and treasures to a small, private museum in South Africa for safekeeping.:dontknow:

The Political and Social Crisis in South Africa | Global Research

A lot of information on the Calalus story can be found here:

Lost Dutchman Gold Mine - Arizona Superstition Mountain Wilderness - Gold Mining ? Search

Joe Ribaudo

But I'm writing a screen play and my story sounds like there will be more adventures and twist/turns to the saga..... :laughing9:

OMG terror mongers
if you are afraid...don't go out there.<<<<notice the period?

Silly Silly PIP! What you must know is I LIVE HERE...Can see it from my house! Ride my mountain bike on the Peralta road or trails every morning or late afternoon (depending on temps) for exercise!!! hahahahaha....

vastterain, that picture has been in my family for 85years,just so we get that straight right now,i personaly have been to that mission site many years before bob ward ever moved in to that cabin,i also have all the old negatives of the mission picture,the picture of the mission is an enlargement,and for whatever reason,exept for a personal agenda,cactusjumper attacked the mission when I started this thread,go look at the very first pages of this thread,anyone see what you missed,np:cat:

cactusjumper,no matter what other games you try,i want you to know im still coming to the rendezvous, and by the way last night I talked to an old friend of yours,he hasn't seen you for a long time, he is looking forward to it, and im sorry your historians don't know anything about the mission site, or whats in their back yard,maybe they just forgot about something as important as the mission, have you explained about the Tucson artifacts to these people yet? nothing is a secret as long as more than one person knows about it,the game is worth the candle and we will play it to the end,np:cat:

cactusjumper,no matter what other games you try,i want you to know im still coming to the rendezvous, and by the way last night I talked to an old friend of yours,he hasn't seen you for a long time, he is looking forward to it, and im sorry your historians don't know anything about the mission site, or whats in their back yard,maybe they just forgot about something as important as the mission, have you explained about the Tucson artifacts to these people yet? nothing is a secret as long as more than one person knows about it,the game is worth the candle and we will play it to the end,np:cat:


I simply asked questions and for some kind of support for your contention that your mission ever existed in that time or place.

I would be more than pleased to find out that your story is to the existence of such a mission.

When you make such claims on a public forum, you should expect people to ask for details. If that gets your back up, you should find another way to tell people your stories, perhaps around the kitchen table. It's not worth having a heart attack over.

As for me playing "games", you are the one who characterized your story as being a game.

"....the game is worth the candle and we will play it to the end"

Joe Ribaudo

to all, I will not be posting until after the rendezvous,ilook forward to seeing all of you there,im going on vacation to mexico for three weeks,i look forward to relaxing for awhile, have fun keep up a good conversation,see you there,np ps,bring your walking boots,and most of all a camera,:cat:

cactusjumper,the game is worth the candle and we will play it to the end, is a quote from the Thomas Jefferson beale letters,you know the beale treasure, have a good rest,im going to , by for now, see you soon,np:cat:

Silly Silly PIP! What you must know is I LIVE HERE...Can see it from my house! Ride my mountain bike on the Peralta road or trails every morning or late afternoon (depending on temps) for exercise!!! hahahahaha.... live there???? guess how much that counts to someone raised in the area....
do love how you jump in an assume you are the highest point of human evolution, therefore everything you write is gospel, the rest of us peons. live there???? guess how much that counts to someone raised in the area....
do love how you jump in an assume you are the highest point of human evolution, therefore everything you write is gospel, the rest of us peons.

You are a funny one! Some kind of complex or you haven't read any of my last post's explaining to NP about just "pulling his chain a bit" ... why so serious? lol

to answer your first question put to me "<<<<notice the period?" ..... I wasnt looking that close at ya, but give it a week and that will clear right up! :thumbsup:

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roadrunner, when you drive out there ,start looking off right hand side of road,about half way to dons camp,its not the main mnt range but the mnts below them ,np:cat:
rr,ask goldbugpr,exactly were the spot was he detected and take the picture and look from there,np

I am going to pm him right now.

I try to be nice to somebody, despite past events, and extend a hand hoping to help and make them feel welcome to come to the I ask myself "Why Bother?" Maybe because I feel sorry for NP and I would like to hear his "information" in person.

I guess I do have a conscience...........does that make me a "Real Person?"
Gentleman I have asked politely that you stop the insults and animosity towards each other, if it does not stop your going to force us to take action.....

I will not keep asking...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Did I miss something here :icon_scratch:

I thought I was being nice........................unless somebody complained about me again. I guess sincerity and being nice are not a good thing :dontknow:

Shall I revert to borderline :censored:

cactusjumper, just like a bad knat, you can do better than that,np:cat:
cactusjumper,really(,cactusjumper) really? and I thought you actually knew something about the supes?:cat::laughing7:
pippinwhitepaws; there are other people on these threads that have said that they have been to this site,its very easy to prove where the site was, go take your own pictures,what you should be asking is why cactusjumper is trying to suppress this information,why does he not want the mission brought out in the public,couldn't be because of the private group he gets information for,could it, or maybe you don't know about that,I forgot ,its suppose to be a secret, any way that cats out of the bag, and 40 and 50years ago,some of the worlds best archeologist and anthropologist were in the supes,and taken to different sites,there was no official reports done,only whats in there personal papers,the reason for this,is because they could not believe what they were seeing,do your research, this whole thing with condemning some thing before you personaly see it ,and prove it wrong,is getting ridiculous,cactusjumper is playing you people like a fiddle,having all of you do his dirty work, it reminds me of little bo peep and his sheep,,np:cat:

And I get accused of animosity and name calling (that 4 letter word, starts with L and ends in R) yet NP continually sets the stage for such behavior...................:dontknow:

So back to this Photo………

IMG_222693390107 copy.webp

I’m still standing by the idea of an unfinished structure that is not very old, for a couple of reasons. First if it had been completed and used there would be some type of knowledge as to what type of building it was, small church, schoolhouse, stage stop, or even house. Second if it was adobe and completed with a pitched roof that collapsed the areas in red would be gone or heavily damaged from the rafters collapsing inward and forcing the top of the walls out in a slight radius, deeper at the center of the long wall.

Since part of the front/back wall has collapsed inward any center beam to support a pitched roof would have damaged the opposing wall (green circle) and pushed that area outward. Also the far wall with the bigger windows remains intact when it should have suffered more damage from the roof collapsing along with the front wall, instead we just have a large section that fell inward with no damage to other parts of the structure.

Just think basic physics, if there was a roof on this structure that collapsed those beams and rafters have to go somewhere along with any roof material which can get quite heavy, so it’s cause and effect, quite a bit of inertia that would cause extensive damage.

As for the “Pottery Shards” it would not surprise me if they were some type of roofing tile that was on site and over time they just got broken up. Anybody who has worked with real clay roofing tiles knows how fragile they can be. Also the yellow circled area kinda bugs me, access to something under the structure?

As for age of this structure, not very old when the photo was taken. If it has completely vanished from the time this picture was taken then my guess would be adobe structure, even with people “vandalizing it” prior to the picture it shows little suffering from the elements, pretty good for adobe with no roof or protection from wind and rain and nobody taking care of it, my guess would be no more than 50 years prior to the photo and that is being generous.

Yes I have worked on adobe structures here in the Phoenix area, one was built around 1920ish, even had the old 2 wire with insulators for electricity, it had been cared for and added onto over the years but overall the structure itself even the roof were in good condition, so with care adobe can last.

So in conclusion, the structure in the photo, wherever it was or is, IN MY OPINION, was never completed and so it just turned into a pile of dirt that washed away along with anybody knowing what it was since it was never completed.

Photo taken in the last couple days! From the other side of the building. But i will wait for NP to explain when he comes back from "vacation"1012520_10151854109116815_232675857_n.webp

Photo taken in the last couple days! From the other side of the building. But i will wait for NP to explain when he comes back from "vacation"View attachment 865657 it mud brick? Looks like it from the picture, what kind of roofing material? Building department must have had a fit about the codes :laughing7:

Not the same structure as NP's picture, but maybe the same basic idea of adobe.

But i will wait for NP to explain when he comes back from "vacation"

Don't hold your breath for an explanation, you'll either get "I explained it earlier in this mess (thread)" or "That is not a Mission and has nothing to do with what I posted, thank you have a nice day :cat:"

Oops....forgot to make it an 85 year old looking photo! and the Knight Templar's rode motorcycles just in case anyone was wondering!!! download.webp

Some other thoughts on the picture.....

Probably taken in the morning since the building looks East West, the southern windows are small and set high and the roof probably would have (if completed) extended out to provide shade over them. The benefit of this would be with the large Northern facing windows, the heat would rise up the southern wall past the windows causing the air to draw through the building from the larger windows, effectively drawing in cooler air. Simple air conditioning, very effective with at least 16 to 24 inch thick dirt walls.

One thing that kind of bothers me about this "mission" photograph, is the four square windows on the wall to the right. Why isn't there any sunlight visible thru them? Apparently there is sunlight inside the structure, so why can't we see any light? Are there shutters inside closing the windows? Doubt it. Granted, the walls are probably thick and could block some of the light from that angle, but some light should be visible. Thoughts?

Looks like I have another reason to attend this years see if there are any remains of this controversial "mission". If anything at all remains there, it still isn't any proof of a "mission" being at the site. Just my personal opinion, but if anything of any importance were there at any time in history, it would have been mentioned by someone, somewhere in time. Some of you guys that have done extensive research on the area, and even have lived there your entire lives all say "nope, nothing was ever there" can one argue that? (Well ok, ONE of you says yes, there was.) Conspiracy to hide the existance of the "mission" for some reason? Come on. :tongue3:

One of the reasons I went to the Rendezvous in 2011, was to see if B.B. was going to show up and prove to everyone where he thought the Dutchman's mine was located. He came, he hiked to the spot he thought where it was, then admitted he was wrong. Hats off to ya, BB.
Let's see if N.P. can do the same.
Looking forward to seeing all the friendly and interesting people I met last time. Warm up the chili, Joe. :icon_thumleft:


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G'd evening Somero mi friend :coffee2::coffee2:. a Casual remark only, but most ceiling beams in the older adobe structures were simply laid on top of the adobe walls. Most walls, unless backed by a flying buttress, were not capable of withstanding a side thrust. The walls of my Computer room in front of me, are almost 4 ft thick. The beams are simply laid on top of them.

On the older roof it had a layer of sticks laid between the beams, layers of grass on top of them, then adobe, then adobe fired brick on top of everything for waterproofing. It makes a roof about 10 - 12 inches thick. So yes, an older type of roof can collapse without actually injuring the walls except at the top.

This created one of the problems that I initially had with the older metal detectors. If the owner had buried something say at arms depth in one of the floors, then when the roof came down with parts of the wall you had 3 <-> 6 ft of hard adobe on top of the original treasure in those days.

Almost every d:censored:----- ruin that I checked in those days always had an empty oval sardine can under the roof debris so, since you had to dig all of the indications up. and trust me, dried adobe is one :censored: to dig into..----

Don Jose de La Mancha

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