Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


Paul, when you look at the photo of the building, what are you looking at ? I don't mean is it a mission, or an out house or a Howard Johnson's motel. What are you looking at ? What is it a photo of ?

When you figure out what you're looking at you will understand why it doesn't matter when photography came into being, or color photos for that matter (1931), or why it doesn't matter who recalls what being there in their lifetime or anyone elses. The first time I saw the photo I realized it for what it was. You are caught up in wondering why something that must have been photographed since 1931 isn't there today, can't be remembered by anyone, or has little or no trace of it left. Think about it, it will come to you.


Hmm - I'll put some thought into it and see what I can come up with - might have my wife look at it and tell me what she sees. One of the curses of having an "analytical" mind - both by nature and training, is that the creative/artistic side gets very little exercise and I've never been good in that area. I often think perhaps that's why I don't see things other folks do.

I'll send you an e-mail in the next couple days. See you in about a month.

I just looked at it again. The walls look like they have never had a rafter or anything on them.
Also,judging by the window shape,and spaces,I think it should have only been about 25-30 feet long.
I think people are thinking it was huge.

Although it is not what I'm talking about when seeing what the photograph actually is, you make an excellent deduction RR.
In scale of the windows you are looking at a building not much larger than a double wide trailer. That doesn't mean it wasn't a church or a Vista or a Mission, it just means you can't assign the same dimentions of San Xavier Del Bac to every other religious structure built in the southwest.

I believe the building in the photograph could be a church, vista or mission.
I believe the building in the photograph could have been constructed in the 1700's.
I believe the building in the photograph could have once stood along todays Peralta road.
I believe the building in the photograph could have lasted only a few years and was gone well before the year 1800.
I believe the photograph of the building was taken after color film became available in the 1930's.

None of the statements above are in contradiction to any of the other statements.

How can that be ? Look at the photo and realize what it is you are actually looking at.

np, looking forward to meeting you at the Rendezvous and talking with you.


When I look at it I see an old brick,block,or adobe building,thats it.
I see no foundation,footing,or stem wall.
Now I know what it is made of,I am just saying by the picture it is hard to tell for most people.

Next,that thing could have fallen down,or been pushed down by a backhoe,or dozer,and cleaned up a little,back dragged the ground, so there would be no sign of it what so ever after a few weeds grew.
If there was never a roof on it,there would have been no wood to discard of either,or it was burnt.

What does the mountain behind it look like or compare to.I dont know myself.
Somero,want to go out there? I will meet you at 60 and Peralta rd.
I will bring all the utensls.

Hmm - I'll put some thought into it and see what I can come up with - might have my wife look at it and tell me what she sees. One of the curses of having an "analytical" mind - both by nature and training, is that the creative/artistic side gets very little exercise and I've never been good in that area. I often think perhaps that's why I don't see things other folks do.

I'll send you an e-mail in the next couple days. See you in about a month.


The mission Nuestra Senora de los Dolores at the Pima settlement of Cosari was established by father Kino in 1687.
It was known as the Mother Mission of Pimeria Alta.
The mission was completely gone by 1800, no walls, no roof, no foundation, nothing. All that remains there today is a cemetery.

Yet I could take my camera today and take a photograph of that mission.


Although it is not what I'm talking about when seeing what the photograph actually is, you make an excellent deduction RR.
In scale of the windows you are looking at a building not much larger than a double wide trailer. That doesn't mean it wasn't a church or a Vista or a Mission, it just means you can't assign the same dimentions of San Xavier Del Bac to every other religious structure built in the southwest.

I believe the building in the photograph could be a church, vista or mission.
I believe the building in the photograph could have been constructed in the 1700's.
I believe the building in the photograph could have once stood along todays Peralta road.
I believe the building in the photograph could have lasted only a few years and was gone well before the year 1800.
I believe the photograph of the building was taken after color film became available in the 1930's.

None of the statements above are in contradiction to any of the other statements.

How can that be ? Look at the photo and realize what it is you are actually looking at.

np, looking forward to meeting you at the Rendezvous and talking with you.



It looks like the ruins of a two-story granary to me.:dontknow: If so, some photoshop work was probably done, including adding the cross and windows.

Joe Ribaudo

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I don't think its a photograph at all, I think its an old opaque painting. It may be a photo of the painting, but the original looks like a painting. I think if it ever existed off peralta rd, it was an extremely long time in the past and disappeared along time ago. Any of the local oldtimers would have knowledge of it otherwise. My opinion only. R Johnson

Cj,somehiker,anyone that has been around this area.
What does the mountain shape behind it remind you of. Or where have you seen it.
I will go lok at the area this week some time.

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In the last 45 years, I have done considerable research on several mountain ranges and the secrets that they contain.

In the three different ranges, there are petroglyphs that do not fit neatly into any one category. Not Native American, not Spanish, not European. Years ago, I started finding them in the Superstitions. That's what didn't make sense to me. That's when I started searching for answers and after hitting dead ends and becoming frustrated, I found an open window. To my surprise, I had no idea of what was to follow.

After having my stroke and knowing that I couldn't continue to hike the way I used to, I decided to share the information that I have. I have added many clues to this thread, many more than you think. There are many stumbling blocks for people hunting in the Superstitions because of all the wrong information that's been distributed about hidden treasures of one kind or another. In order to solve a puzzle or find anything that's been hidden, you must know who hid it, why it was hidden and why it was never recovered by the people who hid it.

In this case, the people could be identified through the petroglyphs they left. There's no mistaking this. It's like a finger print. Tracing these people, then, becomes easy. Why they have been erased from history is the question. They came here to escape persecution and to live a normal existence. That they did for many years. Their ancestors were very educated scholars. They were educated in the temple universities of Egypt in mathematics, calculus, astronomy, architecture and culture and most notably, rational thought and enlightenment. While trying to carve out a life here, they knew others would eventually catch up with them. Their dwellings and temples were hidden underground for safety and concealment. In case they had to flee, they could easily be sealed and hidden so that they could be used at a later time. The only things that they would take with them were the necessities to live on a journey to a pre-determined place in another country. They knew that they could return later to remove their most sacred objects from their temples as well as their dead.

There were stories told and maps drawn on temple walls, many times on top of one another, This became the confusion of the stone tablets and the Tucson Artifacts---or the "Home Maps". With these maps the people, or their ancestors could find their way back home and to their most religious sites.

And, yes, archeologists and anthropologists in the past have never academically written or acknowledged it but many were aware of its existence. Some may have even joined in the recovery of these items for the descendants.

This is my research and my opinion. Please do not ask me to comment or repeat myself. np

its nice to see the old crowd

One of the first problems with this story is the picture of the "mission":

There is a cross at the back end of the building. It probably should be at the front. Tom Kollenborn has assured me that this building never existed, at that location, in his memory.

Someone provided the picture to N.P. He never saw the actual ruins, as they are pictured. He does not identify who gave him the picture, although that person is, probably, no longer alive. Since N.P. does not want to identify himself, we are left with a sizeable road-block to the truth. The chain of evidence is non-existent.

Should we learn the identity of the person who gave N.P. the picture, it could lend some measure of authenticity to the picture. There are people alive who, most likely, knew that person and his/her reputation for truthfulness.

Just one person's personal opinion. It could be all wrong.

Joe Ribaudo

Mr Joe Ribaudo

The picture of the mission is not a picture at all, Its a painting, I can't remember by whom, but I'll see if I can locate the artist.


cactusjumper, really,( susan deeds), really? np:cat:

cactusjumper, just like a bad knat, you can do better than that,np:cat:

Now that is interesting.Where is that hill or mountain located if you know?
Is there a hill by Bobs cabin or area like that?
I am going to see if Somero wants to take a hike with me,plus do some panning in that wash by there.

Mr Joe Ribaudo

The picture of the mission is not a picture at all, Its a painting, I can't remember by whom, but I'll see if I can locate the artist.


Welcome to Tnet.
And the looney bin.

roadrunner, yes there is, off right hand side of peralta road,cactusjumper can look at it all the way to the rendezvous,np:cat::occasion14:


It reminds me of this photo by Vassterrain:

Take care,


I thought at one time you or somehiker said you remembered the hill or mountain behind the building.
I thought it was located(the hill) around the Dons camp area.

cactusjumper,really(,cactusjumper) really? and I thought you actually knew something about the supes?:cat::laughing7:

roadrunner, yes there is, off right hand side of peralta road,cactusjumper can look at it all the way to the rendezvous,np:cat::occasion14:

I am taking a drive out there.
Some time this week.

roadrunner, when you drive out there ,start looking off right hand side of road,about half way to dons camp,its not the main mnt range but the mnts below them ,np:cat:
rr,ask goldbugpr,exactly were the spot was he detected and take the picture and look from there,np

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