Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Although it is not what I'm talking about when seeing what the photograph actually is, you make an excellent deduction RR.
In scale of the windows you are looking at a building not much larger than a double wide trailer. That doesn't mean it wasn't a church or a Vista or a Mission, it just means you can't assign the same dimentions of San Xavier Del Bac to every other religious structure built in the southwest.

I believe the building in the photograph could be a church, vista or mission.
I believe the building in the photograph could have been constructed in the 1700's.
I believe the building in the photograph could have once stood along todays Peralta road.
I believe the building in the photograph could have lasted only a few years and was gone well before the year 1800.
I believe the photograph of the building was taken after color film became available in the 1930's.

None of the statements above are in contradiction to any of the other statements.

How can that be ? Look at the photo and realize what it is you are actually looking at.

np, looking forward to meeting you at the Rendezvous and talking with you.

matthew,more than ever, im looking forward to the rendezvous ,np:cat:

Now that is interesting.Where is that hill or mountain located if you know?
Is there a hill by Bobs cabin or area like that?
I am going to see if Somero wants to take a hike with me,plus do some panning in that wash by there.

I'm good to go.............. Maybe some others might want to go along as well, kinda like a pre-rendezvous.

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In the last 45 years, I have done considerable research on several mountain ranges and the secrets that they contain.

In the three different ranges, there are petroglyphs that do not fit neatly into any one category. Not Native American, not Spanish, not European. Years ago, I started finding them in the Superstitions. That's what didn't make sense to me. That's when I started searching for answers and after hitting dead ends and becoming frustrated, I found an open window. To my surprise, I had no idea of what was to follow.

After having my stroke and knowing that I couldn't continue to hike the way I used to, I decided to share the information that I have. I have added many clues to this thread, many more than you think. There are many stumbling blocks for people hunting in the Superstitions because of all the wrong information that's been distributed about hidden treasures of one kind or another. In order to solve a puzzle or find anything that's been hidden, you must know who hid it, why it was hidden and why it was never recovered by the people who hid it.

In this case, the people could be identified through the petroglyphs they left. There's no mistaking this. It's like a finger print. Tracing these people, then, becomes easy. Why they have been erased from history is the question. They came here to escape persecution and to live a normal existence. That they did for many years. Their ancestors were very educated scholars. They were educated in the temple universities of Egypt in mathematics, calculus, astronomy, architecture and culture and most notably, rational thought and enlightenment. While trying to carve out a life here, they knew others would eventually catch up with them. Their dwellings and temples were hidden underground for safety and concealment. In case they had to flee, they could easily be sealed and hidden so that they could be used at a later time. The only things that they would take with them were the necessities to live on a journey to a pre-determined place in another country. They knew that they could return later to remove their most sacred objects from their temples as well as their dead.

There were stories told and maps drawn on temple walls, many times on top of one another, This became the confusion of the stone tablets and the Tucson Artifacts---or the "Home Maps". With these maps the people, or their ancestors could find their way back home and to their most religious sites.

And, yes, archeologists and anthropologists in the past have never academically written or acknowledged it but many were aware of its existence. Some may have even joined in the recovery of these items for the descendants.

This is my research and my opinion. Please do not ask me to comment or repeat myself. np

please,enjoy more to come,see you all at dons camp,np:cat:

I don't think its a photograph at all, I think its an old opaque painting. It may be a photo of the painting, but the original looks like a painting. I think if it ever existed off peralta rd, it was an extremely long time in the past and disappeared along time ago. Any of the local oldtimers would have knowledge of it otherwise. My opinion only. R Johnson

I think perhaps Ralph has it right - it's a painting (?).

The only other thing I could think of is that it was a "reconstruction" or "model" done for some reason (movie set like Apacheland or something like that.)

Now - to see if anyone can find the original painting if that's what it is.

cubfan64,I have a great idea,that apparently you so called treasure hunters have for the last several months have not thought of,you have exact directions to the site,WHY DON"T YOU GO LOOK?np

cactusjumper, really,( susan deeds), really? np:cat:

one request only...
leave susan out of this....
any comment the professor would make on this lost mine story, is:
"you don't believe in that ridiculous story do you Donald?"
"no" is what I responded with...

I should not have used the term "mission " to describe what I am looking for...
I have a theory that the good padres had Ramada's, or water stops, temporary camps along the gila to santa fe...from the pima villages....the san pedro was used to come north, the gila to go east, or southwest...when not using the cameo del muerto.
father kino is said to have made the trip to santé fe from San Xavier at least once, others padres several times more.
there was a set of ruins down by san manuel, I think these have been destroyed...I need to get back down there an look.

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oh...and as I said previously, I have seen that building somewhere...
a general store or warehouse somewhere...Tucson? winslow?
I can not remember...

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pippinwhitepaws; there are other people on these threads that have said that they have been to this site,its very easy to prove where the site was, go take your own pictures,what you should be asking is why cactusjumper is trying to suppress this information,why does he not want the mission brought out in the public,couldn't be because of the private group he gets information for,could it, or maybe you don't know about that,I forgot ,its suppose to be a secret, any way that cats out of the bag, and 40 and 50years ago,some of the worlds best archeologist and anthropologist were in the supes,and taken to different sites,there was no official reports done,only whats in there personal papers,the reason for this,is because they could not believe what they were seeing,do your research, this whole thing with condemning some thing before you personaly see it ,and prove it wrong,is getting ridiculous,cactusjumper is playing you people like a fiddle,having all of you do his dirty work, it reminds me of little bo peep and his sheep,,np:cat:

yes NP, I will...but I am on a fixed income...and don't like the 100 plus temps..i will get there soon enough.

and many people have attempted to "play " me...they find I am not a poster boy for manipulation.

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pippinwhitepaws; there are other people on these threads that have said that they have been to this site,its very easy to prove where the site was, go take your own pictures,what you should be asking is why cactusjumper is trying to suppress this information,why does he not want the mission brought out in the public,couldn't be because of the private group he gets information for,could it, or maybe you don't know about that,I forgot ,its suppose to be a secret, any way that cats out of the bag, and 40 and 50years ago,some of the worlds best archeologist and anthropologist were in the supes,and taken to different sites,there was no official reports done,only whats in there personal papers,the reason for this,is because they could not believe what they were seeing,do your research, this whole thing with condemning some thing before you personaly see it ,and prove it wrong,is getting ridiculous,cactusjumper is playing you people like a fiddle,having all of you do his dirty work, it reminds me of little bo peep and his sheep,,np:cat:


Stop spreading lies about me. If you have something to back up your charges, post them. Otherwise, shut the :censored: up.

Leave me out of your fantasies.

Joe Ribaudo

I want to write my opinion about this building .
The Cross on the building and the bell tower , show how there was a mission , which has a rest building and a little church attachable on the left . This picture is not a painting picture , is a photography .
Now , the location of the mission in the picture , is more left and closer to the mountain , in relation with the Vastterrain picture . I post the pictures , and I make a red drawing to the same mountain .

mission_zps9c645b8c.webp NotPeraltasMission_zps431423f8.webp

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cubfan64,I have a great idea,that apparently you so called treasure hunters have for the last several months have not thought of,you have exact directions to the site,WHY DON"T YOU GO LOOK?np

I'm having a lousy day today, and I know I advise people to not post when they are in bad mood, but like most people, I can't help it so here goes...

GET OFF MY BACK NP!!! I haven't posted anything negative about you or your "mission" site, and don't intend to because I happen to have a pretty open mind. I'm pretty receptive to just about every possibility - yours included!

I have a great idea for you..... how about READING some of the posts on this site rather than just shooting off your mouth!!! I mentioned a few posts back that I live 2700+ miles away from the Superstitions, and have time to get there for a week or two per year - that's it. If I could, I would have been at your site on day one!!!

I told you I would be there at the Rendezvous and was looking forward to seeing your site - apparently that's not enough for you - either that or you aren't bothering to read anything other than your own words.

Tell you what, why don't you take a crack at answering the question Matthew Roberts posed a few posts back which I was trying to address.

There are many individual theories about this sort of thing, available on the Internet. Many with good documentation of compelling evidence.

When these are combined, they form a story, as follows---

(I don't have any references in front of me, so dates and places should be taken as approximate or even guesstimations. It's the general story that I'm expressing here. Any corrections are totally welcome.)

At some time after the last Ice Age, around 12,000 BC, there were advanced civilizations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. There was a war between these two, which culminated in the total destruction of the capital area of the Western one, which was somewhere between what are now the North and South Americas. The damage was so complete that the actual land was demolished, and the area was thereafter covered with sea water.

However, the civilization of that Western capitol had extended, somewhat sparsely, into North and South America, and it's influence in those areas remained thereafter.

This story accounts for unexplained things like extensive copper mining in the Great Lakes area, the development of gold mining in the North and South, and the metallurgy of both of these minerals, as can be seen from official and unofficial archaeological discoveries.

There is also lots of evidence that, a very long time before Columbus, people were traveling between continents, and not "accidentally," either.

Since this story does not appear in the Bible, it has been considered by all "officialdom" to be Politically Incorrect, and has been thereby profoundly suppressed on all quarters. Furthermore, I think the possibility should be considered that it was intentionally left out of the Bible, to enable religious leaders to create an effect, similar to Plato's Allegory of the Cave, on whatever populations they could reach. The result of which is convincing people that those leaders are "smart," and everyone else is stupid, and that the populations should believe whatever those leaders say, and do whatever they are told---or else.

And that is why people are continually finding stuff that isn't supposed to exist, especially in places where these things are not supposed to be.

So that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it! At least until some substantial evidence to the contrary shows up.


EE Thr, one thing I would have to disagree on is your statement that because the things you mentioned are not mentioned in the bible, they are being suppressed. Personally I believe that if the academic society were to find credible evidence to discredit the bible, they'd be the first ones to jump on it.

If... and it's a big if... some of these "pseudo-history" stories are true, imho the main reason they would be suppressed would be because Academia knows there would be vast amounts of true history that would have to be re-written and some people *gasp* would have to admit they were wrong and that years of their research and interpretations would be quite literally thrown off the shelves.

Just my $0.02

historians like re writing history...if things are lost or "throw out." it is because it is trash...or awaiting confirmation from other primary sources.

and might do some research....lostdutchmangoldmine...and see how joe and I got along before you call me a puppet...and he did some research on my creditability.

so... you have three people you flat out insulted this morning as many posts...
{I shoud never have mentioned susans name}

springfield...whatever I believe is not relevant

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Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than? Why would NP be trying to turn treasure hunters away from the Superstition's ?? Oops....thats not gonna work so easily! there is this "Mission" by Burns Ranch, and everyone else should go take a look and report back ... Why send a bunch of treasure hunters looking for a building that doesn't exist now (to that particular location?)...Nor does the photo match anything in the area of where Wards cabin/Burns ranch was located? Holy Stones has a claim there! Since NP will not disclose any info as to who He/She is....We must ask this- Is NP a player in the Holy Stone group? after all NP posted that "super's to be the location for one of the greatest religious mystery's know to man" Do they want us treasure hunters to play bird dog for them and possible find the real location for this building? or create a little stir to report back to investors like- heck there are treasure hunters hitting that area hard because they know there's something good there just like we said? OR THIS... get someone out there to that location to start digging? BAD NEWS ....OR THIS... Someone comes up missing and there last known location was that area? setting up a confrontation .... News Coverage of treasure hunters disappearing there looking for a "Mission" might make for good info for investors wanting some results? Just Thinking Out Loud of Course! Just keep safe if you are to go there...Remember to take a buddy with you!

Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than? Why would NP be trying to turn treasure hunters away from the Superstition's ?? Oops....thats not gonna work so easily! there is this "Mission" by Burns Ranch, and everyone else should go take a look and report back ... Why send a bunch of treasure hunters looking for a building that doesn't exist now (to that particular location?)...Nor does the photo match anything in the area of where Wards cabin/Burns ranch was located? Holy Stones has a claim there! Since NP will not disclose any info as to who He/She is....We must ask this- Is NP a player in the Holy Stone group? after all NP posted that "super's to be the location for one of the greatest religious mystery's know to man" Do they want us treasure hunters to play bird dog for them and possible find the real location for this building? or create a little stir to report back to investors like- heck there are treasure hunters hitting that area hard because they know there's something good there just like we said? OR THIS... get someone out there to that location to start digging? BAD NEWS ....OR THIS... Someone comes up missing and there last known location was that area? setting up a confrontation .... News Coverage of treasure hunters disappearing there looking for a "Mission" might make for good info for investors wanting some results? Just Thinking Out Loud of Course! Just keep safe if you are to go there...Remember to take a buddy with you!


Actually, N.P.'s story has morphed into a Calalus/Tucson artifacts theory. If he is tied into any group, they would be the ones.

It's a great story, but N.P.'s information has been less than impressive, so far. It takes some serious research to become, even somewhat, knowledgeable on the subject.

As in all such tales, "they" are surpressing the evidence. According to Ben Davis, he and the "Gatekeeper" have removed all the artifacts and treasures to a small, private museum in South Africa for safekeeping.:dontknow:

A lot of information on the Calalus story can be found here:


Joe Ribaudo

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