In the last 45 years, I have done considerable research on several mountain ranges and the secrets that they contain.
In the three different ranges, there are petroglyphs that do not fit neatly into any one category. Not Native American, not Spanish, not European. Years ago, I started finding them in the Superstitions. That's what didn't make sense to me. That's when I started searching for answers and after hitting dead ends and becoming frustrated, I found an open window. To my surprise, I had no idea of what was to follow.
In order to solve a puzzle or find anything that's been hidden, you must know who hid it, why it was hidden and why it was never recovered by the people who hid it.
In this case, the people could be identified through the petroglyphs they left. There's no mistaking this. It's like a finger print. Tracing these people, then, becomes easy. Why they have been erased from history is the question. They came here to escape persecution and to live a normal existence. That they did for many years. Their ancestors were very educated scholars. They were educated in the temple universities of Egypt in mathematics, calculus, astronomy, architecture and culture and most notably, rational thought and enlightenment.
And, yes, archeologists and anthropologists in the past have never academically written or acknowledged it but many were aware of its existence. Some may have even joined in the recovery of these items for the descendants.
There are many individual theories about this sort of thing, available on the Internet. Many with good documentation of compelling evidence.
When these are combined, they form a story, as follows---
(I don't have any references in front of me, so dates and places should be taken as approximate or even guesstimations. It's the general story that I'm expressing here. Any corrections are totally welcome.)
At some time after the last
Ice Age, around 12,000 BC, there were advanced civilizations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. There was a war between these two, which culminated in the total destruction of the capital area of the Western one, which was somewhere between what are now the North and South Americas. The damage was so complete that the actual land was demolished, and the area was thereafter covered with sea water.
However, the civilization of that Western capitol had extended, somewhat sparsely, into North and South America, and it's influence in those areas remained thereafter.
This story accounts for unexplained things like extensive copper mining in the Great Lakes area, the development of gold mining in the North and South, and the metallurgy of both of these minerals, as can be seen from official and unofficial archaeological discoveries.
There is also lots of evidence that, a very long time before Columbus, people were traveling between continents, and
not "accidentally," either.
Since this story does not appear in the Bible, it has been considered by all "officialdom" to be Politically Incorrect, and has been thereby profoundly suppressed on all quarters. Furthermore, I think the possibility should be considered that it was intentionally left out of the Bible, to enable religious leaders to create an effect, similar to
Plato's Allegory of the Cave, on whatever populations they could reach. The result of which is convincing people that those leaders are "smart," and everyone else is stupid, and that the populations should believe whatever those leaders say, and do whatever they are told---or else.
And that is why people are
continually finding stuff that isn't supposed to exist, especially in places where these things are not supposed to be.
So that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it! At least until some substantial evidence to the contrary shows up.