Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

cubfan64, I made reference to this the other day,how much ranching do you think burns did? he was a treasure hunter,my question to you is what information did he have to bring him to that location,ranching would have been a good cover,and depending on what he was hunting for it was not in his best interest to let people know there was a mission on that property, works for me,np:cat:
ps, I have more information on this ,but will discuss it in length later,

cubfan64, I made reference to this the other day,how much ranching do you think burns did? he was a treasure hunter,my question to you is what information did he have to bring him to that location,ranching would have been a good cover,and depending on what he was hunting for it was not in his best interest to let people know there was a mission on that property, works for me,np:cat:
ps, I have more information on this ,but will discuss it in length later,

I wasn't talking about Burns at all. There were other ranchers in that same close vicinity (see the QCU history), and those folks without question knew that area like the backs of their hands.

I understand you keep calling it a mission, I just fail to see any proof that that's what it was. The photo (in my opinion) is just not enough evidence. Hopefully your background information will shed more light on all this as it's clearly interesting - I'm just not convinced at this point.

cubfan64,maybe it was a bapbtist church,maybe it was a knights Templar church,maybe it was a out house in the middle of know where,its a building with a cross on it,how would I know,thank you,np

cubfan64,what i'd like to know is every since I give the directions to this site months ago, have you bothered to go look,it seems to me that this information was not much of a priority for people there,thats why Im not giving any more information out right now, you people, so eager for info have to prove something to me after all these months, np:cat:

cubfan64,what i'd like to know is every since I give the directions to this site months ago, have you bothered to go look,it seems to me that this information was not much of a priority for people there,thats why Im not giving any more information out right now, you people, so eager for info have to prove something to me after all these months, np:cat:


I have to agree with N.P. here. Seems to me you could have popped over for a quick look-see some weekend. I know New Hampshire has some fine airports......close by. I have considered taking a run up to Spirit Mountain some afternoon, as well.


I think your location will get more than a few visitors from the Rendezvous. I believe some have already gone out there and provided current pictures of the area. I will go out and take a look myself, but only because I will be close to your "mission".

Tom Kollenborn has assured me there was no such building there, and he knows the area.....very well. In the place, and the time taken, until this day, you would still be able to find evidence of its existence.

It's a mighty big outhouse.

Joe Ribaudo

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At NP. If it where me,I would Look at peoples info under there avatar before posting to much info or spending a lot of time discussing things with them if they do not live in the area.
If you will notice, cubfan64,if it is true,lives in NH.
There is no way he is going to come down here and look at what you are talking about.
He might once a year on vacation.
Just a thought. It seems you get worked up at times when people cant just hop in a vehicle and go look at what you want us to.
Just offering a little help if possible.

If and when you go out there I could meet you at hwy60 and peralta rd,or meet you out further towards the area or wash.
I only live 20 minutes from there.
I own my own construction company so only need a days notice.
Actually on the weekend just give me a call.
I will pm you my phone number.
Actually,you can call me any time for any help,or any thing you may need.
Even if you break down. I am a mechanic also. Work on my trucks.

Yes, it's true I live in NH, and although there is an airport very close by, I'm not independently wealthy and currently work for a living so only get a few weeks each year to spend away from my job. One of those weeks revolves around Christmas, so the wife is willing to let me have one week to spend "on my own" which for the last 7 years or so has been a week in the Superstitions.

If I lived near there NP, trust me when I tell you I have a full page of places to explore and look at - unfortunately until I can find a way to move there, I have to go down the list of priority places. Because yours is so close to the Rendezvous spot, I'll definitely be there, but I have lots of other things to check out in a short period of time as well - some even more interesting than yours if you can believe it :).

Besides, to be quite honest with you, there's nothing I'll see this fall that can answer the question as to whether it was a mission site or not. At most there will be some foundation stones indicating a past structure - that's not going to prove anything.

Joe - I believe what Tom says, but at the same time, Tom wasn't around in the late 1800's when photographs first started being used - could be whatever used to be there was long gone by the time Tom ever got in the area. Not that he might not have heard about it, but who knows.

NP - if you knew me, you'd know I'd love to know for certain that it was a mission. You keep going on and on about how people are trying to deny it in order to keep it secret for some reason. If I could find some proof that it was a mission site, I would be one of the first to post it.

Again, the burden of proof is NOT on anyone other than you. I applaud your posting a photo - that's more than most folks with claims can do - but in this case it's not proof of anything other than that there was a structure there (wherever "there" may be).


"Joe - I believe what Tom says, but at the same time, Tom wasn't around in the late 1800's when photographs first started being used - could be whatever used to be there was long gone by the time Tom ever got in the area. Not that he might not have heard about it, but who knows."

Assuming the picture was taken in the late 1800s, and considering the condition the building was in at that time, I was only trying to convey that, IMHO, there would still be a great deal of that building visible today.

Perhaps Donald might have a different opinion and, if so, I would like to hear what he has to say. I am an amateur fan of archaeology. On the other hand, I have put a lot of money and time into studying the subject of ancient people and their ruins. Donald was a brilliant student, according to his professor at NYU. I have a lot of respect for Susan Deeds, and have been quoting her work for years. It follows, that I have respect for Donald's opinion.

We look forward to seeing you again at the Rendezvous.

Take care,


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In the last 45 years, I have done considerable research on several mountain ranges and the secrets that they contain.

In the three different ranges, there are petroglyphs that do not fit neatly into any one category. Not Native American, not Spanish, not European. Years ago, I started finding them in the Superstitions. That's what didn't make sense to me. That's when I started searching for answers and after hitting dead ends and becoming frustrated, I found an open window. To my surprise, I had no idea of what was to follow.

After having my stroke and knowing that I couldn't continue to hike the way I used to, I decided to share the information that I have. I have added many clues to this thread, many more than you think. There are many stumbling blocks for people hunting in the Superstitions because of all the wrong information that's been distributed about hidden treasures of one kind or another. In order to solve a puzzle or find anything that's been hidden, you must know who hid it, why it was hidden and why it was never recovered by the people who hid it.

In this case, the people could be identified through the petroglyphs they left. There's no mistaking this. It's like a finger print. Tracing these people, then, becomes easy. Why they have been erased from history is the question. They came here to escape persecution and to live a normal existence. That they did for many years. Their ancestors were very educated scholars. They were educated in the temple universities of Egypt in mathematics, calculus, astronomy, architecture and culture and most notably, rational thought and enlightenment. While trying to carve out a life here, they knew others would eventually catch up with them. Their dwellings and temples were hidden underground for safety and concealment. In case they had to flee, they could easily be sealed and hidden so that they could be used at a later time. The only things that they would take with them were the necessities to live on a journey to a pre-determined place in another country. They knew that they could return later to remove their most sacred objects from their temples as well as their dead.

There were stories told and maps drawn on temple walls, many times on top of one another, This became the confusion of the stone tablets and the Tucson Artifacts---or the "Home Maps". With these maps the people, or their ancestors could find their way back home and to their most religious sites.

And, yes, archeologists and anthropologists in the past have never academically written or acknowledged it but many were aware of its existence. Some may have even joined in the recovery of these items for the descendants.

This is my research and my opinion. Please do not ask me to comment or repeat myself. np

Doesn't look like the same shack to me. Several definite differences

NP I have spent many weekends and sometime weeks in the Superstitions ( I have a shack there since the mid seventies) and have found some nuggets and dust but never the big lode. I thought there were more stones than the four you wranglers have been talking about. I have ridden many times in the area discussed only to find nothing but weird cuss looking for the easy way to riches. Good luck on your hunt and I enjoy your theory and thread.

In the last 45 years, I have done considerable research on several mountain ranges and the secrets that they contain.

In the three different ranges, there are petroglyphs that do not fit neatly into any one category. Not Native American, not Spanish, not European. Years ago, I started finding them in the Superstitions. That's what didn't make sense to me. That's when I started searching for answers and after hitting dead ends and becoming frustrated, I found an open window. To my surprise, I had no idea of what was to follow.

In order to solve a puzzle or find anything that's been hidden, you must know who hid it, why it was hidden and why it was never recovered by the people who hid it.

In this case, the people could be identified through the petroglyphs they left. There's no mistaking this. It's like a finger print. Tracing these people, then, becomes easy. Why they have been erased from history is the question. They came here to escape persecution and to live a normal existence. That they did for many years. Their ancestors were very educated scholars. They were educated in the temple universities of Egypt in mathematics, calculus, astronomy, architecture and culture and most notably, rational thought and enlightenment.

And, yes, archeologists and anthropologists in the past have never academically written or acknowledged it but many were aware of its existence. Some may have even joined in the recovery of these items for the descendants.

There are many individual theories about this sort of thing, available on the Internet. Many with good documentation of compelling evidence.

When these are combined, they form a story, as follows---

(I don't have any references in front of me, so dates and places should be taken as approximate or even guesstimations. It's the general story that I'm expressing here. Any corrections are totally welcome.)

At some time after the last Ice Age, around 12,000 BC, there were advanced civilizations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. There was a war between these two, which culminated in the total destruction of the capital area of the Western one, which was somewhere between what are now the North and South Americas. The damage was so complete that the actual land was demolished, and the area was thereafter covered with sea water.

However, the civilization of that Western capitol had extended, somewhat sparsely, into North and South America, and it's influence in those areas remained thereafter.

This story accounts for unexplained things like extensive copper mining in the Great Lakes area, the development of gold mining in the North and South, and the metallurgy of both of these minerals, as can be seen from official and unofficial archaeological discoveries.

There is also lots of evidence that, a very long time before Columbus, people were traveling between continents, and not "accidentally," either.

Since this story does not appear in the Bible, it has been considered by all "officialdom" to be Politically Incorrect, and has been thereby profoundly suppressed on all quarters. Furthermore, I think the possibility should be considered that it was intentionally left out of the Bible, to enable religious leaders to create an effect, similar to Plato's Allegory of the Cave, on whatever populations they could reach. The result of which is convincing people that those leaders are "smart," and everyone else is stupid, and that the populations should believe whatever those leaders say, and do whatever they are told---or else.

And that is why people are continually finding stuff that isn't supposed to exist, especially in places where these things are not supposed to be.

So that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it! At least until some substantial evidence to the contrary shows up.


Since this thread hint's at "Calalus" and other "stuff" I have a question for this whole Roman Jewish or whatever people they were................Where are the HORSES? Surely a society like this that had vessels to travel the vast ocean expanse brought horses to the North American Continent, but yet horses do not appear until after Columbus. Again, where are the HORSES?

And I don't want to hear that they ate them to survive..................not with all the Buffalo and other game available :BangHead:


Paul, when you look at the photo of the building, what are you looking at ? I don't mean is it a mission, or an out house or a Howard Johnson's motel. What are you looking at ? What is it a photo of ?

When you figure out what you're looking at you will understand why it doesn't matter when photography came into being, or color photos for that matter (1931), or why it doesn't matter who recalls what being there in their lifetime or anyone elses. The first time I saw the photo I realized it for what it was. You are caught up in wondering why something that must have been photographed since 1931 isn't there today, can't be remembered by anyone, or has little or no trace of it left. Think about it, it will come to you.


As far as unusual rock carvings or paintings, I often think that kids may have been the culprits. When I grow up I'm going to be an artist type thing or maybe practical jokes, just an opinion when looking at carvings and paintings on rocks.

The building in the picture looks like a structure that was never completed to me. If it were made of adobe the center area of the long wall would have severe damage from being pushed outward from the roof collapsing down into the center of the building, especially if it was a sloped roof of considerable weight. If it had a flat roof the long walls would still show considerable damage above the windows, or even the complete loss of the window area. I think RR might agree with this idea.

My professional opinion from looking at a rough picture.

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I agree,every roof in the town of Superior,built on adobe walls,that has a gable roof,with a ridge,that has a sag in it,is pushing out the top of the walls. Perpendicular or a 90 degree to the walls.
I work on houses in Superior.
Also,and shed roof(one that is long and flat,puts a lot of stress above the windows. When we build headers now,they are far superior than what they used to. In some instances in Superior,headers above windows and doors where either 4x4 beams, and I have seen a few with railroad ties cut in half.
Also,maybe the picture is not showing this very good either.I will have to take another look.

Anyway, what is all the comotion about the mission,I forget.
Is there a treasure under,or around it?
Is there a treasure so many feet or a certain distance from this?

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Not sure what is supposed to be in that area :dontknow: Maybe something buried under Bobs old swimming pool?

I really think that is an unfinished structure though.

I just looked at it again. The walls look like they have never had a rafter or anything on them.
Also,judging by the window shape,and spaces,I think it should have only been about 25-30 feet long.
I think people are thinking it was huge.

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