matthew Roberts,crandall could have been talking about the same place, its a great possibility that he was,also the old timers were on to the ancient trail system but kept running into dead ends,I believe they new more about how the trails ran back then than people do today,now in the time period every thing is just about gone,because of people not knowing what they are doing,to much vandalism,either by choice or accidentally, right now there are still many clues that are left,(example)bits and pieces of information that people ignore because it does not fit in their thinking process of history,the stone tablets,which will neither give you a starting point or an ending,they also have in my opinion been manipulated,and copied,the same with the Tucson artifacts,I believe the Tucson artifacts are a good copy with disinformation added to them,to confuse people,I believe the originals are safe,they have a very good ancient map on them that leads you somewhere,
I talked about cassadore earlier in this thread,he was a good man ,I listened to a lot of his stories and found them very enlightening,religous groups,I personally believe they were more than that,some of the older petroglyphs that have been found even suggest this idea,a lot of the pottery shards show this as well,people should not expect to ever find anything unless their willing to open their minds to facts that exist all around them,people should not try to build on something that does not exist ,just to make it fit there way of thinking, thank you. ps,my opinion is the superstition mnts hides one of the greatest religious mysteries ever known to