Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

As long as we are talking about springs, there is one just to the south of the saddle that separates West and East Boulder Canyons, just south of Boulder Basin. As I recall, it's just on the west side of the saddle and in a ravine that runs down from the south.

Lots of vegetation around the spring and BEES. It makes a bit of noise as you work your way up the ravine it's located in.

It's always been my belief that, that is where Ruth was heading when he was killed. This despite the story of where his remains were found. If you read Sims' account of where they found Ruth's body, you will see the suggestion that I could be right.

Gene Reynolds had some information that confirmed that saddle as being what Ruth was looking for. He asked for and received a picture from me showing Weaver's Needle from the saddle. Said that was the view that Ruth was interested in.

As an interesting side note, that is the place where the old military trail crossed into West Boulder.

Joe Ribaudo

cubfan64,Ive decide to try and make it myself if my health allows it, in that case no one will have a problem finding me, and at that time I will be glad to share more information and give a personal tour of not only the mission site ,but other things as well, what I know about the area should be shared to all that's interested, there are no secrets here, you will find what I have to say about the mission and burns ranch very interesting,I also want to discuss the ancient trails and east side of west boulder canyon, freemont saddle, canyon de fresca, and the other tablets and their links,np

dang...never have your comments an my maps in the same spot...
I have a crude map of the springs in the superstitions, from ASU, hayden collection.


You should get DeLorme's Topo 8.0 program. That way you will always have the topo map you need.....a click away.

Take care,


cubfan64,Ive decide to try and make it myself if my health allows it, in that case no one will have a problem finding me, and at that time I will be glad to share more information and give a personal tour of not only the mission site ,but other things as well, what I know about the area should be shared to all that's interested, there are no secrets here, you will find what I have to say about the mission and burns ranch very interesting,I also want to discuss the ancient trails and east side of west boulder canyon, freemont saddle, canyon de fresca, and the other tablets and their links,np

Despite whether people believe you or not, I suspect from past experiences that everyone will be respectful. I've heard some REALLY tall tales out there from some "interesting" folks, and most of the time folks that disagree or are not interested, will simply just walk away rather than get into an argument.

I would say that for many people, the fact that you would go out of your way to show up in person would be cause for respect alone. It makes a difference when you're willing to be face to face with someone.

Hope you can make it.

Despite whether people believe you or not, I suspect from past experiences that everyone will be respectful. I've heard some REALLY tall tales out there from some "interesting" folks, and most of the time folks that disagree or are not interested, will simply just walk away rather than get into an argument.

I would say that for many people, the fact that you would go out of your way to show up in person would be cause for respect alone. It makes a difference when you're willing to be face to face with someone.

Hope you can make it.

I, for one, would be more that happy to see N.P. at the Rendezvous. It would kind of remind me of our visit from BB. Everyone treated him with respect and I believe N.P. would be treated the same way by.......everyone.

Take care,


I, for one, would be more that happy to see N.P. at the Rendezvous. It would kind of remind me of our visit from BB. Everyone treated him with respect and I believe N.P. would be treated the same way by.......everyone.

Take care,


I'm one of the "everyone" :tongue3: and I can be respectful and nice.

I can even carry chairs, for everyone's sake just don't ask me to carry a tune.

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I do hope you can make it, Honestly. You may not like me much but in person I am really quite mellow. Last year I was apprehensive about going since Joe and I had quite a "difference of opinion" but I think we got along quite well and I have nothing but respect for how kind and courteous he and Everybody else were.

Plenty of good stories to listen to as well :occasion14:

to all , if im not dead I'll be there,if im dead you'll have to deal with dirty boots to get a copy of my diary,HA HA HA, np:cat:

somero, remember ,you people give my neighbor dirty boots a hard time for typing for me,now he will not post at all,ever, but if I die,you will have to deal with him,np:cat:

I try to be nice to somebody, despite past events, and extend a hand hoping to help and make them feel welcome to come to the I ask myself "Why Bother?" Maybe because I feel sorry for NP and I would like to hear his "information" in person.

I guess I do have a conscience...........does that make me a "Real Person?"

somero, Im sure your a good person,I don't need people to feel sorry for me, thank you,have a nice day,np:cat:

I try to be nice to somebody, despite past events, and extend a hand hoping to help and make them feel welcome to come to the I ask myself "Why Bother?" Maybe because I feel sorry for NP and I would like to hear his "information" in person.

I guess I do have a conscience...........does that make me a "Real Person?"

Gentleman I have asked politely that you stop the insults and animosity towards each other, if it does not stop your going to force us to take action.....

I will not keep asking...

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