Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

He also has a spot near it where he suspects a deposit is buried. I don't know if it's all part of the Crawford thing or not. You never know these days.

He also has a spot near it where he suspects a deposit is buried. I don't know if it's all part of the Crawford thing or not. You never know these days.

Thanks Frank - I always enjoy talking to Rick at the Rendezvous as he's a really personable fellow (much like yourself!). Believe in some of the stuff he talks about or not, he'll keep you listening with his stories! Maybe we can get him to take us out there and show us around a bit.

I offered to go over the spot with my special detector with a 25" coil but he did not follow up. I suspect it's on State Trust land and he said he would need heavy equipment to dig

somehiker,i will put this to rest rat now, are you kidding, he has the directions let him use them correctly, I m still waiting for an apology, and I noticed cactusjumper post right after him ,whats your interest,np theres only one road leading up to bobs cabin off peralta road, at the fence line turn around and look back at the road on the right hand side of the road is a hill, that's were the mission was located, its an old dig site and parts of the foundation was there in the early 90's, the picture was taken of the mission looking back and left of wards cabin, the mission is only about 100 yards or less from the cabin, np vt is way off on his map

Sorry to hear about your health issues NP, and hope for your recovery from them.
I have explained my interest previously, long before you joined this site.
It's due to the map I've posted that names the area in question "mission valley"
Unfortunately the only old maps I have seen, which show ruins in the area, show those at Whitlow Dam.
I trust that your reprehensative will be able to clear the air, once we get a chance to talk to him at the Rendezvous.
In the meantime, perhaps someone in contact with Rick can get him to mark a map for posting in this topic.
That way, some attendees may be able to visit the ruins on their way up the road to the camp.

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Could someone give me directions to where Bobs cabin was from highway 60 when you turn onto peralta road?

I'll P/M you a map and some photos this weekend....SH.


Can you post them here? I would be interested myself.

Take care,



Jack San Felice has some good photos of Ward's cabin, and the location of the Burns Ranch is shown on the Florence Topo.


hello everyone, I was released from the hospital at 6am this morning, reason being every since my stroke they found out I have diabetes and high blood pressure, but my doctor has never been able to get my blood pressure under control, any way enough about me, what really aggravates me is the fact that every since I started this thread and given my theory, no one can find the old mission site, you do not need a map,your not going to find it with google earth((,ONLY BOOTS ON THE GROUND) , I could have kept all this information and took it to the grave, but I believe real lost history is more important, besides it will open doors for you that have been closed,besides, theres much to be discovered,i would really like to see some one find some thing, and if somehiker gets those pictures and post them, I can point you not only in the right direction to the mission site, but give you directions to the stone maps I talked about. sometimes I wonder..... I know some of you don't live near the mountains,so you've never had a chance to go look at the real sites,but there are others who claim to have spent a considerable amount of time searching and seeking, I have given very simple directions to the mission site, the key to finding anything is to start at the right place, If you don't begin at the proper place.all your following steps are pointless, If you cant find something at the base of the mountains,why would you ever think of going in them? I believe there may be reasons why (some people)may not ever want the mission site located,my directions to the mission site are very simple, please make sure you are starting from bob wards cabin,not some other cabin that someone has a picture of and believes it to be bob wards cabin, with out the correct point(a),you'll never get to the correct point(b), do your research up front and you'll save a lot of wasted steps. np

I for one would like to look. The question in my mind is why would a mission be there in that spot. Who would it serve? The Apache?

sgtfda, I asked the same questions 40years ago,the area the mission ruins sat on is about 3 acres,covered with pottery shod, its the only area in miles were pottery shod is found,but,if you look at the dios rock posted on this thread and in bobs book,you will see the mission petroglyph and that particular petroglyph shows a mission in use,not closed?np

I for one would like to look. The question in my mind is why would a mission be there in that spot. Who would it serve? The Apache?


Lots of things missing for a mission at that location. You would need large numbers of natives, or large numbers of work substantial mining works. You would also need a great deal of water. Not many missions were located far away from rivers.....can't think of any off hand.

It would not be serving the Apache. They would be some distance to the north, in any numbers.

I would think that the Rendezvous will see a number of people who would like to visit the location of "Ward's" cabin and the mission.

Take care,


I for one would like to look. The question in my mind is why would a mission be there in that spot. Who would it serve? The Apache? would serve as a water source...not all missions were religious...big mistake made by many, missions were political, economic, and the missions created as rest areas.

{IF water was located at the site.}

Since this thread hint's at "Calalus" and other "stuff" I have a question for this whole Roman Jewish or whatever people they were................Where are the HORSES? Surely a society like this that had vessels to travel the vast ocean expanse brought horses to the North American Continent, but yet horses do not appear until after Columbus. Again, where are the HORSES?

The horses , maybe some were returned , some have killed and some have eaten . None didn't remain ..
Who had examined horse bones , if these are since 800 AD ? I believe , NOBODY . Don't exist diferrences between a horse at 800 AD and a horse at 1500 AD . And for this , horse bones are just horse bones .

to all, that area had the best and coldest water any were in that area,theres also a main wash in front of the mission site , and if petroglyphs are found to contain a mission symbol,thats good enough for me, but there are other reasons why this site may have not been known to many,and yes ,there were a lot of native americans or some others living there,np would serve as a water source...not all missions were religious...big mistake made by many, missions were political, economic, and the missions created as rest areas.

{IF water was located at the site.}


Can you tell me where a mission was created specifically as a rest area? No name? I have not researched much outside of Jesuit. Another order?

I can't see the location that N.P. is referring to as a resting place. Not really on a road going anywhere for the priests.

Take care,


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