Bronze Member
Rick G talked to me about the mission site last year. Ask him he is aware of it.
He also has a spot near it where he suspects a deposit is buried. I don't know if it's all part of the Crawford thing or not. You never know these days.
somehiker,i will put this to rest rat now, are you kidding, he has the directions let him use them correctly, I m still waiting for an apology, and I noticed cactusjumper post right after him ,whats your interest,np theres only one road leading up to bobs cabin off peralta road, at the fence line turn around and look back at the road on the right hand side of the road is a hill, that's were the mission was located, its an old dig site and parts of the foundation was there in the early 90's, the picture was taken of the mission looking back and left of wards cabin, the mission is only about 100 yards or less from the cabin, np vt is way off on his map
Can you post them here? I would be interested myself.
Take care,
I for one would like to look. The question in my mind is why would a mission be there in that spot. Who would it serve? The Apache?
I for one would like to look. The question in my mind is why would a mission be there in that spot. Who would it serve? The Apache?
Since this thread hint's at "Calalus" and other "stuff" I have a question for this whole Roman Jewish or whatever people they were................Where are the HORSES? Surely a society like this that had vessels to travel the vast ocean expanse brought horses to the North American Continent, but yet horses do not appear until after Columbus. Again, where are the HORSES? would serve as a water source...not all missions were religious...big mistake made by many, missions were political, economic, and the missions created as rest areas.
{IF water was located at the site.}