hello everyone, I was released from the hospital at 6am this morning, reason being every since my stroke they found out I have diabetes and high blood pressure, but my doctor has never been able to get my blood pressure under control, any way enough about me, what really aggravates me is the fact that every since I started this thread and given my theory, no one can find the old mission site, you do not need a map,your not going to find it with google earth((,ONLY BOOTS ON THE GROUND) , I could have kept all this information and took it to the grave, but I believe real lost history is more important, besides it will open doors for you that have been closed,besides, theres much to be discovered,i would really like to see some one find some thing, and if somehiker gets those pictures and post them, I can point you not only in the right direction to the mission site, but give you directions to the stone maps I talked about. sometimes I wonder..... I know some of you don't live near the mountains,so you've never had a chance to go look at the real sites,but there are others who claim to have spent a considerable amount of time searching and seeking, I have given very simple directions to the mission site, the key to finding anything is to start at the right place, If you don't begin at the proper place.all your following steps are pointless, If you cant find something at the base of the mountains,why would you ever think of going in them? I believe there may be reasons why (some people)may not ever want the mission site located,my directions to the mission site are very simple, please make sure you are starting from bob wards cabin,not some other cabin that someone has a picture of and believes it to be bob wards cabin, with out the correct point(a),you'll never get to the correct point(b), do your research up front and you'll save a lot of wasted steps. np