Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

to all, that area had the best and coldest water any were in that area,theres also a main wash in front of the mission site , and if petroglyphs are found to contain a mission symbol,thats good enough for me, but there are other reasons why this site may have not been known to many,and yes ,there were a lot of native americans or some others living there,np

Not Peralta,

A source of year round water had always been at that site and also at the site that became the "board house" ( Cavaness-Marlar-Bark-Barkley ranch).

In the Matt Cavaness memoirs (Arizona Historical Society) Matt tells of how he started the ranch which would one day become the Bark and later Tex Barkley ranch . Cavaness was looking for a place to put some cattle and asked an old Maricopa indian friend if he knew of a good place. The indian took him to the place near the base of the Superstitions where Peralta road is today. The indian showed Cavaness three springs. One of the springs was a spring/well at the site you are refering to. I believe there is a well there to this day although it may be long out of use and collapsed. Cavaness chose the spring at the site best known today as the Barkley ranch. He piped water down from the spring to the "board house". Cavaness had wells dug at all three springs at one time for his cattle. There was an old indian encampment there years ago that predated the more modern wars between the Apache, Pima and Maricopa's, that's how the Maricopa indian knew of the spot and that it would be a good place to put some cattle.



Missions needed enough water for irrigation of crops and good soil for planting. Did your location have that kind of supply? Washes in our part of the country are usually dry, and don't retain much.


are there any remains of the board house?
last time I was out there, the siding, windows and doors had been removed...the floor, framing and leaking roof were all that was left.

in the bark notes joe sent me, there was a comment about how all the cottonwoods out there had died off from a lack of water...which implies, there was water there in quanity once...

Matthew Roberts, the dios rock shows an active Spanish mission theres a line running from it to a curved area with a dot, this can be traced from the mission site to the well 50 feet from bobs cabin, bob never used this well because there was already another well in use, theres plenty of water there,np

Matthew Roberts, the dios rock shows an active Spanish mission theres a line running from it to a curved area with a dot, this can be traced from the mission site to the well 50 feet from bobs cabin, bob never used this well because there was already another well in use, theres plenty of water there,np

Not Peralta,

Yes that is exactly my impression also, at one time water was available year round at all those springs and wells in the area. Cavaness dealt with drought out on his range, but not at his "board house" and nearby water holes. With the invasion of thousands of homes on Peralta road and Gold Canyon today, it is a wonder there is any water in any of the old springs/wells. I think at one time in the 1700's, if someone would have had means to pump the water out of the wells, wind or human power, the area could have supported hundreds if not thousands of people and livestock.


matthew Roberts,as far as the mission is concerned,it would never be in burns interest to tell anyone about a Spanish mission, he was hunting for Spanish treasure, there are other petroglyphs in the area, also sealed mines that are to difficult to get into,and other people have hunted the burns ranch for treasure, chuck Crawford hunted treasure there, and when chuck was at labarge box, bob ward worked for him, theres also a multitude of marked cactus in the

Not Peralta,

A source of year round water had always been at that site and also at the site that became the "board house" ( Cavaness-Marlar-Bark-Barkley ranch).

In the Matt Cavaness memoirs (Arizona Historical Society) Matt tells of how he started the ranch which would one day become the Bark and later Tex Barkley ranch . Cavaness was looking for a place to put some cattle and asked an old Maricopa indian friend if he knew of a good place. The indian took him to the place near the base of the Superstitions where Peralta road is today. The indian showed Cavaness three springs. One of the springs was a spring/well at the site you are refering to. I believe there is a well there to this day although it may be long out of use and collapsed. Cavaness chose the spring at the site best known today as the Barkley ranch. He piped water down from the spring to the "board house". Cavaness had wells dug at all three springs at one time for his cattle. There was an old indian encampment there years ago that predated the more modern wars between the Apache, Pima and Maricopa's, that's how the Maricopa indian knew of the spot and that it would be a good place to put some cattle.



"The indian showed Cavaness three springs."

Can you tell us on what page, in the Cavaness memoirs" that information can be found?

It took two miners to blast out the spring to make it create enough flow for Cavaness' ranch. "I went just as I was directed and went right to the spring of water. It was small, about a half inch pipe would carry it off."

I doubt that is the kind of water we are suggesting here.:dontknow:

Joe Ribaudo

matthew Roberts, with the amount of water that ive always noticed at this location,im sure they had an abundance of water, like ive said a lot of people lived at this location for quite a while based on amount of pottery shod,np

The hill shown at this location IS covered with thousands of pottery shards. It is also the hill from which Vastterrain's photo was taken and posted earlier in this topic. The "cabin site" shown is at the end of a pathway going up from the wash, with a significant amount of debris still remaining, as well as some interesting "decorative landscaping" still remaining. Perhaps this cabin belonged to someone else ?

View attachment potshard hill.bmp

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Anyone can say they were there when they are nameless and faceless. I have many photo's of myself, family and friends in the range. This is my uncle and myself 54-years ago. My dad took the picture. You may recognize West Boulder.

Not saying you were not in the mountains 40-years ago, but right now you are a ghost. Most of us have no fear in saying exactly who we are. I'm sure you have your reasons for not saying who you are, and have no doubt they are valid reasons.

The thing is, you are trying to get the people on this forum to trust your word and believe in your theories. You remain a complete stranger to us.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Joe,I always enjoy your photos.

hello everyone, I was released from the hospital at 6am this morning, reason being every since my stroke they found out I have diabetes and high blood pressure, but my doctor has never been able to get my blood pressure under control, any way enough about me, what really aggravates me is the fact that every since I started this thread and given my theory, no one can find the old mission site, you do not need a map,your not going to find it with google earth((,ONLY BOOTS ON THE GROUND) , I could have kept all this information and took it to the grave, but I believe real lost history is more important, besides it will open doors for you that have been closed,besides, theres much to be discovered,i would really like to see some one find some thing, and if somehiker gets those pictures and post them, I can point you not only in the right direction to the mission site, but give you directions to the stone maps I talked about. sometimes I wonder..... I know some of you don't live near the mountains,so you've never had a chance to go look at the real sites,but there are others who claim to have spent a considerable amount of time searching and seeking, I have given very simple directions to the mission site, the key to finding anything is to start at the right place, If you don't begin at the proper place.all your following steps are pointless, If you cant find something at the base of the mountains,why would you ever think of going in them? I believe there may be reasons why (some people)may not ever want the mission site located,my directions to the mission site are very simple, please make sure you are starting from bob wards cabin,not some other cabin that someone has a picture of and believes it to be bob wards cabin, with out the correct point(a),you'll never get to the correct point(b), do your research up front and you'll save a lot of wasted steps. np
I meant what I said, that I could take this to the grave with me. If no one cares about the information than I'm posting, why should I give out the information to people that can't follow directions? np

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I meant what I said, that I could take this to the grave with me. If no one cares about the information than I'm posting, why should I give out the information to people that can't follow directions? np

Since we cannot follow directions perhaps Google Earth image with a mark on it................or perhaps those Google Earth coordinates that show up when your cursor is over the location. Just a thought since you get so frustrated with us.

Glad your back from the hospital hope your doing well.

somero, at this point, people should be glad just to get the information I have released so far,on this subject, I want you to ask yourself this question,why do a few on here not want this information released?and why has this information not been released before now? be glad that I shared this information to start with,np

somero, at this point, people should be glad just to get the information I have released so far,on this subject, I want you to ask yourself this question,why do a few on here not want this information released?and why has this information not been released before now? be glad that I shared this information to start with,np

I ask myself all kinds of questions, but we won't go into that.

I was simply asking for GPS coordinates and wishing you good health.

somero, since your going to ignore what I posted then theres no use continueing this conversation, have a nice day ,np:cat:

Not Peralta,

Yes that is exactly my impression also, at one time water was available year round at all those springs and wells in the area. Cavaness dealt with drought out on his range, but not at his "board house" and nearby water holes. With the invasion of thousands of homes on Peralta road and Gold Canyon today, it is a wonder there is any water in any of the old springs/wells. I think at one time in the 1700's, if someone would have had means to pump the water out of the wells, wind or human power, the area could have supported hundreds if not thousands of people and livestock.


matthew Roberts, you make an excellent point,np

somero, since your going to ignore what I posted then theres no use continueing this conversation, have a nice day ,np:cat:

Really..................................Trust me, I have read what you have posted and I ask myself why bother? You can never get an answer to any questions asked, so why bother? So who ignores who? Even a simple request for coordinates gets sidestepped, after all it would only benefit you to provide them since we are not capable of following your directions and probably any picture of the area will be discredited by you as the wrong location. So help us help you in finding it.

the springs began drying up after the earthquake...1877.

Tombstone Times - THE DAY THE EARTH SHOOK - the 1887 Earthquake

"Geologists today believe that the earthquake of May 1877 centered in Bavispe Mexico and felt all the way to Albuquerque New Mexico and El Paso Texas was a 100,000-year quake. They theorize that perhaps tremors felt in this region today are aftershocks from this event that took place many years ago. Research on this article was gleaned from the December 1980 Special Paper No. 3 "The 1887 Earthquake in San Bernardino Valley, Sonora: Historic accounts and intensity patterns in Arizona" by Susan M. DuBois and Ann W. Smith published by the State of Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology and the University of Arizona."

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cubfan64, because of my health , Im going to send a rep to the rendezvous, he will be glad to show a group of people exactly were the mission was located,he is very familiar with the area, it will be made perfectly clear with out any doubt, I can see now why no one can find anything there, my rep will also bring some information on west boulder canyon, while my rep is there when he takes people to see the mission, he will show were the mine was at bobs cabin so some one interested can try and find the other stones, the dios stone shows exactly were they were hidden, and so does the de grazia map, should make for an interesting time, especially since some people think the mission didn't exist, but now I would rather wait and have this matter put to rest once in for all, thank you. np

NP - I don't know if you missed my request after this one last week or not, so I'll re-post it:

Sounds good - send me your rep. name via PM, and I can promise to keep the name to myself if you want. That way I can look for him at the Rendezvous or at least know who he is when I meet him. I'll be happy to go along to see the things you wanted pointed out and will take some photos to show when I get back.

I'm certain there will be plenty of people at the Rendezvous who would be willing to listen and go check things out with your friend. There are things going on all the time during those 2 days with hikes, discussions, etc.., so I just want to make sure I know who I'm looking for so I don't miss him.


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