Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

to all, information has been suppressed by many for a long time, surrounding the superstition mnts, and its hidden mysteries, but there really are no secrets, and the only people that act surprised by this , are the ones who actually thought what they had, really was a secret, information should be shared by all who are interested, it doesn't belong to just one person, everyone has a dream. your greatest assets are research, and boots on the ground , nothing comes easy, what you find may surprise even yourself. good luck. np


I have asked Tom about your mission as well as "Bob Wards" cabin. I have posted his answers on this forum. There was no mission and, despite Kraig's assurances, the cabin is where Tom said it was. For me, as well as many others, Tom's word is good enough. As far as the old maps I have seen, the Superstition Mountains are shown, just under another name.

Good luck,


In Wards book page 59 he talks about the old mission near Burns ranch. Said Bob Gorman was digging it up in the 30's. nothing found.


I am not a fan of Bob Ward's book or the man himself. There are many things mentioned in respected authors books, that may not be completely true. On page 38 of "Apache Junction and the Superstition Mountains" by Jane Eppinga, is a picture and short blurb which includes mention of a man named "Edwards". If any of the stories about this man are true, I would love to see some reliable historical documentation for him. There are many stories out there that are.......questionable.

Take care,


"To Whom It May Concern:
Bob Ward is a true man of the Superstitions. He knows the legends of the Superstitions and has probably walked more of the mountains than anyone alive.
Very truly yours,
Attorney General"
Page 2 of Bob Ward's book.
What better reference could you ask for? You say you don't think much of him? Bob Corbin did. np

In Wards book page 59 he talks about the old mission near Burns ranch. Said Bob Gorman was digging it up in the 30's. nothing found.
what can I

It was such a small reference in the book. Funny you hear the same story from others that have lived in the area. Perhaps there was some type building there in the past.

sgtfda, there was a mission there at one time, maybe in later years it was used as something else, after all it is on maps as a

sgtfda, there was a mission there at one time, maybe in later years it was used as something else, after all it is on maps as a

you keep saying this, but I haven't seen a map that shows a ruin near the board house...nor have I seen the remains of an adobe or brick structure in the area.

pippinwhitepaws, yes I keep saying this, the ruins are listed on the burns ranch, after all the years I would be surprised if theres any remains at ps you can go to the location I have given and follow the directions, take the picture with you and compare it with the back ground in the picture, there was still part of the foundation left in the late 80's ,np

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pippinwhitepaws, I didn't think I was talking to some tourist, but someone who could follow very easy directions, if you turn off peralta road , on to the road to bobs cabin, on the left hand side of the road on a small hill before you get to the wash is were the mission was located, its almost off of burns ps, if you come to the fence were bobs gate was just turn around and its right

I have given very good information about the east side of West Boulder Canyon. If you can find the capstone and remove it, you will finally be able to see the confusion of the stone tablets. Maps, in general, are very confusing especially when you have different people over-laying them with other interpretations of what they themselves see. This is not the beginning of the trail or the ending, but it will take you awhile to figure out what you are seeing.
There is no prize at the east side of West Boulder Canyon, only an interpretation of what several have seen and recorded, one over-laying the other. np

people should do research on don shade and his maps. np

sgtfda, yes, the copper map and still more things people do not want to share, o well what ya gonna do , thanks. np

pippinwhitepaws, I didn't think I was talking to some tourist, but someone who could follow very easy directions, if you turn off peralta road , on to the road to bobs cabin, on the left hand side of the road on a small hill before you get to the wash is were the mission was located, its almost off of burns ps, if you come to the fence were bobs gate was just turn around and its right

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE....I will put this to rest rat now, If one were to go to the top of said hill where NP's "Mission" was ...hint....follow the road on the back side up to top then look straight down the other side (north) at the base of the hill you will see a Well Head! look on google earth and you will see the water pipe clearly going to the top of "Mission Hill" (pipe is still there just pilled up at the well now) The "Not Peralta Mission" was the old PUMP HOUSE FOR THE WELL.....end of story!! while on top you can look south and see what remains of Wards cabin location....quit a bit of trash that never got cleaned up.

Not Peraltas Mission.webp

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE....I will put this to rest rat now, If one were to go to the top of said hill where NP's "Mission" was ...hint....follow the road on the back side up to top then look straight down the other side (north) at the base of the hill you will see a Well Head! look on google earth and you will see the water pipe clearly going to the top of "Mission Hill" (pipe is still there just pilled up at the well now) The "Not Peralta Mission" was the old PUMP HOUSE FOR THE WELL.....end of story!! while on top you can look south and see what remains of Wards cabin location....quit a bit of trash that never got cleaned up.


How appropriate! Nice work.

Joe Ribaudo

to all, I hope that any one with any eye sight at all will see the complete lack of someone that cannot even follow simple directions, if you compare the back ground in the photo to what back ground this person is showing, its not even close to what this person is showing,and second there has only been one well within miles of bobs old cabin, sorry to tell you but it was right next to bobs cabin, and there was no well house ever, if you think you have proof of a well house at bobs cabin , think again, there never was one, and not one for miles, stop making accusations you have no proof for, and the next time you want to try and impress some one, try following the right directions to a site, np:cat:

NP'S Big Dream.webp

Ill do ya one better so now everyone can make up there own mind!
Pretty easy isn't a Google Earth shot if you have a different location in mind? Yep....didn't think so

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