Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


somero, (1. that I said human remains and 2. that I threatened you). Oh, by the way, I'm sure they are waiting for you to come down to the Sheriff's office in person. np

In answer, to correct you. First, I said you implied human remains with your own statements or lack of correcting members when they used the term human remains.

Oh, by the way Somero, I have talked to someone and they would be more than glad for you to come in and file a complaint, in person, against the sheriff of 40 years ago. But, you personally have to do this. np

Second, statements like this could be considered as masked or implied threats.

Since you do not wish to disclose the location, I have nothing further to say, I will leave that to others.

Good Luck with your thread.

P.S. Unlike you I won't report this to the Moderators even though it is more serious than a music video, I Honestly and Truthfully hold no Ill Will, Bad Feelings or Grudges against you NP/DB and wish you nothing but the best and Thank You for Your Service to Our Country. Like I posted before, I can disagree with you and even argue about your conclusions, but I will still shake your hand respectfully.

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Never say " never " .


It never ceases to amaze me how folks will keep using aliases, thinking we are all idiots.

Take care.


Ok I found it so story solved. Its located in KC Missouri down town and has a big sign on it but I can't get in to get the gold the armed guards stopped me at the big steel door that says Federal Reserve Bank on it,,, go figure!! LOLOL

I found a taco and a shake just like Terry go figure lol

I really don't owe anyone an explanation,I already explained on this thread that about five years ago that I had a stroke, and I am also a disabled veteran, if you know anything at all about strokes they affect your hands and fingers, its very difficult for me to type, plus I get tired, if it wasn't for my friend dirtyboots, I would not even be posting much, dirtyboots started this thread for me by typing almost every thing I needed done, today I was in the kitchen and dirtyboots was signed in reading the post and was commenting on what was being said, and I told dirtyboots to answer with a quote, then I realized he wasn't signed out, that's all, but I hope none of you ever have the same problems I do, its terrible getting old, especially when you have a handicap, have a nice day. np

I believe that the stone tablets were being delivered to the Mission that used to be located near the base of the Superstition Mtns off Peralta Road. Not many people know that this mission existed. It was destroyed by vandals (treasure hunters). I have been all over the Superstition Mtns years ago. Recently, while searching for a different treasure, I ran across numerous monuments and markers that match the stone tablets in a different set of mountains. Some of my pictures can be viewed on my FB page at Stone Tablets Peralta. I don't believe that Peralta had anything to do with the tablets. No where on the tablets is there a mention of treasure, gold, silver or mines. The river is never named. Who ever was delivering the tablets already knew the name of the river and was very knowledgable of the area. I have found many signs and symbols within a 2 mile radius all associated with the stone tablets. This includes a river, a heart and a map in the valley below the heart. This area has a lot of history, especially with gold and silver. The same can not be said about the Superstitions. I'm not even sure the tablets are a "treasure map", yet I do think they lead to something important to the right person(s). I'm am trying to change the conversation. I'm tired of hearing about people getting lost or dying looking for something that may not even exist. I realize that a lot of people are committed to the "Lost Dutchman" story and will never change their minds, but those tired of looking and looking and finding nothing might find a different theory worth persuing. Please comment after you have viewed my pictures. Make sure you click on the thumbnail picture next to my FB title and look for the heart along the skyline. There are maps in the valley below that I haven't published yet. Am looking forward to a conversation. I have hiked these mountains and the Superstitions extensivily and know the history of both.
Sincerely, Not Peralta

Be sure to ask Tom Kollenborn or Bob Corbin where the mission was when you see them at the rendezvous. If you think the mission didn't exist since it's not on old maps then I guess that means that the Superstition Mtns didn't exist either since they aren't on early maps.

My Stone Tablet Theory:
My health is not the best and I feel that it's time for my theiry to be shared. Here goes!
15 years ago, I began hiking in the nearby mountains looking for clues to a local treasure story. The story was new to me and I was looking forward to a new challenge. The local story covered a wide area so it follows that my hikes also covered a lot of territory. The stone tablets were not even on my mind as they were something I thought was left in my past.
For quite a long time I drove around the area, hiked the mountains and researched the local story, including the people involved. Any good treasure story needs to be backed up with facts and research.
I kept being drawn back to one main area, though I wsn't sure why. Finally, one day i saw, REALLY SAW, the heart on the top of the mountain ridge. I already knew that in the valley below the heart there were 100's of petroghlyphs. I went back to the rock carvings for another look, and another and another. What looked like a map of a mountian made no sense to me until one day when I was driving north following the river. THEN, I saw the same outline from the map. I was still trying to match the landmarks to the local legend. By this time I had narrowed my area of concentration. I began to look at things differently and the stone tablets began to tickle something in the back of my mind. I went home and got out my photos of the stone tablets.
I thought I had left the stone tablets behind me, but the more I looked, the more I found. Like nothing I had ever seen during the years that I had lived at the base of the Superstition Mtns. I also realized that the stone tablets contain no mention of the name of the river. Nor do they mention treasure, gold, silver or mines. Or anything hidden.
On my next trip into the mountains, I took the tablet pictures with me, I saw the dagger rock not 30 feet off the dirt road hiding in plain sight. On the stone tablets, the dagger rock points to the right. The dagger rock here points to a canyon, that if followed leads to the backward curved arrow and a 5 made by a rock formation.
Further along the road, after a curve to the left, the priest rock is visible to the left. The "priest' has his back to the mountain which correspondes to the backward cross on his arm. The "3" from the "horse" map is closer to the road than the priest rock and is more easily visiable. You can drive to most of these sites on a dirt road. The rock carvings are a short walk from your car.
The mountains are sacred and protected by the Park Service and patrolled by the local Native Americans. No digging or metal detecting is allowed.
I believe that the stone tablets have a Fransciscan origin (Google: Fransico Garce's and Two Myths of the Mission Indians, The Mohave Account of Origins) of some kind and refer to something spiritual in nature rather than monetary. Maybe we will never know. I know that this theory will not make everyone happy but I have come to the conclusion that it is time to share what I have found and let people make up their minds for themselves.
I will be posting pictures, directions and area names on my facebook page (Stone Tablets Peralta) shortly. I would like any one who cares to be able to see this and will answer any questions that I can.
Sincerely, NP

It's time we go back to the beginning. NP

any one, I would like to pass on a couple of things regarding an old trail system in the supes, that has evaded people for a long time, but I actually want to pass this on to some one activally hunting in the supes, this area involves west boulder canyon area trails, and were they go according to the stone

pippinwhitepaws, Im interested in giving directions from different signs and trail markers that have been found from superstition mnt to west boulder canyon and beyond, so I can share what knowledge I have to help the people maybe make a discovery,np ps, I would like to see pictures, it would help, thank you,

any one, I would like to pass on a couple of things regarding an old trail system in the supes, that has evaded people for a long time, but I actually want to pass this on to some one activally hunting in the supes, this area involves west boulder canyon area trails, and were they go according to the stone

I go out there every once in awhile. I'd be willing to take a look around that area for you and take some pictures. I haven't had any luck with my own stuff, might as well see some more of the mountains. I'll have to wait until it cools down a little though, if you're not in a hurry.

Thanks for your time,

Waylon, I just want people to finally solve some mysteries of the supes, I will look forward to your help, thank you. np

Be sure to ask Tom Kollenborn or Bob Corbin where the mission was when you see them at the rendezvous. If you think the mission didn't exist since it's not on old maps then I guess that means that the Superstition Mtns didn't exist either since they aren't on early maps.


I have asked Tom about your mission as well as "Bob Wards" cabin. I have posted his answers on this forum. There was no mission and, despite Kraig's assurances, the cabin is where Tom said it was. For me, as well as many others, Tom's word is good enough. As far as the old maps I have seen, the Superstition Mountains are shown, just under another name.

Good luck,


Not peralta
After reading a little more of your post, I'm a little confused. You are asking someone to go to the west boulder canyon in the superstitions, correct? I'm just trying to make sure because from some of your posts, it seems like you think the maps are for another location. I'm not interested in hiking anywhere else, so I just want to be clear. Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks for your time,

Waylon, theres no confusion, right now im talking about trails in the

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