Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Yes, at the time I did feel it was justified. Looking back, I'm not so sure.

There were many folks who were dedicating their LDM Forum time to constant attacks on me. Many of those attacks brought in my family and were obscene, to say the least. At that point, I felt it better to remove Joe Ribaudo as the focus of the nut cases and return to discussing the LDM.

A number of those cretins later deleted their attacks. That can no longer be done on that forum. I see that DUSA is having their own little spat of deletions. Hard to find some of Azhiker's posts over there these days. That same kind of wholesale deletions has take place a number of times by his real/other identities.

That's one of the reasons I have taken to replying to most posts with "Reply With Quote". If you don't make false statements, there's no value in deleting what you have written.

As predicted only you would have a justifiable excuse for using an alias.

"The same man also said: “Getting in touch with your true self must be your first priority.” One of the first requirements of getting in touch with your true self, would be speaking and thinking the truth. Some people need a little help with that.....others need a lot of help, like my old friend. Would you be someone who would help, or would you be someone who is an enabler? Many of us who know the facts of this matter are no longer angry. What we feel now is pity for him."

How fortunate for the gods and all the rest of us that we have you to point out our sins. The highlighted portion shows the degree of pompous arrogance and narcisim that has come to define you. It must be quite lonely on your pedestal.

I do hope you will continue to post here. Perhaps we can discuss LDM history, or even Apache history.

Joe Ribaudo

Your motives and methods are surprisingly transparent. I'll save you the trouble of trying so desparately to glean enough information to figure out who I am. Ive never met you, nor have you ever met me in fact I've never met anyone from this or any other forum.

Regarding a discussion about Apache history, that belongs to us. The few non apache fortunate enough to learn bits and pieces only saw a glimpse. Most of us have no interest in sharing our history with anyone other than those whose ancestors lived it.

As predicted only you would have a justifiable excuse for using an alias.

How fortunate for the gods and all the rest of us that we have you to point out our sins. The highlighted portion shows the degree of pompous arrogance and narcisim that has come to define you. It must be quite lonely on your pedestal.

Your motives and methods are surprisingly transparent. I'll save you the trouble of trying so desparately to glean enough information to figure out who I am. Ive never met you, nor have you ever met me in fact I've never met anyone from this or any other forum.

Regarding a discussion about Apache history, that belongs to us. The few non apache fortunate enough to learn bits and pieces only saw a glimpse. Most of us have no interest in sharing our history with anyone other than those whose ancestors lived it.


Glad to see you agree that it was a reasonable thing to do, under the circumstances. As I wrote: " at the time I did feel it was justified. Looking back, I'm not so sure."

Problem with you discussing the Apache with me, is you know that I am as educated on the subject as you are. As long as I keep replying with your quotes, you can't delete your mistakes. Knowing who you are is much less important than knowing what you are. I'm OK with that. I will only reply to future posts that are related to the topics. That simply means you have nothing else to say here.

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper or whatever your name is,why ask me your the expert or maybe ask tom k,,please stay off my thread,or site,remember what i told you,theres no one home here for you,


This site is for members to exchange thoughts on the topics. I will post my thoughts in whatever topic that is presented. I already asked Tom about the "Ward Cabin". There is no better source on such matters. The mission east of the Burns Ranch is pure fiction.

Joe Ribaudo

For anyone interested in the mission story, or "Bob Ward's" cabin.......

The rumored mission was said to have been located on the banks of Queen Creek. A bell was said to have been found, and Bob Ward claimed that Robert Garman removed a treasure trove of gold from the location. It is also rumored that Burns found Jesuit gold at the site of the old mission, and buried it near his ranch.

The original builder of the "Ward Cabin" was A.W. Tacke, who owned the Lost Sombrero Mine which was located on the property. Tacke built the cabin out of material from a nearby C.C.C. camp. Eventually the BLM tore the cabin down.

I have been told that it was Rick Gwynne who guarded the cabin for Bob Ward. I believe they were close friends.

Tom Kollenborn sent me this information and much more, along with the picture I posted. As I have said before, I have little interest in Bob Ward or the various goings-on at the Burns Ranch.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

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I don't have a dog in this fight, but I think it's interesting that you say there was an old Mission somewhere near the Peralta Road entrance of the Superstition Mountains. I have studied (a little) the Stone maps and have always believed that they "start" near the Peralta Trailhead. The only reason I'm chiming in is because the drawing of the "dome" and the cross within it that is located on the lower "trail map" has always, in my mind, represented a church (or mission).

I don't know if there was ever a mission there or not, and since it doesn't matter to my research, I don't care..... But your thoughts are interesting to me because of my own reading of the map.



I don't have a dog in this fight, but I think it's interesting that you say there was an old Mission somewhere near the Peralta Road entrance of the Superstition Mountains. I have studied (a little) the Stone maps and have always believed that they "start" near the Peralta Trailhead. The only reason I'm chiming in is because the drawing of the "dome" and the cross within it that is located on the lower "trail map" has always, in my mind, represented a church (or mission).

I don't know if there was ever a mission there or not, and since it doesn't matter to my research, I don't care..... But your thoughts are interesting to me because of my own reading of the map.



Something else to keep in mind, is the story of the concrete steps that lead down and under the Superstition Mountains. The priest is standing on a pedestal which could be viewed as steps. You are in the same area as that story.

Just something to add to the mix.

Take care,


markmar try this site, dohen scientific expedition,hava supai. go to this site and look at chinese&mongolian evidences. compare it to the other creation things i had you look


Is this the cabin you keep harping about:

Did Bob ever hire you to guard the cabin? Do you know who owned it originally?

Joe Ribaudo
and if this was Bob Ward's cabin, there's a lot of stuff missing, plus, it didn't have two windows on one side, where's the front door? Where's the old car with all the old signatures? And if you got this picture, like you claim, from Tom K remember that he and Bob were NOT the best of friends. And if you know so much, what did Bob call Tom K? What "nick name" did he use for Tom K? Anybody that knew Bob knew that he couldn't afford to pay anybody anything. I'm sure you're calling your buddies or looking on the computer for thr answers right now.
And to all people that read this, the mission was exactly where I said it was. Off Peralta Road, about 1/4 mile on the right hand side before you get to the fenceline. I don't care what anybody says, I've seen it. These other people haven't seen it and probably never looked since it doesn't fit their story. Which they've never bothered to put on this site. I asked them to tell the whole world their theory, like I did. And they haven't. np

ps: Plus now they're claiming that there was a mission at Queen Creek. Do they know what they're talking about?

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"Regarding a discussion about Apache history, that belongs to us. The few non apache fortunate enough to learn bits and pieces only saw a glimpse. Most of us have no interest in sharing our history with anyone other than those whose ancestors lived it." Nde Hatalii

Concerning Apache history: Rest In Peace Phillip C,

and if this was Bob Ward's cabin, there's a lot of stuff missing, plus, it didn't have two windows on one side, where's the front door? Where's the old car with all the old signatures? And if you got this picture, like you claim, from Tom K remember that he and Bob were NOT the best of friends. And if you know so much, what did Bob call Tom K? What "nick name" did he use for Tom K? Anybody that knew Bob knew that he couldn't afford to pay anybody anything. I'm sure you're calling your buddies or looking on the computer for thr answers right now.
And to all people that read this, the mission was exactly where I said it was. Off Peralta Road, about 1/4 mile on the right hand side before you get to the fenceline. I don't care what anybody says, I've seen it. These other people haven't seen it and probably never looked since it doesn't fit their story. Which they've never bothered to put on this site. I asked them to tell the whole world their theory, like I did. And they haven't. np


Don't know that much about Ward, and don't care to learn. You will excuse me if I take Tom's word over a nameless, faceless, non-entity from the Internet.

Joe Ribaudo

For someone who says they don't care about Bob Ward, you sure are spending a lot of time on it, AND calling me a liar.
Plus, first you said there WAS NO MISSION, now you say there was one at Queen Creek AND quote rumors about Bob Ward.
Do you care or not?
We sure are far afield from what this discussion thread is SUPPOSED to be about.
Where's your theory? You're so worried about mine.
The only thing I'm interested in discussing is Spirit Mountain and my theory with people who are interested.
I'm done with the Superstitions. NP

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For someone who says they don't care about Bob Ward, you sure are spending a lot of time on it, AND calling me a liar.
Plus, first you said there WAS NO MISSION, now you say there was one at Queen Creek AND quote rumors about Bob Ward.
Do you care or not?
We sure are far afield from what this discussion thread is SUPPOSED to be about.
Where's your theory? You're so worried about mine.
The only thing I'm interested in discussing is Spirit Mountain and my theory with people who are interested.
I'm done with the Superstitions. NP


You need to look up the word rumored.

I did not even come close to calling you a "liar". I simply said I would take the word of Tom Kollenborn over your word. You should be flattered to be mentioned in the same sentence as Tom. He is an accepted expert on the legends and history of the Superstition Mountains and has spent decades adding to Dutch Hunters knowledge of the range.

Good luck to you,

Joe Ribaudo

If you're "taking" someone elses "word" over mine, then you are suggesting that I said an untruth. You need to look up the word liar.
At least Tom Kollenborn had a theory. He found a publisher and made money off people like you. And still no one has found anything. Just because you read something in a book doesn't make it true. I've never wasted any money on one of his books.
I've been mentioned in better company than have also said their were no missions near the supes ,lets call it like it is.

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If you're "taking" someone elses "word" over mine, then you are suggesting that I said an untruth. You need to look up the word liar.
At least Tom Kollenborn had a theory. He found a publisher and made money off people like you. And still no one has found anything. Just because you read something in a book doesn't make it true. I've never wasted any money on one of his books.
I've been mentioned in better company than have also said their were no missions near the supes ,lets call it like it is.


"If you're "taking" someone elses "word" over mine, then you are suggesting that I said an untruth."

I prefer to say, I don't think you have a clue what you are saying. Just because you are writing something that is an "untruth", doesn't mean you are lying. It could just mean you don't know what you are talking about. It could very well be that you actually believe the stuff you are writing.

Historically, I can provide sources that will agree with me about no missions being "near the supes". Other than old rumors and Bob Ward's book, what have you got?

Why did you remove your picture of "the mission"? :dontknow: Why do you place such importance in the fictional mission? I thought you were only interested in the Spirit Mountain location.:laughing7:

Joe Ribaudo

there you go again ,i thouht you wasnt interested in bob ward or his book, but its more proof than you have .its just eating you up that you have no theory that you can provide to the world,and i didnt take my mission picture down,you just dont get it, im not interested in the supes any more,they offer nothing for me,people like you think you know every thing there is. ok, then tell us your theory and go find it, or go do something ps.since your so concerned about my mission picture,you can see it on page one of this thread,also it can be seen on my face book page at stone tablets peralta,and since your so concerned,i will post it on this site again ,np

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there you go again ,i thouht you wasnt interested in bob ward or his book, but its more proof than you have .its just eating you up that you have no theory that you can provide to the world,and i didnt take my mission picture down,you just dont get it, im not interested in the supes any more,they offer nothing for me,people like you think you know every thing there is. ok, then tell us your theory and go find it, or go do something ps.since your so concerned about my mission picture,you can see it on page one of this thread,also it can be seen on my face book page at stone tablets peralta,and since your so concerned,i will post it on this site again ,np

You put this question,"Are the stone tablets related to the superstition mountains", but you don't put your own opinion?
I know that there not related what do you think and why?

cactusjumper kipling said in a poem. ah what the classic bent, and what the cultured word, against the undoctored incident, that actually occurred. apothem of narada. never utter these words,i do not know this, therefore it is false, one must study to know, know to understand, understand to

Not Peralta,

You have a good memory.
The photo of the cabin is not Bob Wards cabin.
It's the old ranch house at Tortilla ranch on the east side of Tortilla mountain. Taken about the time Floyd Stone was getting ready to sell the ranch to the Forest Service.


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