somero,your correct, but if you get a gov permit,you will not even be allowed to go to your site with out an gov escort,you will not even be allowed to dig,touch or recover anything,if you get a permit its only good for a certain amount of time,and if you go to a site and treasure or artifacts are showing,the gov escort will immediately stop every thing ,and have there own recovery team remove what is there,if its gold ,silver or treasure,the gov has contracts with armored car services to be on hand ,and they will not let you stay at the site while they do this,when its all recovered they will give you there list of what was recovered,then there going to look for the owners of said property for a certain time period,if no one comes forward then its handled in court,between the attorney fee's and taxes,if your lucky ,your reward will be, you only having to come up with extra money to pay them,and the notarity of being able to say you found this, I hope this