Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

I agree with Joe, whoever and whenever the maps were made, they had a great deal of knowledge about the Superstitions. Some folks may not agree with Joe, but I respect the man. He gives great information that is unbiased and to the point and lets you decide what to do with it.

So in keeping with the thread topic, I really don't see any evidence that they lead to somewhere else. As for me, I've been out there in the Superstitions and believe they could not lead anywhere else. That's my opinion from the information I've seen and contemplated. So if somebody thinks they lead somewhere else, enjoy, hope you find whatever it is out there. Just don't criticize others for not believing words without proof.


I agree Eric I've seen over the years so many quote historical fact for their theories which have turned out to be more fiction than fact and then get mad when they are corrected, I've found over quite some time that joes historical facts can pretty much be taken to the bank and I would add springfields facts in there as well, but he aint as ornery as joe so gets less flack,


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good morning

I agree Eric I've seen over the years so many quote historical fact for their theories which have turned out to be more fiction than fact and then get mad when they are corrected, I've found over quite some time that joes historical facts can pretty much be taken to the bank and I would add springfields facts in there as well, but he aint as ornery as joe so gets less flack,



I am soooo misunderstood!

I get so much flack because I never lie. The truth is painful for some folks, because they have spent a good deal of their adult life building a lie. If someone claims they were in Vietnam, received three purple hearts, was raised on the reservation, mother died when he was a child, had an aunt that he lived with in Phoenix and went to school there...just to name a few details, and it all turns out to be false (documented), Ya just have to call a spade a spade.

If those things I just listed are actually true, prove just one of them.:dontknow: This same person calls me a liar. Prove it!

Take care,


cactusjumper, if you look at the beachs at rocket city and nha trang on the net you would never know there had been a war?np

"The Enigma of a Treasure"
For the last week or so, you may have noticed that I have been somewhat silent on my thread. The reason is as follows. I have been a treasure hunter for a long time. I've seen and heard every trick in the book when it comes to treasure and treasure stories. I'm putting this story on this thread so people can pay attention and learn a valuable lesson from it. It will eventually happen over and over, again and again. People need to be aware and know exactly what questions to ask and what information not to give away.

When I originally put my theory on the Internet, I felt like I was giving it away. Treasure hunting is a funny business. Sometimes the worst thing you can do is declare that you found it! Then people will want proof and the government will want to take it. I was asked privately by a hunter what the correct path would be. I recommended publicity first (including as permit) rather than taking the chance that the government would hide the discovery for "safe keeping".

If the continuing saga is to be believed, the site has been compromised beyond repair. I was hoping to point people in a new direction, maybe I did it too well. Or maybe a creative serial treasure hunter told a good tale using someone else's facts. Some stories are too fantastic to be true while other stories are so fantastic that they must be true.

Keep believing and looking where ever you think best. Treasure hunters are dreamers, why can't dreams come true.

good luck,take care,do what you have to,np


Your theory , fantastic or true , I enjoyed to sharing and debate with you and others about . Was an open university .


markmar, nothing in my theory was fantasy,,,i joke a lot, but even as we speak ,things are happening which I myself find hard to

NP. It's a logical approach to look elsewhere if the first area produces nothing over time. Finding a site that matches the stones was great work. Thanks for sharing.

I have been following this subject for a while. I work nearby and travel Hwy 95 in NV frequently. Recently I've seen increased helicopter traffic around the Spirit Mountain area. Never really noticed it before. Do you have any idea what may be going on up there? Does any body know what's going on? My friend and I were planning on hiking up around Christmas Tree Pass to see some of the stuff talked about here but we heard some other hikers got run out of the area. Wonder what's up, isn't it a public place?


Spirit Mountain and Grapevine Canyon are under the control of the Park Service. There are no restriction on where you can hike. The tribe does not control the area and only offers suggestions to the Park Service. That information was given to me by a lady from the tribes "Culture Dept." today. There # is 928-768-4475

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper ,your right ,but,but,but,but,but?


Professor Williams never mentioned the Tucson artifacts, the Superstition Mountains or Spirit Mountain in any of her writings. This is a simple game of.....I know something and you don't. There will be no documented evidence forthcoming. Almost a guarantee.

Show us some kind of proof that Professor Williams was ever even in any of those places.

Take care,


Hello Joe ,have you ever searched for the peralta stone treasures? Do you look for the Dutchman? I know you live far from the sm.


Thanks for the advice, I'd never had a problem hiking in the Spirit Mountain area before.

But where we were in a canyon, neither the Park Service or the Indians have "state of the art" helicopters and they don't wear black uniforms.

Weird. But these are strange times. Maybe I'll give that number a call. But I bet they won't tell me anything.

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But where we were in a canyon, neither the Park Service or the Indians have "state of the art" helicopters and they don't wear black uniforms.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........................Black Suits in a 100+ weather.......................I get toasted just wearing light grey shirt and shorts and I've worked outdoors in Phoenix for 20 years...............................just saying :dontknow:


Hello Joe ,have you ever searched for the peralta stone treasures? Do you look for the Dutchman? I know you live far from the sm.


Never really looked for the LDM....on my own. At thirteen I went in the Supe's with my uncle and my dad. Uncle Chuck was hooked on the LDM. For years I went in with others, on their quest for Waltz's mine. My initial search, on my own, was for Harry LaFrance's cave of gold bars. That turned into the Peralta Stone Maps and I walked that trail until 2004. That was my last trip, and my health prevents hiking or riding now.

I did do as much research on the Dutchman as possible. Know most of the stories that have been in circulation and some that have not seen much exposure. I believe Waltz did have a source of gold ore in the Superstitions. It may have been a mine, but I think it just as likely it was a cache.

I have spent many hours in helicopters, on horseback and hiking in the range. Most of my trips were for a week at a time. Have posted many pictures of my trips and the people who went in with me. It's been a great adventure, and I have made some wonderful friends along the way.

Take care,



Never really looked for the LDM....on my own. At thirteen I went in the Supe's with my uncle and my dad. Uncle Chuck was hooked on the LDM. For years I went in with others, on their quest for Waltz's mine. My initial search, on my own, was for Harry LaFrance's cave of gold bars. That turned into the Peralta Stone Maps and I walked that trail until 2004. That was my last trip, and my health prevents hiking or riding now.

I did do as much research on the Dutchman as possible. Know most of the stories that have been in circulation and some that have not seen much exposure. I believe Waltz did have a source of gold ore in the Superstitions. It may have been a mine, but I think it just as likely it was a cache.

I have spent many hours in helicopters, on horseback and hiking in the range. Most of my trips were for a week at a time. Have posted many pictures of my trips and the people who went in with me. It's been a great adventure, and I have made some wonderful friends along the way.

Take care,


Joe,sounds good I'm glad you had great day will meet

good luck,take care,do what you have to,np

my study of the stone maps has been a tough journey, not only on my body, mind, and every thing I love,but also everything I hate,the research ,the man hours and the people I have met along the way is invaluable, the stone tablets are very real,they are the mona lisa of treasure maps,cant you see the smile?,


Thanks for the advice, I'd never had a problem hiking in the Spirit Mountain area before.

But where we were in a canyon, neither the Park Service or the Indians have "state of the art" helicopters and they don't wear black uniforms.

Weird. But these are strange times. Maybe I'll give that number a call. But I bet they won't tell me anything.
dirty boots, cactusjumper give you some good advice,but for a few more days I would avoid were ever it was that you were at ,there are things going on that you or no one else need concern them selves with,try to avoid the area.its probably best for all

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