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I agree with Joe, whoever and whenever the maps were made, they had a great deal of knowledge about the Superstitions. Some folks may not agree with Joe, but I respect the man. He gives great information that is unbiased and to the point and lets you decide what to do with it.
So in keeping with the thread topic, I really don't see any evidence that they lead to somewhere else. As for me, I've been out there in the Superstitions and believe they could not lead anywhere else. That's my opinion from the information I've seen and contemplated. So if somebody thinks they lead somewhere else, enjoy, hope you find whatever it is out there. Just don't criticize others for not believing words without proof.
I agree Eric I've seen over the years so many quote historical fact for their theories which have turned out to be more fiction than fact and then get mad when they are corrected, I've found over quite some time that joes historical facts can pretty much be taken to the bank and I would add springfields facts in there as well, but he aint as ornery as joe so gets less flack,
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